Wang Jian laughed , to con­tinue: „But in just, me has at­tained on th terjemahan - Wang Jian laughed , to con­tinue: „But in just, me has at­tained on th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wang Jian laughed , to con­tinue: „

Wang Jian laughed , to con­tinue: „But in just, me has at­tained on the first toi­let tis­sue the ma­te­r­ial of pic­ture demon, her back­ground is not sim­ple cur­rent [Leg­end] trade union one of the four big el­ders, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple mas­ter, prob­a­bly grasped 30% trun­ca­tion rip­ple essences, suc­ces­sively the fight at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess ratio reaches as high as 41%, you must know that some peo­ple of sta­tis­tics, the Q Sword these days at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess ratio was also only 28%.”
I clench teeth say­ing: „What back­ground on this paper is the pic­ture demon?”
Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Con­crete sta­tus is un­clear, but some peo­ple dis­closed that she is the small mon­ster younger fe­male cousin.”
Wang Jian con­tin­ued: „She is placed arena in Tian Ling Em­pire as be­fore, claimed that must de­feat from all mas­ters in Ba Huang City and every book city, but also bla­tantly provoca­tive Q Sword and Jian Feng Han as well as, as well as the free elder brother you, said today be­fore 12 : 00 , non- wind­ing, ac­cepts the chal­lenge of any mas­ter, NND, too NX this lit­tle girl”
Lin Wan Er looks to me, shows a faint smile: „Re­quests to ac­cept a chal­lenge?”
I look to eight grounds, said: „Ex­empted, when I brushed the Pangu deep pool, per­haps on this paper the pic­ture demon al­ready by Q Sword and Jian Feng Han was made!”
„Um, killed the Pangu deep pool to look again, on the paper the pic­ture demon be­hind was [Leg­end] Fang Geque is sup­port­ing, looked like Fang Geque after los­ing the small mon­ster, has planned the pic­ture demon to train the [Leg­end] guild first close com­bat the paper on is the mas­ter, Lu Chun­yang, the Xu­anyuan Feng two peo­ple were must fall into dis­fa­vor”
„Ha Ha!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wang Jian laughed , to con­tinue: „But in just, me has at­tained on the first toi­let tis­sue the ma­te­r­ial of pic­ture demon, her back­ground is not sim­ple cur­rent [Leg­end] trade union one of the four big el­ders, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple mas­ter, prob­a­bly grasped 30% trun­ca­tion rip­ple essences, suc­ces­sively the fight at­tacks and de­stroys the suc­cess ratio reaches as high as 41%, you must know that some peo­ple of sta­tis­tics, the Q Sword these days at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess ratio was also only 28%.”I clench teeth say­ing: „What back­ground on this paper is the pic­ture demon?”Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao: „Con­crete sta­tus is un­clear, but some peo­ple dis­closed that she is the small mon­ster younger fe­male cousin.”„”Wang Jian con­tin­ued: „She is placed arena in Tian Ling Em­pire as be­fore, claimed that must de­feat from all mas­ters in Ba Huang City and every book city, but also bla­tantly provoca­tive Q Sword and Jian Feng Han as well as, as well as the free elder brother you, said today be­fore 12 : 00 , non- wind­ing, ac­cepts the chal­lenge of any mas­ter, NND, too NX this lit­tle girl”Lin Wan Er looks to me, shows a faint smile: „Re­quests to ac­cept a chal­lenge?”I look to eight grounds, said: „Ex­empted, when I brushed the Pangu deep pool, per­haps on this paper the pic­ture demon al­ready by Q Sword and Jian Feng Han was made!”„Um, killed the Pangu deep pool to look again, on the paper the pic­ture demon be­hind was [Leg­end] Fang Geque is sup­port­ing, looked like Fang Geque after los­ing the small mon­ster, has planned the pic­ture demon to train the [Leg­end] guild first close com­bat the paper on is the mas­ter, Lu Chun­yang, the Xu­anyuan Feng two peo­ple were must fall into dis­fa­vor”„Ha Ha!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Wang Jian tertawa, untuk melanjutkan: "Tapi hanya, saya telah mencapai pada tisu toilet pertama bahan setan gambar, latar belakangnya tidak sederhana saat [Legenda] serikat buruh salah satu dari empat tua-tua besar, master pemotongan riak, mungkin digenggam 30% esensi pemotongan riak, berturut-turut serangan melawan dan menghancurkan rasio keberhasilan mencapai setinggi 41%, Anda harus tahu bahwa beberapa orang dari statistik, Q Pedang hari ini menyerang dan menghancurkan rasio keberhasilan itu juga hanya 28%. "
saya mengepalkan gigi mengatakan: "Apa latar belakang di atas kertas ini adalah gambar setan?"
Wang Jian Xiaodao: "Status Beton tidak jelas, tetapi beberapa orang mengungkapkan bahwa dia adalah rakasa kecil muda perempuan
sepupunya." ""
Wang Jian melanjutkan: "dia adalah ditempatkan arena di Tian Ling Empire seperti sebelumnya, menyatakan bahwa harus mengalahkan dari semua master di Ba Huang kota dan setiap kota buku, tetapi juga terang-terangan provokatif Q Pedang dan Jian Feng Han serta, serta kakak gratis Anda, mengatakan hari ini sebelum 12: 00, non berkelok-kelok, menerima tantangan master apapun, NND, terlalu NX gadis kecil ini "
Lin Wan Er tampak bagi saya, menunjukkan senyum samar:"? Permintaan untuk menerima tantangan "
saya melihat ke delapan alasan, mengatakan: "Dikecualikan, ketika saya mengusap Pangu kolam yang dalam, mungkin di atas kertas ini setan gambar sudah oleh Q Pedang dan Jian Feng Han dibuat!"
"Um, membunuh Pangu kolam yang dalam untuk melihat lagi, di atas kertas setan gambar balik itu [Legenda] Fang Geque mendukung, tampak seperti Fang Geque setelah kehilangan rakasa kecil, telah direncanakan setan gambar untuk melatih [Legenda] Guild pertama pertempuran jarak dekat kertas pada adalah master, Lu Chunyang, yang Xuanyuan Feng dua orang yang harus jatuh ke dalam tidak disukai "
" Ha Ha! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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