Vale SA inaugurated a $1.4 billion port terminal in Malaysia today as  terjemahan - Vale SA inaugurated a $1.4 billion port terminal in Malaysia today as  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Vale SA inaugurated a $1.4 billion

Vale SA inaugurated a $1.4 billion port terminal in Malaysia today as the world’s biggest iron ore producer seeks to cut costs of shipping to Asia from Brazil with prices at five-year lows.
The facility on the Malacca Strait to stock and blend ore will help Rio de Janeiro-based Vale compete against BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group in Australia, according to Paul Gait, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein Ltd. Up to last month, eight Valemaxes -- the biggest ore carriers that can haul as much as 400,000 metric tons -- had already called at Teluk Rubiah to discharge cargoes, with five smaller Capesizes loaded, Vale said on Oct. 30. The Ore Tianjin was alongside the jetty today.
“Vale is significantly farther away from the main centers of demand than its Australia competitors,” London-based Gait said by phone on Nov. 4. “What Vale can do is to lower the apparent cost of logistics, shrink the world, if you will, and make distance not matter so much.”
Iron ore tumbled 44 percent this year as increased supplies from Vale, BHP and Rio Tinto created a glut, prompting producers to squeeze costs to preserve margins. The port is Vale’s latest initiative to erode the geographic disadvantage it has compared with Australian competitors, which have lower shipping costs due to their proximity to Asian buyers. While Valemax vessels don’t yet have full access to ports in China, the world’s biggest buyer, Vale today raised the prospect of eventual entry.
‘Lower Its Cost’
“Malaysia is fairly important to Vale’s strategy right now given the Valemax ban,” Jeremy Sussman, an analyst for Clarkson Capital Markets in New York, said in an e-mail. “China accounts for about 50 percent of Vale’s shipments, so the ability to lower its cost of delivery there is extremely important.”
The facility, coupled with the commissioning of more Valemaxes, should enable Vale to save $3 to $5 a ton on costs, said Andreas Bokkenheuser, an analyst at UBS AG. Freight accounts for about 33 percent of Vale’s $67-a-ton breakeven cost in terms of ore landed in China with 62 percent content, the bank estimates. Even if the ban were lifted, Teluk Rubiah would still be useful as a blending facility, said Bokkenheuser.
Vale may use the new site to blend down its higher-grade, 65 percent ore from Carajas to suit customers in China, many of whom don’t demand that quality, according to Ian Roper, a Singapore-based analyst at CLSA Ltd. That could enable Vale to charge a higher premium for customers who do take the higher-grade ore, including buyers in Japan and Korea, he said.
BHP’s Aspiration
BHP and Rio -- which together with Vale account for about 59 percent of the global seaborne market -- are also reducing costs while boosting volumes. BHP’s aspiration is to be the all-in lowest-cost producer, supplanting Rio, Jimmy Wilson, head of the iron ore unit, told reporters last month. A cost-cutting drive by Rio has stripped out $3.2 billion of expenses since 2012, Chief Executive Officer Sam Walsh said in August.
The Teluk Rubiah center, in Lumut, Perak state, north of Kuala Lumpur, can receive and export 30 million tons a year, and has three unloaders, one loader and five storage yards. The idea is to move inventories that Vale has in Brazil nearer to customers, Chief Executive Officer Murilo Ferreira said Oct. 30, and the CEO said today at the inauguration that the new facility would be a strategic center for customers in Asia.
“It allows us to increase the efficiency of transportation trough bigger ships and to cut the delivery time to steelmakers given that Malaysia is just 10 days away from the clients in the region,” Vale said in an e-mailed reply to questions.
Double Shipments
Vale, which plans to double shipments to China in the next five years, has yet to convince China to allow Valemaxes to anchor at the country’s ports because of safety concerns, Ferreira told reporters on July 31. The entrance still wasn’t cleared despite one of its ships having called in China in October, the company said Oct. 30. The Brazilian company started operating Valemaxes in 2011 in a bid to cut transport costs.
China is “taking the necessary steps that they believe should be taken in order to receive the Valemax,” Claudio Alves, global director of ferrous marketing and sales, said in an interview today. “We are very confident in a natural way, gradually, Valemax will also berth in China.”
The inauguration of the Malaysian center adds to two shipping agreements signed by Vale in September. Vale will transfer four Valemaxes to China Ocean Shipping Co., China’s largest shipper, and charter them for 25 years. Cosco will also build 10 vessels of similar size to ship Vale’s ore, according to a Sept. 12 statement. Vale signed an agreement with China Merchants Group on Sept. 26 to have 10 carriers built by the Chinese company for hauling ore from Brazil.
Ore of 62 percent content fell to $75.38 a dry ton yesterday, the lowest since 2009, according to Metal Bulletin Ltd. Averages prices may extend losses in 2015 as the glut swells, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Vale SA inaugurated a $1.4 billion port terminal in Malaysia today as the world’s biggest iron ore producer seeks to cut costs of shipping to Asia from Brazil with prices at five-year lows.
The facility on the Malacca Strait to stock and blend ore will help Rio de Janeiro-based Vale compete against BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group in Australia, according to Paul Gait, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein Ltd. Up to last month, eight Valemaxes -- the biggest ore carriers that can haul as much as 400,000 metric tons -- had already called at Teluk Rubiah to discharge cargoes, with five smaller Capesizes loaded, Vale said on Oct. 30. The Ore Tianjin was alongside the jetty today.
“Vale is significantly farther away from the main centers of demand than its Australia competitors,” London-based Gait said by phone on Nov. 4. “What Vale can do is to lower the apparent cost of logistics, shrink the world, if you will, and make distance not matter so much.”
Iron ore tumbled 44 percent this year as increased supplies from Vale, BHP and Rio Tinto created a glut, prompting producers to squeeze costs to preserve margins. The port is Vale’s latest initiative to erode the geographic disadvantage it has compared with Australian competitors, which have lower shipping costs due to their proximity to Asian buyers. While Valemax vessels don’t yet have full access to ports in China, the world’s biggest buyer, Vale today raised the prospect of eventual entry.
‘Lower Its Cost’
“Malaysia is fairly important to Vale’s strategy right now given the Valemax ban,” Jeremy Sussman, an analyst for Clarkson Capital Markets in New York, said in an e-mail. “China accounts for about 50 percent of Vale’s shipments, so the ability to lower its cost of delivery there is extremely important.”
The facility, coupled with the commissioning of more Valemaxes, should enable Vale to save $3 to $5 a ton on costs, said Andreas Bokkenheuser, an analyst at UBS AG. Freight accounts for about 33 percent of Vale’s $67-a-ton breakeven cost in terms of ore landed in China with 62 percent content, the bank estimates. Even if the ban were lifted, Teluk Rubiah would still be useful as a blending facility, said Bokkenheuser.
Vale may use the new site to blend down its higher-grade, 65 percent ore from Carajas to suit customers in China, many of whom don’t demand that quality, according to Ian Roper, a Singapore-based analyst at CLSA Ltd. That could enable Vale to charge a higher premium for customers who do take the higher-grade ore, including buyers in Japan and Korea, he said.
BHP’s Aspiration
BHP and Rio -- which together with Vale account for about 59 percent of the global seaborne market -- are also reducing costs while boosting volumes. BHP’s aspiration is to be the all-in lowest-cost producer, supplanting Rio, Jimmy Wilson, head of the iron ore unit, told reporters last month. A cost-cutting drive by Rio has stripped out $3.2 billion of expenses since 2012, Chief Executive Officer Sam Walsh said in August.
The Teluk Rubiah center, in Lumut, Perak state, north of Kuala Lumpur, can receive and export 30 million tons a year, and has three unloaders, one loader and five storage yards. The idea is to move inventories that Vale has in Brazil nearer to customers, Chief Executive Officer Murilo Ferreira said Oct. 30, and the CEO said today at the inauguration that the new facility would be a strategic center for customers in Asia.
“It allows us to increase the efficiency of transportation trough bigger ships and to cut the delivery time to steelmakers given that Malaysia is just 10 days away from the clients in the region,” Vale said in an e-mailed reply to questions.
Double Shipments
Vale, which plans to double shipments to China in the next five years, has yet to convince China to allow Valemaxes to anchor at the country’s ports because of safety concerns, Ferreira told reporters on July 31. The entrance still wasn’t cleared despite one of its ships having called in China in October, the company said Oct. 30. The Brazilian company started operating Valemaxes in 2011 in a bid to cut transport costs.
China is “taking the necessary steps that they believe should be taken in order to receive the Valemax,” Claudio Alves, global director of ferrous marketing and sales, said in an interview today. “We are very confident in a natural way, gradually, Valemax will also berth in China.”
The inauguration of the Malaysian center adds to two shipping agreements signed by Vale in September. Vale will transfer four Valemaxes to China Ocean Shipping Co., China’s largest shipper, and charter them for 25 years. Cosco will also build 10 vessels of similar size to ship Vale’s ore, according to a Sept. 12 statement. Vale signed an agreement with China Merchants Group on Sept. 26 to have 10 carriers built by the Chinese company for hauling ore from Brazil.
Ore of 62 percent content fell to $75.38 a dry ton yesterday, the lowest since 2009, according to Metal Bulletin Ltd. Averages prices may extend losses in 2015 as the glut swells, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Vale SA meresmikan $ 1400000000 terminal pelabuhan di Malaysia hari ini sebagai produsen bijih besi terbesar di dunia berusaha untuk memotong biaya pengiriman ke Asia dari Brasil dengan harga di posisi terendah lima tahun.
Fasilitas di Selat Malaka untuk saham dan campuran bijih akan membantu Rio de Janeiro berbasis Vale bersaing BHP Billiton Ltd dan Rio Tinto Group di Australia, menurut Paulus Kiprah, seorang analis di Sanford C. Bernstein Ltd Hingga bulan lalu, delapan Valemaxes - pembawa bijih terbesar yang dapat mengangkut sebanyak sebagai 400.000 metrik ton - sudah disebut di Teluk Rubiah untuk melepaskan kargo, dengan lima Capesizes kecil dimuat, Vale mengatakan pada 30 Oktober di Ore Tianjin adalah bersama dermaga hari ini.
"Vale secara signifikan lebih jauh dari pusat-pusat utama permintaan dari Australia pesaingnya, "kata berbasis di London Kiprah melalui telepon pada 4 November" Apa Vale dapat Anda lakukan adalah untuk menurunkan biaya logistik jelas, mengecilkan dunia, jika Anda mau, dan membuat jarak tidak begitu penting. "
Iron bijih jatuh 44 persen tahun ini karena meningkatnya pasokan dari Vale, BHP dan Rio Tinto menciptakan kekenyangan, mendorong produsen untuk menekan biaya untuk mempertahankan margin. Port inisiatif terbaru Vale untuk mengikis kelemahan geografis telah dibandingkan dengan pesaing Australia, yang memiliki biaya pengiriman yang lebih rendah karena kedekatannya dengan pembeli Asia. Sementara kapal Valemax belum memiliki akses penuh ke pelabuhan di Cina, pembeli terbesar di dunia, Vale hari ini mengangkat prospek akhirnya masuk.
"Turunkan Biaya Its '
"Malaysia cukup penting untuk strategi Vale sekarang diberikan larangan Valemax," Jeremy Sussman, seorang analis untuk Clarkson Capital Markets di New York, mengatakan dalam sebuah e-mail. "China menyumbang sekitar 50 persen dari pengiriman Vale, sehingga kemampuan untuk menurunkan biaya pengiriman ada sangat penting."
Fasilitas, ditambah dengan commissioning lebih Valemaxes, harus memungkinkan Vale untuk menghemat $ 3 sampai $ 5 per ton pada biaya, kata Andreas Bokkenheuser, seorang analis di UBS AG. Account angkutan sekitar 33 persen dari $ 67-a-ton biaya impas Vale dalam hal bijih mendarat di Cina dengan konten 62 persen, perkiraan Bank. Bahkan jika larangan tersebut dicabut, Teluk Rubiah masih akan berguna sebagai fasilitas blending, kata Bokkenheuser.
Vale dapat menggunakan situs baru untuk berbaur ke kelas yang lebih tinggi yang, 65 persen bijih dari Carajas sesuai pelanggan di Cina, banyak dari mereka don 't menuntut kualitas itu, menurut Ian Roper, seorang analis yang berbasis di Singapura CLSA Ltd Itu bisa memungkinkan Vale untuk mengisi premi yang lebih tinggi bagi pelanggan yang melakukan mengambil bijih kelas yang lebih tinggi, termasuk pembeli di Jepang dan Korea, katanya.
BHP Aspirasi
BHP dan Rio - yang bersama-sama dengan account Vale sekitar 59 persen dari pasar yang pengantarannya melalui laut - juga mengurangi biaya sambil meningkatkan volume. Aspirasi BHP adalah untuk menjadi produsen semua di-termurah-biaya, menggantikan Rio, Jimmy Wilson, kepala unit bijih besi, kepada wartawan bulan lalu. Sebuah pemotongan biaya-drive oleh Rio telah dilucuti $ 3200000000 biaya sejak 2012, Chief Executive Officer Sam Walsh mengatakan pada bulan Agustus.
The Teluk Rubiah pusat, di Lumut, negara bagian Perak, utara Kuala Lumpur, dapat menerima dan ekspor 30 juta ton tahun, dan memiliki tiga unloaders, satu loader dan lima yard penyimpanan. Idenya adalah untuk memindahkan persediaan yang Vale telah di Brasil dekat ke pelanggan, Chief Executive Officer Murilo Ferreira mengatakan, 30 Oktober, dan CEO mengatakan hari ini pada peresmian bahwa fasilitas baru akan menjadi pusat strategis untuk pelanggan di Asia.
"Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk meningkatkan efisiensi transportasi melalui kapal besar dan untuk memotong waktu pengiriman untuk pembuat baja mengingat bahwa Malaysia hanya 10 hari lagi dari klien di wilayah ini, "kata Vale dalam balasan e-mail ke pertanyaan.
Pengiriman ganda
Vale, yang berencana untuk menggandakan pengiriman ke China dalam lima tahun ke depan, belum meyakinkan China untuk memungkinkan Valemaxes untuk jangkar di pelabuhan negara itu karena masalah keamanan, Ferreira mengatakan kepada wartawan pada 31 Juli Pintu masih tidak dibersihkan meskipun salah satu kapal yang setelah disebut di Cina pada bulan Oktober, perusahaan mengatakan 30 Oktober Perusahaan Brasil mulai beroperasi Valemaxes tahun 2011 dalam upaya untuk memotong biaya transportasi.
China "mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan yang mereka percaya harus diambil dalam rangka untuk menerima Valemax, "Claudio Alves, direktur global pemasaran besi dan penjualan, mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara hari ini. "Kami sangat yakin dengan cara alami, secara bertahap, Valemax akan juga berlabuh di Cina."
Peresmian pusat Malaysia menambah dua perjanjian pengiriman yang ditandatangani oleh Vale pada bulan September. Vale akan mentransfer empat Valemaxes ke China Ocean Shipping Co, pengirim terbesar China, dan piagam mereka selama 25 tahun. Cosco juga akan membangun 10 kapal dengan ukuran hampir sama untuk kapal bijih Vale, menurut pernyataan 12 September. Vale menandatangani perjanjian dengan China Merchants Grup pada 26 September untuk memiliki 10 operator dibangun oleh perusahaan Cina untuk mengangkut bijih dari Brasil.
Bijih konten 62 persen jatuh ke $ 75,38 per ton kering kemarin, terendah sejak 2009, menurut Logam Buletin Ltd . Rata-rata harga dapat memperpanjang kerugian pada tahun 2015 sebagai membengkak kekenyangan, menurut Goldman Sachs Group Inc dan Citigroup Inc.
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