#1588: Reactivating dead person! Almost in Meng Hao became the host of terjemahan - #1588: Reactivating dead person! Almost in Meng Hao became the host of Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1588: Reactivating dead person! Al

#1588: Reactivating dead person!

Almost in Meng Hao became the host of boundless in starry sky, changes name to this starry skies, calls makes the mountain and sea starry sky at the same time, outside the boundlessness, in that stretch of endless ruins, is silent, presented a giant eye.
This eye in appearing flickers, all ruins, completely became the flying ashes, entire boundless outside all regions, in this moment, became the world of dust.
The only this eye, floats there, motionless, but among blood thread were obviously many much, looked from afar that as if became the red.
As if among, contained the endless anger, even carefully looks, in that angry deep place, as if is also hiding the fear
It, is the this body of Heaven's Crown!
Once Heaven's Crown, the flesh and blood dissipated, remaining this eye with five fingers, now five has only pointed at its three, although final two have not broken, may because of the appearance of Meng Hao, represent of monster, started withering.
But has represented of immortal, is the same is withering.
Even if this eye, does not have Transcendence compared with before Meng Hao obviously, weak too many were too many.
„Meng Hao!” For a long time, this intraocular, spreads the fuzzy sound, is similar to is the turnover is the same, sound by draw very long is very long, the hatred of among containing, is equally prolonged.
Original this all these, according to his plan, should not be this, Meng Hao not Transcendence, but before Transcendence, becomes the 99 th generation of monsters plants, then after he absorbs, with the aid of Heaven's Crown bloodline the strength of Nirvana, with the aid of the changeable law of monster, creates a new stature.
To that time, he has been able to get rid of the wreckage that this withers, reappears in the starry sky, and had the glorious life, all these original this are very good, but had accidents.
At this moment his clone was cut, is unable to step into again is boundless, can only in this boundless outside, waits for the appearance of Meng Hao.
In this giant eyeball the blood thread are more, the hatred of being discouraged changed to the ice-cold murderous intention.
„All have the opportunity!”
For a long time. This eye slowly closed, vanishes without the shade.
In the mountain and sea starry sky, Meng Hao frowned, thinks deeply about the curse of Heaven's Crown. Even the will proliferates, careful pushing spreads out, may not have the slight clue finally.
„Heaven's Crown of heyday, his curse” Meng Hao sighed lightly, when gained ground. He arrived at the region that past Mountains and Seas Plane was, here original this is vortex, but among a grayish white, did not have any vitality to exist now.
Stares at this place, in Meng Hao reveals gently, his right hand lifts wields, immediately in this piece of vortex, presented the innumerable luminous spots instantaneously, in these luminous spots erupts the rich vitality, is similar to the spark. Lit all regions gradually, causes this vortex fast radiance, to finally, colorful, became in the piece starry sky, bright origin of life.
Here, once was the Mountains and Seas Plane family, now, as before is the Mountains and Seas Plane family!
The Meng Hao right hand lifts, when outstretches palm slowly. Among the ray sparkle, by the Transcendence most precious object that he creates, new Mountains and Seas Plane, transforms in this moment. Slowly flies, directly soars this piece of vortex, floated when the place above, all cultivator in Mountains and Seas Plane, the complete mood surged.
Even some departures, after witnessing vortex. In that excited bursting into tears water.
„Starry sky that Mountains and Seas Plane is, here is the hometown is at”
„I was born in Mountains and Seas Plane, but Mountains and Seas Plane was the birth here”
„I came back, our mountain and sea person, came back!” De Cang is looking at vortex, in the heart is unable to be tranquil, Meng Hao maternal grandfather, his elder sister, Fatty, Wang Youcai, that his relatives and friends, in this moment, excited incomparable.
In rousing of this countless people, Meng Hao breathes deeply, the right hand suddenly lifts, toward front fierce wields, under this wields, the time of this place reverses loudly.
What influence is only this starry sky vortex, Meng Hao here, within Mountains and Seas Plane all people, no longer affect, their clear seeing, time, in this backs up, this piece of vortex is fast, then restored the beforehand grayish white color.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1588: Reactivating dead person! Almost in Meng Hao became the host of boundless in starry sky, changes name to this starry skies, calls makes the mountain and sea starry sky at the same time, outside the boundlessness, in that stretch of endless ruins, is silent, presented a giant eye.This eye in appearing flickers, all ruins, completely became the flying ashes, entire boundless outside all regions, in this moment, became the world of dust.The only this eye, floats there, motionless, but among blood thread were obviously many much, looked from afar that as if became the red.As if among, contained the endless anger, even carefully looks, in that angry deep place, as if is also hiding the fearIt, is the this body of Heaven's Crown!Once Heaven's Crown, the flesh and blood dissipated, remaining this eye with five fingers, now five has only pointed at its three, although final two have not broken, may because of the appearance of Meng Hao, represent of monster, started withering.But has represented of immortal, is the same is withering.Even if this eye, does not have Transcendence compared with before Meng Hao obviously, weak too many were too many.„Meng Hao!” For a long time, this intraocular, spreads the fuzzy sound, is similar to is the turnover is the same, sound by draw very long is very long, the hatred of among containing, is equally prolonged.Asli ini semua ini, sesuai dengan rencana, tidak boleh ini, Meng Hao tidak transendensi, tetapi sebelum transendensi, menjadi generasi th 99 monster tanaman, maka setelah ia menyerap, dengan bantuan surga Crown darah keturunan kebangsawanan kekuatan Nirvana, dengan bantuan hukum berubah rakasa, menciptakan bertubuh baru.Saat itu, ia telah mampu menyingkirkan puing-puing yang bahwa ini layu, muncul di langit berbintang, dan memiliki kehidupan yang mulia, Semua asli ini ini adalah baik, tetapi telah kecelakaan.Saat ini clone nya dipotong, tidak mampu untuk masuk ke lagi tak terbatas, bisa hanya dalam hal ini tak terbatas di luar, menunggu munculnya Meng Hao.Di bola ini raksasa benang darah lain, kebencian sedang dianjurkan berubah menjadi pembunuh niat dingin."Semua punya kesempatan!"Untuk waktu yang lama. Mata ini perlahan-lahan ditutup, menghilang tanpa naungan.Di gunung dan laut langit berbintang, Meng Hao mengerutkan kening, berpikir secara mendalam tentang kutukan surga Crown. Bahkan akan berproliferasi, hati-hati mendorong menyebar, mungkin tidak memiliki petunjuk sedikit akhirnya."Heaven mahkota masa kejayaan, kutukan" Meng Hao mendesah ringan, ketika mendapatkan tanah. Ia tiba di wilayah yang melewati pegunungan dan laut pesawat, sini asli ini adalah pusaran, tetapi di antara putih keabu-abuan, tidak memiliki apapun vitalitas ada sekarang.Tatapan di tempat ini, dalam Meng Hao mengungkapkan lembut, Lift kanan Nya wields, segera dalam bagian ini dari pusaran, disajikan tempat bercahaya yang tak terhitung instan, di tempat yang bercahaya ini meletus vitalitas kaya, mirip dengan percikan. Menyalakan semua wilayah secara bertahap, menyebabkan radiance cepat vortex ini, untuk akhirnya, warna-warni, menjadi potongan starry langit, cerah asal usul kehidupan.Di sini, dulu pegunungan dan laut pesawat keluarga, sekarang, seperti sebelumnya adalah pegunungan dan laut pesawat keluarga!Mengangkat tangan kanan Meng Hao, ketika outstretches palm perlahan-lahan. Antara kilauan ray, oleh transendensi paling berharga obyek yang dia menciptakan, baru pegunungan dan laut pesawat, mengubah pada saat ini. Perlahan-lahan lalat, langsung menjulang sepotong pusaran, mengambang ketika tempat di atas, semua beralih di pegunungan dan laut pesawat, mood lengkap melonjak.Bahkan beberapa keberangkatan, setelah menyaksikan vortex. Yang bersemangat meledak ke dalam air mata air."Starry langit bahwa pegunungan dan laut pesawat adalah, di sini adalah kampung halaman""Saya dilahirkan di pegunungan dan laut pesawat, tetapi pegunungan dan laut pesawat adalah kelahiran di sini""Hometown!""Aku datang kembali, orang kita gunung dan laut, kembali!" De Cang melihat pusaran, di jantung mampu tenang, kakek maternal Meng Hao, kakak perempuannya, lemak, Wang Youcai, bahwa sanak saudara dan teman-teman, pada saat ini, bersemangat tak tertandingi.Di meriah ini orang-orang yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, Meng Hao bernapas dalam-dalam, tangan kanan tiba-tiba mengangkat, ke arah depan sengit wields, di bawah ini wields, saat ini tempat membalikkan keras.Pengaruh apa adalah hanya ini langit berbintang vortex Meng Hao di sini, dalam pegunungan dan laut pesawat semua orang, tidak mempengaruhi, mereka jelas melihat, waktu, dalam hal ini punggung atas, vortex sepotong ini cepat, kemudian dipulihkan warna putih keabu-abuan sebelumnya.
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