other authors, is found in the work of Eric Barendt. In “Separationof  terjemahan - other authors, is found in the work of Eric Barendt. In “Separationof  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

other authors, is found in the work

other authors, is found in the work of Eric Barendt. In “Separation
of Powers and Constitutional Government”, Barendt argues that
the purpose of separation of powers is to protect the liberty of
the individual by making tyrannical and arbitrary state action more
difficult. Power is divided between the branches of the constitution,
with each element checking the others. This interpretation picks up on
the well-known observation of Justice Brandeis who, in Myers v U.S,
wrote that the purpose of separation of powers “was not to avoid
friction, but, by means of the inevitable friction incident to the distribution
of the governmental powers among three departments, to save
the people from autocracy”.29 Concerted state action is made more
difficult by the existence of checks and balances between the various
organs of state.30
Liberty-models of the separation of powers probably capture
the popular understanding of the principle outside of academia.
The separation of powers acts as a brake on the state, protecting the
individual from Leviathan. When the state acts against a person it
needs each of the three branches to act in concert: the legislature to
write the law, the executive to police it, and the courts to apply it in the
particular case. By dividing up these institutions, tasks, and officials,
the principle ensures that the exertion of state power needs the agreement
of a number of agencies comprising a considerable number of
people. This complexity and diversity creates the potential for, even the
likelihood of, friction. And this friction, in its turn, protects liberty.
There are a number of difficulties with this simple liberty-model.
First, it assumes that liberty and a strong state are inevitably opposed
to each other, that the citizen can only be truly free within a state whose
power for concerted action is limited by institutional conflict. Whilst
there are some theorists who treat liberty in purely negative terms, as
the absence of state constraint, most modern philosophers would also
draw attention to the claims of positive liberty.31 The state’s task is not
just to avoid placing unwarranted limits on the actions of individuals,
but also to ensure that there are valuable options available to them.32
A recognition of the value of state action is, perhaps, at the core
of the modern welfare state.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
other authors, is found in the work of Eric Barendt. In “Separationof Powers and Constitutional Government”, Barendt argues thatthe purpose of separation of powers is to protect the liberty ofthe individual by making tyrannical and arbitrary state action moredifficult. Power is divided between the branches of the constitution,with each element checking the others. This interpretation picks up onthe well-known observation of Justice Brandeis who, in Myers v U.S,wrote that the purpose of separation of powers “was not to avoidfriction, but, by means of the inevitable friction incident to the distributionof the governmental powers among three departments, to savethe people from autocracy”.29 Concerted state action is made moredifficult by the existence of checks and balances between the variousorgans of state.30Liberty-models of the separation of powers probably capturethe popular understanding of the principle outside of academia.The separation of powers acts as a brake on the state, protecting theindividual from Leviathan. When the state acts against a person itneeds each of the three branches to act in concert: the legislature towrite the law, the executive to police it, and the courts to apply it in theparticular case. By dividing up these institutions, tasks, and officials,the principle ensures that the exertion of state power needs the agreementof a number of agencies comprising a considerable number ofpeople. This complexity and diversity creates the potential for, even thelikelihood of, friction. And this friction, in its turn, protects liberty.There are a number of difficulties with this simple liberty-model.First, it assumes that liberty and a strong state are inevitably opposedto each other, that the citizen can only be truly free within a state whosepower for concerted action is limited by institutional conflict. Whilstthere are some theorists who treat liberty in purely negative terms, asthe absence of state constraint, most modern philosophers would alsodraw attention to the claims of positive liberty.31 The state’s task is notjust to avoid placing unwarranted limits on the actions of individuals,but also to ensure that there are valuable options available to them.32A recognition of the value of state action is, perhaps, at the coreof the modern welfare state.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
penulis lain, ditemukan dalam karya Eric Barendt. Dalam "Pemisahan
Kekuasaan dan Pemerintahan Konstitusi ", Barendt berpendapat bahwa
tujuan pemisahan kekuasaan adalah untuk melindungi kebebasan
individu dengan membuat tindakan negara tirani dan sewenang-wenang yang lebih
sulit. Kekuasaan dibagi antara cabang-cabang konstitusi,
dengan masing-masing elemen memeriksa orang lain. Penafsiran ini mengambil pada
pengamatan terkenal Hakim Brandeis yang, di Myers v AS,
menulis bahwa tujuan pemisahan kekuasaan "tidak untuk menghindari
gesekan, namun, dengan cara insiden gesekan tak terelakkan untuk distribusi
dari pemerintah kekuasaan antara tiga departemen, untuk menyelamatkan
orang-orang dari otokrasi ".29 tindakan negara terpadu dibuat lebih
sulit dengan adanya checks and balances antara berbagai
organ state.30
Liberty-model pemisahan kekuasaan mungkin menangkap
pemahaman populer prinsip di luar akademis.
Pemisahan kekuasaan bertindak sebagai rem pada negara, melindungi
individu dari Leviathan. Ketika negara bertindak terhadap orang yang
membutuhkan masing-masing dari tiga cabang untuk bertindak dalam konser: legislatif untuk
menulis hukum, eksekutif ke polisi, dan pengadilan untuk menerapkannya dalam
kasus tertentu. Dengan membagi lembaga, tugas, dan pejabat tersebut,
prinsip memastikan bahwa tenaga kekuasaan negara membutuhkan persetujuan
dari sejumlah lembaga yang terdiri dari sejumlah besar
orang. Ini kompleksitas dan keragaman menciptakan potensi, bahkan
kemungkinan, gesekan. Dan gesekan ini, pada gilirannya, melindungi kebebasan.
Ada sejumlah kesulitan dengan kebebasan-model sederhana ini.
Pertama, diasumsikan bahwa kebebasan dan negara yang kuat secara pasti menentang
satu sama lain, bahwa warga hanya bisa benar-benar bebas dalam negara yang
daya untuk aksi bersama dibatasi oleh konflik kelembagaan. Sementara
ada beberapa teori yang merawat kebebasan dalam hal murni negatif, seperti
tidak adanya kendala negara, sebagian besar filsuf modern juga akan
menarik perhatian pada klaim positif liberty.31 Tugas negara tidak
hanya untuk menghindari menempatkan batas yang tidak beralasan pada tindakan individu,
tetapi juga untuk memastikan bahwa ada pilihan yang berharga tersedia untuk them.32
Sebuah pengakuan nilai tindakan negara yang, mungkin, pada inti
dari negara kesejahteraan modern.
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