That vision bad middle-aged man has not worried, his not detailed Meng terjemahan - That vision bad middle-aged man has not worried, his not detailed Meng Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

That vision bad middle-aged man has

That vision bad middle-aged man has not worried, his not detailed Meng Hao here has the guts to go out directly, only if the this body strength is intrepid, otherwise, anybody arrived here, needs to recuperate, after the weight, will choose.
„Junior, the old man prepares to carry out a transaction middle-aged man cloudy and cold with you” to smile, looks to Meng Hao, slowly to open mouth.
„You could rest assured that trades with my two people, has not harmed to you, instead has the huge advantage.” Another four source Dao Lord, spreads the sound slowly.
He same does not care about the position that Meng Hao is at this moment, because his judgment is the same to his companion, few individuals, can after here, without hesitation goes out that step.
But said in these two people of words instant, Meng Hao root this looked that did not look, does not pay attention to these two people, he reveals the strange glow, goes out directly forward one step!
„You must court death inadequately!!” This, making that two Dao Lord be surprised, immediately sets out, breathless, when the roar spreads, Meng Hao here body shakes fiercely.
Here pressure, is not hundred times, but has achieved 150 times directly!
Thunders, the body of Meng Hao collapses instantaneously, this head is unable to be complete, instant became blood fog, that two Dao Lord that sees, the look black, they waited to be so long, finally waited till one, may actually not think that unexpectedly was an idiot.
„This boy head is sick, the past that such direct impact clashes, deserved to be damned!”
„He died died, may actually implicate us to lose the opportunity, damn!!” When these two four source Dao Lord clenches teeth to roar lowly, suddenly they have gawked.
They discovered that Meng Hao here blood fog, with them remembers when other people died is different, this blood fog has not dissipated unexpectedly, but covers in the same place, faint, they saw in that nihility, as if has a human form outline.
Carefully looks, composes this outline, impressively is soul lamps, altogether 108, besides two still beyond the ignition, other completely extinguish now.
„This is” outside two Dao Lord, has been startled.
At this moment, suddenly, that two soul lamp of ignition, extinguishes suddenly directly, along with extinguishing, all around blood fog as if had some type nimble and resourceful with the vitality, under that 150 times of pressure, started the tumbling contraction and condensation!
As if the strength full drawing, is causing these blood fog under the condensation, as if must mold a stature!
But quick, is too big because of that pressure, extinguishes a strength of soul lamp, seems unable to achieve this point, at this moment suddenly, that last soul lamp of ignition, in this moment fierce swaying, in inconceivable of that two four source Dao Lord, this last soul lamp
Extinguishes instantaneously!
In instant, the entire world that it extinguishes seemed to be silent, shakes the heavens moves, lets that two four source Dao Lord facial color big changes, the body step on step on step on unceasingly retreats imposing manner, from that blood fog, dreadfully!
Wrote motionless, the head wrote ignorant to encircle, continued to write again, the condition was not completely right.
Let the root of the ear rest
Finally, roars again a throat,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bahwa visi pria paruh baya yang buruk tidak khawatir, nya tidak rinci Meng Hao di sini memiliki keberanian untuk pergi keluar secara langsung, hanya jika ini tubuh kekuatan pemberani, jika tidak, siapa pun tiba di sini, kebutuhan untuk memulihkan, setelah berat, akan memilih."Junior, orang tua mempersiapkan untuk melakukan transaksi seorang pria paruh baya berawan dan dingin dengan Anda" tersenyum, terlihat Meng Hao, perlahan-lahan membuka mulut."Anda bisa yakin bahwa perdagangan dengan saya dua orang, tidak dirugikan kepada Anda, bukan memiliki keuntungan besar." Empat sumber Tuhan Dao, menyebar perlahan-lahan suara.Dia sama tidak peduli tentang posisi yang Meng Hao saat ini, karena penghakiman-Nya adalah sama dengan rekannya, beberapa individu, dapat setelah sini, tanpa ragu-ragu keluar langkah itu.Tetapi mengatakan dalam kedua-dua orang kata-kata yang instan, Meng Hao akar ini tampak yang tidak terlihat, tidak membayar perhatian untuk dua orang ini, ia mengungkapkan aneh cahaya, keluar langsung maju satu langkah!"Berhenti!!""Anda harus pengadilan kematian tidak!!" Ini, membuat Tuhan Dao bahwa dua akan terkejut, segera menetapkan, terengah-engah, ketika deru menyebar, Meng Hao di sini tubuh Shake keras.Di sini tekanan, tidak seratus kali, tetapi telah mencapai 150 kali langsung!Guruh, tubuh Meng Hao runtuh seketika, kepala ini tidak dapat diselesaikan, instan menjadi darah kabut, yang dua Dao Tuhan yang melihat, melihat hitam, mereka menunggu untuk menjadi begitu lama, akhirnya menunggu sampai satu, mungkin benar-benar tidak berpikir bahwa tiba-tiba adalah idiot.„This boy head is sick, the past that such direct impact clashes, deserved to be damned!”„He died died, may actually implicate us to lose the opportunity, damn!!” When these two four source Dao Lord clenches teeth to roar lowly, suddenly they have gawked.They discovered that Meng Hao here blood fog, with them remembers when other people died is different, this blood fog has not dissipated unexpectedly, but covers in the same place, faint, they saw in that nihility, as if has a human form outline.Carefully looks, composes this outline, impressively is soul lamps, altogether 108, besides two still beyond the ignition, other completely extinguish now.„This is” outside two Dao Lord, has been startled.At this moment, suddenly, that two soul lamp of ignition, extinguishes suddenly directly, along with extinguishing, all around blood fog as if had some type nimble and resourceful with the vitality, under that 150 times of pressure, started the tumbling contraction and condensation!As if the strength full drawing, is causing these blood fog under the condensation, as if must mold a stature!But quick, is too big because of that pressure, extinguishes a strength of soul lamp, seems unable to achieve this point, at this moment suddenly, that last soul lamp of ignition, in this moment fierce swaying, in inconceivable of that two four source Dao Lord, this last soul lampExtinguishes instantaneously!Dalam sekejap, seluruh dunia bahwa itu memadamkan tampaknya diam, getar langit bergerak, memungkinkan bahwa dua empat sumber Dao Tuhan perubahan warna wajah besar, langkah tubuh pada langkah langkah pada tanpa henti retret cara yang mengesankan, dari kabut darah itu, sangat!Menulis terdiam, kepala menulis bodoh untuk mengelilingi, terus menulis lagi, kondisi ini tidak sepenuhnya betul.Biarkan akar sisanya telingaAkhirnya, mengaum lagi tenggorokan,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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