In Spanish ethnomedicine, cobwebs have formed partof the arsenal of tr terjemahan - In Spanish ethnomedicine, cobwebs have formed partof the arsenal of tr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In Spanish ethnomedicine, cobwebs h

In Spanish ethnomedicine, cobwebs have formed part
of the arsenal of traditional remedies since time immemorial [35], but in Spain they are also considered to be
useful for domestic animals. According to popular belief
they protect animals against all diseases and this is why
they are never removed from stables [36–40]. There is a
proverb that says: Cuadra sin arañas, bestias nunca
sanas (lit. “A stable without spiders holds no healthy
animals”) [41] and, for example, around the first third of
the last century in the Merindad de Tudela area
(Navarra), the cobwebs were never removed from stables
owing to the belief that they prevented stomach cramps
in sheep and equines [42].
The majority of remedies (87) are of the curative type,
and they are applied externally in 69 cases (79 %) and internally in 18 (21 %). Zootherapeutics are usually applied
in simple ways, mostly through direct application to the
affected area and without preparation. Note should be
taken, too, of the use of olive oil in the preparation of 16
remedies. Olive oil is a very important therapeutic resource in all cultures, both in ethnomedicine and EVM
[43–46]. As well as being an extraction medium for active ingredients from animals, the chemical composition
of this oil is rich in flavonoids, secoiridoids, iridoids, flavanones, biophenols, triterpenes, benzoic acid derivatives
and isochromans, and these offer added medicinal value
since they account for its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antinociceptive, and
wound-healing activities among others [46].
In addition, the animal resources documented are used
to treat or prevent ca. 50 animal diseases or complications. More than half of the species, and ethnotaxa, are
reported for the treatment of more than one ailment.
Several species (6) are used for multiple veterinary purposes (at least four). For instance, Hirudo medicinalis
and Berberomeloe majalis, together with products derived from Apis mellifera (honey and beeswax), are the
most versatile zootherapeutic resources (see Table 1).
Fig. 1 Examples of invertebrates and derivative products used in contemporary Spanish EVM. a – brown garden snail (Cornu aspersum), b – cuttlefish
bone, c – cobweb, d – female of Berberomeloe majalis, E – Scarab beetle larvae, F – bee honey (photos by J. A. González)
González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 3 of 19
Table 1 Invertebrates used in contemporary Spanish EVM with indications of the body parts and/or products used, ailments treated, target domestic animal groups, modes of
preparation and application, and geographical location of the remedies
Animals used
(vernacular names)
Part (s) or
products used
Diseases or troubles
treated (● = current use)
Animal (s)
(administration route)a
Remedy typeb Geographical location Ref. No.
Mytiloida, Mytilidae
Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758
Shell Corneal ulcers All livestock Pulverised (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Zafra (Badajoz) [43]
Ostreoida, Ostreidae
Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793)
Shell As dietary supplement (●) Poultry Pulverised (IN) EMP-PRE Doñana (Andalusia) [101]
[several families]
Snails (caracoles, cargols, caragols,
Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Asturias, Basque Country [48, 55]
Splenic fever (anthrax) Cattle Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Zumaia (Guipúzcoa) [48]
Shell ——— (prophylaxis) All livestock Without prepraration
MAG-PRE Western part of Asturias [99]
Corneal ulcers All livestock Burned and pulverised
EMP- CUR Comarca de Serrablo (Huesca) [75]
Stylommatophora, Helicidae
Cornu aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774)
[= Helix aspersa O.F. Müller, 1774]
(caracol común, caracol de jardín,
cargol bover, caragol bover)
Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]
Keratoconjunctivitis Sheep Toasted and crushed
EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]
Viper bites Sheep Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]
Stylommatophora, Arionidae
Arion ater (Linnaeus, 1758) (babosa
negra, limaco, lumaco, llimiagu)
Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Crushed (EX) EMP-CUR Bandujo –Proaza– and La Matosa –
Piloña– (Asturias)
Slime Choked on food Cows Fresh (IN) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [85, 88–90]
Entrails Eye disorders Cows, sheep,
goats, horses
Dried (EX) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [80]
Arion hortensis Férussac, 1819
(babosa, lumiago)
Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Without prepraration
EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]
González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 4 of 19
Table 1 Invertebrates used in contemporary Spanish EVM with indications of the body parts and/or products used, ailments treated, target domestic animal groups, modes of
preparation and application, and geographical location of the remedies (Continued)
Myopsida, Loliginidae
Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In Spanish ethnomedicine, cobwebs have formed partof the arsenal of traditional remedies since time immemorial [35], but in Spain they are also considered to beuseful for domestic animals. According to popular beliefthey protect animals against all diseases and this is whythey are never removed from stables [36–40]. There is aproverb that says: Cuadra sin arañas, bestias nuncasanas (lit. “A stable without spiders holds no healthyanimals”) [41] and, for example, around the first third ofthe last century in the Merindad de Tudela area(Navarra), the cobwebs were never removed from stablesowing to the belief that they prevented stomach crampsin sheep and equines [42].The majority of remedies (87) are of the curative type,and they are applied externally in 69 cases (79 %) and internally in 18 (21 %). Zootherapeutics are usually appliedin simple ways, mostly through direct application to theaffected area and without preparation. Note should betaken, too, of the use of olive oil in the preparation of 16remedies. Olive oil is a very important therapeutic resource in all cultures, both in ethnomedicine and EVM[43–46]. As well as being an extraction medium for active ingredients from animals, the chemical compositionof this oil is rich in flavonoids, secoiridoids, iridoids, flavanones, biophenols, triterpenes, benzoic acid derivativesand isochromans, and these offer added medicinal valuesince they account for its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antinociceptive, andwound-healing activities among others [46].In addition, the animal resources documented are usedto treat or prevent ca. 50 animal diseases or complications. More than half of the species, and ethnotaxa, arereported for the treatment of more than one ailment.Several species (6) are used for multiple veterinary purposes (at least four). For instance, Hirudo medicinalisand Berberomeloe majalis, together with products derived from Apis mellifera (honey and beeswax), are themost versatile zootherapeutic resources (see Table 1).Fig. 1 Examples of invertebrates and derivative products used in contemporary Spanish EVM. a – brown garden snail (Cornu aspersum), b – cuttlefishbone, c – cobweb, d – female of Berberomeloe majalis, E – Scarab beetle larvae, F – bee honey (photos by J. A. González)González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 3 of 19Table 1 Invertebrates used in contemporary Spanish EVM with indications of the body parts and/or products used, ailments treated, target domestic animal groups, modes ofpreparation and application, and geographical location of the remediesAnimals used(vernacular names)Part (s) orproducts usedDiseases or troublestreated (● = current use)Animal (s)treatedPreparation(administration route)aRemedy typeb Geographical location Ref. No.MOLLUSCABIVALVIAMytiloida, MytilidaeMytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758(mejillón)Shell Corneal ulcers All livestock Pulverised (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Zafra (Badajoz) [43]Ostreoida, OstreidaeCrassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793)(ostión)Shell As dietary supplement (●) Poultry Pulverised (IN) EMP-PRE Doñana (Andalusia) [101]GASTROPODAStylommatophora[several families]Snails (caracoles, cargols, caragols,cascoxos)Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Asturias, Basque Country [48, 55]Splenic fever (anthrax) Cattle Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Zumaia (Guipúzcoa) [48]Shell ——— (prophylaxis) All livestock Without prepraration(EX)MAG-PRE Western part of Asturias [99]Corneal ulcers All livestock Burned and pulverised(EX)EMP- CUR Comarca de Serrablo (Huesca) [75]Stylommatophora, HelicidaeCornu aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774)[= Helix aspersa O.F. Müller, 1774](caracol común, caracol de jardín,cargol bover, caragol bover)Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]Keratoconjunctivitis Sheep Toasted and crushed(EX)EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]Viper bites Sheep Fresh (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]Stylommatophora, ArionidaeArion ater (Linnaeus, 1758) (babosanegra, limaco, lumaco, llimiagu)Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Crushed (EX) EMP-CUR Bandujo –Proaza– and La Matosa –Piloña– (Asturias)[55]Slime Choked on food Cows Fresh (IN) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [85, 88–90]Entrails Eye disorders Cows, sheep,goats, horsesDried (EX) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [80]Arion hortensis Férussac, 1819(babosa, lumiago)Whole animal Scald, hoof rot Cows Without prepraration(EX)EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]González et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 4 of 19Table 1 Invertebrates used in contemporary Spanish EVM with indications of the body parts and/or products used, ailments treated, target domestic animal groups, modes ofpreparation and application, and geographical location of the remedies (Continued)CEPHALOPODAMyopsida, LoliginidaeLoligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798(calamar)
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam ethnomedicine Spanyol, jaring laba-laba telah membentuk bagian
dari gudang obat tradisional sejak dahulu kala [35], tapi di Spanyol mereka juga dianggap
berguna bagi hewan domestik. Menurut kepercayaan populer
mereka melindungi hewan terhadap semua penyakit dan ini adalah mengapa
mereka tidak pernah dihapus dari kandang [36-40]. Ada
pepatah yang mengatakan: arañas dosa Cuadra, bestias nunca
sanas (lit. "A stabil tanpa laba-laba tidak memegang sehat
hewan") [41] dan, misalnya, sekitar sepertiga pertama
abad terakhir di wilayah Merindad de Tudela
(Navarra), jaring laba-laba tidak pernah dihapus dari kandang
karena keyakinan bahwa mereka mencegah kram perut
domba dan equines [42].
sebagian besar obat (87) adalah dari jenis kuratif,
dan mereka diterapkan secara eksternal dalam 69 kasus ( 79%) dan internal di 18 (21%). Zootherapeutics biasanya diterapkan
dengan cara yang sederhana, sebagian besar melalui aplikasi langsung ke
daerah yang terkena dan tanpa persiapan. Catatan harus
diambil, juga, dari penggunaan minyak zaitun dalam penyusunan 16
obat. Minyak zaitun adalah sumber daya terapi yang sangat penting dalam semua budaya, baik dalam ethnomedicine dan EVM
[43-46]. Selain sebagai media ekstraksi bahan aktif dari hewan, komposisi kimia
minyak ini kaya akan flavonoid, secoiridoids, iridoid, flavanon, biophenols, triterpen, turunan asam benzoat
dan isochromans, dan menawarkan ini menambahkan nilai obat
karena mereka memperhitungkan anti-inflamasi, imunomodulator, analgesik, antimikroba, antinociceptive, dan
kegiatan penyembuhan luka antara lain [46].
Selain itu, sumber daya hewan didokumentasikan digunakan
untuk mengobati atau mencegah ca. 50 penyakit hewan atau komplikasi. Lebih dari setengah dari spesies, dan ethnotaxa, yang
dilaporkan untuk pengobatan lebih dari satu penyakit.
Beberapa spesies (6) digunakan untuk beberapa tujuan hewan (setidaknya empat). Misalnya, medicinalis Hirudo
dan Berberomeloe majalis, bersama-sama dengan produk yang berasal dari Apis mellifera (madu dan lilin lebah), adalah
sumber daya yang paling serbaguna zootherapeutic (lihat Tabel 1).
Gambar. 1 Contoh invertebrata dan produk derivatif yang digunakan dalam EVM Spanyol kontemporer. a - coklat taman bekicot (Cornu aspersum), b - cumi-cumi
tulang, c - sarang laba-laba, d - perempuan dari Berberomeloe majalis, E - larva kumbang Scarab, F - lebah madu (Foto oleh JA González)
González et al. Jurnal Ethnobiology dan ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 3 dari 19
Tabel 1 Invertebrata digunakan dalam kontemporer Spanyol EVM dengan indikasi dari bagian tubuh dan / atau produk yang digunakan, penyakit diobati, menargetkan kelompok hewan domestik, mode
persiapan dan aplikasi, dan lokasi geografis dari obat
Hewan yang digunakan
(nama vernakular)
Bagian (s) atau
produk yang digunakan
Penyakit atau masalah
diperlakukan (● = digunakan saat ini)
Hewan (s)
(rute administrasi) a
Remedy TypeB geografis lokasi Ref. Tidak
Mytiloida, Mytilidae
Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758
Shell Kornea ulkus Semua ternak Pulverised (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Zafra (Badajoz) [43]
Ostreoida, Ostreidae
Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793)
Shell sebagai suplemen makanan (●) Unggas Pulverised (IN) EMP-PRA Doñana (Andalusia) [101]
[beberapa keluarga]
Siput (caracoles, cargols, caragols,
Whole Lepuh hewan, Sapi kuku busuk segar (EX) EMP- CUR Asturias, Basque Country [48, 55]
demam limpa (anthrax) Sapi segar (EX) EMP-CUR Zumaia (Guipúzcoa) [48]
Shell --- (profilaksis) Semua ternak Tanpa prepraration
MAG-PRE Barat bagian dari Asturias [99]
ulkus kornea Semua ternak Terbakar dan ditumbuk
EMP- CUR Comarca de Serrablo (Huesca) [75]
Stylommatophora, Helicidae
Cornu aspersum (OF Müller, 1774)
[= Helix aspersa OF Müller, 1774]
(caracol común, caracol de jardín,
Cargol Bover, caragol Bover)
Whole Lepuh hewan, kuku busuk Sapi segar (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]
Keratoconjunctivitis Domba panggang dan hancur
EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]
Viper gigitan Domba segar (EX) EMP-CUR Comarca del Pallars (Lérida) [69]
Stylommatophora, Arionidae
Arion ater (Linnaeus, 1758) (babosa
negra, LIMACO, lumaco, llimiagu)
Lepuh hewan Utuh, Sapi kuku busuk Hancur (EX) EMP-CUR Bandujo -Proaza- dan La Matosa -
Piloña- (Asturias)
Slime tersedak Sapi makanan segar (IN) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [85, 88-90]
isi perut Eye gangguan Sapi, domba,
kambing, kuda
kering (EX) EMP-CUR Ibias (Asturias) [80]
Arion hortensis Ferussac, 1819
(babosa, lumiago)
Lepuh hewan Utuh, Sapi kuku busuk Tanpa prepraration
EMP-CUR Comarca de Campoo (Cantabria) [66]
González et al. Jurnal Ethnobiology dan ethnomedicine (2016) 12:36 Page 4 dari 19
Tabel 1 Invertebrata digunakan dalam kontemporer Spanyol EVM dengan indikasi dari bagian tubuh dan / atau produk yang digunakan, penyakit diobati, menargetkan kelompok hewan domestik, mode
persiapan dan aplikasi, dan lokasi geografis dari obat (Lanjutan)
Myopsida, Loliginidae
Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798
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