AbstractThis paper explores and assesses efficiency of the structure,  terjemahan - AbstractThis paper explores and assesses efficiency of the structure,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

AbstractThis paper explores and ass

This paper explores and assesses efficiency of the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets in
northern and central Malawi. Smallholder farmers and traders involved in groundnuts were interviewed. Using
time series price data, the spatially distinct groundnuts markets were also examined. The results show that most
smallholder farmers adopted Chalimbana and CG7 groundnut varieties, over-recycle groundnut seed, and do not
use recommended seed rate. Five different groundnut marketing channels are identified. However, there is
minimal value addition in all channels. The markets are weakly integrated and segmented with a few sellers. The
study highlights the need for organised groundnut seed systems to ensure supply of high quality seed to farmers;
strengthened market oriented extension services; improved roads to production areas; improved and affordable
technologies on production and value addition; vibrant farmer organisations and improved market information
generation and dissemination to farmers and traders.
Keywords: Groundnut Market, Structure, Conduct, Performance, Efficiency, Margin, Malawi
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Agricultural Sector in Malawi
Agriculture continues to remain the main driver of Malawi’s economy despite some growths in the industrial and
manufacturing sectors. It contributes 39% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employs 85% of the
country’s workforce in food and cash production, agro-industries and inputs and outputs markets and accounts for
more than 90% of the country’s foreign exchange earnings (Government of Malawi [GoM], 2009). It is also the
main source of savings and investible funds in Malawi—about 61% of the country’s households depend on crop
sales for their incomes. The sector consists of smallholder and estate subsectors. The estate subsector is mainly for
production of high value cash crops such as tobacco, tea, sugar, coffee and macadamia (Kachule, 2011). The
smallholder subsector accounts for more than 70% of agricultural GDP (GoM, 2009). One of the crops grown
under smallholder subsector is groundnuts. Groundnuts provide about 25% of household’s agricultural income
(Minde et al., 2008).
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijbssnet.com
1.2 Groundnuts Production and Marketing
Groundnut is produced by farmers in all districts of Malawi as source of food and income, livestock feed, for
export and also for improving soil fertility. About 70% of the total groundnut production is consumed locally.
Over the past 10 years, overall production has not significantly increased in Malawi. The annual unshelled
groundnut production grew from 131,543T in 1999 to 282,054T in 2009 (FAO STAT, 2011). This production
accounted for 2% of total groundnuts production in Africa. By 2009, Malawi ranked as 19th largest producer of
groundnuts in the world (FAO STAT, 2011).
In terms of marketing, the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a statutory
corporation, was the sole buyer and supplier of produce and inputs respectively. However, since mid 1980s
government liberalized market to allow private sector play an active role in the marketing of inputs and produce in
Malawi. Simtowe et al., 2009 noted that Malawi ranked 9th exporter of groundnuts in sub-Saharan Africa. The
export volume over the past ten years has been small and with lots of fluctuations. By 2009, Malawi’s groundnuts
exports had increased to 19,879T (FAO STAT, 2011).
The government still feels there is low groundnut production and marketing despite market liberalization
opportunity to smallholder farmers and traders (GoM, 2008). This contributes to poor human nutrition status,
slow growth of livestock and crop cereals sectors, low income and low foreign exchange earnings from
groundnuts. The low and fluctuating groundnuts production and marketing in Malawi is an indication of market
failure to stimulate production and marketing.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
In order to address problems associated with market failure so as to increase groundnuts production and
marketing, knowledge of the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets is required. The type of
market structure that prevails in a market determines efficiency of marketing system (conduct and performance of
markets). The knowledge of structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets facilitates further
innovations and productivity growth in the groundnuts subsector. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted
in Malawi to analyze or investigate the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets. This study
therefore aims at analysing the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets in Northern and Central
Malawi. Specifically, the paper aims to (i) analyse existing marketing systems of groundnuts (ii) conduct
groundnuts profitability analysis (iii) identify factors affecting groundnuts production and (iv) identify
smallholder farmer’s constraints to groundnuts production and marketing.
2.0 Materials and Methods
2.1 Market Structure, Conduct and Performance
Market structure refers to a set of market characteristics that determine the economic environment in which a firm
operates (Thomas and Maurice, 2011). It is characterized on the basis of four industry characteristics: (i) number
and size distribution of active buyers and sellers and potential entrants; (ii) degree of product differentiation; (iii)
amount and cost of information about product price and quality and (iv) condition of entry and exit (Hirschey et
al., 1993).
Market conduct refers to the patterns of behaviours that firms follow in adapting or adjusting to the markets in
which they sell or buy. The dimensions of conduct include methods employed by firms in determining the price of
an output and sales promotion policy, the presence or absence of coercive tactics directed against either
established rivals or potential entrants (Bain, 1968).
Market performance refers to the economic results that flow from the industry and how well it performs in terms
of efficiency and progressiveness or innovation, given its technical environment (Bain, 1968). It is the impact of
structure and conduct as measured in terms of the variables such as prices, costs and volume of output (Bresser
and King, 1970).
2.2 Analytical Framework/Procedure
The structure, conduct and performance of markets have been analysed by researchers using various different
approaches. Nambiro et al., (2001) analysed the structure and conduct of the market in Trans Nzoia district
(Western Kenya) in order to understand the organisation of the market and assess the degree of competition in
hybrid maize seed production and retailing using Gini coefficients.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 5 No. 6; May 2014
Enibe et al., (2008) described the structure, conduct and performance of banana market in Anambra State of
Nigeria using descriptive statistics, Gini coefficients, price spread, behaviour of middlemen, conduct of marketing
functions and gross marketing margins.
Giroh et al., 2010 also examined the structure, conduct and performance of farm gate marketing of natural rubber
in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria using Gini coefficient, Budgetary technique, Market margins, Marketing Costs
and Rate of Return to investment. Odhiambo et al., (2006) analysed the structure and performance of beans
marketing system in Nairobi using descriptive statistics, concentration ratios and co-integration models. Bain
(1968) observed that by analyzing the level of the marketing margins and their cost components, it is possible to
evaluate the impact of structure and conduct characteristics on market performance.
In this study, a number of analytical approaches were used. They include: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI),
Marketing Margins, Marketing Efficiency Index (MEI), Price Spread, Cobb Douglas Production Function, and
Spatial Market Integration (using bivariate correlation coefficients of price difference). Market structure was
determined by assessing market concentrations and entry conditions of the markets using HHI as follows:
ଶܵܯ ෌ = ܫܪܪ

− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(1)
Where: MSi is the Market Share of selleri; and n is the number of sellers in the market. The market shares were
calculated based on quantities of groundnuts handled by each seller as follows:
= ௜ܵܯ
∑ ௏೔

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2)
Vi is the quantity of groundnuts handled by seller i (in kg); and ∑ ܸ݅ is the total quantity of groundnuts handled by
sellers in the market (in kg)
Marketing margins were calculated by determining price variations at different segments and compare them with
the final price paid by the consumer. The formula for total marketing margin was as follows:
ቀ = ݊݅݃ݎܽܯ ݃݊݅ݐ݁݇ݎܽܯ ݏݏ݋ݎܩ ݈ܽݐ݋ܶ
ோ௘௧௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ିி௔௥௠ ீ௔௧௘ ௉௥௜௖௘
ோ௘௧௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ ቁ ∗ 100 − − − − − − − −(3)
The price spread was applied to measure the degree of pricing efficiency. For farmers, it was calculated by
deducting costs of marketing from gross price. For traders in all the channels, the price-spread focused on the
trader’s surplus as a percentage of total marketing costs.
Marketing efficiencies of all channels were determined by MIE. According to Acharya and Agarwal (2001), MIE
is the ratio of net price received by the farmer to the total marketing cost plus total margin as follows:
= ܫܧܯ
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(4)
Where MEI is the Marketing Efficiency Index; NP is the Net Price received by the farmers (MK/Kg); MM is the
Total Net Marketing Margin (Total Traders Surplus) for Traders in the channel; and MC is the Total Marketing
Cost incurred by Trad
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AbstractThis paper explores and assesses efficiency of the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets innorthern and central Malawi. Smallholder farmers and traders involved in groundnuts were interviewed. Usingtime series price data, the spatially distinct groundnuts markets were also examined. The results show that mostsmallholder farmers adopted Chalimbana and CG7 groundnut varieties, over-recycle groundnut seed, and do notuse recommended seed rate. Five different groundnut marketing channels are identified. However, there isminimal value addition in all channels. The markets are weakly integrated and segmented with a few sellers. Thestudy highlights the need for organised groundnut seed systems to ensure supply of high quality seed to farmers;strengthened market oriented extension services; improved roads to production areas; improved and affordabletechnologies on production and value addition; vibrant farmer organisations and improved market informationgeneration and dissemination to farmers and traders.Keywords: Groundnut Market, Structure, Conduct, Performance, Efficiency, Margin, Malawi1.0 Introduction1.1 Overview of Agricultural Sector in MalawiAgriculture continues to remain the main driver of Malawi’s economy despite some growths in the industrial andmanufacturing sectors. It contributes 39% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employs 85% of thecountry’s workforce in food and cash production, agro-industries and inputs and outputs markets and accounts formore than 90% of the country’s foreign exchange earnings (Government of Malawi [GoM], 2009). It is also themain source of savings and investible funds in Malawi—about 61% of the country’s households depend on cropsales for their incomes. The sector consists of smallholder and estate subsectors. The estate subsector is mainly forproduction of high value cash crops such as tobacco, tea, sugar, coffee and macadamia (Kachule, 2011). Thesmallholder subsector accounts for more than 70% of agricultural GDP (GoM, 2009). One of the crops grownunder smallholder subsector is groundnuts. Groundnuts provide about 25% of household’s agricultural income(Minde et al., 2008). © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijbssnet.com1311.2 Groundnuts Production and MarketingGroundnut is produced by farmers in all districts of Malawi as source of food and income, livestock feed, forexport and also for improving soil fertility. About 70% of the total groundnut production is consumed locally.Over the past 10 years, overall production has not significantly increased in Malawi. The annual unshelledgroundnut production grew from 131,543T in 1999 to 282,054T in 2009 (FAO STAT, 2011). This productionaccounted for 2% of total groundnuts production in Africa. By 2009, Malawi ranked as 19th largest producer ofgroundnuts in the world (FAO STAT, 2011).In terms of marketing, the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a statutorycorporation, was the sole buyer and supplier of produce and inputs respectively. However, since mid 1980sgovernment liberalized market to allow private sector play an active role in the marketing of inputs and produce inMalawi. Simtowe et al., 2009 noted that Malawi ranked 9th exporter of groundnuts in sub-Saharan Africa. Theexport volume over the past ten years has been small and with lots of fluctuations. By 2009, Malawi’s groundnutsexports had increased to 19,879T (FAO STAT, 2011).The government still feels there is low groundnut production and marketing despite market liberalizationopportunity to smallholder farmers and traders (GoM, 2008). This contributes to poor human nutrition status,slow growth of livestock and crop cereals sectors, low income and low foreign exchange earnings fromgroundnuts. The low and fluctuating groundnuts production and marketing in Malawi is an indication of marketfailure to stimulate production and marketing.1.3 Objectives of the StudyIn order to address problems associated with market failure so as to increase groundnuts production andmarketing, knowledge of the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets is required. The type ofmarket structure that prevails in a market determines efficiency of marketing system (conduct and performance ofmarkets). The knowledge of structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets facilitates furtherinnovations and productivity growth in the groundnuts subsector. Unfortunately, no studies have been conductedin Malawi to analyze or investigate the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets. This studytherefore aims at analysing the structure, conduct and performance of groundnuts markets in Northern and CentralMalawi. Specifically, the paper aims to (i) analyse existing marketing systems of groundnuts (ii) conductgroundnuts profitability analysis (iii) identify factors affecting groundnuts production and (iv) identifysmallholder farmer’s constraints to groundnuts production and marketing.2.0 Materials and Methods2.1 Market Structure, Conduct and PerformanceMarket structure refers to a set of market characteristics that determine the economic environment in which a firmoperates (Thomas and Maurice, 2011). It is characterized on the basis of four industry characteristics: (i) numberand size distribution of active buyers and sellers and potential entrants; (ii) degree of product differentiation; (iii)amount and cost of information about product price and quality and (iv) condition of entry and exit (Hirschey etal., 1993).Market conduct refers to the patterns of behaviours that firms follow in adapting or adjusting to the markets inwhich they sell or buy. The dimensions of conduct include methods employed by firms in determining the price ofan output and sales promotion policy, the presence or absence of coercive tactics directed against either
established rivals or potential entrants (Bain, 1968).
Market performance refers to the economic results that flow from the industry and how well it performs in terms
of efficiency and progressiveness or innovation, given its technical environment (Bain, 1968). It is the impact of
structure and conduct as measured in terms of the variables such as prices, costs and volume of output (Bresser
and King, 1970).
2.2 Analytical Framework/Procedure
The structure, conduct and performance of markets have been analysed by researchers using various different
approaches. Nambiro et al., (2001) analysed the structure and conduct of the market in Trans Nzoia district
(Western Kenya) in order to understand the organisation of the market and assess the degree of competition in
hybrid maize seed production and retailing using Gini coefficients.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 5 No. 6; May 2014
Enibe et al., (2008) described the structure, conduct and performance of banana market in Anambra State of
Nigeria using descriptive statistics, Gini coefficients, price spread, behaviour of middlemen, conduct of marketing
functions and gross marketing margins.
Giroh et al., 2010 also examined the structure, conduct and performance of farm gate marketing of natural rubber
in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria using Gini coefficient, Budgetary technique, Market margins, Marketing Costs
and Rate of Return to investment. Odhiambo et al., (2006) analysed the structure and performance of beans
marketing system in Nairobi using descriptive statistics, concentration ratios and co-integration models. Bain
(1968) observed that by analyzing the level of the marketing margins and their cost components, it is possible to
evaluate the impact of structure and conduct characteristics on market performance.
In this study, a number of analytical approaches were used. They include: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI),
Marketing Margins, Marketing Efficiency Index (MEI), Price Spread, Cobb Douglas Production Function, and
Spatial Market Integration (using bivariate correlation coefficients of price difference). Market structure was
determined by assessing market concentrations and entry conditions of the markets using HHI as follows:
ଶܵܯ ෌ = ܫܪܪ

− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(1)
Where: MSi is the Market Share of selleri; and n is the number of sellers in the market. The market shares were
calculated based on quantities of groundnuts handled by each seller as follows:
= ௜ܵܯ
∑ ௏೔

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2)
Vi is the quantity of groundnuts handled by seller i (in kg); and ∑ ܸ݅ is the total quantity of groundnuts handled by
sellers in the market (in kg)
Marketing margins were calculated by determining price variations at different segments and compare them with
the final price paid by the consumer. The formula for total marketing margin was as follows:
ቀ = ݊݅݃ݎܽܯ ݃݊݅ݐ݁݇ݎܽܯ ݏݏ݋ݎܩ ݈ܽݐ݋ܶ
ோ௘௧௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ିி௔௥௠ ீ௔௧௘ ௉௥௜௖௘
ோ௘௧௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ ቁ ∗ 100 − − − − − − − −(3)
The price spread was applied to measure the degree of pricing efficiency. For farmers, it was calculated by
deducting costs of marketing from gross price. For traders in all the channels, the price-spread focused on the
trader’s surplus as a percentage of total marketing costs.
Marketing efficiencies of all channels were determined by MIE. According to Acharya and Agarwal (2001), MIE
is the ratio of net price received by the farmer to the total marketing cost plus total margin as follows:
= ܫܧܯ
− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(4)
Where MEI is the Marketing Efficiency Index; NP is the Net Price received by the farmers (MK/Kg); MM is the
Total Net Marketing Margin (Total Traders Surplus) for Traders in the channel; and MC is the Total Marketing
Cost incurred by Trad
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Makalah ini membahas dan menilai efisiensi struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar kacang tanah di
utara dan tengah Malawi. Rakyat petani dan pedagang terlibat dalam kacang tanah diwawancarai. Menggunakan
data harga seri waktu, kacang tanah pasar spasial yang berbeda juga diperiksa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar
petani kecil diadopsi Chalimbana dan CG7 varietas kacang tanah, lebih-recycle biji kacang tanah, dan tidak
menggunakan tingkat benih direkomendasikan. Lima saluran tanah pemasaran yang berbeda diidentifikasi. Namun, ada
penambahan nilai minimal di semua saluran. Pasar yang lemah terintegrasi dan tersegmentasi dengan beberapa penjual. The
studi menyoroti kebutuhan untuk sistem benih kacang tanah diselenggarakan untuk menjamin pasokan benih berkualitas tinggi untuk petani;
diperkuat penyuluhan yang berorientasi pasar; ditingkatkan jalan ke daerah produksi; ditingkatkan dan terjangkau
teknologi produksi dan nilai tambah; organisasi petani yang hidup dan peningkatan informasi pasar
generasi dan penyebaran kepada petani dan pedagang.
Kata kunci: Kacang tanah Market, Struktur, Perilaku, Kinerja, Efisiensi, Margin, Malawi
1.0 Pendahuluan
1.1 Sekilas Sektor Pertanian di Malawi
Pertanian terus tetap pendorong utama perekonomian Malawi meskipun beberapa pertumbuhan dalam industri dan
sektor manufaktur. Ini memberikan kontribusi 39% dari negara Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), mempekerjakan 85% dari
angkatan kerja negara dalam makanan dan produksi tunai, agro-industri dan input dan output pasar dan menyumbang
lebih dari 90% dari pendapatan devisa negara (Pemerintah dari Malawi [GoM], 2009). Itu juga merupakan
sumber utama tabungan dan dana diinvestasikan di Malawi-sekitar 61% rumah tangga di negara itu tergantung pada tanaman
penjualan untuk pendapatan mereka. Sektor ini terdiri dari petani dan real subsektor. The real subsektor terutama untuk
produksi nilai tinggi tanaman seperti tembakau, teh, gula, kopi dan macadamia (Kachule, 2011). The
petani subsektor menyumbang lebih dari 70% dari PDB pertanian (GoM, 2009). Salah satu tanaman tumbuh
di bawah petani kecil subsektor adalah kacang tanah. Kacang tanah menyediakan sekitar 25% dari pendapatan rumah tangga pertanian
(Minde et al., 2008).
© Pusat Promosi Situs, USA www.ijbssnet.com
1.2 kacang tanah Produksi dan Pemasaran
kacang tanah diproduksi oleh petani di semua kabupaten dari Malawi sebagai sumber makanan dan pendapatan, pakan ternak, untuk
ekspor dan juga untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Sekitar 70% dari total produksi kacang tanah yang dikonsumsi secara lokal.
Selama 10 tahun terakhir, produksi secara keseluruhan belum meningkat secara signifikan di Malawi. The unshelled tahunan
produksi kacang tanah tumbuh dari 131,543T pada tahun 1999 untuk 282,054T pada tahun 2009 (FAO STAT, 2011). Produksi ini
menyumbang 2% dari total produksi kacang tanah di Afrika. Pada tahun 2009, Malawi peringkat ke-19 produsen terbesar
kacang tanah di dunia (FAO STAT, 2011).
Dalam hal pemasaran, Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pemasaran Corporation (ADMARC), sebuah undang-undang
korporasi, adalah satu-satunya pembeli dan pemasok produk dan input masing-masing. Namun, sejak pertengahan 1980-an
pemerintah meliberalisasi pasar untuk memungkinkan sektor swasta berperan aktif dalam pemasaran input dan menghasilkan di
Malawi. Simtowe et al., 2009 mencatat bahwa Malawi peringkat eksportir 9 dari kacang tanah di sub-Sahara Afrika. The
volume ekspor selama sepuluh tahun terakhir telah kecil dan dengan banyak fluktuasi. Pada tahun 2009, kacang tanah Malawi
ekspor meningkat menjadi 19,879T (FAO STAT, 2011).
Pemerintah masih terasa ada produksi kacang tanah rendah dan pemasaran meskipun liberalisasi pasar
kesempatan untuk petani kecil dan pedagang (GoM, 2008). Ini memberikan kontribusi untuk status gizi manusia miskin,
pertumbuhan yang lambat ternak dan sereal tanaman sektor, pendapatan rendah dan pendapatan devisa rendah dari
kacang tanah. The rendah dan berfluktuasi produksi kacang tanah dan pemasaran di Malawi merupakan indikasi pasar
kegagalan untuk merangsang produksi dan pemasaran.
1.3 Tujuan Studi
Untuk mengatasi masalah yang terkait dengan kegagalan pasar sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi kacang tanah dan
pemasaran, pengetahuan tentang struktur, melakukan dan kinerja pasar kacang tanah diperlukan. Jenis
struktur pasar yang berlaku di pasar menentukan efisiensi sistem pemasaran (perilaku dan kinerja
pasar). Pengetahuan struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar kacang tanah memfasilitasi lebih lanjut
inovasi dan pertumbuhan produktivitas dalam kacang tanah subsektor. Sayangnya, tidak ada penelitian telah dilakukan
di Malawi untuk menganalisis atau menyelidiki struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar kacang tanah. Penelitian ini
karena itu bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar kacang tanah di Utara dan Tengah
Malawi. Secara khusus, makalah ini bertujuan untuk (i) menganalisis sistem pemasaran kacang tanah yang sudah ada (ii) melakukan
kacang tanah analisis profitabilitas (iii) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi kacang tanah dan (iv) mengidentifikasi
kendala petani petani untuk produksi kacang tanah dan pemasaran.
2.0 Bahan dan Metode
2.1 Pasar Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja
Struktur pasar mengacu pada satu set karakteristik pasar yang menentukan lingkungan ekonomi di mana perusahaan
beroperasi (Thomas dan Maurice, 2011). Hal ini ditandai atas dasar empat karakteristik industri: (i) jumlah
dan distribusi ukuran pembeli aktif dan penjual dan pendatang potensial; (ii) tingkat diferensiasi produk; (iii)
jumlah dan biaya informasi tentang harga produk dan kualitas dan (iv) kondisi masuk dan keluar (Hirschey et
al., 1993).
perilaku pasar mengacu pada pola perilaku yang perusahaan mengikuti beradaptasi atau menyesuaikan diri dengan pasar di
yang mereka menjual atau membeli. Dimensi perilaku meliputi metode yang digunakan oleh perusahaan dalam menentukan harga
output dan promosi penjualan kebijakan, ada atau tidak adanya taktik koersif diarahkan terhadap baik
rival didirikan atau pendatang potensial (Bain, 1968).
Kinerja Pasar mengacu pada hasil ekonomi yang mengalir dari industri dan seberapa baik melakukan dalam hal
efisiensi dan progresif atau inovasi, mengingat lingkungan teknis (Bain, 1968). Ini adalah dampak dari
struktur dan perilaku yang diukur dalam hal variabel seperti harga, biaya dan volume output (Bresser
dan Raja, 1970).
2.2 Kerangka Analisis / Prosedur
Struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar telah dianalisis oleh peneliti menggunakan berbagai berbeda
pendekatan. Nambiro et al., (2001) menganalisis struktur dan perilaku pasar di distrik Nzoia Trans
(Kenya Barat) dalam rangka memahami organisasi pasar dan menilai tingkat persaingan di
produksi benih jagung hibrida dan ritel menggunakan koefisien Gini.
International Journal of Business dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 5 No. 6; Mei 2014
Enibe et al., (2008) menggambarkan struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar pisang di Anambra Negara
Nigeria menggunakan statistik deskriptif, koefisien Gini, spread harga, perilaku tengkulak, pelaksanaan pemasaran
fungsi dan margin pemasaran kotor.
Giroh et al., 2010 juga meneliti struktur, perilaku dan kinerja petani pemasaran karet alam
di Edo dan Delta Serikat Nigeria menggunakan Koefisien Gini, teknik Anggaran, margin Market, Biaya Pemasaran
dan Tingkat Pengembalian investasi. Odhiambo et al., (2006) menganalisis struktur dan kinerja kacang
sistem pemasaran di Nairobi menggunakan statistik deskriptif, rasio konsentrasi dan model co-integrasi. Bain
(1968) mengamati bahwa dengan menganalisis tingkat margin pemasaran dan komponen biaya mereka, adalah mungkin untuk
mengevaluasi dampak dari struktur dan perilaku karakteristik pada kinerja pasar.
Dalam penelitian ini, sejumlah pendekatan analitis yang digunakan. Mereka termasuk: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI),
Margin Pemasaran, Indeks Pemasaran Efisiensi (MEI), Harga Penyebaran, Cobb Douglas Fungsi Produksi, dan
Tata Ruang Integrasi Pasar (menggunakan koefisien korelasi bivariat dari perbedaan harga). Struktur pasar yang
ditentukan dengan menilai konsentrasi pasar dan kondisi masuknya pasar menggunakan HHI sebagai berikut:
ଶ ܵܯ ෌ = ܫܪܪ

௜ ୀଵ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
Dimana: MSi adalah Market Share dari selleri; dan n adalah jumlah penjual di pasar. Pangsa pasar yang
dihitung berdasarkan jumlah dari kacang tanah yang ditangani oleh masing-masing penjual sebagai berikut:
= ܵܯ ௜
௏ ೔
Σ (2) Vi adalah kuantitas kacang tanah ditangani oleh penjual i (kg); dan Σ ܸ݅ adalah jumlah total kacang tanah ditangani oleh penjual di pasar (kg) margin pemasaran dihitung dengan menentukan variasi harga di segmen yang berbeda dan membandingkan mereka dengan harga akhir yang dibayar oleh konsumen. Rumus total marjin pemasaran adalah sebagai berikut: ቀ = ݃݊݅ ݐ ݁݇ݎܽܯ ݊݅݃ݎܽܯ ݏݏ݋ݎܩ ݈ܽ ݐ ݋ܶ ோ௘1௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ ି ி௔௥௠ ீ௔1௘ ௉௥௜௖௘ ோ௘1௔௜௟ ௉௥௜௖௘ ቁ * 100 - - - - - - - - (3) Penyebaran harga diaplikasikan untuk mengukur tingkat efisiensi harga. Bagi petani, hal itu dihitung dengan dikurangi biaya pemasaran dari harga bruto. Untuk pedagang di semua saluran, harga-spread berfokus pada kelebihan trader sebagai persentase dari total biaya pemasaran. Efisiensi Pemasaran semua saluran yang ditentukan oleh MIE. Menurut Acharya dan Agarwal (2001), MIE adalah rasio harga bersih yang diterima oleh petani untuk biaya pemasaran keseluruhan ditambah jumlah marjin sebagai berikut: = ܫܧܯ ே௉ ெெ ା ெ஼ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (4) Dimana MEI adalah Indeks Pemasaran Efisiensi; NP adalah Harga Net yang diterima petani (MK / Kg); MM adalah Jumlah Margin Pemasaran Bersih (Jumlah Pedagang Surplus) untuk Pedagang di saluran; dan MC adalah Jumlah Pemasaran Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Trad

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