Does Nie Li come to do busi­ness with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­ terjemahan - Does Nie Li come to do busi­ness with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Does Nie Li come to do busi­ness wi

Does Nie Li come to do busi­ness with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce re­ally? Thinks that Nie Li threw 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone a mo­ment ago con­ve­niently. gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Nie Li, had un­ex­pect­edly scru­ple some.
The dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce does busi­ness in the final analy­sis. Just was be­cause Nie Li got rid to stop their busi­ness, mak­ing them quite dis­grun­tled, after all this was amasses money from their hands, as the mer­chant, seized the per­son wealth just likes the venge­ful­ness for fa­ther's mur­der.
But if Nie Li can make them gain richly, that re­garded as an­other mat­ter.
How­ever Pres­i­dent Lin or board a face, a face not cheer­ful ap­pear­ance.
„Does boy, you also want to do busi­ness with us?” Nearby ac­com­pa­ny­ing looked at an Pres­i­dent Lin qui­etly, then looked that said to Nie Li ar­ro­gantly.
„Busi­ness of de­liv­er­ing, can the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce have the truth that does not make?” Nie Li said with a smile that „looks like Pres­i­dent Lin has the ob­struc­tion to my heart, but is only six youth, Pres­i­dent Lin why cares. I heard that the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce has con­trolled the en­tire End­less Wilder­ness most busi­ness, not be­cause six youth prepar­ing to dis­cuss the big cus­tomer of busi­ness to keep them out with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, if so, pour­ing made me a lit­tle look down upon Pres­i­dent Lin!”
„Your what mean­ing?” Nearby sev­eral ac­com­pany gets angry im­me­di­ately stares Nie Li, pro­ceeded to ap­proach one step.
Nie Li is ac­tu­ally still in­dif­fer­ent free.
„Wait, you draw back!” Pres­i­dent Lin sink­ing sound said that beck­oned with the hand, he looked at Nie Li, six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, if pur­chases here, wants 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, if trades other places, at least can sell to 50 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone above, Nie Li ac­tu­ally said that six youth, the Nie Li tone also was too rather big.
„Yes!” Sev­eral ac­com­pany bows to say hur­riedly that how­ever re­treat ar­rives at the one side.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Does Nie Li come to do busi­ness with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce re­ally? Thinks that Nie Li threw 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone a mo­ment ago con­ve­niently. gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Nie Li, had un­ex­pect­edly scru­ple some.The dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce does busi­ness in the final analy­sis. Just was be­cause Nie Li got rid to stop their busi­ness, mak­ing them quite dis­grun­tled, after all this was amasses money from their hands, as the mer­chant, seized the per­son wealth just likes the venge­ful­ness for fa­ther's mur­der.But if Nie Li can make them gain richly, that re­garded as an­other mat­ter.How­ever Pres­i­dent Lin or board a face, a face not cheer­ful ap­pear­ance.„Does boy, you also want to do busi­ness with us?” Nearby ac­com­pa­ny­ing looked at an Pres­i­dent Lin qui­etly, then looked that said to Nie Li ar­ro­gantly.„Busi­ness of de­liv­er­ing, can the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce have the truth that does not make?” Nie Li said with a smile that „looks like Pres­i­dent Lin has the ob­struc­tion to my heart, but is only six youth, Pres­i­dent Lin why cares. I heard that the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce has con­trolled the en­tire End­less Wilder­ness most busi­ness, not be­cause six youth prepar­ing to dis­cuss the big cus­tomer of busi­ness to keep them out with the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, if so, pour­ing made me a lit­tle look down upon Pres­i­dent Lin!”„Your what mean­ing?” Nearby sev­eral ac­com­pany gets angry im­me­di­ately stares Nie Li, pro­ceeded to ap­proach one step.Nie Li is ac­tu­ally still in­dif­fer­ent free.„Wait, you draw back!” Pres­i­dent Lin sink­ing sound said that beck­oned with the hand, he looked at Nie Li, six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth, if pur­chases here, wants 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, if trades other places, at least can sell to 50 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone above, Nie Li ac­tu­ally said that six youth, the Nie Li tone also was too rather big.„Yes!” Sev­eral ac­com­pany bows to say hur­riedly that how­ever re­treat ar­rives at the one side.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Apakah Nie Li datang untuk melakukan bisnis dengan ruang naga sisa perdagangan benar-benar? Berpikir bahwa Nie Li melemparkan 30 sepuluh ribu Spiritual Batu saat yang lalu mudah. menatap Presiden Lin jatuh pada tubuh Nie Li, tak terduga keberatan beberapa.
Ruang naga sisa perdagangan melakukan bisnis dalam analisis akhir. Hanya karena Nie Li menyingkirkan menghentikan bisnis mereka, membuat mereka cukup puas, setelah semua ini adalah amasses uang dari tangan mereka, sebagai pedagang, menyita kekayaan orang hanya suka dendam atas pembunuhan ayah.
Tapi jika Nie Li dapat membuat mereka mendapatkan kaya, yang dianggap sebagai masalah lain.
Namun Presiden Lin atau papan wajah, wajah tidak penampilan ceria.
"Apakah anak, Anda juga ingin melakukan bisnis dengan kita?" Lokasi menyertai tampak pada Presiden Lin diam-diam, lalu memandang mengatakan bahwa untuk Nie Li arogan.
"Bisnis memberikan, dapat ruang naga sisa commerce kebenaran itu tidak membuat?" kata Nie Li dengan senyum yang "terlihat seperti Presiden Lin memiliki obstruksi hati saya, tetapi hanya enam pemuda , Presiden Lin mengapa peduli. Saya mendengar bahwa ruang naga sisa commerce telah menguasai seluruh Wilderness tanpa ujung paling bisnis, bukan karena enam pemuda mempersiapkan untuk membahas pelanggan besar dari bisnis untuk menjaga mereka dengan ruang naga sisa perdagangan, jika demikian, menuangkan membuat saya sedikit memandang rendah Presiden Lin! "
" apa arti Anda? "Terdekat beberapa menemani marah segera menatap Nie Li, mulai mendekati satu langkah.
Nie Li sebenarnya masih acuh tak acuh gratis.
" Tunggu, Anda menarik kembali! "Presiden Lin tenggelam suara mengatakan yang memberi isyarat dengan tangan, dia melihat Nie Li, enam pemuda Roh Balap Primordial Surgawi, jika pembelian di sini, ingin 30 sepuluh ribu Spiritual Stone, jika perdagangan tempat-tempat lain, setidaknya bisa menjual sampai 50 sepuluh ribu Batu Spiritual di atas, Nie Li sebenarnya mengatakan bahwa enam pemuda, nada Nie Li juga terlalu agak besar.
"Ya!" Beberapa menemani busur mengatakan buru-buru itu namun mundur tiba di satu sisi.
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