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#1131: Cher! (Pertama) Meng Hao pikiran bereaksi, Zong Wuya suara, terdapat beberapa kekuatan yang aneh, kekuatan ini telah terganggu Meng Hao ilahi rasa, memungkinkan nya sesak napas, kata Zong Wuya, seolah-olah wallows, tidak mampu melepaskan diri."Kata benar-benar..." Hao meng bergumam, di tampilan terungkap pada kerugian, seolah-olah agak merasa tak berdaya, tidak mampu untuk pergi ke pengadilan benar apa pun, seolah-olah dalam hati, di satu sisi pegunungan dan laut pesawat kognisi, tapi sisi lain, kemudian datang dari subversion dalam kata-kata Zong Wuya.Kereta api ini dua pikiran yang saling, berada dalam peperangan kusut.Meng Hao tubuh bereaksi, nya sesak napas, item disajikan kain darah secara bertahap."Berjalan bersama dengan saya, rencana kami telah mengembangkan, tidak ada yang mencegah... Ketika kita pergi di sini, ketika langkah-langkah ke dunia benar, dalam tubuh fana kita baru, kami yang menyeluruh kesadaran.Pada waktu itu, Anda tahu, aku berkata... Semua nyata, pada waktu itu, Anda menghapus perasaan... Benar-benar adanya. "Zong Wuya suara berdebar, perlahan-lahan gema.Percakapan mereka, seluruh orang lain tidak bisa mendengar, mereka dapat hanya pemberitahuan bahwa Meng Hao dan Zong Wuya sedang berbicara, Semua Suara, yang terlindung.Juga, ketika pada saat ini, arah negara ketiga, hitam besar jubah orang, mereka bentuk berturut-turut muncul, akan pendekatan, Zong Wuya memperoleh tanah menyapu.Segera ini jubah hitam orang jeda, pendekatan posisi negara ketiga di wilayah candi utama, berhenti di kelimpahan, menunggu ada diam-diam yang tidak terus maju.„I need the time thinking!” Meng Hao gains ground, is looking at Zong Wuya, difficult to open mouth.„I know that this matter is unable short time to decide, I told you truth, how to choose, in you ...” When Zong Wuya to open mouth, is looking at Meng Hao in a soft voice, his deep place, one wipes with the anticipation that complex the bystander cannot see, what he anticipates is anything, hopes that Meng Hao is the same to him, seeks said. Also or is other ... Only then he knows.„I give you time to consider that during this consideration, you cannot tread the region of central temple, Meng Hao ... You. Puts best into it.” Zong Wuya deep looked at Meng Hao one, when turns around, walks in the direction of third country's.He unexpectedly on departure such, making Meng Hao stare, this Zong Wuya action. Meng Hao somewhat cannot find out the clue.Zong Wuya is treading void, when vanguard, the side chieftain only resembled has swept the sixth country and central temple region boundary at will, army force of there sixth country's, was shivering, as if has forgotten battle.Takes back the vision, Zong Wuya sighs lightly, in the item reveals complex and anticipation once more.„Meng Hao, how you will choose ...” When he muttered, more walked is farther.Meng Hao has looked at the Zong Wuya back. Also saw this, subconscious has swept the sixth country, does not have what discovery, sees Zong Wuya to walk away, Meng Hao suddenly loud to open mouth.„If ... Real that you think, in fact is false?”The Zong Wuya form has not stopped , to continue to walk away, the sound is bringing tranquilly, flutters lightly.„Does not try, forever does not have the answer. Our generation cultivator, First Anima, seeks Daozhen, becomes also good. The defeat is also good, my heart not regrets!”Meng Hao innermost feelings reacted, he looks once more Zong Wuya arrived approached the region of third country's, looks that he waved, these black robe people lowered the head, departed along with Zong Wuya. Went out from the region of central temple unexpectedly, returned to the third country.The Meng Hao look is complex, is silent, the Zong Wuya beforehand words, in his innermost feelings reverberation, may not be actually able to make the Meng Hao train of thought appear fluctuate slightly, in fact, when except for earliest, Meng Hao was affected beside, hereafter all, are he desirably ship out.These words that Zong Wuya spoke, although sounds seems the truth, if even has traded other cultivator, is very likely to be shaken really subverts, but Meng Hao ... He is Ninth Generation Demon Sealer!He is Jiu Feng Paragon, the person of true inheritance, will be the host of Mountains and Seas Plane future.Mountains and Seas Plane that he understands, are more than Zong Wuya, this Mountains and Seas Plane, is not the Jiu Feng Paragon corpse, but is his magic weapon, here all, are not unreal that Zong Wuya said that but is real.In the Zong Wuya words, that so-called true world had the butterfly, making Meng Hao think he once saw mainland that nine butterflies drew.„Gets rid of the present mortal body, goes to that so-called real world, obtains the new mortal body, the sensibility said really that this view, is very special, may actually ... Is incredible!”
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