Us meant Chase and his brother, right? She fought back a prickle of un terjemahan - Us meant Chase and his brother, right? She fought back a prickle of un Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Us meant Chase and his brother, rig

Us meant Chase and his brother, right? She fought back a prickle of unease that she might have to meet more people than that. Frankly, she didn’t even want to meet his brother. But since she’d availed herself of his hospitality last night—right now, too—she wouldn’t feel right if she didn’t at least thank him for letting her crash in his guest house for a night. As soon as she was settled again, she’d get to work on a new quilt as a proper thank-you gift.

The croissant was down to little crumbles on the granite counter top and she was picking each one up with a wet fingertip before she admitted to herself that she was stalling again, hiding out in the guest house so she wouldn’t have to face Chase.

It was a beautiful day outside. She should go and enjoy it while she was here.

Chloe stepped out onto the wide covered porch. Shading her eyes with one hand, without thinking, she carefully scanned the area in front of her to secure her surroundings.

Even though she felt safer than she had in a while, she suddenly felt like trouble could come from anywhere, just when she least expected it. Just like it had last night.

Every time she thought about what had happened, she felt so stupidly naïve. How had she missed the signs that her ex had been on the edge? Thinking about it made her stomach feel like a tight fist was wrapped around it, clenching tighter and tighter.

Normal. She’d been planning to pretend everything was normal.

She took one deep breath and then another as she fought to repress her swirling emotions, her fears. Finally, when she felt steadier, she looked around her with a surprised gasp.

After the rain the previous night, the vineyard sparkled in the sunlight. The leaves on the vines were bright green, almost as if a child had painted the scene in primary colors with fresh crayons.

The vineyard was blissfully quiet, except, she noticed as she walked down between a tall row of vines, for the birds that were calling playfully back and forth to each other. As their cheerful songs filtered into her, she took a deep breath of the fresh air, the clean scent of dirt and growing plants and nature.

Unfortunately, a few moments later, her idyll was interrupted by the fast sound of footsteps and what sounded like a teenage girl sobbing. Chloe barely backed into one of the vines in time to avoid being trampled by a tall, thin girl.

Chloe’s heart thumped hard as she waited—and watched—for someone to come running after the girl. But when the coast was clear a few moments later and she stepped back into the middle of the dirt path, she found the elaborate ties on the girl’s dress had caught on a set of thick vines.

Chloe quickly made her way over to her. “Hold on a second and I’ll get you unstuck.”

The girl’s eyes were wide and still full of tears as Chloe worked on one of the silky threads.

Even though she was wondering what on earth the girl was doing wearing a dress like this—one Chloe knew first-hand must have cost a fortune—in the middle of a vineyard on a weekday morning, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“He’s so mean!”

Chloe’s heartbeat, which had barely slowed, kicked back into overdrive. Feeling incredibly protective, she asked, “Who’s mean? Your boyfriend?”

The girl shook her head, strikingly beautiful even with tear-streaked cheeks and tangled hair. “I wish. He’s so gorgeous,” she finally said, fresh tears falling down her cheeks, “and so mean!”

Why did they all do this to themselves? Chloe wondered. What was the allure of falling for guys who treated them like dirt? Was it some secret part of the kindergarten curriculum for girls?

Chloe had finished untangling the silk threads from the vine, but the girl was still crying—big, wracking, dramatic sobs.

“Thank God, you found her.”

Chase? When had he come upon them? And how could the warm voice that had threaded through all of her dreams last night have her body heating up this quickly?

The girl wrapped her long, slim fingers around Chloe’s wrist and held on tight. Tight enough that any greeting Chloe might have uttered was swallowed up in a gasp of pain as long, perfectly manicured nails dug in between the veins in her wrist.

Chase’s eyes were warm as he scanned Chloe’s face. “How’d you sleep?”

One look into his eyes was all it took for her to immediately forget the sting in her wrist. He looked so concerned. And so ridiculously beautiful that it actually stole her breath away.

Somehow, she managed a way-too-breathy, “Good.”

He smiled, a big, heartfelt smile that immediately turned Chloe’s insides to liquid goo. “Good.

I’m glad.”

The girl dug her nails in harder. “It’s him,” she hissed, frowning at the gentle interplay between the two adults.

Chloe tried to shift her wrist from beneath the girl’s talons. “What?”

“He’s the one who made me cry!”

Chloe turned from the girl to Chase. Trying to get everything straight, Chloe said, “You made her cry?”

Rather than answer her question, he addressed the girl directly. “Amanda, we’re losing the proper light. I need you back in place. Now.”

The girl’s pout rivaled that of a three-year-old. “It’s not fair.”

“I don’t have time for your tantrums, Amanda.”

What in heck were they talking about? This pretty young girl couldn’t be his girlfriend, could it?

And what did he mean by “getting back in place”?

Still protective of the girl, she moved to put herself between the two of them. “Look, Chase,”

she began, “she is really upset about something.”

The girl elbowed her out of the way and Chloe had a strange feeling that she’d just made the mistake of standing in Amanda’s limelight.

“I want to be in the front!” The girl’s big eyes were calculating. “Promise me I’ll be the lead for the rest of the day and I’ll go back.”

Chase’s expression didn’t change. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t laughing. He was simply focused. Determined. Chloe had the distinct sense that he rarely, if ever, didn’t get exactly what he wanted.

A slight shiver came over her as she remembered the way he’d looked at her with such intense desire the previous night. What would have happened if he’d thrown in this focus? This determination?

Would she have ended the night alone in that big, delicious bed?

Or would she have had company?

She barely managed to pull herself down to earth in time to hear him say, “Here’s the deal, Amanda. Either you get back over there and do your job or I call a cab and let your agent know that this is the last time you and I will have the privilege of working together.”

“But Chase,” the girl whined, “it’s not fair!”

He shrugged, and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. “Napa Valley. I need the phone number of a cab company.”

The girl all but leapt across the field to grab the phone from his hand, her sharp nails raking even harder across Chloe’s skin as she abruptly let go. Of course Chase was faster than the girl, raising his hand high above his head and stepping to the side so that she had to catch a vine to keep from falling.

Chase put the phone back to his ear. “Yes, I need an airport pickup at the Sullivan winery.”

“No!” The girl shrieked so loud Chloe’s ears rang. “I’ll go back and do whatever you want.”

Chase didn’t shift the phone away from his ear as he simply told Amanda, “You won’t question me again.” It wasn’t an inquiry. It was a statement.

The girl agreed, nodding her head. Hard. “It’s just that I found out that my boyfriend is sleeping with my roommate and I hate them both and I’m so upset.”

At that point, the girl changed tactics, clearly doing her best to blink her huge eyes at him and look equally pathetic and beautiful. Chloe knew if she ever tried to pull that off, she’d just look like she had a nasty cold.

“I’m really sorry I’m messing up the shoot.”

Surprisingly, a hint of a smile played on his lips. Was Amanda being forgiven that easily? In Chloe’s experience, men weren’t so forgiving. “Apology accepted. Now why don’t you head on back and get your makeup cleaned up.”

The girl turned and trotted back on her mile-long legs, leaving Chloe and Chase alone.

“Teenage girls.” He mock-shivered. “After dealing with my sisters for so long, I should have known better than to work in a field that depends on them.”

“What’s going on here?” Chloe realized, too late, that she sounded like a bad fifties movie come to life, the matron walking in on a scene she couldn’t comprehend.

“I’m a photographer. We’re shooting a magazine spread here for the next few days.”

Oh. Now things were starting to make sense. Feeling suddenly awkward, she said, “I was just coming out for a walk. It’s so beautiful.”

“Lovely,” he murmured, and she was instantly reminded of the way he’d said, “My God, you’re lovely, ” the previous night.

Feeling her cheeks go hot again, she dropped her gaze to the dirt. “Thanks for setting out breakfast.”

She watched his feet move closer, until he was standing close enough that she had no choice but to lift her head to face him. “I’m glad you liked it,” he said softly, and then he was brushing his fingertips across her cheek to the corner of her mouth. “You’ve just got a little bit of chocolate right here.”

There was nothing for it but to stop breathing entirely while he was touching her. She couldn’t remember a man ever being this gentle with her before.

And then he moved his finger the slightest bit, so that it was in front of her lips, and some previously latent devil inside of her—the same one that had convinced her that masturbating in the tub last night would be a good thing—had her opening up her mouth and licking the chocolate off.

She heard a groan come from way down deep in his chest. “Chloe.”

Oh God, she was this close to kissing him, a man who was still a stranger despite the fact that he’d seen her naked and provided her a warm, safe place to spend the night.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kita dimaksudkan Chase dan saudaranya, kanan? Ia berjuang kembali prickle kegelisahan bahwa ia mungkin harus bertemu orang-orang yang lebih dari itu. Terus terang, dia bahkan tidak ingin bertemu saudaranya. Tapi karena dia sudah availed dirinya perhotelan nya tadi malam — sekarang, terlalu-ia tidak akan merasa benar jika ia tidak setidaknya berterima kasih padanya untuk membiarkan dia kecelakaan di rumahnya tamu untuk malam. Segera setelah ia menetap lagi, ia akan mendapatkan untuk bekerja pada sebuah selimut baru sebagai hadiah terima kasih yang tepat.Croissant adalah ke sedikit runtuh pada counter atas granit dan dia sedang mengangkat masing-masing dengan ujung jari yang basah sebelum dia mengakui kepada dirinya sendiri bahwa dia itu mengulur-ulur lagi, bersembunyi di Wisma sehingga ia tidak harus menghadapi Chase.Itu adalah hari yang indah di luar. Dia harus pergi dan menikmati ketika ia berada di sini.Chloe melangkah keluar ke beranda luas tertutup. Bayangan matanya dengan satu tangan, tanpa berpikir, ia dengan hati-hati mengamati daerah depannya untuk mengamankan sekitarnya.Meskipun ia merasa lebih aman daripada ia dalam beberapa saat, dia tiba-tiba merasa seperti masalah bisa datang dari mana saja, hanya ketika dia tidak mengharapkannya. Sama seperti itu tadi malam.Setiap kali dia berpikir tentang apa yang terjadi, dia merasa begitu bodoh naif. Bagaimana dia merindukan tanda bahwa mantan pacarnya telah di tepi? Berpikir tentang hal itu membuat perut merasa seperti kepalan tangan ketat dibungkus di sekitar itu, mengepalkan ketat dan lebih erat.Normal. Dia telah merencanakan untuk berpura-pura semuanya adalah normal.She took one deep breath and then another as she fought to repress her swirling emotions, her fears. Finally, when she felt steadier, she looked around her with a surprised gasp.After the rain the previous night, the vineyard sparkled in the sunlight. The leaves on the vines were bright green, almost as if a child had painted the scene in primary colors with fresh crayons.The vineyard was blissfully quiet, except, she noticed as she walked down between a tall row of vines, for the birds that were calling playfully back and forth to each other. As their cheerful songs filtered into her, she took a deep breath of the fresh air, the clean scent of dirt and growing plants and nature.Unfortunately, a few moments later, her idyll was interrupted by the fast sound of footsteps and what sounded like a teenage girl sobbing. Chloe barely backed into one of the vines in time to avoid being trampled by a tall, thin girl.Chloe’s heart thumped hard as she waited—and watched—for someone to come running after the girl. But when the coast was clear a few moments later and she stepped back into the middle of the dirt path, she found the elaborate ties on the girl’s dress had caught on a set of thick vines.Chloe quickly made her way over to her. “Hold on a second and I’ll get you unstuck.”The girl’s eyes were wide and still full of tears as Chloe worked on one of the silky threads.Even though she was wondering what on earth the girl was doing wearing a dress like this—one Chloe knew first-hand must have cost a fortune—in the middle of a vineyard on a weekday morning, she asked, “What’s wrong?”“He’s so mean!”Chloe’s heartbeat, which had barely slowed, kicked back into overdrive. Feeling incredibly protective, she asked, “Who’s mean? Your boyfriend?”The girl shook her head, strikingly beautiful even with tear-streaked cheeks and tangled hair. “I wish. He’s so gorgeous,” she finally said, fresh tears falling down her cheeks, “and so mean!”Why did they all do this to themselves? Chloe wondered. What was the allure of falling for guys who treated them like dirt? Was it some secret part of the kindergarten curriculum for girls?Chloe had finished untangling the silk threads from the vine, but the girl was still crying—big, wracking, dramatic sobs.“Thank God, you found her.”Chase? When had he come upon them? And how could the warm voice that had threaded through all of her dreams last night have her body heating up this quickly?The girl wrapped her long, slim fingers around Chloe’s wrist and held on tight. Tight enough that any greeting Chloe might have uttered was swallowed up in a gasp of pain as long, perfectly manicured nails dug in between the veins in her wrist.Chase’s eyes were warm as he scanned Chloe’s face. “How’d you sleep?”One look into his eyes was all it took for her to immediately forget the sting in her wrist. He looked so concerned. And so ridiculously beautiful that it actually stole her breath away.Somehow, she managed a way-too-breathy, “Good.”He smiled, a big, heartfelt smile that immediately turned Chloe’s insides to liquid goo. “Good.I’m glad.”The girl dug her nails in harder. “It’s him,” she hissed, frowning at the gentle interplay between the two adults.Chloe tried to shift her wrist from beneath the girl’s talons. “What?”“He’s the one who made me cry!”Chloe turned from the girl to Chase. Trying to get everything straight, Chloe said, “You made her cry?”Rather than answer her question, he addressed the girl directly. “Amanda, we’re losing the proper light. I need you back in place. Now.”The girl’s pout rivaled that of a three-year-old. “It’s not fair.”“I don’t have time for your tantrums, Amanda.”What in heck were they talking about? This pretty young girl couldn’t be his girlfriend, could it?And what did he mean by “getting back in place”?Still protective of the girl, she moved to put herself between the two of them. “Look, Chase,”she began, “she is really upset about something.”The girl elbowed her out of the way and Chloe had a strange feeling that she’d just made the mistake of standing in Amanda’s limelight.“I want to be in the front!” The girl’s big eyes were calculating. “Promise me I’ll be the lead for the rest of the day and I’ll go back.”Chase’s expression didn’t change. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t laughing. He was simply focused. Determined. Chloe had the distinct sense that he rarely, if ever, didn’t get exactly what he wanted.A slight shiver came over her as she remembered the way he’d looked at her with such intense desire the previous night. What would have happened if he’d thrown in this focus? This determination?Would she have ended the night alone in that big, delicious bed?Or would she have had company?She barely managed to pull herself down to earth in time to hear him say, “Here’s the deal, Amanda. Either you get back over there and do your job or I call a cab and let your agent know that this is the last time you and I will have the privilege of working together.”“But Chase,” the girl whined, “it’s not fair!”He shrugged, and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. “Napa Valley. I need the phone number of a cab company.”The girl all but leapt across the field to grab the phone from his hand, her sharp nails raking even harder across Chloe’s skin as she abruptly let go. Of course Chase was faster than the girl, raising his hand high above his head and stepping to the side so that she had to catch a vine to keep from falling.
Chase put the phone back to his ear. “Yes, I need an airport pickup at the Sullivan winery.”

“No!” The girl shrieked so loud Chloe’s ears rang. “I’ll go back and do whatever you want.”

Chase didn’t shift the phone away from his ear as he simply told Amanda, “You won’t question me again.” It wasn’t an inquiry. It was a statement.

The girl agreed, nodding her head. Hard. “It’s just that I found out that my boyfriend is sleeping with my roommate and I hate them both and I’m so upset.”

At that point, the girl changed tactics, clearly doing her best to blink her huge eyes at him and look equally pathetic and beautiful. Chloe knew if she ever tried to pull that off, she’d just look like she had a nasty cold.

“I’m really sorry I’m messing up the shoot.”

Surprisingly, a hint of a smile played on his lips. Was Amanda being forgiven that easily? In Chloe’s experience, men weren’t so forgiving. “Apology accepted. Now why don’t you head on back and get your makeup cleaned up.”

The girl turned and trotted back on her mile-long legs, leaving Chloe and Chase alone.

“Teenage girls.” He mock-shivered. “After dealing with my sisters for so long, I should have known better than to work in a field that depends on them.”

“What’s going on here?” Chloe realized, too late, that she sounded like a bad fifties movie come to life, the matron walking in on a scene she couldn’t comprehend.

“I’m a photographer. We’re shooting a magazine spread here for the next few days.”

Oh. Now things were starting to make sense. Feeling suddenly awkward, she said, “I was just coming out for a walk. It’s so beautiful.”

“Lovely,” he murmured, and she was instantly reminded of the way he’d said, “My God, you’re lovely, ” the previous night.

Feeling her cheeks go hot again, she dropped her gaze to the dirt. “Thanks for setting out breakfast.”

She watched his feet move closer, until he was standing close enough that she had no choice but to lift her head to face him. “I’m glad you liked it,” he said softly, and then he was brushing his fingertips across her cheek to the corner of her mouth. “You’ve just got a little bit of chocolate right here.”

There was nothing for it but to stop breathing entirely while he was touching her. She couldn’t remember a man ever being this gentle with her before.

And then he moved his finger the slightest bit, so that it was in front of her lips, and some previously latent devil inside of her—the same one that had convinced her that masturbating in the tub last night would be a good thing—had her opening up her mouth and licking the chocolate off.

She heard a groan come from way down deep in his chest. “Chloe.”

Oh God, she was this close to kissing him, a man who was still a stranger despite the fact that he’d seen her naked and provided her a warm, safe place to spend the night.

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