Each of them, before leaving, will look at to by direct descendant Div terjemahan - Each of them, before leaving, will look at to by direct descendant Div Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Each of them, before leaving, will

Each of them, before leaving, will look at to by direct descendant Division protection Meng Hao there, such as talked to oneself that spoke a few words, this departs.
Along with their departures, in Fang Clan, Fang Hao here focuses attention on thoroughly, by most clansmen, was regarded as has surmounted Fang Wei ... Fang Clan this generation of first Chosen.
Fang Wei is silent, returned to the home deep place along with his father and grandfather, he is not defeated willingly, in returning to construction after underground secret room, in Fang Wei reveals decisively, looks to his father and grandfather.
„I want practicing ... A Breath from the Yellow Springs Dao!”
After his father hears these five characters, the look changes.
„May not, this field of endeavor, although is the laws of my Fang Clan four big town clans, may not be imperfect, compared with it Reincarnation in a Thought Technique, has too many dangers, your body has the six patriarchs mark, in the future will wield Fang Clan, the trivial defeat, is it possible that lost Dao Heart!” The Fang Wei father, nearly drinks severely the anger said.
„But it, is the Fang Clan strongest [say / way], can open 98 arteries, compared with it Reincarnation in a Thought Technique, are many four arteries, believes the six patriarchs male, regarding this will also satisfy!” Fang Wei tranquil to open mouth.
The Fang Wei father is just about to speak, actually by the grandfather stop of Fang Wei, this old man deep looked at Fang Wei one, the sinking sound spoke a few words.
„Were you clear?”
„Is very clear, I want practicing A Breath from the Yellow Springs Dao, by this field of endeavor Cheng Zhenxian, hundred days later, I either am defeated to fall into the underground spring, either successful opens the arteries by this, the achievement 98 arteries!” The Fang Wei dangling view, said in a soft voice.
„I , if defeated, father, Grandfather, will be the Fang Hao thing, gives back to him.”
„However I, will have been if successful doomed, his past birth, dark, book to help my Fang Wei.” In Fang Wei both eyes reveals such as the knife point common ray.
The Fang Wei grandfather is silent, after the moment, both eyes dodge, when numerous nods, turn around, left the secret room.
The Fang Wei father starts to speak but hesitates, may see the firmness of Fang Wei, he sighed one darkly, but was quick, his innermost feelings to Meng Hao there, had stronger Killing Intent.
„No matter Wei'er whether to succeed, Fang Hao ... Your exactly hundred days!” The Fang Wei father, the look black, goes out of the secret room.
The time passes, after Planet East Victory Sun Rising from the East had finished, entire Ninth Mountain and Sea, Chosen of all Sect families, one after another started final closing up.
Impact ... Real Immortal Realm!
Smoked to pull out, the throat was quite uncomfortable, was quite uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable ...( Novel «I Want To seal Day» will have the new content in the official slightly letter platform, meanwhile 100% drawing big rituals give to everybody! Now opens the slightly letter, click upper right + „increases friend”, searches the public number „qdread” and pays attention, the speed grasps!) ( to be continued ) r466
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Masing-masing dari mereka, sebelum berangkat, akan melihat untuk oleh keturunan langsung divisi perlindungan Meng Hao, seperti berbicara kepada diri sendiri bahwa berbicara beberapa kata, ini berangkat.Bersama dengan keberangkatan mereka, dalam suku Fang, Fang Hao di sini memfokuskan perhatian pada secara menyeluruh, oleh kebanyakan anggota klan, dianggap sebagai telah diatasi Fang Wei... Fang klan ini generasi pertama dipilih.Fang Wei diam, kembali ke tempat dalam rumah bersama dengan ayah dan kakeknya, dia tidak kalah dengan sukarela, kembali ke konstruksi setelah ruang rahasia bawah tanah, di Fang Wei mengungkapkan, terlihat nya ayah dan kakeknya."Saya ingin berlatih... Nafas dari Dao Yellow Springs!"Setelah ayahnya mendengar ini lima karakter, melihat perubahan."Mungkin tidak, bidang usaha, meskipun adalah hukum klan saya kota besar Fang klan empat, mungkin tidak sempurna, dibandingkan dengan itu reinkarnasi dalam berpikir teknik, memiliki terlalu banyak bahaya, tubuh Anda memiliki enam Bapa Markus, di masa depan akan memegang Fang klan, kekalahan sepele, Apakah mungkin bahwa putus asa Dao!" Bapa Fang Wei, hampir minuman parah kemarahan mengatakan."Tapi, klan Fang terkuat [mengatakan / cara], dapat membuka arteri 98, dibandingkan dengan itu reinkarnasi dalam berpikir teknik, yang banyak empat arteri, percaya para Bapa enam laki-laki, mengenai hal ini juga memenuhi!" Wei Fang tenang untuk membuka mulut.Fang Wei Bapa adalah hanya untuk berbicara, benar-benar dengan halte kakek Wei Fang, orang tua ini dalam memandang Wei Fang satu, suara tenggelam berbicara beberapa kata.„Were you clear?”„Is very clear, I want practicing A Breath from the Yellow Springs Dao, by this field of endeavor Cheng Zhenxian, hundred days later, I either am defeated to fall into the underground spring, either successful opens the arteries by this, the achievement 98 arteries!” The Fang Wei dangling view, said in a soft voice.„I , if defeated, father, Grandfather, will be the Fang Hao thing, gives back to him.”„However I, will have been if successful doomed, his past birth, dark, book to help my Fang Wei.” In Fang Wei both eyes reveals such as the knife point common ray.The Fang Wei grandfather is silent, after the moment, both eyes dodge, when numerous nods, turn around, left the secret room.The Fang Wei father starts to speak but hesitates, may see the firmness of Fang Wei, he sighed one darkly, but was quick, his innermost feelings to Meng Hao there, had stronger Killing Intent.„No matter Wei'er whether to succeed, Fang Hao ... Your exactly hundred days!” The Fang Wei father, the look black, goes out of the secret room.The time passes, after Planet East Victory Sun Rising from the East had finished, entire Ninth Mountain and Sea, Chosen of all Sect families, one after another started final closing up.Impact ... Real Immortal Realm!Merokok untuk mengeluarkan, tenggorokan adalah cukup nyaman, tidak nyaman, tidak nyaman... (Novel «saya ingin untuk segel hari» akan memiliki konten baru di resmi sedikit Surat platform, sementara itu 100% menggambar besar ritual memberikan kepada semua orang! Sekarang membuka sedikit surat, sebelah kanan atas klik + "meningkatkan teman", pencarian umum nomor "qdread" dan membayar perhatian, kecepatan grasps!) (untuk dilanjutkan) r466
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