The water level was now up to our knees,

The water level was now up to our k

The water level was now up to our knees, "Eren," I said motioning towards the floor. Eren cursed under his breath, "W-What will we do now?" Christa asked.
Everyone fell silent.
The only sounds heard were from the boat and the ocean's waves. A few moments after, there was a loud splitting of wood. We all looked at the end of the barracks, there was a huge gapping hole letting gallons of water flood in. The boat tipped upwards slightly, I looked around frantically. I found an old rope, and tied it around one of the boat's masts. "Everyone, grab on!" I shouted over the rushing water. I threw the rope down and everyone latched onto it. "I-Is this going to support all of us?" Connie questioned. "Don't say that you idiot, we're making this out alive with everyone!" Jean shot back. Suddenly, there was a loud 'boom' and then the smell of fire and smoke filled the air.
If I remember correctly, some of the crates being loaded onto the ship were filled with... gunpowder. I thought.
"E-Eren," I said to the brunette. "What is it?" He asked as the others turned to listen, still gripping onto the rope. "I remember seeing this ship being loaded with gunpowder while being on the dock.." I said gravely. "Damn it.." Eren mumbled.
Just as Eren had said that, the rope between him and Jean started to snap. "Shit..!" Jean said trying to move where Eren and I were. "Jean, don't! You're going to snap the rope faster!" Ymir shouted.
Oh god.. what if the rope... I thought my mind trailing off.
"Mikasa!" Eren shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked towards everyone else, fear plainly shown on their faces. "Eren we can't do anything for them.." I whispered, as tears threatened to cloud my vision. "W-" Before Eren could even start, another explosion rocked the boat. I whipped my head around looking at my friends, the rope had snapped. Screams filled the air only to be muffled by the sea's tide. "This can't be happening.." I said as the tears streamed down my face. The ocean's waves were now threatening to collapse the ceiling above us. "We can't stay here any longer Mikasa." Eren said grabbing my hand. "We can't go anywhere though." I said. "We can try to swim out together and hope for the best." He said. Just as we were about to jump into the ocean's ravenous waves, an enormous wave crashed through the ceiling and pushed us down under.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The water level was now up to our knees, "Eren," I said motioning towards the floor. Eren cursed under his breath, "W-What will we do now?" Christa asked.Everyone fell silent.The only sounds heard were from the boat and the ocean's waves. A few moments after, there was a loud splitting of wood. We all looked at the end of the barracks, there was a huge gapping hole letting gallons of water flood in. The boat tipped upwards slightly, I looked around frantically. I found an old rope, and tied it around one of the boat's masts. "Everyone, grab on!" I shouted over the rushing water. I threw the rope down and everyone latched onto it. "I-Is this going to support all of us?" Connie questioned. "Don't say that you idiot, we're making this out alive with everyone!" Jean shot back. Suddenly, there was a loud 'boom' and then the smell of fire and smoke filled the air.If I remember correctly, some of the crates being loaded onto the ship were filled with... gunpowder. I thought."E-Eren," I said to the brunette. "What is it?" He asked as the others turned to listen, still gripping onto the rope. "I remember seeing this ship being loaded with gunpowder while being on the dock.." I said gravely. "Damn it.." Eren mumbled.Just as Eren had said that, the rope between him and Jean started to snap. "Shit..!" Jean said trying to move where Eren and I were. "Jean, don't! You're going to snap the rope faster!" Ymir shouted.Oh god.. what if the rope... I thought my mind trailing off."Mikasa!" Eren shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked towards everyone else, fear plainly shown on their faces. "Eren we can't do anything for them.." I whispered, as tears threatened to cloud my vision. "W-" Before Eren could even start, another explosion rocked the boat. I whipped my head around looking at my friends, the rope had snapped. Screams filled the air only to be muffled by the sea's tide. "This can't be happening.." I said as the tears streamed down my face. The ocean's waves were now threatening to collapse the ceiling above us. "We can't stay here any longer Mikasa." Eren said grabbing my hand. "We can't go anywhere though." I said. "We can try to swim out together and hope for the best." He said. Just as we were about to jump into the ocean's ravenous waves, an enormous wave crashed through the ceiling and pushed us down under.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tingkat air sekarang hingga lutut kami, "Eren," kataku menunjuk ke arah lantai. Eren mengutuk pelan, "W-Apa yang akan kita lakukan sekarang?" Tanya Christa.
Semua orang terdiam.
Satu-satunya suara mendengar itu dari perahu dan gelombang laut. Beberapa saat setelah itu, ada pemisahan keras kayu. Kita semua melihat akhir barak, ada lubang gapping besar membiarkan galon air banjir di. Perahu berujung ke atas sedikit, aku melihat sekeliling dengan panik. Saya menemukan sebuah tali tua, dan mengikatnya di sekitar salah satu tiang perahu. "Semua orang, ambil on!" Aku berteriak atas air bergegas. Aku melemparkan tali ke bawah dan semua orang lekat itu. "I-Apakah ini akan mendukung kita semua?" Connie dipertanyakan. "Jangan mengatakan bahwa idiot, kita membuat ini keluar hidup-hidup dengan semua orang!" Jean balas. Tiba-tiba, ada 'booming' keras dan kemudian bau api dan asap memenuhi udara.
Jika aku ingat benar, beberapa peti yang dimuat ke kapal tersebut penuh dengan ... mesiu. Saya pikir.
"E-Eren," kataku brunette tersebut. "Apa itu?" Dia bertanya seperti yang lain berbalik untuk mendengarkan, masih mencengkeram ke tali. "Aku ingat melihat kapal ini sedang dimuat dengan bubuk mesiu saat berada di dermaga .." kataku serius. "Sialan .." Eren bergumam.
Sama seperti Eren telah mengatakan bahwa, tali antara dia dan Jean mulai jepret. "Kotoran..!" Jean mengatakan mencoba untuk bergerak di mana Eren dan saya berada. "Jean, tidak! Kau akan snap tali lebih cepat!" Ymir teriak.
Ya Tuhan .. bagaimana jika tali ... Saya pikir pikiran saya mengikuti off.
"Mikasa!" Eren berteriak, gertakan saya keluar dari pikiran saya. Aku memandang ke arah orang lain, ketakutan jelas menunjukkan di wajah mereka. "Eren kita tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa untuk mereka .." bisikku, air mata mengancam awan visi saya. "W" Sebelum Eren bahkan bisa mulai, ledakan lain mengguncang perahu. Aku kocok kepala saya sekitar melihat teman-teman saya, tali telah bentak. Jeritan memenuhi udara hanya untuk teredam oleh air pasang laut ini. "Ini tidak mungkin terjadi .." kataku sambil air mata mengalir di wajah saya. Gelombang laut yang kini mengancam runtuh langit-langit di atas kita. "Kita tidak bisa tinggal di sini lebih lama lagi Mikasa." Eren kata meraih tanganku. "Kita tidak bisa pergi ke mana pun sekalipun." Saya bilang. "Kita bisa mencoba untuk berenang bersama-sama dan berharap untuk yang terbaik." Katanya. Sama seperti yang kami akan melompat ke gelombang rakus laut, gelombang besar jatuh melalui langit-langit dan mendorong kami di bawah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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