EMOTION AS PART OF THE JOB A wide range of occupations exists in which terjemahan - EMOTION AS PART OF THE JOB A wide range of occupations exists in which Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



A wide range of occupations exists in which interaction with clients is a central aspect of the job. In many of these, communication between employee and client involves some degree of emotional or affective content (waldron,1994). Some examples are obvious. Emotional communication is aso a requirement in less obvious occupations.

Arlie hochschild was the first scholar to deal systematically with this phenomenon in her book the managed heart (1983). She uses the term emotional labor to refer to jobs in which workers are expected to display certain feeling in order to satisfy organizational role expectations. Hochschild argues that when performing emotional labor, workers can engage in either surface acting or deep acting.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
EMOTION AS PART OF THE JOB A wide range of occupations exists in which interaction with clients is a central aspect of the job. In many of these, communication between employee and client involves some degree of emotional or affective content (waldron,1994). Some examples are obvious. Emotional communication is aso a requirement in less obvious occupations.Arlie hochschild was the first scholar to deal systematically with this phenomenon in her book the managed heart (1983). She uses the term emotional labor to refer to jobs in which workers are expected to display certain feeling in order to satisfy organizational role expectations. Hochschild argues that when performing emotional labor, workers can engage in either surface acting or deep acting.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Berbagai pekerjaan ada di mana interaksi dengan klien merupakan aspek penting dari pekerjaan. Dalam banyak dari ini, komunikasi antara karyawan dan klien melibatkan beberapa derajat konten emosional atau afektif (waldron, 1994). Beberapa contoh yang jelas. Komunikasi emosional aso persyaratan dalam pekerjaan yang kurang jelas.

Arlie Hochschild adalah sarjana pertama yang menangani secara sistematis dengan fenomena ini dalam bukunya jantung dikelola (1983). Dia menggunakan tenaga kerja emosional istilah untuk merujuk ke pekerjaan di mana pekerja diharapkan untuk menampilkan perasaan tertentu dalam rangka untuk memenuhi harapan peran organisasi. Hochschild berpendapat bahwa ketika melakukan kerja emosional, pekerja dapat terlibat baik dalam akting permukaan atau akting yang mendalam.

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