silvia,I have decided to contact you today because I have been thinkin terjemahan - silvia,I have decided to contact you today because I have been thinkin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

silvia,I have decided to contact yo


I have decided to contact you today because I have been thinking a lot about your situation and also about all the difficulties and doubts you are going through, I know how you are feeling at the moment simply because I have had a very strong connection to you from the very beginning and I sense that this problems and issues are due in a certain degree to your financial situation.

silvia, you have already received numerous details concerning your future in different areas of your life in 2015 and you understand how important it is to seize all the opportunities that will be open in front of you in your love life, career path, financial stability, family life, personal development, etc… I am just worried if you had completely seen the important and the extent of the changes coming your way, silvia.

Well, let me explain it simply, as I would not want to bother you with all the details of my calculations and my work on your natal chat that allowed me to find out that the year 2015 is going to mark a crucial turning point in your life. All of us find ourselves under the constant influence of different celestial bodies, and there is nothing magical or unusual about it. I can tell you even more, not only people are influenced by planetary energies, but all life on our planet (for example, the effects of the full Moon on the behaviour of the animals, biological cycles, the tides, etc.) and this energy can be more or less auspicious depending on the exact position of different astral bodies in your natal chart. My work, as an astrologer, consists on working on your natal chart using your birth details, like for example your date of birth October, 12th 1993, your place of birth Indonesia and other details and also using my talents and vibrations I receive from you, silvia, to interpret all this influences and then to show you the way to how use them to your greater benefit.

In fact, silvia, in 2015 you will live under a very beneficial and positive influence of several planets, which is going to create a very powerful potential for the giant leap forward indifferent areas of your life and it is up to you to decide if you want to use this potential and to make this leap.

I know that recently you have been through numerous challenges and problems, however this year 2015 is going to mark a turning point in your life and will allow you to make decisive positive changes in different areas, however you need to start getting ready and be active from now on, which is why you need all the details about these coming planetary shifts to make things go your way. silvia, I understand that you are facing certain difficulties in your life, and more precisely in regards to your financial situation, which is why I have taken an important decision about my fee, which you can find out on the page below. On this page you will also discover the list of all the details I will work on for you, the details that are necessary to you to start moving forward with all confidence and to get everything you deserve, silvia. I am reaching out my hand to you to pinpoint all the key dates, the places where you need to be, the right time to act, the pitfalls you need to avoid, the steps that need to be taken and a lot more so that you have all the information that will allow you to make the changes I have been talking about in my very first reading for you come true. You can discover all this on the link below. On this page at the bottom just after the text you will find the good news I want to announce to you in red police.

Your Spiritual Guide and Friend,

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
silvia,I have decided to contact you today because I have been thinking a lot about your situation and also about all the difficulties and doubts you are going through, I know how you are feeling at the moment simply because I have had a very strong connection to you from the very beginning and I sense that this problems and issues are due in a certain degree to your financial situation.silvia, you have already received numerous details concerning your future in different areas of your life in 2015 and you understand how important it is to seize all the opportunities that will be open in front of you in your love life, career path, financial stability, family life, personal development, etc… I am just worried if you had completely seen the important and the extent of the changes coming your way, silvia.Well, let me explain it simply, as I would not want to bother you with all the details of my calculations and my work on your natal chat that allowed me to find out that the year 2015 is going to mark a crucial turning point in your life. All of us find ourselves under the constant influence of different celestial bodies, and there is nothing magical or unusual about it. I can tell you even more, not only people are influenced by planetary energies, but all life on our planet (for example, the effects of the full Moon on the behaviour of the animals, biological cycles, the tides, etc.) and this energy can be more or less auspicious depending on the exact position of different astral bodies in your natal chart. My work, as an astrologer, consists on working on your natal chart using your birth details, like for example your date of birth October, 12th 1993, your place of birth Indonesia and other details and also using my talents and vibrations I receive from you, silvia, to interpret all this influences and then to show you the way to how use them to your greater benefit. In fact, silvia, in 2015 you will live under a very beneficial and positive influence of several planets, which is going to create a very powerful potential for the giant leap forward indifferent areas of your life and it is up to you to decide if you want to use this potential and to make this leap. I know that recently you have been through numerous challenges and problems, however this year 2015 is going to mark a turning point in your life and will allow you to make decisive positive changes in different areas, however you need to start getting ready and be active from now on, which is why you need all the details about these coming planetary shifts to make things go your way. silvia, I understand that you are facing certain difficulties in your life, and more precisely in regards to your financial situation, which is why I have taken an important decision about my fee, which you can find out on the page below. On this page you will also discover the list of all the details I will work on for you, the details that are necessary to you to start moving forward with all confidence and to get everything you deserve, silvia. I am reaching out my hand to you to pinpoint all the key dates, the places where you need to be, the right time to act, the pitfalls you need to avoid, the steps that need to be taken and a lot more so that you have all the information that will allow you to make the changes I have been talking about in my very first reading for you come true. You can discover all this on the link below. On this page at the bottom just after the text you will find the good news I want to announce to you in red police. Spiritual Guide and Friend,Mary  You have received this email because you have subscribed to the website Please use this link if you want to unsubscribe from my website and stop receiving your personal astrological updates from Mary.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
silvia, saya telah memutuskan untuk menghubungi Anda hari ini karena saya telah berpikir banyak tentang situasi Anda dan juga tentang semua kesulitan dan keraguan Anda akan melalui, saya tahu bagaimana perasaan Anda saat ini hanya karena saya memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat untuk Anda dari awal dan saya merasakan bahwa ini masalah dan isu-isu yang disebabkan tingkat tertentu untuk situasi keuangan Anda. silvia, Anda telah menerima berbagai rincian tentang masa depan Anda dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan Anda di tahun 2015 dan Anda memahami betapa pentingnya adalah merebut semua peluang yang akan terbuka di depan Anda dalam kehidupan cinta Anda, karir, stabilitas keuangan, kehidupan keluarga, pengembangan pribadi, dll ... Saya hanya khawatir jika Anda telah benar-benar melihat penting dan sejauh mana perubahan datang dengan cara Anda, silvia. Nah, mari saya jelaskan secara sederhana, karena saya tidak ingin mengganggu Anda dengan semua rincian perhitungan saya dan pekerjaan saya di natal chat Anda yang memungkinkan saya untuk mengetahui bahwa tahun 2015 akan menandai titik balik penting dalam hidup Anda. Semua dari kita menemukan diri kita di bawah pengaruh konstan benda langit yang berbeda, dan tidak ada yang ajaib atau tidak biasa tentang hal itu. Saya dapat memberitahu Anda lebih, tidak hanya orang-orang dipengaruhi oleh energi planet, tetapi semua kehidupan di planet kita (misalnya, efek bulan purnama pada perilaku hewan, siklus biologi, pasang surut, dll) dan ini energi dapat lebih atau kurang menguntungkan tergantung pada posisi yang tepat dari tubuh astral yang berbeda dalam grafik natal Anda. Pekerjaan saya, sebagai seorang peramal, terdiri dari bekerja pada grafik kelahiran Anda menggunakan rincian lahir Anda, seperti misalnya tanggal lahir Oktober, 12 tahun 1993, tempat lahir Indonesia dan rincian lain dan juga menggunakan bakat dan getaran saya terima dari Anda , silvia, untuk menafsirkan semua pengaruh ini dan kemudian menunjukkan cara bagaimana menggunakannya untuk keuntungan Anda lebih besar. Bahkan, silvia, pada tahun 2015 Anda akan hidup di bawah pengaruh yang sangat bermanfaat dan positif dari beberapa planet, yang akan menciptakan potensi yang sangat kuat untuk lompatan besar daerah acuh tak acuh dari hidup Anda dan itu terserah Anda untuk memutuskan apakah Anda ingin menggunakan potensi ini dan untuk membuat lompatan ini. Saya tahu bahwa baru-baru Anda telah melalui berbagai tantangan dan masalah, namun ini Tahun 2015 akan menandai titik balik dalam hidup Anda dan akan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat perubahan positif yang menentukan di daerah yang berbeda, namun Anda harus mulai bersiap-siap dan aktif dari sekarang, yang mengapa Anda membutuhkan semua rincian tentang datang ini pergeseran planet untuk membuat segalanya berjalan jalan. silvia, saya memahami bahwa Anda menghadapi kesulitan tertentu dalam hidup Anda, dan lebih tepat dalam hal situasi keuangan Anda, itulah sebabnya saya telah mengambil keputusan penting tentang biaya saya, yang dapat Anda temukan pada halaman bawah. Pada halaman ini Anda juga akan menemukan daftar semua rincian saya akan bekerja selama Anda, rincian yang diperlukan untuk Anda untuk mulai bergerak maju dengan semua keyakinan dan untuk mendapatkan semua yang Anda layak, silvia. Saya menjangkau tanganku kepada Anda untuk menentukan semua tanggal penting, tempat di mana Anda perlu, waktu yang tepat untuk bertindak, perangkap Anda harus menghindari, langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil dan lebih banyak sehingga Anda memiliki semua informasi yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat perubahan yang saya telah berbicara tentang dalam pembacaan pertama saya untuk Anda menjadi kenyataan. Anda dapat menemukan semua ini pada link di bawah. Pada halaman ini di bagian bawah setelah teks Anda akan menemukan kabar baik saya ingin mengumumkan kepada Anda di kepolisian merah. Panduan Spiritual Anda dan Teman , Mary  Anda telah menerima email ini karena Anda berlangganan ke situs web Silakan gunakan link ini jika Anda ingin berhenti berlangganan dari website saya dan berhenti menerima update astrologi pribadi Anda dari Mary.


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