ON PRAYER:“Prayer in Buddhism is significantly different from the pray terjemahan - ON PRAYER:“Prayer in Buddhism is significantly different from the pray Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ON PRAYER:“Prayer in Buddhism is si


“Prayer in Buddhism is significantly different from the prayer that many of us were familiar with in our upbringing. If we don’t understand the difference, then there will be a tendency in us to continue to pray as though we are trying to communicate with some external power. This would be taking on only the superficial aspects of a Buddha, while remaining attached to previous ways of thinking.

In Buddhism, the “source” or the “power” is within us. A Buddhist prayer is inner-directed. We are seeking assistance from our own Buddha nature within. In Buddhism, human beings are inherently worthy and good. We possess the Buddha nature. Buddhist prayers are then filled with a sense of responsibility and appreciation.

Our prayer should be that we are going to try to gather lotuses in the muddy swamp of our own life. Chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon is intended to open our eyes to see that lotus blossom. It is extremely difficult for us to perceive what is at the depths of our lives. The Daishonin created a prayer for us to open our eyes and see revealed, the treasure that we possess.

If you are chanting in front of the Gohonzon and searching for some power out there to come to you and bring you a miracle, you are looking in the wrong place. Our Buddha nature is in the deep dark storehouse of our lives. It is not easy to find. We tend to look for our Buddha nature in the areas in our lives where we can see easily. Within our lives lie not only the cause of our suffering, but also the solution to all of our problems.

If you pray with an outwardly-directed prayer, your prayers will not be answered. Nothing will happen.

The intent of our prayer in Buddhism is to transform illusion into wisdom. Wisdom is the greatest benefit of our Buddhist practice. Our society tends to promote the view that the purpose of life is to collect as much material possession as possible. Buddhism says that this is not the purpose of life.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ON PRAYER:“Prayer in Buddhism is significantly different from the prayer that many of us were familiar with in our upbringing. If we don’t understand the difference, then there will be a tendency in us to continue to pray as though we are trying to communicate with some external power. This would be taking on only the superficial aspects of a Buddha, while remaining attached to previous ways of thinking.In Buddhism, the “source” or the “power” is within us. A Buddhist prayer is inner-directed. We are seeking assistance from our own Buddha nature within. In Buddhism, human beings are inherently worthy and good. We possess the Buddha nature. Buddhist prayers are then filled with a sense of responsibility and appreciation.Our prayer should be that we are going to try to gather lotuses in the muddy swamp of our own life. Chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon is intended to open our eyes to see that lotus blossom. It is extremely difficult for us to perceive what is at the depths of our lives. The Daishonin created a prayer for us to open our eyes and see revealed, the treasure that we possess.If you are chanting in front of the Gohonzon and searching for some power out there to come to you and bring you a miracle, you are looking in the wrong place. Our Buddha nature is in the deep dark storehouse of our lives. It is not easy to find. We tend to look for our Buddha nature in the areas in our lives where we can see easily. Within our lives lie not only the cause of our suffering, but also the solution to all of our problems.If you pray with an outwardly-directed prayer, your prayers will not be answered. Nothing will happen.The intent of our prayer in Buddhism is to transform illusion into wisdom. Wisdom is the greatest benefit of our Buddhist practice. Our society tends to promote the view that the purpose of life is to collect as much material possession as possible. Buddhism says that this is not the purpose of life.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ON DOA: "Doa dalam Buddhisme secara signifikan berbeda dari doa yang banyak dari kita yang akrab dengan pendidikan kita. Jika kita tidak memahami perbedaan, maka akan ada kecenderungan dalam diri kita untuk terus berdoa seolah-olah kita mencoba untuk berkomunikasi dengan beberapa kekuatan eksternal. Ini akan mengambil hanya aspek dangkal dari Buddha, sementara sisanya melekat cara berpikir sebelumnya. Dalam ajaran Buddha, "sumber" atau "kekuasaan" ada di dalam kita. Sebuah doa Buddha adalah batin-diarahkan. Kami sedang mencari bantuan dari alam Buddha kita sendiri dalam. Dalam ajaran Buddha, manusia secara inheren layak dan baik. Kami memiliki sifat Buddha. Doa Buddha kemudian diisi dengan rasa tanggung jawab dan penghargaan. Doa kami harus bahwa kita akan mencoba untuk mengumpulkan teratai di rawa berlumpur hidup kita sendiri. Nyanyian Daimoku ke Gohonzon ini dimaksudkan untuk membuka mata kita untuk melihat bahwa lotus mekar. Hal ini sangat sulit bagi kita untuk melihat apa yang di kedalaman kehidupan kita. The Daishonin menciptakan doa bagi kita untuk membuka mata kita dan lihat mengungkapkan, harta yang kita miliki. Jika Anda nyanyian di depan Gohonzon dan mencari beberapa tenaga luar sana untuk datang kepada Anda dan membawa Anda keajaiban, yang Anda cari di tempat yang salah. Sifat Buddha kami berada di gudang gelap dalam hidup kita. Hal ini tidak mudah untuk menemukan. Kita cenderung untuk mencari sifat Buddha kami di daerah dalam hidup kita di mana kita bisa melihat dengan mudah. Dalam kehidupan kita berbohong tidak hanya penyebab penderitaan kita, tetapi juga solusi untuk semua masalah kita. Jika Anda berdoa dengan doa lahiriah-diarahkan, doa-doa Anda tidak akan dijawab. Tidak ada yang akan terjadi. Maksud dari doa kita dalam Buddhisme adalah untuk mengubah ilusi menjadi kebijaksanaan. Kebijaksanaan adalah manfaat terbesar dari praktik Buddhis kami. Masyarakat kita cenderung untuk mempromosikan pandangan bahwa tujuan hidup adalah untuk mengumpulkan sebanyak kepemilikan materi mungkin. Buddhisme mengatakan bahwa ini bukan tujuan hidup. "

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