Chapter 3Jodha and her Maasa where in Jodha's room. Jodha's father ent terjemahan - Chapter 3Jodha and her Maasa where in Jodha's room. Jodha's father ent Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 3Jodha and her Maasa where

Chapter 3

Jodha and her Maasa where in Jodha's room. Jodha's father entered the room and said "I knew that u would accept the proposal as u really love your father. I knew you would not let me down that's why I favour u all the time. By accepting the proposal u saved ur father. Thankx my dear."

Jodha: " Baba I agreed to marry Jalal ri8. Can i meet him and talk with him if you dont mind. Plz baba i need to talk with him. For u Im marrying him can u do this for me atleast.

Jodha's father: "Okay my dear. I will tell Jalal to talk to you."
Soon some men went to Akbar's palace to tell him about this.
Khan "How dare that girl tell Jalal to meet her. Doesnt she know that Jalal is a very busy man and he is the emperor of India."
Jalal: " Khan baba its ok. I'd love to go and meet her. I want to listen to what she wants to tell me. I want to meet her and atleast see her." Jalal then reaized what he had just said and he was quite embarrassed and then he tried to change the topic "I will meet her tomorrow." Then he left for his room. Jalal could not wait for the next day as he was finally going to see Jodha.

The next day arrived and Jalal left for Amer. As soon he reached there Jodha's parents greeted him. Jalal " Where is Jodha? I want to meet her at once." The servants showed him the way which led to a tent. Jalal entered the tent. His heart was racing. Then his eyes fell in a beautiful princess who was trying to tie the dori of her blouse. It was none other then Jodha. Instantly Jalal had a smile on his face. Jalal then went up to her and tied the dori.

Jodha: "How dare you touch me? Who are you to touch me?"
Jalal: "I am your would be husband and I have every right to touch."
Jodha: " U r my would be husband but not husband so until our marriage u cant touch me and anyways after listening to the truth I think u would not be able to marry me."
Jalal: "What truth? No truth can make me stop marrying you.'
Jodha: " Really? What if I say that I'm in love with someone else? I'm in love with Suryabhan Singh. Now tell me will you marry me?"
Jalal had an evil smirk on his face. He gripped Jodha's waist and pulled her closer to him "Your only mine Jodha. No one can take u away from me. U have to marry me. I have made up my mind of marrying u and thats it no one can stop me from doing thar. And for that Suryabhan u will see what happens to him."
Jodha: "No dont do anything to him. I lied to you abut him. I dont want to marry u but i have to or else u will take my baba's kingdom from him and I can never see that happening to him. I have two conditions. First one is that I will not change my religion after marrying u and second one is that there has to be a mandir inside my room"
Jalal was first shocked at what he heard then he later on gave a thought to it and then he said "For marrying u i agree to these two conditions. I"ll met u after four days My would be Begum. Cant wait for that day."
Jalal left for his palace and he reached there and went to his room. "When are these four days going to pass." He then went to sleep and on the other hand Jodha mind was occupied by Jalal's words "No truth can make me stop marrying you."

The days passed really quickly as everyone was busy in preparing for Jalal and Jodha's marriage. It was finally the day when Jodha and Akbar were going to get married. Jalal was excited and Jodha was sad. But she acted infront of everyone that she was happy. Jodha wore a beautiful red lehenga with heavy jewelleries and minimal make up. She looked beautiful and Jalal wore a white sherwani with some jewelleries ( the king at those times wore jewelleries) He looked really handsome. AkDha"s marriage would be performed both Islamic and Hindu way. First the Hindu way then the Muslim way. Jodha was broght in the mandap where Jalal was waiting for her. He saw her and was mesmerized be her beauty. He couldnt take his eyes of off her. He smiled to himself " Finally she is going to be mine. MINE!"

Precap: Akdha wedding and first night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 3Jodha and her Maasa where in Jodha's room. Jodha's father entered the room and said "I knew that u would accept the proposal as u really love your father. I knew you would not let me down that's why I favour u all the time. By accepting the proposal u saved ur father. Thankx my dear."Jodha: " Baba I agreed to marry Jalal ri8. Can i meet him and talk with him if you dont mind. Plz baba i need to talk with him. For u Im marrying him can u do this for me atleast.Jodha's father: "Okay my dear. I will tell Jalal to talk to you."Soon some men went to Akbar's palace to tell him about this. Khan "How dare that girl tell Jalal to meet her. Doesnt she know that Jalal is a very busy man and he is the emperor of India."Jalal: " Khan baba its ok. I'd love to go and meet her. I want to listen to what she wants to tell me. I want to meet her and atleast see her." Jalal then reaized what he had just said and he was quite embarrassed and then he tried to change the topic "I will meet her tomorrow." Then he left for his room. Jalal could not wait for the next day as he was finally going to see Jodha.The next day arrived and Jalal left for Amer. As soon he reached there Jodha's parents greeted him. Jalal " Where is Jodha? I want to meet her at once." The servants showed him the way which led to a tent. Jalal entered the tent. His heart was racing. Then his eyes fell in a beautiful princess who was trying to tie the dori of her blouse. It was none other then Jodha. Instantly Jalal had a smile on his face. Jalal then went up to her and tied the dori. Jodha: "How dare you touch me? Who are you to touch me?"Jalal: "I am your would be husband and I have every right to touch."Jodha: " U r my would be husband but not husband so until our marriage u cant touch me and anyways after listening to the truth I think u would not be able to marry me."Jalal: "What truth? No truth can make me stop marrying you.'Jodha: " Really? What if I say that I'm in love with someone else? I'm in love with Suryabhan Singh. Now tell me will you marry me?"Jalal had an evil smirk on his face. He gripped Jodha's waist and pulled her closer to him "Your only mine Jodha. No one can take u away from me. U have to marry me. I have made up my mind of marrying u and thats it no one can stop me from doing thar. And for that Suryabhan u will see what happens to him."Jodha: "No dont do anything to him. I lied to you abut him. I dont want to marry u but i have to or else u will take my baba's kingdom from him and I can never see that happening to him. I have two conditions. First one is that I will not change my religion after marrying u and second one is that there has to be a mandir inside my room"Jalal was first shocked at what he heard then he later on gave a thought to it and then he said "For marrying u i agree to these two conditions. I"ll met u after four days My would be Begum. Cant wait for that day."Jalal left for his palace and he reached there and went to his room. "When are these four days going to pass." He then went to sleep and on the other hand Jodha mind was occupied by Jalal's words "No truth can make me stop marrying you."The days passed really quickly as everyone was busy in preparing for Jalal and Jodha's marriage. It was finally the day when Jodha and Akbar were going to get married. Jalal was excited and Jodha was sad. But she acted infront of everyone that she was happy. Jodha wore a beautiful red lehenga with heavy jewelleries and minimal make up. She looked beautiful and Jalal wore a white sherwani with some jewelleries ( the king at those times wore jewelleries) He looked really handsome. AkDha"s marriage would be performed both Islamic and Hindu way. First the Hindu way then the Muslim way. Jodha was broght in the mandap where Jalal was waiting for her. He saw her and was mesmerized be her beauty. He couldnt take his eyes of off her. He smiled to himself " Finally she is going to be mine. MINE!"Precap: Akdha wedding and first night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 3 Jodha dan Maasa nya di mana di kamar Jodha itu. Ayah Jodha yang memasuki ruangan dan berkata "Aku tahu bahwa u akan menerima proposal sebagai u benar-benar mencintai ayahmu. Aku tahu kau tidak akan mengecewakan saya itu sebabnya saya mendukung u sepanjang waktu. Dengan menerima proposal u menyelamatkan ayah ur. Thankx Sayang ". Jodha: "... Baba Saya setuju untuk menikah Jalal ri8 Dapatkah saya bertemu dan berbicara dengan dia jika Anda tidak keberatan Plz baba saya perlu berbicara dengan dia Untuk u Im menikahinya bisa u melakukan ini untuk saya minimal. Jodha ayah: "Oke Sayang. Aku akan memberitahu Jalal untuk berbicara dengan Anda. " Segera beberapa orang pergi ke istana Akbar untuk menceritakan tentang hal ini. Khan "Berani-beraninya gadis yang memberitahu Jalal bertemu dengannya. Doesnt dia tahu bahwa Jalal adalah orang yang sangat sibuk dan dia adalah kaisar dari India ". Jalal: "Khan baba yang ok. Aku ingin pergi dan bertemu dengannya. Saya ingin mendengarkan apa yang dia ingin memberitahu saya. Saya ingin bertemu dengannya dan minimal melihatnya. "Jalal kemudian Reaized apa yang baru saja dikatakan dan dia cukup malu dan kemudian ia mencoba untuk mengubah topik" Aku akan bertemu besok. "Lalu ia berangkat ke kamarnya. Jalal tidak bisa menunggu hari berikutnya karena ia akhirnya akan melihat Jodha. Keesokan harinya tiba dan Jalal berangkat ke Amer. Begitu ia sampai ada orang tua Jodha yang menyambutnya. Jalal "Dimana Jodha? Saya ingin bertemu dengannya sekaligus. "Para pelayan menunjukkan padanya cara yang menyebabkan tenda. Jalal memasuki tenda. Hatinya balap. Kemudian matanya jatuh seorang putri cantik yang sedang berusaha mengikat dori blusnya. Hal itu tak lain kemudian Jodha Seketika Jalal memiliki senyum di wajahnya Jalal kemudian pergi ke dia dan diikat dori itu... Jodha: "Beraninya kau menyentuh saya? Siapa yang Anda menyentuhku "? Jalal: "Saya Anda akan suami dan saya punya hak untuk menyentuh". Jodha: "U r saya akan menjadi suami tapi bukan suami sehingga sampai pernikahan kami u bisa menyentuhku dan lagian setelah mendengarkan kebenaran saya pikir u tidak akan bisa menikah. " Jalal: "Apa benar? Tidak ada kebenaran bisa membuat saya berhenti menikahimu '. Jodha: "??.? Sungguh Bagaimana jika saya mengatakan bahwa aku jatuh cinta dengan orang lain aku jatuh cinta dengan Suryabhan Singh Sekarang katakan akan kau menikah" Jalal memiliki seringai jahat di wajahnya. Dia mencengkeram pinggang Jodha dan menariknya lebih dekat kepadanya "hanya tambang Anda Jodha. Tidak ada yang dapat mengambil u dariku. U telah menikah. Saya telah mengambil keputusan untuk menikah u dan thats itu tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan saya dari melakukan . Thar Dan untuk Suryabhan yang u akan melihat apa yang terjadi padanya ". Jodha: "Tidak tidak melakukan apa-apa kepadanya aku berbohong padamu berbatasan padanya aku tidak ingin menikah u tetapi saya harus atau u akan mengambil kerajaan baba saya.. dari dia dan saya tidak pernah bisa melihat yang terjadi padanya. Aku punya dua kondisi. Pertama adalah bahwa saya tidak akan mengubah agama saya setelah menikah u dan yang kedua adalah bahwa harus ada sebuah mandir di dalam kamar saya " Jalal pertama kali terkejut apa yang ia dengar maka ia kemudian memberikan pemikiran untuk itu dan kemudian dia berkata "Untuk menikah ui setuju untuk kedua kondisi ini. Saya" ll bertemu u setelah empat hari saya akan Begum. Tidak bisa menunggu untuk hari itu. " Jalal berangkat ke istana dan ia sampai di sana dan pergi ke kamarnya. "Kapan empat hari akan lulus." Dia kemudian pergi tidur dan di sisi lain Jodha pikiran diduduki oleh kata-kata Jalal itu "Tidak ada kebenaran bisa membuat saya berhenti menikahimu." Hari-hari berlalu sangat cepat karena semua orang sibuk dalam mempersiapkan Jalal dan Jodha yang menikah. Itu akhirnya hari ketika Jodha dan Akbar akan menikah. Jalal bersemangat dan Jodha sedih . Tapi dia bertindak Infront semua orang bahwa dia senang. Jodha mengenakan lehenga merah yang indah dengan perhiasan berat dan minimal make up. Dia tampak cantik dan Jalal mengenakan sherwani putih dengan beberapa perhiasan (raja pada saat-saat memakai perhiasan) Dia tampak benar-benar tampan. AkDha "s pernikahan akan dilakukan baik dengan cara Islam dan Hindu. Pertama dengan cara Hindu maka cara Muslim. Jodha telah broght di mandap mana Jalal sedang menunggunya. Dia melihat dan terpesona be kecantikannya. Dia tidak bisa mengambil matanya off nya. Dia tersenyum sendiri "Akhirnya dia akan menjadi milikku MILIKKU.!" Precap: Akdha pernikahan dan malam pertama.

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