Chapter 9ReCAP: It had taken every last ounce of sanity for him to lea terjemahan - Chapter 9ReCAP: It had taken every last ounce of sanity for him to lea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 9ReCAP: It had taken every

Chapter 9

ReCAP: It had taken every last ounce of sanity for him to leave her with just a kiss and hug .Jalal wanted to go further so he Kissed her again but slowly and thoroughly,. He tried opening her backless blouse lace (dori)...before he opens it Jodha realize she went too far ...She pushed herself from him. Clumsily, she stood up and stumbled back a few steps. We shouldn't be doing this' she said almost in a whisper. We would be mad not to Jalal said and came closer to her, not touching her, but looking deep into her eyes with a desire for her. It was impossible for her to resist. Jalal pull her towards him and asked her why not, I am your husband; we are not doing anything wrong, Jalal desire was at mountain... he couldn't control himself anymore... he was not ready to listen no...He was at the point there was no turning back for him... He again pulled her closer with passion and anger...


Sudden realization totally shook Jodha ... Seeing Jalal's passion her face filled with fear... she pulled herself back two steps away from him. (she prayed to god... hey Krishna help me, What have I done?)

Before she could say anything, Jalal pinned her to the tree holding her both hands tightly and stared at her with little resentment and strong sexual desire. Jodha was not able to look at him directly, her eyes were down; she was feeling extremely guilty for her denial. She knew it was her fault; she did not control herself and took him to this intense level.

Jalal hold her face then lift up her chin, he wanted read her eyes once again, finally Jodha slowly lift her eyes up... unstoppable tears flood out from her eyes with little fear and lot of guilt. He merely asked her "Why are testing my patience?"

Jodha was still quite... she had no answer to his desire... Jalal felt hurt, his ego bruises extremely... Every second his patience was taking over anger... Al last with extreme furious rage, He shouts with anger "It is so impossible to understand you, you are the one who allowed me to come close to you and why this rejection?" Jodha had no answer to it; she didn't respond anything, her silence created fire inside him. With dangerous frustration, Jalal holds her cheeks harshly from and pushed her away from her and walked off...

His fury was at the mountain, she completely traumatized with his reaction... Jalal walked off and went near pond, took some stones in anger and started throwing in the pond... suddenly; he was feeling empty and lonely...

Jodha at last decided to talk to Jalal, she fearfully cautiously went near by the pond and In low tone she called him "Shenshan", Jalal didn't respond and without looking at her, started to walk away from her... she called out again in pleading tone " please listen to me," he ignored again, Jodha ran behind him and hold his hand to stop him. He looked back with immense resentment and screamed "Get out from here, I don't want to see your face, I have no interest to have any conversation with you..." Jodha still standing holding his hand, finally Jalal pushed her hand away with a jerk, before she could say anything he rides off toward palace.

Jalal was feeling like killing everyone, he never felt insulted like this before...he had never seen rejection like this. He always got what he wished for, many queens left their kingdom to stay with Jalal...There was something in Jodha which was completely different than others... Her every sentence, every word, every tear was effecting him to intense. First time in his life he was feeling defeated. He wanted to hurt her so much but he couldn't do that.

Jodha ride back to palace. She directly went to see Jalal but Jalal, guard stopped her at the entrance, she waited for Jalal's permission to go inside his chamber, Jalal saw her standing helplessly, looking in her eyes he deny her request to meet him. She felt distinguish sting and anger in his eyes. She felt his immense pain and crushed ego in his intense eyes which turn dark in anger...

Jalal was completely shaken by what was happening between him and Jodha... He knew very well he was losing his control over his heart, His restless mind and heart both were broken and shattered. He was not in condition to work so he decided not to attend court and requested Atgah Saheb, instruct him to take care of his political duties for the day...He wanted stay alone for the day.

Seeing him that vulnerable her was feeling guilty...Jodha decided to apologies him anyhow, so she decided to cook his favorite dish for him for lunch. She made entire meal for him and her. Maha Manga noticed and also surprised to see Jodha cooking for Jalal.

Jodha told Jalal's special bandi to go inside and ask "If Shenshan is ready for lunch and instruct her not to mention her name."

Jalal was lost in his thought... He recalled their first kiss, first hug, how he carried her in his arms, peaceful sleep, cuddling each other all those beautiful moment his mind repeated same scene over and over again... His anger cooled down a little... Dasi came inside ask him "If he is ready to eat lunch" and he replied absentmindedly "Bring it in..."

Jodha came in Jalal's room with all the food and start serving food, Jalal was still lost in his thoughts, standing by the window watching flying bird in the sky. He didn't notice Jodha's presence... his ear rings with familiar sound of payal, sudden realization, he swiftly turned back. She cheerfully smiled at him while serving food.

With anguished voice Jalal shouted, "Why you came to my room without my permission?"

She replied playfully "I don't need a permission to come to my husband room."

Jalal was shocked with her answer, he replied with sarcastic tone, "Oh Jodha begum, so now you realize that I am your husband..."
She grin at him and said teasingly "When did I deny that you are not my husband? She pause and smirk at him mischievously then continued "Don't you see I am fulfilling my duty; I have cooked all this food for you."
Jalal anger was melting seeing her cheerful impish face, "Do you know wife's duty?" he snapped,

Jodha replied sarcastically, "Shenshah, Actually' this is my first experience how I would know all my duty but you have 500 begums, you seemed very well knowledgeable... why don't you teach me my all duties?" she sounded very much playful. Jalal anger was almost vanished but still he was feeling bitter...

Jalal in his arrogant tone replied "I have told my favorite begum Rukaiya to teach you wife's duty. You are not that important, why would I waste my time on you?"

Jodha gaze at him exasperatedly, immediately she replied in furious tone "You know what, let me call your favorite begum to feed this food, I am leaving."

With anger she got up from chair to walk toward door, before she go out Jalal grabbed her hand and pulled her close wrapping his on hand on waist teasingly said, "Oh! My new begum is jealous of my favorite Rukaiya begum."

Jodha looking other side from him and irritably said "I am not jealous of anyone, leave me alone, and let me go." She tried to come out of his grip but more she tried more strongly he gripped on her... Jodha with frustration look at him and said " Shenshah, you can do anything with anyone, and it doesn't affect me at all. You are not important in my life as well, I am happy with my Kanah."

His lips curved with smirk seeing her frustrating anger, he pulled her little more closer towards him and whisper in her ears "So why you have cooked for me? I think you do care about me, and you like me too."

Jodha tried constantly to release her wrist from him and Jalal grip was much more powerful. Finally Jodha said with anger "leave me alone Shenshah, you are hurting me" and uninvited tear prick out from her eyes. Jalal release her hand immediately... "Jodha without saying anything walking out of the room..." Jalal softly said "Jodha begum...Stop...come back..." Jodha stooped and looked back, Jalal asked in serious tone "Jodha begum, I thought, you wanted to talk to me about something and what about food, won't like to have lunch with me."

Jodha with hurtful tone replied with her moist eyes "I don't want to eat anything and I am not in mood to talk about anything..."
Jalal smirk a little seeing her cute cranky face "That's fine with me but if you don't serve me than I will have call my..." he said playfully... before he finish she came back and said in annoyance "I know my duty..." Jalal get pleasure from her jealousy,

He grab her hand and came by the lunch table, He noticed there were two plates served, one vegetarian food and other one non-veg. He purposely sat by vegetarian plate... Jodha stopped him and said "Shehanshah, this plate is not for you, it is for me." But you just said "You don't want to eat anything." he again started to tease her. Jodha felt little shy and awkward...

"Jodha begum you have cooked for me with your wish for first time, so I would like both of us eat in the same plate." Jodha with little blush and smile and nods her face in agreement..." Jalal took a first bite of Roti and vegetable gravy, as soon as he ate he said "Subhan Allah, Jodha begum, delicious and tasty... like you."

It took her second to comprehend his comment; suddenly she realized what he was talking about, her entire face turn pink. She couldn't lift her eyes to see him. Jalal took another piece of Roti and vegetable and lovingly forward his hand to feed her. She shyly opened her mouth to eat, she still couldn't lift her eyes, both of them ate lunch while stealing gaze at each other...She was still feeling awkwardly shy eating with him under his gaze, she couldn't lift her eyes... He lifts her chin up with his fingers and sensually said breaking romantic silence "Jodha begum, your eyes are so beautiful and innocent, please don't hide it from me..." Jodha lift her eyes slowly and saw his mild smirk on his face... His constant gaze made her unc
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bab 9Rekap: Ia telah diambil setiap ons kewarasan baginya untuk meninggalkan Dia dengan hanya sebuah ciuman dan pelukan.Jalal ingin pergi lebih jauh sehingga dia menciumnya lagi tapi perlahan-lahan dan teliti. Dia mencoba membuka nya backless Blus renda (dori)... sebelum dia membukanya Jodha menyadari dia pergi terlalu jauh...Dia mendorong diri darinya. Kikuk, dia berdiri dan terhuyung-huyung kembali beberapa langkah. Kita tidak boleh melakukan ini ' katanya hampir dengan berbisik. Kami akan gila tidak untuk Jalal mengatakan dan mendekat padanya, tidak menyentuh dia, tapi melihat jauh ke dalam matanya dengan keinginan untuk dirinya. Itu mungkin baginya untuk menolak. Jalal menarik dia ke arahnya dan bertanya mengapa tidak, saya suami Anda; kita tidak melakukan sesuatu yang salah, Jalal keinginan pada gunung... dia tidak bisa mengendalikan diri lagi... ia sudah tidak siap untuk mendengarkan tidak...Dia berada di titik ada ada jalan kembali untuk dia... Ia lagi menarik dia lebih dekat dengan semangat dan kemarahan...BAB 9Realisasi mendadak benar-benar mengguncang Jodha... Melihat gairah Jalal di wajahnya dipenuhi dengan ketakutan... ia menarik dirinya kembali dua langkah darinya. (ia berdoa kepada Tuhan... Hei Kresna membantu saya, apa yang telah saya lakukan?)Sebelum dia bisa mengatakan apa-apa, Jalal disematkan padanya untuk pohon memegang dia kedua tangan erat dan menatapnya dengan sedikit kebencian dan keinginan seksual yang kuat. Jodha itu tidak mampu melihatnya secara langsung, matanya turun; Dia merasa sangat bersalah penolakan nya. Dia tahu itu adalah dia kesalahannya; Dia tidak mengawal dirinya sendiri dan membawanya ke tingkat intens.Jalal tahan wajahnya kemudian mengangkat dagunya, dia ingin membaca matanya sekali lagi, akhirnya Jodha perlahan-lahan mengangkat matanya up... menangis tak terbendung banjir dari matanya dengan sedikit rasa takut dan banyak bersalah. Dia hanya bertanya padanya "Mengapa menguji kesabaran saya?"Jodha itu masih cukup... dia tidak memiliki jawaban keinginannya... Jalal merasa sakit hati, egonya memar sangat... Setiap detik kesabarannya mengambil alih kemarahan... Al terakhir dengan ekstrim marah kemarahan, dia berteriak dengan amarah "Jadi mustahil untuk memahami Anda, Anda yang memungkinkan saya untuk datang dekat dengan Anda dan mengapa penolakan ini?" Jodha tidak memiliki jawaban untuk itu; Dia tidak merespon apa pun, dia api dibuat hening dalam dirinya. Dengan frustrasi berbahaya, Jalal memegang pipinya kasar dari dan mendorongnya menjauh dari mereka dan berjalan pergi...Kemarahannya di gunung, dia benar-benar trauma dengan reaksi nya... Jalal berjalan pergi dan pergi dekat pond, mengambil beberapa batu dalam kemarahan dan mulai melemparkan di kolam... tiba-tiba; ia merasa kosong dan kesepian...Jodha akhirnya memutuskan untuk berbicara dengan Jalal, dia ketakutan hati-hati pergi dekat dengan kolam renang dan nada rendah dia memanggilnya "Shenshan", Jalal tidak merespon dan tanpa memandang dia, mulai berjalan menjauh dari dia... dia berseru lagi memohon nada "tolong mendengarkan kepada saya," ia mengabaikan lagi, Jodha berlari di belakangnya dan memegang tangannya untuk menghentikannya. Dia menoleh ke belakang dengan besar kebencian dan berteriak "Keluar dari sini, saya tidak ingin melihat wajah Anda, saya tidak memiliki minat untuk memiliki setiap percakapan dengan Anda..." Jodha masih berdiri memegang tangannya, akhirnya Jalal mendorong tangannya dengan brengsek, sebelum dia bisa mengatakan apa-apa yang dia naik menuju istana.Jalal merasa seperti membunuh semua orang, ia tidak pernah merasa terhina seperti ini sebelumnya... ia belum pernah melihat penolakan seperti ini. Ia selalu mendapatkan apa yang dia berharap, banyak queens meninggalkan kerajaan mereka untuk tinggal dengan Jalal...Ada sesuatu dalam Jodha yang sama sekali berbeda daripada yang lain... Nya setiap kalimat, setiap kata, setiap air mata ini mempengaruhi dia untuk intens. Pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya ia merasa dikalahkan. Dia ingin menyakiti dia begitu banyak tapi dia tidak bisa melakukan itu.Jodha naik kembali ke istana. Dia langsung pergi untuk melihat Jalal tapi Jalal, penjaga berhenti padanya di pintu masuk, dia menunggu Jalal's izin untuk masuk ke dalam ruang nya, Jalal melihat dia berdiri tak berdaya, mencari di matanya ia menolak permintaannya untuk bertemu dengannya. Dia merasa membedakan sting dan kemarahan di matanya. Dia merasa besar sakitnya dan hancur ego dalam matanya intens yang berubah gelap dalam kemarahan...Jalal benar-benar terguncang oleh apa yang terjadi antara dirinya dan Jodha... Dia tahu sangat baik ia kehilangan kekuasaannya atas hatinya, gelisah pikiran dan hati baik itu rusak dan hancur. Dia adalah tidak dalam kondisi untuk bekerja sehingga ia memutuskan untuk tidak menghadiri pengadilan dan meminta Atgah Saheb, memerintahkan dia untuk mengurus tugasnya politik untuk hari...Dia ingin menginap sendirian untuk hari.Melihat dia yang rentan dia merasa bersalah...Jodha memutuskan untuk minta maaf kepadanya, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk memasak hidangan favorit nya baginya untuk makan siang. Dia membuat seluruh makanan untuk dia dan dia. Maha Manga melihat dan juga terkejut melihat memasak untuk Jalal Jodha.Jodha diberitahu Jalal's bandi khusus untuk masuk dan meminta "Jika Shenshan siap untuk makan siang dan memerintahkan dia untuk tidak menyebutkan namanya."Jalal hilang dalam pemikirannya... Ia teringat ciuman pertama mereka, pertama memeluk, bagaimana ia membawanya dalam pelukannya, damai tidur, memeluk satu sama lain semua saat mereka indah nya pikiran sama adegan diulang lagi dan lagi... Kemarahannya didinginkan sedikit... Dasi datang di dalamnya bertanya "Jika ia sudah siap untuk makan siang" dan dia menjawab melamun "membawa di..."Jodha datang di Jalal di kamar dengan semua makanan dan mulai melayani makanan, Jalal masih hilang dalam pikirannya, berdiri di dekat jendela menonton burung terbang di langit. Dia tidak menyadari Jodha di hadirat... telinganya cincin dengan suara akrab realisasi Zulfan, tiba-tiba, ia dengan cepat berbalik. Dia riang tersenyum padanya sambil menyajikan makanan.Dengan suara sedih Jalal berteriak, "Mengapa Anda datang ke kamar saya tanpa izin saya?"Dia menjawab main-main "Aku tidak membutuhkan izin untuk datang ke kamarku suami."Jalal terkejut dengan jawabannya, dia menjawab dengan nada sarkastik, "Oh Jodha begum, jadi sekarang Anda menyadari bahwa saya suami Anda..."Ia sanggup kepadanya dan berkata bercanda "ketika saya melakukan menolak bahwa Anda tidak suami saya? Dia berhenti sejenak dan menyeringai dia nakal kemudian dilanjutkan "Tidakkah kau lihat saya memenuhi tugas saya; Saya telah memasak semua makanan ini untuk Anda."Jalal kemarahan adalah mencair melihat wajahnya impish ceria, "Apakah Anda tahu istri tugas?" bentak,Jodha menjawab dengan sinis, "Shenshah, benar-benar ' ini adalah pertama saya pengalaman bagaimana aku tahu semua tugas saya, tetapi Anda memiliki 500 begums, Anda tampak sangat baik pengetahuan... kenapa kau tidak mengajarkan saya saya semua tugas?" Dia terdengar sangat menyenangkan. Jalal kemarahan adalah hampir lenyap tetapi masih ia merasa pahit...Jalal nada sombong nya menjawab "Aku sudah mengatakannya begum favorit saya Rukaiya untuk mengajarkan Anda istri tugas. Anda tidak terlalu penting, mengapa akan buang waktu pada Anda?"Jodha menatap dia napas exasperatedly, segera ia menjawab dalam nada marah "Anda tahu apa, biarkan saya telepon begum favorit Anda untuk memberi makan makanan ini, aku meninggalkan."Dengan kemarahan Dia bangkit dari kursi berjalan kaki untuk menuju pintu, sebelum dia pergi keluar Jalal menyambar tangannya dan ditarik pembungkus dekat dia di tangan di pinggang bercanda mengatakan, "Oh! Begum baru saya cemburu saya favorit Rukaiya begum."Melihat sisi lain dari dia dan kesal Jodha berkata "Aku tidak cemburu pada siapa pun, Tinggalkan aku sendirian, dan biarkan aku pergi." Dia mencoba untuk keluar pegangannya namun dia lebih mencoba lebih kuat ia mencengkeram nya... Jodha dengan frustrasi memandangnya dan berkata "Shenshah, Anda dapat melakukan apa saja dengan siapa pun, dan tidak mempengaruhi saya sama sekali. Anda tidak penting dalam hidup saya juga, saya senang dengan saya Kanah. "Bibirnya melengkung dengan seringai melihat kemarahan frustrasi, ia menarik lebih dekat nya sedikit lebih ke arah dia dan berbisik di telinganya "jadi mengapa Anda telah memasak untuk saya? Saya pikir Anda peduli tentang saya, dan Anda seperti saya juga."Jodha mencoba terus-menerus untuk melepaskan pergelangan tangannya dari dia dan pegangan Jalal jauh lebih kuat. Akhirnya Jodha berkata dengan kemarahan "tinggalkan aku sendirian Shenshah, Anda yang menyakiti saya" dan keausan diundang tusukan dari matanya. Jalal merilis tangannya segera... "Jodha tanpa mengatakan apapun berjalan keluar dari ruang..." Jalal lembut berkata "Jodha begum... berhenti... datang kembali..." Jodha membungkuk dan menoleh ke belakang, Jalal bertanya dalam nada serius "Jodha begum, aku berpikir, Anda ingin bicara dengan saya tentang sesuatu dan apa tentang makanan, tidak ingin makan siang dengan saya."Jodha dengan nada menyakitkan menjawab dengan matanya lembab "Aku tidak mau makan apa pun dan saya tidak dalam suasana hati untuk berbicara tentang apa pun..."Jalal menyeringai sedikit melihat wajahnya rewel lucu "itu baik-baik saja dengan saya tetapi jika Anda tidak melayani saya daripada saya akan memiliki panggilan saya..." katanya bercanda... sebelum dia selesai dia kembali dan berkata dalam gangguan "Aku tahu tugas saya..." Jalal mendapatkan kesenangan dari Ester cemburu,Dia menarik tangannya dan datang dengan meja makan siang, ia melihat ada dua piring disajikan, makanan vegetarian satu dan satu lainnya non-vegetarian. Dia sengaja duduk oleh vegetarian piring... Jodha berhenti padanya dan berkata "Shehanshah, piring ini adalah bukan untuk Anda, hal ini bagi saya." Tetapi Anda hanya berkata "Anda tidak ingin makan apa-apa." ia lagi mulai menggodanya. Jodha merasa sedikit pemalu dan canggung..."Jodha begum Anda telah memasak untuk saya dengan keinginan Anda untuk pertama kalinya, sehingga aku akan seperti kami berdua makan di piring sama." Jodha dengan sedikit memerah dan tersenyum dan mengangguk wajahnya dalam perjanjian..." Jalal mengambil gigitan pertama Roti dan saus sayur, segera setelah ia makan katanya "Subhanallah, Jodha begum, yang lezat... seperti kamu."Butuh nya kedua untuk memahami komentar; tiba-tiba ia menyadari apa yang ia bicarakan, seluruh wajahnya menjadi merah muda. Dia tidak bisa mengangkat mata untuk melihatnya. Jalal mengambil sepotong Roti dan sayur dan penuh cinta maju tangannya untuk makan. Dia shyly membuka mulutnya untuk makan, dia masih tidak bisa mengangkat matanya, keduanya Makan Siang sambil mencuri tatapan saling...Ia masih merasa canggung pemalu makan bersamanya di bawah tatapan, ia tidak bisa mengangkat matanya... Ia mengangkat dagunya dengan jarinya dan sensual berkata melanggar keheningan yang romantis "Jodha begum, mata Anda begitu indah dan tidak bersalah, Harap jangan menyembunyikannya dari saya..." Jodha mengangkat matanya perlahan-lahan dan melihat nya ringan seringai di wajahnya... Tatapan konstan yang membuat unc nya
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Chapter 9

ReCAP: It had taken every last ounce of sanity for him to leave her with just a kiss and hug .Jalal wanted to go further so he Kissed her again but slowly and thoroughly,. He tried opening her backless blouse lace (dori)...before he opens it Jodha realize she went too far ...She pushed herself from him. Clumsily, she stood up and stumbled back a few steps. We shouldn't be doing this' she said almost in a whisper. We would be mad not to Jalal said and came closer to her, not touching her, but looking deep into her eyes with a desire for her. It was impossible for her to resist. Jalal pull her towards him and asked her why not, I am your husband; we are not doing anything wrong, Jalal desire was at mountain... he couldn't control himself anymore... he was not ready to listen no...He was at the point there was no turning back for him... He again pulled her closer with passion and anger...


Sudden realization totally shook Jodha ... Seeing Jalal's passion her face filled with fear... she pulled herself back two steps away from him. (she prayed to god... hey Krishna help me, What have I done?)

Before she could say anything, Jalal pinned her to the tree holding her both hands tightly and stared at her with little resentment and strong sexual desire. Jodha was not able to look at him directly, her eyes were down; she was feeling extremely guilty for her denial. She knew it was her fault; she did not control herself and took him to this intense level.

Jalal hold her face then lift up her chin, he wanted read her eyes once again, finally Jodha slowly lift her eyes up... unstoppable tears flood out from her eyes with little fear and lot of guilt. He merely asked her "Why are testing my patience?"

Jodha was still quite... she had no answer to his desire... Jalal felt hurt, his ego bruises extremely... Every second his patience was taking over anger... Al last with extreme furious rage, He shouts with anger "It is so impossible to understand you, you are the one who allowed me to come close to you and why this rejection?" Jodha had no answer to it; she didn't respond anything, her silence created fire inside him. With dangerous frustration, Jalal holds her cheeks harshly from and pushed her away from her and walked off...

His fury was at the mountain, she completely traumatized with his reaction... Jalal walked off and went near pond, took some stones in anger and started throwing in the pond... suddenly; he was feeling empty and lonely...

Jodha at last decided to talk to Jalal, she fearfully cautiously went near by the pond and In low tone she called him "Shenshan", Jalal didn't respond and without looking at her, started to walk away from her... she called out again in pleading tone " please listen to me," he ignored again, Jodha ran behind him and hold his hand to stop him. He looked back with immense resentment and screamed "Get out from here, I don't want to see your face, I have no interest to have any conversation with you..." Jodha still standing holding his hand, finally Jalal pushed her hand away with a jerk, before she could say anything he rides off toward palace.

Jalal was feeling like killing everyone, he never felt insulted like this before...he had never seen rejection like this. He always got what he wished for, many queens left their kingdom to stay with Jalal...There was something in Jodha which was completely different than others... Her every sentence, every word, every tear was effecting him to intense. First time in his life he was feeling defeated. He wanted to hurt her so much but he couldn't do that.

Jodha ride back to palace. She directly went to see Jalal but Jalal, guard stopped her at the entrance, she waited for Jalal's permission to go inside his chamber, Jalal saw her standing helplessly, looking in her eyes he deny her request to meet him. She felt distinguish sting and anger in his eyes. She felt his immense pain and crushed ego in his intense eyes which turn dark in anger...

Jalal was completely shaken by what was happening between him and Jodha... He knew very well he was losing his control over his heart, His restless mind and heart both were broken and shattered. He was not in condition to work so he decided not to attend court and requested Atgah Saheb, instruct him to take care of his political duties for the day...He wanted stay alone for the day.

Seeing him that vulnerable her was feeling guilty...Jodha decided to apologies him anyhow, so she decided to cook his favorite dish for him for lunch. She made entire meal for him and her. Maha Manga noticed and also surprised to see Jodha cooking for Jalal.

Jodha told Jalal's special bandi to go inside and ask "If Shenshan is ready for lunch and instruct her not to mention her name."

Jalal was lost in his thought... He recalled their first kiss, first hug, how he carried her in his arms, peaceful sleep, cuddling each other all those beautiful moment his mind repeated same scene over and over again... His anger cooled down a little... Dasi came inside ask him "If he is ready to eat lunch" and he replied absentmindedly "Bring it in..."

Jodha came in Jalal's room with all the food and start serving food, Jalal was still lost in his thoughts, standing by the window watching flying bird in the sky. He didn't notice Jodha's presence... his ear rings with familiar sound of payal, sudden realization, he swiftly turned back. She cheerfully smiled at him while serving food.

With anguished voice Jalal shouted, "Why you came to my room without my permission?"

She replied playfully "I don't need a permission to come to my husband room."

Jalal was shocked with her answer, he replied with sarcastic tone, "Oh Jodha begum, so now you realize that I am your husband..."
She grin at him and said teasingly "When did I deny that you are not my husband? She pause and smirk at him mischievously then continued "Don't you see I am fulfilling my duty; I have cooked all this food for you."
Jalal anger was melting seeing her cheerful impish face, "Do you know wife's duty?" he snapped,

Jodha replied sarcastically, "Shenshah, Actually' this is my first experience how I would know all my duty but you have 500 begums, you seemed very well knowledgeable... why don't you teach me my all duties?" she sounded very much playful. Jalal anger was almost vanished but still he was feeling bitter...

Jalal in his arrogant tone replied "I have told my favorite begum Rukaiya to teach you wife's duty. You are not that important, why would I waste my time on you?"

Jodha gaze at him exasperatedly, immediately she replied in furious tone "You know what, let me call your favorite begum to feed this food, I am leaving."

With anger she got up from chair to walk toward door, before she go out Jalal grabbed her hand and pulled her close wrapping his on hand on waist teasingly said, "Oh! My new begum is jealous of my favorite Rukaiya begum."

Jodha looking other side from him and irritably said "I am not jealous of anyone, leave me alone, and let me go." She tried to come out of his grip but more she tried more strongly he gripped on her... Jodha with frustration look at him and said " Shenshah, you can do anything with anyone, and it doesn't affect me at all. You are not important in my life as well, I am happy with my Kanah."

His lips curved with smirk seeing her frustrating anger, he pulled her little more closer towards him and whisper in her ears "So why you have cooked for me? I think you do care about me, and you like me too."

Jodha tried constantly to release her wrist from him and Jalal grip was much more powerful. Finally Jodha said with anger "leave me alone Shenshah, you are hurting me" and uninvited tear prick out from her eyes. Jalal release her hand immediately... "Jodha without saying anything walking out of the room..." Jalal softly said "Jodha begum...Stop...come back..." Jodha stooped and looked back, Jalal asked in serious tone "Jodha begum, I thought, you wanted to talk to me about something and what about food, won't like to have lunch with me."

Jodha with hurtful tone replied with her moist eyes "I don't want to eat anything and I am not in mood to talk about anything..."
Jalal smirk a little seeing her cute cranky face "That's fine with me but if you don't serve me than I will have call my..." he said playfully... before he finish she came back and said in annoyance "I know my duty..." Jalal get pleasure from her jealousy,

He grab her hand and came by the lunch table, He noticed there were two plates served, one vegetarian food and other one non-veg. He purposely sat by vegetarian plate... Jodha stopped him and said "Shehanshah, this plate is not for you, it is for me." But you just said "You don't want to eat anything." he again started to tease her. Jodha felt little shy and awkward...

"Jodha begum you have cooked for me with your wish for first time, so I would like both of us eat in the same plate." Jodha with little blush and smile and nods her face in agreement..." Jalal took a first bite of Roti and vegetable gravy, as soon as he ate he said "Subhan Allah, Jodha begum, delicious and tasty... like you."

It took her second to comprehend his comment; suddenly she realized what he was talking about, her entire face turn pink. She couldn't lift her eyes to see him. Jalal took another piece of Roti and vegetable and lovingly forward his hand to feed her. She shyly opened her mouth to eat, she still couldn't lift her eyes, both of them ate lunch while stealing gaze at each other...She was still feeling awkwardly shy eating with him under his gaze, she couldn't lift her eyes... He lifts her chin up with his fingers and sensually said breaking romantic silence "Jodha begum, your eyes are so beautiful and innocent, please don't hide it from me..." Jodha lift her eyes slowly and saw his mild smirk on his face... His constant gaze made her unc
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