Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Zebra yang equids, keluarga Mamalia dan anggota kuda Keluarga, asli Afrika. Kata "zebra" berasal dari Portugis zevra, yang berarti "keledai liar." Salah satu pasti bisa melihat bagaimana zebra mungkin keliru untuk keledai liar pada awalnya sekilas, sejak hewan memiliki jenis tubuh yang serupa. Zebra mungkin paling terkenal karena mantel bergaris khas mereka, yang membuat mereka cukup mengesankan hewan. Selain ditemukan di bagian Afrika, Zebra juga diselenggarakan di penangkaran di kebun binatang dan Taman konservasi di banyak bagian dunia, bagi orang-orang yang ingin melihat binatang-binatang ini secara langsung tanpa mengambil perjalanan safari. Beberapa usaha telah dilakukan untuk menjinakkan zebra, dengan beberapa hewan yang dilatih sebagai naik atau mengemudi hewan. Namun, Zebra tampaknya terlalu tidak terduga dan bertingkah untuk sepenuhnya menjinakkan, walaupun upaya yang terbaik pemberani pengendara. Sebaliknya, beberapa orang berkembang biak hibrida zebra, menyeberangi penuh berdarah Zebra dengan kuda dan equids lain untuk menghasilkan lebih mudah dilatih dan ditangani hewan yang mempertahankan garis-garis zebra karakteristik.Ada beberapa jenis zebra yang berbeda, tetapi mereka semua dalam genus yang sama, Equus (disambiguasi), yang mereka berbagi dengan kuda. Seperti equids lain, Zebra yang aneh-berujung ungulates dengan otot tubuh yang dibangun untuk menjalankan. Zebra berada di antara binatang awal untuk berpisah dari equids asli, bersama dengan keledai, dan sebagai hasilnya, they have had an extended period of time to adapt to the unique challenges of the African landscape.These animals have very stout, muscular bodies which are designed for immense speed and strength. When threatened, a zebra can choose to run, often choosing a zig-zagging pattern to distract the predator, or they can fight, using powerful jaws and heavy hooves to attack their enemies. Like asses, zebras have tufted tails, and they also have short, upright manes of coarse hair, along with unusually large ears which give these animals a very good sense of hearing.Zebras are herbivores, eating grass, foliage, and various shrubs. Depending on the species, a zebra may be adapted more for the open plain, or for more heavily wooded and mountainous areas. In all cases, zebras are very social animals, living in large herds which are typically overseen by a single stallion. A zebra's gestation period is 13 months, typically producing a single foal which may join the herd when it reaches adulthood, or strike out on its own to find another group of zebras.The stripes of the zebra appear to have several functions. For one thing, they distract and confuse predators, especially whenzebras are in a herd formation, because the stripes make it hard to pick out an individual zebra. The stripes also appear to be unique to each animal, allowing zebras to readily identify each other, and they help to camouflage individual zebras, especially in wooded areas, where the play of light and shadow allows the zebra to blend.There is some debate as to how to describe the zebra's stripes. They are typically described as white animals with black stripes, but zebras actually have entirely black skin. The most common zebra mutations create animals which are darker, rather than lighter. This proves that the zebra is actually black with white stripes. While this might seem a bit pedantic, it can make a good jumping-off point for ed debates at parties, if one feels so inclined.
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