Sasuke-kun…trained you this morning?

Sasuke-kun…trained you this morning

Sasuke-kun…trained you this morning?" Sakura's brows were furrowed together. Ino cautiously flit glances between her pinkette and her bluenette. Hinata's lavender eyes fell to her porcelain steaming cup of cinnamon green tea as she saw Sakura's grip tighten on her own. Perhaps lunch wasn't the best time to discuss these things…

"Forehead, don't get so worked up," Ino put a hand on Sakura's shoulder, breaking the silence. "He only trained her,"

"But Sasuke-kun lives with me and he barely even offers to help clean!" Sakura nearly yelled. Hinata sighed. "Sakura-chan, please don't get the wrong message. I don't like Sasuke-kun in that respect…at all. He told me to meet up with him at the training grounds this morning. What else was I to do?"

Hinata put a hand over Sakura's pale eyes pleading with emerald. "I promise you, I have no feelings for him. But, as your friend, I thought it was necessary to tell you."

Sakura sighed as her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I'm sorry, Hinata-chan. It's just-I dunno."

Ino and the bluenette exchanged concerned glances before the platinum blonde reached over from her side of the table next to Hinata to pat Sakura on the shoulder. "Boy troubles?"

Sakura groaned, dropping her skewer of dango and burying her head on her hands. "Don't even get me started."

Hinata felt a small wave of relief as the tension between her and her pink-haired friend dissipate.

"When I was assigned his parole officer, I understood that he'd be all grouchy and aloof and everything," Sakura began, fiddling with a lock of bubble-gum hair. "But I guess that's just the way he is now. It's almost unbelievable to me that despite the fact we're practically room-mates, he pushes me away and starts hanging out with other girls,"

Ino rolled her eyes. "Honey, that's exactly your problem,"

Sakura arched a brow. "What do you mean?"

Hinata mimicked Sakura, eyes curious in wonder as Ino's smile turned into a proud and sly grin. She leaned into the center of the table. "Listen, ladies, and listen well. I have the secret for getting any man you want, whenever you want."

Both avid listeners were now interested.

"Anytime?" Sakura asked hopefully. Ino nodded, flipping her long ponytail as she casually looked at her nails. "It's almost child's play to me,"

"What is it?" Sakura practically begged. "Tell me!"

Ino sighed and rolled her eyes. "See, this is your problem, Forehead. You're desperate."

Sakura's eyes narrowed as a vein popped on her forehead. She spoke through gritted teeth, "What?"

Ino looked at her meaningfully. "Look, Sakura, you want Sasuke-kun right? So you try to accommodate him in every way you can. You clean up for him, you cook his meals, you do everything."

Sakura crossed her arms. "What's your point, Ino?"

"I'm saying that you're so desperate for his attention, you'd do anything for him. And he knows that. And he's taking advantage of it, whether he realizes it or not. So, if he knows he's got you wrapped 'round his finger, why should he bother impressing you? In fact, he might even get bored of you." Ino explained. Both girls lips parted at the newfound information.

"Which also explains why a certain Jinchuuriki has been on your trail forever. Because you don't give him that attention." Ino added in.

Hinata sat back. "Everything makes sense now,"

"Oh my Kami…" Sakura inhaled slowly. "I've become so available, he doesn't want it!"

"Hard to get, babe." Ino took a bite out of her dango. "Play hard to get, and I promise, you'll have him in no time."

"So….how was training with Hinata?" Naruto asked cautiously as he watched Sasuke pick out tomatoes as if he actually had a clue as to which ones were ripe and which ones weren't. "Fine,"

"Did you hurt her?"

"You could ask her yourself."

"Was she any good?"

"Decent enough."

"Did you-"

Sasuke whirled around, an annoyed glare on his face. "Why are you asking me these questions? Ask her."

Naruto put up his hands in defense as he pouted and turned up his nose. "I'm just curious,"

"Well stop being curious," Sasuke resumed tending to the tomato stall. "You sound like you're jealous,"

Naruto blinked twice while his best friend continued with his groceries. Sasuke noticed the silence as he pasued what he was doing, slowly turning to his friend. "You are jealous, aren't you?"

The rambunctious blonde struck a strange pose as he flailed his arms around in anxiety. "Wh-what?! No I'm not!"

The avenger rolled his eyes, paying the stall owner before facing his friend. "Then it shouldn't bother you that I'm asking her to come with me to the summer festival tomorrow. Anyways, we should find Sakura now. I want to go home."

The Jinchuuriki's heart dropped, but he ignored it as he spoke quietly. "I think she's at the dango shop."

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sasuke-kun…trained you this morning?" Sakura's brows were furrowed together. Ino cautiously flit glances between her pinkette and her bluenette. Hinata's lavender eyes fell to her porcelain steaming cup of cinnamon green tea as she saw Sakura's grip tighten on her own. Perhaps lunch wasn't the best time to discuss these things…

"Forehead, don't get so worked up," Ino put a hand on Sakura's shoulder, breaking the silence. "He only trained her,"

"But Sasuke-kun lives with me and he barely even offers to help clean!" Sakura nearly yelled. Hinata sighed. "Sakura-chan, please don't get the wrong message. I don't like Sasuke-kun in that respect…at all. He told me to meet up with him at the training grounds this morning. What else was I to do?"

Hinata put a hand over Sakura's pale eyes pleading with emerald. "I promise you, I have no feelings for him. But, as your friend, I thought it was necessary to tell you."

Sakura sighed as her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I'm sorry, Hinata-chan. It's just-I dunno."

Ino and the bluenette exchanged concerned glances before the platinum blonde reached over from her side of the table next to Hinata to pat Sakura on the shoulder. "Boy troubles?"

Sakura groaned, dropping her skewer of dango and burying her head on her hands. "Don't even get me started."

Hinata felt a small wave of relief as the tension between her and her pink-haired friend dissipate.

"When I was assigned his parole officer, I understood that he'd be all grouchy and aloof and everything," Sakura began, fiddling with a lock of bubble-gum hair. "But I guess that's just the way he is now. It's almost unbelievable to me that despite the fact we're practically room-mates, he pushes me away and starts hanging out with other girls,"

Ino rolled her eyes. "Honey, that's exactly your problem,"

Sakura arched a brow. "What do you mean?"

Hinata mimicked Sakura, eyes curious in wonder as Ino's smile turned into a proud and sly grin. She leaned into the center of the table. "Listen, ladies, and listen well. I have the secret for getting any man you want, whenever you want."

Both avid listeners were now interested.

"Anytime?" Sakura asked hopefully. Ino nodded, flipping her long ponytail as she casually looked at her nails. "It's almost child's play to me,"

"What is it?" Sakura practically begged. "Tell me!"

Ino sighed and rolled her eyes. "See, this is your problem, Forehead. You're desperate."

Sakura's eyes narrowed as a vein popped on her forehead. She spoke through gritted teeth, "What?"

Ino looked at her meaningfully. "Look, Sakura, you want Sasuke-kun right? So you try to accommodate him in every way you can. You clean up for him, you cook his meals, you do everything."

Sakura crossed her arms. "What's your point, Ino?"

"I'm saying that you're so desperate for his attention, you'd do anything for him. And he knows that. And he's taking advantage of it, whether he realizes it or not. So, if he knows he's got you wrapped 'round his finger, why should he bother impressing you? In fact, he might even get bored of you." Ino explained. Both girls lips parted at the newfound information.

"Which also explains why a certain Jinchuuriki has been on your trail forever. Because you don't give him that attention." Ino added in.

Hinata sat back. "Everything makes sense now,"

"Oh my Kami…" Sakura inhaled slowly. "I've become so available, he doesn't want it!"

"Hard to get, babe." Ino took a bite out of her dango. "Play hard to get, and I promise, you'll have him in no time."

"So….how was training with Hinata?" Naruto asked cautiously as he watched Sasuke pick out tomatoes as if he actually had a clue as to which ones were ripe and which ones weren't. "Fine,"

"Did you hurt her?"

"You could ask her yourself."

"Was she any good?"

"Decent enough."

"Did you-"

Sasuke whirled around, an annoyed glare on his face. "Why are you asking me these questions? Ask her."

Naruto put up his hands in defense as he pouted and turned up his nose. "I'm just curious,"

"Well stop being curious," Sasuke resumed tending to the tomato stall. "You sound like you're jealous,"

Naruto blinked twice while his best friend continued with his groceries. Sasuke noticed the silence as he pasued what he was doing, slowly turning to his friend. "You are jealous, aren't you?"

The rambunctious blonde struck a strange pose as he flailed his arms around in anxiety. "Wh-what?! No I'm not!"

The avenger rolled his eyes, paying the stall owner before facing his friend. "Then it shouldn't bother you that I'm asking her to come with me to the summer festival tomorrow. Anyways, we should find Sakura now. I want to go home."

The Jinchuuriki's heart dropped, but he ignored it as he spoke quietly. "I think she's at the dango shop."

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sasuke-kun ... dilatih pagi ini? "Alis Sakura yang berkerut bersama-sama. Ino hati-hati melayang pandang antara pinkette dan bluenette nya. Mata lavender Hinata jatuh padanya porselen secangkir kayu manis teh hijau saat ia melihat pegangan Sakura mengencangkan sendiri. Mungkin makan siang tidak waktu terbaik untuk mendiskusikan hal-hal ini ... "Dahi, jangan begitu marah," Ino meletakkan tangannya di bahu Sakura, memecah kesunyian. "Dia hanya melatihnya," "Tapi kehidupan Sasuke-kun dengan saya dan ia bahkan nyaris tidak menawarkan untuk membantu bersih! "Sakura hampir berteriak. Hinata mendesah." Sakura-chan, tolong jangan pesan yang salah. Aku tidak suka Sasuke-kun dalam hal ... sama sekali. Dia mengatakan kepada saya untuk bertemu dengan dia di lapangan latihan pagi ini. Apa lagi yang harus saya lakukan? " Hinata meletakkan tangan di atas mata pucat Sakura memohon dengan zamrud. "Saya berjanji, saya tidak memiliki perasaan untuk dia. Tapi, sebagai teman Anda, saya pikir itu diperlukan untuk memberitahu Anda. " Sakura mendesah saat bahunya merosot dengan kekalahan. "Maafkan aku, Hinata-chan. Hanya saja-aku tak tahu. " Ino dan bluenette yang saling bertukar pandang yang bersangkutan sebelum pirang platinum mencapai lebih dari sisinya meja sebelah Hinata untuk menepuk Sakura di bahu. "masalah Boy?" Sakura mengerang, menjatuhkan tusuk nya Dango dan mengubur kepalanya di tangannya. "Jangan biarkan aku mulai." Hinata merasakan gelombang kecil lega ketika ketegangan antara dia dan dia berambut merah muda teman rontok. "Ketika saya ditugaskan petugas pembebasan bersyaratnya, saya mengerti bahwa ia 'd menjadi semua kesal dan menyendiri dan semuanya, "Sakura mulai, mengotak-atik kunci dari permen karet rambut." Tapi saya rasa itu hanya cara dia sekarang. Ini hampir tidak bisa dipercaya bagi saya bahwa meskipun fakta kita praktis teman sekamar, dia mendorong saya pergi dan mulai bergaul dengan gadis-gadis lain, " Ino memutar matanya. "Sayang, itulah masalah Anda," Sakura mengangkat alis. " Apa maksudmu? " Hinata menirukan Sakura, mata penasaran dengan heran saat senyum Ino berubah menjadi seringai bangga dan licik. Dia bersandar ke tengah meja. "Dengar, wanita, dan mendengarkan dengan baik. Saya memiliki rahasia untuk mendapatkan setiap orang yang Anda inginkan, kapanpun Anda inginkan. " Kedua pendengar avid kini tertarik. "Kapan saja?" tanya Sakura penuh harap. Ino mengangguk, membalik ekor kuda panjang saat ia dengan santai melihat kuku-kukunya. "Ini hampir anak bermain dengan saya, " "Apa itu?" Sakura praktis memohon. "Katakan padaku!" Ino menghela napas dan memutar matanya. "Lihat, ini adalah masalah Anda, Dahi. Anda putus asa. " Mata Sakura menyipit sebagai vena muncul di dahinya. Dia berbicara dengan gigi terkatup, "Apa?" Ino menatapnya penuh arti. "Lihat, Sakura, Anda ingin Sasuke-kun kan? Jadi Anda mencoba untuk mengakomodasi dia dalam segala hal yang Anda bisa. Anda membersihkan untuknya, Anda memasak makanan nya, Anda melakukan segala sesuatu. " Sakura menyilangkan lengannya. "Apa gunanya Anda, Ino?" "Saya mengatakan bahwa kau begitu putus asa untuk perhatiannya, Anda akan melakukan apa pun untuk dia. Dan dia tahu itu. Dan dia mengambil keuntungan dari itu, apakah dia menyadari atau tidak. Jadi, jika dia tahu dia punya Anda dibungkus 'putaran jarinya, mengapa ia harus repot-repot terkesan Anda? Bahkan, ia bahkan mungkin bosan Anda. "Ino menjelaskan. Kedua gadis bibir berpisah pada informasi yang baru ditemukan. "Yang juga menjelaskan mengapa Jinchuuriki tertentu telah di jejak Anda selamanya. Karena Anda tidak memberikan perhatian yang dia. "Tambah Ino di. Hinata duduk kembali. "Semuanya masuk akal sekarang," "Oh my Kami ..." Sakura menghirup perlahan. "Aku menjadi sangat tersedia, dia tidak menginginkannya ! " "Sulit untuk mendapatkan, sayang." Ino mengambil menggigit dari Dango nya. "Bermain sulit untuk mendapatkan, dan aku berjanji, Anda akan memiliki dia dalam waktu singkat." "Jadi ... .how adalah pelatihan dengan Hinata?" tanya Naruto dengan hati-hati saat ia melihat Sasuke memilih tomat seolah-olah ia benar-benar memiliki petunjuk mengenai mana yang matang dan mana yang tidak. "Baik," "Apakah kau menyakitinya?" "Kau bisa bertanya padanya sendiri." " Apakah ia bagus? " "Cukup layak." "Apakah kau-" Sasuke berbalik, tatapan kesal di wajahnya. "Kenapa kamu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini? Tanyakan padanya. " Naruto memasang tangannya dalam pertahanan saat ia cemberut dan muncul hidungnya. "Saya hanya ingin tahu," "Yah berhenti menjadi penasaran," Sasuke kembali cenderung kios tomat. "Kau terdengar seperti Anda cemburu, " Naruto berkedip dua kali sementara sahabatnya dilanjutkan dengan belanjaan nya. Sasuke melihat keheningan saat ia pasued apa yang dia lakukan, perlahan-lahan beralih ke temannya. "Kau cemburu, bukan?" Si pirang kasar melanda aneh berpose sambil memukul-mukul lengannya di dalam kecemasan. "A-apa ?! Tidak aku tidak! " penebus memutar matanya, membayar pemilik kios sebelum menghadapi temannya. "Maka seharusnya tidak mengganggu Anda bahwa aku memintanya untuk datang dengan saya untuk festival musim panas besok. Anyways, kita harus menemukan Sakura sekarang. Aku ingin pulang. " Hati Jinchuuriki turun, tapi ia mengabaikannya saat ia berbicara pelan. "Aku pikir dia di toko Dango."

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