„Re­treats! Or­ders the NPC sailor to turn around the bow, re­turn!”On terjemahan - „Re­treats! Or­ders the NPC sailor to turn around the bow, re­turn!”On Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Re­treats! Or­ders the NPC sailor

„Re­treats! Or­ders the NPC sailor to turn around the bow, re­turn!”
On war­ship, In­dian war zone fourth trade union guild­mas­ter Lei Xiongwo tom­a­hawk, but does not fight in­tent, looks that the maple­wood is drunk, the demon moun­tain to be cut to mas­sacre to­gether, soon courage Ju Lie, has bel­lowed the order to re­treat, in fact he does not have other choice, here is the deep-sea area player is un­able to go to sea to fight, but I am a god level player, ad­vances freely and quickly and goes eas­ily and freely, and de­pends upon the for­mi­da­ble at­tribute and im­pulse can de­stroy the NPC war­ship with ease, this is they are un­able to imag­ine.
Hits and does not hit, one­self is also dif­fi­cult in­sur­ance, in this sit­u­a­tion also only then re­treated a road to walk.
The bat­tle drum sound from turned crowded slowly, strikes hit that as if on the heart of every­one, this was the sig­nal of re­treat­ing, the peo­ple in In­dian + Ger­many two big war zones starts to re­treat, never turned over to the strat­egy that the sea cross-ocean fought to mis­carry, but the set­ter was only I, does not know that their is what Xiang at heart now.
Thinks very heav­ily.
The sea is float­ing many corpses, but equip­ment of player crashes into the seabed com­pletely, I am un­able to sal­vage, the sea water was too deep, in the deep sea also has var­i­ous sea-nymphs, is not nec­es­sar­ily able to grab any bar­gain, will delay Cooldown and coun­try fights the rhythm, even the demon moun­tain and maple­wood are drunk equip­ment that blows out I not to sneak in the seabed to seek, but gazed after the war­ship of op­po­site party to van­ish after the cur­tain of night flies with look­ing at semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive walls out­side the main city gate on a spin body to the iron skull re­gion di­rec­tion of be­tween city.
Soon, ar­rives in a piece of green jun­gle the sky, this for­est lands called „roar­ing wind for­est”, was known as that the con­tin­u­ous 700 li (0.5km), in fact about 400 li (0.5km), the player walked to take 5-7 hours, rode the good words to take about 3 hours, at my fly­ing speed, one hour of trav­el­ing sched­ule was sim­i­lar, this piece of roar­ing wind Lin Heng and looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive walls out­side the main city gate be­tween the iron skull city, be­came nat­ural block­ades be­tween two cities, if were not this roar­ing wind for­est is very vast per­haps looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate al­ready un­able to es­cape the op­pres­sion of the peo­ple of sky rose to tram­ple.
The flight al­ti­tude at least above 5000 me­ters, hides in the cloud layer, looks at all on earth, al­most every ac­tion and every move­ment in ground can re­ceive the view, even of lion killing an­te­lope can clear see­ing, after the fly­ing up­wards god ter­ri­tory , the field of vi­sion was ac­tu­ally clear much, at this time „drop”, Q Sword sends in the news, they have en­coun­tered with the peo­ple in Ze deep pool city, is in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate south, the war is just lux­u­ri­ous.
I have not thought that many, there fight makes them solve, Q Sword and Ye to come, Jian Feng Han, Misty Clouds sev­eral peo­ple, suf­fi­ciently dealt with.
Con­tin­ues from the sky to fly, seeks for any de­tail in 700 li (0.5km) roar­ing wind for­est.
Prop­erly speak­ing the sky rose is im­pos­si­ble to let the entry iron skull city do­main of Chi­nese player vast stretch of flat land, this is cer­tain, the con­sis­tent style of Amer­i­can is also this, the bat­tle­field out one­self, that these 700 li (0.5km) roar­ing wind forests ob­vi­ously has be­come the best bat­tle­field.
Shortly after flies again, re­ally in dis­cov­ery jun­gle pre­sented the player in threes and fours, but is not the player in iron skull city, but is west the per­son of bound­ary treaty of al­liance, the day Han, Philip­pines, Viet­nam and other server of the play­ers
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Re­treats! Or­ders the NPC sailor to turn around the bow, re­turn!”On war­ship, In­dian war zone fourth trade union guild­mas­ter Lei Xiongwo tom­a­hawk, but does not fight in­tent, looks that the maple­wood is drunk, the demon moun­tain to be cut to mas­sacre to­gether, soon courage Ju Lie, has bel­lowed the order to re­treat, in fact he does not have other choice, here is the deep-sea area player is un­able to go to sea to fight, but I am a god level player, ad­vances freely and quickly and goes eas­ily and freely, and de­pends upon the for­mi­da­ble at­tribute and im­pulse can de­stroy the NPC war­ship with ease, this is they are un­able to imag­ine.Hits and does not hit, one­self is also dif­fi­cult in­sur­ance, in this sit­u­a­tion also only then re­treated a road to walk.The bat­tle drum sound from turned crowded slowly, strikes hit that as if on the heart of every­one, this was the sig­nal of re­treat­ing, the peo­ple in In­dian + Ger­many two big war zones starts to re­treat, never turned over to the strat­egy that the sea cross-ocean fought to mis­carry, but the set­ter was only I, does not know that their is what Xiang at heart now.Thinks very heav­ily.The sea is float­ing many corpses, but equip­ment of player crashes into the seabed com­pletely, I am un­able to sal­vage, the sea water was too deep, in the deep sea also has var­i­ous sea-nymphs, is not nec­es­sar­ily able to grab any bar­gain, will delay Cooldown and coun­try fights the rhythm, even the demon moun­tain and maple­wood are drunk equip­ment that blows out I not to sneak in the seabed to seek, but gazed after the war­ship of op­po­site party to van­ish after the cur­tain of night flies with look­ing at semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive walls out­side the main city gate on a spin body to the iron skull re­gion di­rec­tion of be­tween city.Soon, ar­rives in a piece of green jun­gle the sky, this for­est lands called „roar­ing wind for­est”, was known as that the con­tin­u­ous 700 li (0.5km), in fact about 400 li (0.5km), the player walked to take 5-7 hours, rode the good words to take about 3 hours, at my fly­ing speed, one hour of trav­el­ing sched­ule was sim­i­lar, this piece of roar­ing wind Lin Heng and looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive walls out­side the main city gate be­tween the iron skull city, be­came nat­ural block­ades be­tween two cities, if were not this roar­ing wind for­est is very vast per­haps looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate al­ready un­able to es­cape the op­pres­sion of the peo­ple of sky rose to tram­ple.The flight al­ti­tude at least above 5000 me­ters, hides in the cloud layer, looks at all on earth, al­most every ac­tion and every move­ment in ground can re­ceive the view, even of lion killing an­te­lope can clear see­ing, after the fly­ing up­wards god ter­ri­tory , the field of vi­sion was ac­tu­ally clear much, at this time „drop”, Q Sword sends in the news, they have en­coun­tered with the peo­ple in Ze deep pool city, is in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate south, the war is just lux­u­ri­ous.I have not thought that many, there fight makes them solve, Q Sword and Ye to come, Jian Feng Han, Misty Clouds sev­eral peo­ple, suf­fi­ciently dealt with.Con­tin­ues from the sky to fly, seeks for any de­tail in 700 li (0.5km) roar­ing wind for­est.Prop­erly speak­ing the sky rose is im­pos­si­ble to let the entry iron skull city do­main of Chi­nese player vast stretch of flat land, this is cer­tain, the con­sis­tent style of Amer­i­can is also this, the bat­tle­field out one­self, that these 700 li (0.5km) roar­ing wind forests ob­vi­ously has be­come the best bat­tle­field.Shortly after flies again, re­ally in dis­cov­ery jun­gle pre­sented the player in threes and fours, but is not the player in iron skull city, but is west the per­son of bound­ary treaty of al­liance, the day Han, Philip­pines, Viet­nam and other server of the play­ers
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Retreats! Pesanan NPC pelaut untuk berbalik haluan, kembali! "
Pada kapal perang, zona perang India perdagangan keempat serikat Guildmaster Lei Xiongwo tomahawk, tetapi tidak melawan niat, tampak bahwa maplewood diminum, gunung setan akan dipotong untuk pembantaian bersama-sama, begitu keberanian Ju Lie, telah berteriak perintah untuk mundur, sebenarnya ia tidak memiliki pilihan lain, di sini adalah pemain daerah laut dalam yang tidak dapat melaut untuk melawan, tapi saya seorang pemain tingkat dewa, kemajuan secara bebas dan cepat dan pergi dengan mudah dan bebas, dan tergantung pada atribut yang tangguh dan impuls dapat menghancurkan kapal perang NPC dengan mudah, ini adalah mereka tidak dapat membayangkan.
Hits dan tidak memukul, diri sendiri juga asuransi sulit, dalam situasi ini juga hanya kemudian mundur a jalan untuk berjalan.
pertempuran Drum suara dari berbelok ramai perlahan, pemogokan menekan bahwa seolah-olah di jantung semua orang, ini adalah sinyal mundur, orang-orang di + Jerman dua zona perang besar India mulai mundur, tidak pernah diserahkan kepada strategi bahwa laut lintas laut berjuang untuk keguguran, tapi setter itu hanya saya, tidak tahu bahwa mereka adalah apa yang Xiang di hati sekarang.
Berpikir sangat berat.
laut mengambang banyak mayat, tetapi peralatan pemain crash ke dasar laut benar-benar , saya tidak dapat menyelamatkan, air laut itu terlalu dalam, di laut dalam juga memiliki berbagai laut nimfa, belum tentu mampu meraih murah apapun, akan menunda Istirahat dan negara perkelahian irama, bahkan gunung setan dan maplewood yang peralatan mabuk yang berhembus keluar saya tidak menyelinap di dasar laut untuk mencari, tapi menatap setelah kapal perang dari pihak lawan untuk menghilang setelah tirai malam lalat dengan melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama di spin tubuh ke besi tengkorak arah wilayah antara kota.
Segera, tiba di sepotong hutan hijau langit, lahan hutan ini disebut "mengaum hutan angin", dikenal sebagai yang terus menerus 700 li (0.5km), pada kenyataannya sekitar 400 li (0,5 km), pemain berjalan untuk mengambil 5-7 jam, naik kata-kata yang baik untuk mengambil sekitar 3 jam, dengan kecepatan terbang saya, satu jam perjalanan jadwal mirip, ini bagian dari menderu angin Lin Heng dan melihat setengah lingkaran dinding pelindung di luar gerbang kota utama antara kota besi tengkorak, menjadi blokade alami antara dua kota, jika tidak hutan angin menderu ini sangat luas mungkin terlihat pada dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama sudah tidak dapat melarikan diri penindasan rakyat langit naik untuk menginjak-injak.
ketinggian penerbangan setidaknya di atas 5000 meter, bersembunyi di lapisan awan, terlihat sama sekali di bumi, hampir setiap tindakan dan setiap gerakan di tanah dapat menerima pandangan, bahkan antelop pembunuhan singa dapat menghapus melihat, setelah wilayah dewa terbang ke atas, bidang visi sebenarnya jelas banyak, saat ini "drop", Q Pedang mengirimkan berita, yang mereka temui dengan orang-orang di Ze dalam kota kolam renang, sudah di depan mata semi- dinding pelindung melingkar di luar gerbang kota utama selatan, perang hanya mewah.
saya belum memikirkan bahwa banyak, ada memerangi membuat mereka memecahkan, Q Pedang dan Ye datang, Jian Feng Han, Misty Clouds beberapa orang, cukup ditangani.
Terus dari langit untuk terbang, berusaha untuk detail dalam 700 li (0.5km) menderu hutan angin.
Benar berbicara langit naik adalah mustahil untuk membiarkan domain entri besi kota tengkorak Cina pemain bentangan luas tanah datar, ini adalah tertentu, gaya yang konsisten Amerika juga ini, medan perang keluar diri sendiri, bahwa (0.5km) hutan angin menderu 700 li ini jelas telah menjadi medan perang terbaik.
Tak lama setelah terbang lagi, benar-benar dalam penemuan hutan disajikan pemain di bertiga dan merangkak, tetapi bukan pemain di kota besi tengkorak, tapi barat orang dari perjanjian batas aliansi, hari Han, Filipina, Vietnam dan server lain dari pemain
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