„I have conclusive news, that Fang Mu injury is extremely serious, in  terjemahan - „I have conclusive news, that Fang Mu injury is extremely serious, in  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„I have conclusive news, that Fang

„I have conclusive news, that Fang Mu injury is extremely serious, in hundred years, Cultivation being hard little advance, even still drops now!”
The hearsay are getting more and more, the ninth disciple to maintain Meng Hao, because of sparring that the dispute causes, along with it suddenly to increase, but ninth after is only one of the boundless faction nine big Sect, although used fully to maintain, the public opinion and pressure that may unable compared with after resulting in other boundless faction Sect Chosen has united forms.
Causes this hearsay, to finally, the person who believed were getting more and more, simultaneously many other Sect cultivator, was used to come this ninth to rush to the boundless stage.
Also passed for five years, the tenth year that Meng Hao closes up, the struggle of ninth boundless stage, arrived at the superheating, in 30,000, is ninth, not only 4000 people, other are various spoiled children.
The feeling of that type of own boundless stage, occupied, lets the ninth disciple, all day is aggrieved, nearly goes crazy, especially is excessive, is first ten li (0.5km) ninth Chosen, unexpectedly has two!
Besides first Meng Hao, only then fifth is nine ancestors, other, impressively are other Sect Chosen.
Friction that this shame, initiates, were more.
However, ninth Paragon, other Paragon, actually have not prevented, is only the friction control, this matter leads based on this after all, is the enhancement of entire boundless faction overall influence, particularly the ninth disciple, under this pressure, in erupted the generations of many Chosen in the ten years.
Meng Hao outside the mountain peak, comes to pay a visit the human, tries to invite the person of Meng Hao becoming an official, increases day by day, many times, over ten thousand people also seek an interview.
Yan Er is also very annoyed, her practicing in these ten years, progresses by leaps and bounds, although is inferior to Meng Hao, may also reach the stage of aspiring to seize, is away from immortal tribulation not to be far.
On this day, she in sitting in meditation, has to open two eyes, from mountain was harassed by outside the sound.
„Asked the Grandmaster brother to become an official!!”
„The Grandmaster brother, in boundless stage 30,000, my ninth several thousand people, asking the Grandmaster brother to become an official!!”
„The Grandmaster brother, the outside rumor flutters about, too many people questioned the Grandmaster brother, the Grandmaster brother became an official, leading us to leave one aggrievedly this ten years of foul odor!!”
Yan Er frowned, she in these ten years, looked that these other come this's Challenger not to be pleasing to the eyes, has therefore asked the teacher, but her teacher there as if no any interest, particularly recently for these years, seemed in a practicing critical moment, Yan Er is not good to inquire again.
„Was tired, these people had the problem, the boundless stage of oneself family did not rush, coming our ninth to bluff and bluster.” Yan Er frowned, snort, went out of the house, comforts these to pay a visit the same side of teacher outside the mountain.
Just went out, Yan Er frowned immediately, outside she saw besides the ninth same side, many strange faces, obviously were other Chosen, almost regarded oneself family to be the same ninth, nearly long-time housing, at this moment sneered looked like to her
Last night the winter wind got up, this morning storm falls, looked in the world, endless white boundless
Everywhere all sideslips, turns around to see to follow, the gaining ground flight stops, lowers the head seals high-speed
The brothers and sisters, the Heaven Sealing manor in Mudanjiang seals the airplane to seal the high-speed day, the arrival.
At this time every year, I will be sealed in home, which cannot go to compel the symbol painstakingly, asked
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„I have conclusive news, that Fang Mu injury is extremely serious, in hundred years, Cultivation being hard little advance, even still drops now!”The hearsay are getting more and more, the ninth disciple to maintain Meng Hao, because of sparring that the dispute causes, along with it suddenly to increase, but ninth after is only one of the boundless faction nine big Sect, although used fully to maintain, the public opinion and pressure that may unable compared with after resulting in other boundless faction Sect Chosen has united forms.Causes this hearsay, to finally, the person who believed were getting more and more, simultaneously many other Sect cultivator, was used to come this ninth to rush to the boundless stage.Also passed for five years, the tenth year that Meng Hao closes up, the struggle of ninth boundless stage, arrived at the superheating, in 30,000, is ninth, not only 4000 people, other are various spoiled children.The feeling of that type of own boundless stage, occupied, lets the ninth disciple, all day is aggrieved, nearly goes crazy, especially is excessive, is first ten li (0.5km) ninth Chosen, unexpectedly has two!Besides first Meng Hao, only then fifth is nine ancestors, other, impressively are other Sect Chosen.Friction that this shame, initiates, were more.However, ninth Paragon, other Paragon, actually have not prevented, is only the friction control, this matter leads based on this after all, is the enhancement of entire boundless faction overall influence, particularly the ninth disciple, under this pressure, in erupted the generations of many Chosen in the ten years.Meng Hao outside the mountain peak, comes to pay a visit the human, tries to invite the person of Meng Hao becoming an official, increases day by day, many times, over ten thousand people also seek an interview.Yan Er is also very annoyed, her practicing in these ten years, progresses by leaps and bounds, although is inferior to Meng Hao, may also reach the stage of aspiring to seize, is away from immortal tribulation not to be far.On this day, she in sitting in meditation, has to open two eyes, from mountain was harassed by outside the sound.„Asked the Grandmaster brother to become an official!!”„The Grandmaster brother, in boundless stage 30,000, my ninth several thousand people, asking the Grandmaster brother to become an official!!”„The Grandmaster brother, the outside rumor flutters about, too many people questioned the Grandmaster brother, the Grandmaster brother became an official, leading us to leave one aggrievedly this ten years of foul odor!!”Yan Er frowned, she in these ten years, looked that these other come this's Challenger not to be pleasing to the eyes, has therefore asked the teacher, but her teacher there as if no any interest, particularly recently for these years, seemed in a practicing critical moment, Yan Er is not good to inquire again.„Was tired, these people had the problem, the boundless stage of oneself family did not rush, coming our ninth to bluff and bluster.” Yan Er frowned, snort, went out of the house, comforts these to pay a visit the same side of teacher outside the mountain.Just went out, Yan Er frowned immediately, outside she saw besides the ninth same side, many strange faces, obviously were other Chosen, almost regarded oneself family to be the same ninth, nearly long-time housing, at this moment sneered looked like to herLast night the winter wind got up, this morning storm falls, looked in the world, endless white boundlessEverywhere all sideslips, turns around to see to follow, the gaining ground flight stops, lowers the head seals high-speedThe brothers and sisters, the Heaven Sealing manor in Mudanjiang seals the airplane to seal the high-speed day, the arrival.At this time every year, I will be sealed in home, which cannot go to compel the symbol painstakingly, asked
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Aku punya berita konklusif, bahwa cedera Fang Mu sangat serius, di seratus tahun, Budidaya menjadi agak sulit muka, bahkan masih turun sekarang!"
Desas-desus yang mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih, murid kesembilan untuk mempertahankan Meng Hao, karena perdebatan itu sengketa menyebabkan, bersamaan dengan itu tiba-tiba meningkat, tapi setelah kesembilan adalah hanya satu dari tak terbatas faksi sembilan Sekte besar, meskipun digunakan sepenuhnya untuk mempertahankan, opini dan tekanan publik yang mungkin tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan setelah menghasilkan fraksi tak terbatas lainnya Sekte Terpilih memiliki bersatu bentuk.
Penyebab desas-desus ini, akhirnya, orang yang percaya mendapatkan lebih dan lebih, secara bersamaan banyak pembudidaya Sekte lainnya, digunakan untuk datang kesembilan ini buru-buru ke tahap yang tak terbatas.
Juga berlalu selama lima tahun, tahun kesepuluh yang Meng Hao menutup up, perjuangan tahap tak terbatas kesembilan, tiba di pemanasan berlebih, dalam 30.000, kesembilan, tidak hanya 4000 orang, lain berbagai anak manja.
perasaan jenis panggung tak terbatas sendiri, diduduki, memungkinkan murid kesembilan, semua hari adalah dirugikan, hampir pergi gila, terutama berlebihan, adalah sepuluh pertama li (0.5km) kesembilan Terpilih, tiba-tiba memiliki dua!
Selain pertama Meng Hao, hanya kemudian kelima adalah sembilan leluhur, lainnya, mengesankan adalah lainnya Sect Terpilih.
Gesekan yang malu ini, inisiasi, lebih.
Namun, kesembilan Paragon, lain Paragon, sebenarnya belum dicegah, hanya kontrol gesekan, hal ini mengarah berdasarkan ini setelah semua, adalah peningkatan seluruh fraksi tak terbatas pengaruh secara keseluruhan, khususnya murid kesembilan , di bawah tekanan ini, di meletus generasi banyak Terpilih dalam sepuluh tahun.
Meng Hao luar puncak gunung, datang untuk berkunjung manusia, mencoba untuk mengundang orang dari Meng Hao menjadi seorang pejabat, meningkatkan hari demi hari, banyak kali, lebih dari sepuluh ribu orang juga mencari sebuah wawancara.
Yan Er juga sangat kesal, dia berlatih dalam sepuluh tahun ini, berlangsung dengan pesat, meskipun lebih rendah daripada Meng Hao, juga dapat mencapai panggung bercita-cita untuk merebut, jauh dari kesengsaraan abadi tidak jauh.
pada hari ini, dia di duduk bermeditasi, harus membuka dua mata, dari gunung dilecehkan oleh luar suara.
"Ditanyakan saudara Grandmaster untuk menjadi seorang pejabat !!"
"The Grandmaster saudara, di tak terbatas tahap 30.000, saya kesembilan beberapa ribu orang, meminta saudara Grandmaster untuk menjadi seorang pejabat !! "
" The Grandmaster saudara, luar rumor berdebar tentang, terlalu banyak orang mempertanyakan saudara Grandmaster, saudara Grandmaster menjadi seorang pejabat, memimpin kita meninggalkan satu aggrievedly ini sepuluh tahun dari bau busuk !! "
Yan Er mengerutkan kening, dia dalam sepuluh tahun ini, tampak bahwa lainnya datang ini adalah Challenger untuk tidak menyenangkan mata, oleh karenanya meminta guru, tapi gurunya ada seakan tidak ada kepentingan apapun, terutama baru-baru untuk tahun ini, tampak di saat-saat kritis berlatih, Yan Er tidak baik untuk menanyakan lagi.
"apakah lelah, orang-orang ini memiliki masalah, tahap tak terbatas dari diri sendiri keluarga tidak terburu-buru, datang kesembilan kami untuk tebing dan menggertak. "Yan Er mengerutkan kening, mendengus, pergi keluar dari rumah, kenyamanan ini untuk berkunjung sisi yang sama dari guru di luar gunung.
Hanya pergi keluar, Yan Er mengerutkan kening segera, di luar dia melihat selain sisi yang sama kesembilan, banyak wajah aneh, jelas yang lainnya Terpilih, hampir dianggap diri keluarga menjadi kesembilan yang sama, hampir lama perumahan, saat ini ejek tampak seperti dia
malam terakhir angin musim dingin bangun, badai pagi ini jatuh, tampak di dunia , tak berujung tak terbatas putih
mana-mana semua sideslips, berbalik untuk melihat untuk mengikuti, berhenti penerbangan tanah memperoleh, menurunkan segel kepala kecepatan tinggi
saudara dan saudari, Surga Sealing manor di Mudanjiang segel pesawat untuk menutup hari kecepatan tinggi, kedatangan.
pada saat ini setiap tahun, saya akan disegel di rumah, yang tidak bisa memaksa simbol susah payah, meminta
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