Stand­ing by!”I shouted to clear the way loudly, Lin Wan Er also float terjemahan - Stand­ing by!”I shouted to clear the way loudly, Lin Wan Er also float Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Stand­ing by!”I shouted to clear th

Stand­ing by!”
I shouted to clear the way loudly, Lin Wan Er also float­ing left my warhorse to seek for the match to go, but I raised the Longchi sword, erupted sud­denly to­gether the sword air/Qi, the di­rec­tion of Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan long jab mon­ster month!
The mon­ster month is star­tled slightly, opened Zhang Xi­aozui, under the hand ac­tu­ally not chaotic pulls the reins of warhorse sud­denly, a that warhorse neigh­ing body sym­pa­thizes slant­ing flushed, di­rect MISS fell the Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan at­tack, but my town Yue Dao also im­me­di­ately flew, in the at­tack­ing track edi­tion, the first sharp knife blade spa­tial spin bang has ap­proached the chest of mon­ster month sud­denly!
Mon­ster month sword blade edge in front one hor­i­zon­tal, „clang” an acoustic shock opens town Yue Dao, but was ac­tu­ally shaken with horse ob­structs slightly, the ram speed also slightly came under some in­flu­ences, in the eye passed over gen­tly and swiftly a star­tled color, has prob­a­bly not thought that my strength so will be strong!
A hand, I am one time seize the dragon ef­fect!
My strate­gic in­ten­tion was too ob­vi­ous, cap­tures the ring­leader first, the mon­ster month also knows that the warhorse is one rapidly changes the speed change op­er­a­tion, ex­quis­ite MISS falls my top grade once more, my moral na­ture sinks slightly, this mon­ster month op­er­a­tion re­ally at least is Chi­nese war zone CBN fights the net first 10 stan­dards, wants to kill her not to be easy, I also looked down on her be­fore.
Two peo­ple ap­proached in a flash will soon hand over the horse, I in the Longchi sword in­come sheath, both hands grasp the town Yue Dao han­dle, sweep away a sword that the whole per­son is ready, the mon­ster month does not let, both hands grasped the sword to rum­ble, my was sweeps strikes, her was ac­tu­ally the thorn that shook spa­tially punc­tures sud­denly strikes, but same fi­nally was to!
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, sur­round­ing flame are dense, my stature trem­bles, above the knife edge has trans­mit­ted the in­tense sen­sa­tion of earth­quake shock, but the mon­ster month on the warhorse calls out in alarm, from im­me­di­ately was al­most di­vided by my this blade, a whole per­son low first ten-day pe­riod of the dog days of sum­mer for­merly at­tacked on the warhorse, avoids Ran a Min's tom­a­hawk to sweep strikes, op­er­ates ex­quis­itely peer­less!
The cav­alry sol­diers at­tack, can­not turn head to chase down the enemy, there­fore I lead the peo­ple to con­tinue to pro­ceed to clash, the sword wields, cut­ting to fall under the lunar corona cav­alry sol­diers, but the lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier is not in­fe­rior we to be too many, raises the sharp knife blade to start un­ceas­ingly cuts to strike, each at­tack can reap­pear to­gether the lunar corona gloss, this is the fight under moon­light, as if can they strengthen the strength to pro­mote the strik­ing power in the moon­light?
I re­al­ize this point in­stan­ta­neously, our in­for­ma­tion are not very com­plete, just a con­tact died in bat­tle the [Zhan Long] camp 100 + iron edges to ride, such sit­u­a­tion has also never had, the de­fen­sive power of lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier is in­fe­rior to us, how­ever under the moon­light, their strik­ing power has ac­tu­ally dom­i­nated above the [Zhan Long] camp!
But the point of no re­turn, has been be­yond con­trol we to pon­der any­thing, can only con­tinue to kill, we kill many, the dam­age of player will be short more much!
The sword blade edge trem­bles, I started held hal­berd to roast the flame stunt, broke in the lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier crowd most crowded spot loudly, then blade Jian­ping lifted, hav­ing the tor­nado cy­clone to kill, the sword fierce storm crossed, a troop lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier in­stan­ta­neously has be­come the rem­nant blood, I re­viewed looked that shouted loudly: „Leans shal­lowly, mas­sacres them!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Berdiri!"Aku berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras, Er Wan Lin juga mengambang meninggalkan saya warhorse untuk mencari pertandingan untuk pergi, tapi aku mengangkat pedang Longchi, meletus tiba-tiba bersama pedang udara/Qi, arah Biduk patah Yue Zhan lama tusukan rakasa bulan!„!?”Rakasa bulan sedikit terkejut, dibuka Zhang Xiaozui, di bawah tangan benar-benar tidak kacau menarik kendali warhorse tiba-tiba, bahwa warhorse bunyi ringkik tubuh bersimpati miring MISS memerah, langsung jatuh Biduk patah Yue Zhan serangan, tetapi kota saya Yue Dao juga segera terbang, di edisi trek menyerang, bang spasial putaran pisau pisau tajam pertama telah mendekati dada rakasa bulan tiba-tiba!"Snort!"Rakasa bulan pedang pisau tepi di depan satu horisontal, "dentang" kejutan akustik terbuka kota Yue Dao, tapi benar-benar terguncang dengan kuda menghambat sedikit, kecepatan ram juga sedikit datang di bawah pengaruh beberapa, di mata melewati lembut dan cepat warna yang terkejut, mungkin tidak berpikir bahwa kekuatan saya jadi akan kuat!Tangan, saya satu kali merebut efek naga!My strate­gic in­ten­tion was too ob­vi­ous, cap­tures the ring­leader first, the mon­ster month also knows that the warhorse is one rapidly changes the speed change op­er­a­tion, ex­quis­ite MISS falls my top grade once more, my moral na­ture sinks slightly, this mon­ster month op­er­a­tion re­ally at least is Chi­nese war zone CBN fights the net first 10 stan­dards, wants to kill her not to be easy, I also looked down on her be­fore.Two peo­ple ap­proached in a flash will soon hand over the horse, I in the Longchi sword in­come sheath, both hands grasp the town Yue Dao han­dle, sweep away a sword that the whole per­son is ready, the mon­ster month does not let, both hands grasped the sword to rum­ble, my was sweeps strikes, her was ac­tu­ally the thorn that shook spa­tially punc­tures sud­denly strikes, but same fi­nally was to!„Clang!”Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, sur­round­ing flame are dense, my stature trem­bles, above the knife edge has trans­mit­ted the in­tense sen­sa­tion of earth­quake shock, but the mon­ster month on the warhorse calls out in alarm, from im­me­di­ately was al­most di­vided by my this blade, a whole per­son low first ten-day pe­riod of the dog days of sum­mer for­merly at­tacked on the warhorse, avoids Ran a Min's tom­a­hawk to sweep strikes, op­er­ates ex­quis­itely peer­less!The cav­alry sol­diers at­tack, can­not turn head to chase down the enemy, there­fore I lead the peo­ple to con­tinue to pro­ceed to clash, the sword wields, cut­ting to fall under the lunar corona cav­alry sol­diers, but the lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier is not in­fe­rior we to be too many, raises the sharp knife blade to start un­ceas­ingly cuts to strike, each at­tack can reap­pear to­gether the lunar corona gloss, this is the fight under moon­light, as if can they strengthen the strength to pro­mote the strik­ing power in the moon­light?I re­al­ize this point in­stan­ta­neously, our in­for­ma­tion are not very com­plete, just a con­tact died in bat­tle the [Zhan Long] camp 100 + iron edges to ride, such sit­u­a­tion has also never had, the de­fen­sive power of lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier is in­fe­rior to us, how­ever under the moon­light, their strik­ing power has ac­tu­ally dom­i­nated above the [Zhan Long] camp!But the point of no re­turn, has been be­yond con­trol we to pon­der any­thing, can only con­tinue to kill, we kill many, the dam­age of player will be short more much!The sword blade edge trem­bles, I started held hal­berd to roast the flame stunt, broke in the lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier crowd most crowded spot loudly, then blade Jian­ping lifted, hav­ing the tor­nado cy­clone to kill, the sword fierce storm crossed, a troop lunar corona cav­alry sol­dier in­stan­ta­neously has be­come the rem­nant blood, I re­viewed looked that shouted loudly: „Leans shal­lowly, mas­sacres them!”Yue
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berdiri! "
Aku berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras, Lin Wan Er juga mengambang meninggalkan kuda perang saya untuk mencari pertandingan untuk pergi, tapi aku mengangkat pedang Longchi, meletus tiba-tiba bersama udara pedang / Qi, arah Big Dipper rusak yue Zhan jab lama rakasa bulan!
The rakasa bulan ini terkejut sedikit, membuka Zhang Xiaozui, di bawah tangan sebenarnya tidak kacau menarik kendali kuda perang tiba-tiba, tubuh kuda perang yang meringkik bersimpati miring memerah, LEWATKAN langsung jatuh Big Dipper rusak serangan Yue Zhan, tapi kota saya Yue Dao juga langsung terbang, dalam edisi track menyerang, yang pertama tajam pisau pisau spasial berputar Bang telah mendekati dada rakasa bulan tiba-tiba!
rakasa bulan pedang pisau tepi di depan salah satu horisontal , "dentang" sengatan akustik membuka kota Yue Dao, tapi benar-benar terguncang dengan kuda menghalangi sedikit, kecepatan ram juga sedikit berada di bawah beberapa pengaruh, di mata melewati lembut dan cepat warna terkejut, telah mungkin tidak berpikir bahwa kekuatanku sehingga akan menjadi kuat!
Sebuah tangan, saya satu waktu merebut efek naga!
niat strategis saya terlalu jelas, menangkap pemimpin pertama, rakasa bulan juga tahu bahwa kuda perang adalah salah satu cepat mengubah operasi perubahan kecepatan, LEWATKAN indah jatuh saya kelas atas sekali lagi, sifat moral saya tenggelam sedikit, bulan ini operasi rakasa benar-benar setidaknya adalah zona perang Cina CBN perkelahian net pertama 10 standar, ingin membunuhnya tidak mudah, saya juga melihat ke bawah pada dirinya sebelumnya.
Dua orang mendekati dalam sekejap akan segera menyerahkan kuda, saya di Longchi selubung pendapatan pedang, kedua tangan pegang kota Yue Dao menangani, menyapu pedang bahwa seluruh orang siap, rakasa bulan tidak membiarkan, kedua tangan menggenggam pedang bergemuruh, saya menyapu pemogokan, dia sebenarnya duri yang mengguncang spasial tusukan tiba-tiba menyerang, tapi sama akhirnya adalah untuk!
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di segala arah, sekitar api yang padat, gemetar perawakan saya, di atas ujung pisau memiliki ditransmisikan sensasi intens goncangan gempa, tapi rakasa bulan pada kuda perang panggilan keluar di alarm, dari segera hampir dibagi dengan pisau ini saya, rendah periode sepuluh hari seluruh orang pertama dari hari anjing musim panas sebelumnya menyerang pada kuda perang yang , menghindari Ran tomahawk sebuah Min untuk menyapu serangan, beroperasi indah taranya!
serangan tentara kavaleri, tidak bisa putar kepala untuk memburu musuh, karena itu saya memimpin orang-orang untuk terus melanjutkan ke berbenturan, pedang memegang, memotong jatuh di bawah bulan yang corona tentara kavaleri, tapi lunar tentara corona kavaleri tidak kalah kita terlalu banyak, menimbulkan pisau tajam untuk memulai tanpa henti memotong untuk menyerang, setiap serangan bisa muncul kembali bersama-sama korona gloss lunar, ini adalah pertarungan di bawah cahaya bulan, seakan dapat mereka memperkuat kekuatan untuk mempromosikan kekuatan mencolok di bawah sinar bulan?
saya menyadari hal ini seketika, informasi kami tidak sangat lengkap, hanya kontak tewas dalam pertempuran [Zhan panjang] tepi camp 100 besi + untuk naik, situasi seperti memiliki juga tidak pernah memiliki, kekuatan pertahanan lunar tentara corona kavaleri lebih rendah daripada kita, namun di bawah sinar bulan, kekuatan mencolok mereka benar-benar telah mendominasi di atas [Zhan panjang] kamp!
Tapi point of no return, telah di luar kendali kita untuk merenungkan apa-apa , hanya bisa terus membunuh, kita membunuh banyak, kerusakan pemain akan pendek lebih banyak!
The gemetar tepi pedang pisau, saya mulai diadakan tombak untuk memanggang aksi api, pecah di bulan corona kavaleri tentara kerumunan tempat paling ramai keras, kemudian pisau Jianping mengangkat, memiliki tornado siklon untuk membunuh, badai ganas pedang menyeberang, pasukan lunar tentara corona kavaleri seketika telah menjadi darah sisa, saya ditinjau tampak bahwa berteriak keras: "! bersandar dangkal, membantai mereka"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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