More than $3 billion spent on unnecessary antibiotic prescriptionsThe  terjemahan - More than $3 billion spent on unnecessary antibiotic prescriptionsThe  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

More than $3 billion spent on unnec

More than $3 billion spent on unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions
The most common reason patients visit their doctor is because of ARTIs. Unpublished data from the CDC shows that 50% of prescriptions filled for antibiotics in outpatient settings may be inappropriate or unnecessary.

The bill for this misuse comes to over $3 billion - but that is only part of the cost. There are knock-on effects.

For example, antibiotics are the biggest cause of drug-related adverse events, and they are responsible for around 20% of emergency department visits for drug side effects.

The authors recommend doctors do not prescribe antibiotics for patients with the common cold.

Instead, doctors should advise patients that cold symptoms can last for up to 2 weeks and should come back if they take longer to clear up or get worse.

Doctors should also clearly explain that antibiotics are not necessary - and may even give rise to side effects. They should also help the patient understand the pros and cons of taking medications to relieve symptoms.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
More than $3 billion spent on unnecessary antibiotic prescriptionsThe most common reason patients visit their doctor is because of ARTIs. Unpublished data from the CDC shows that 50% of prescriptions filled for antibiotics in outpatient settings may be inappropriate or unnecessary.The bill for this misuse comes to over $3 billion - but that is only part of the cost. There are knock-on effects.For example, antibiotics are the biggest cause of drug-related adverse events, and they are responsible for around 20% of emergency department visits for drug side effects.The authors recommend doctors do not prescribe antibiotics for patients with the common cold.Instead, doctors should advise patients that cold symptoms can last for up to 2 weeks and should come back if they take longer to clear up or get worse.Doctors should also clearly explain that antibiotics are not necessary - and may even give rise to side effects. They should also help the patient understand the pros and cons of taking medications to relieve symptoms.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lebih dari $ 3 miliar dihabiskan untuk resep antibiotik yang tidak perlu
Pasien alasan paling umum mengunjungi dokter mereka karena artis. Data yang tidak dipublikasikan dari CDC menunjukkan bahwa 50% dari resep diisi untuk antibiotik dalam pengaturan rawat jalan mungkin tidak atau tidak perlu. Tagihan untuk penyalahgunaan ini datang ke $ 3 milyar - tapi itu hanya bagian dari biaya. Ada knock-on efek. Misalnya, antibiotik merupakan penyebab terbesar dari efek samping terkait obat, dan mereka bertanggung jawab untuk sekitar 20% dari kunjungan gawat darurat untuk efek samping obat. Para penulis sarankan dokter tidak meresepkan antibiotik untuk pasien dengan . pilek Sebaliknya, dokter harus memberitahu pasien bahwa gejala flu bisa bertahan hingga 2 minggu dan harus datang kembali jika mereka membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk membersihkan atau lebih buruk. dokter juga harus jelas menjelaskan bahwa antibiotik tidak diperlukan - dan bahkan mungkin memberikan naik ke efek samping. Mereka juga harus membantu pasien memahami pro dan kontra dari minum obat untuk meredakan gejala.

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