For purposes of HIPAA,

For purposes of HIPAA, "marketing"

For purposes of HIPAA, "marketing" is defined as "a communication about a
product or service, a purpose of which is to encourage recipients of the communication
to purchase or use the product or service, subject to certain limited exceptions." Under
this general rule, a healthcare provider must obtain a patient's authorization to use or
disclose protected health information for marketing communications (45 CFR
HIPAA rules, however, provide for exceptions to this general marketing rule.
One such permissible exception occurs when a covered entity uses a patient's
protected health information. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
states specifically on its website that "the HIPAA Privacy Rule excludes from the
definition of "marketing" communications made to describe a covered entity's healthrelated
product or services …that is provided by, or included in a plan of benefits of, the
covered entity making the communication" (Health Information Privacy and Civil Rights
Questions & Answers, Question 281).
The HHS website includes an example in which a physician who has developed
a new anti-snore device sends a flyer to all of her patients - regardless of whether they
had previously sought treatment for that ailment. This plan is specifically presented as
allowable marketing under HIPAA. The hypothetical example clearly shows that
physicians and medical practices can offer information regarding its own products or
services to any current patient.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
For purposes of HIPAA, "marketing" is defined as "a communication about aproduct or service, a purpose of which is to encourage recipients of the communicationto purchase or use the product or service, subject to certain limited exceptions." Underthis general rule, a healthcare provider must obtain a patient's authorization to use ordisclose protected health information for marketing communications (45 CFR164.501(1)).HIPAA rules, however, provide for exceptions to this general marketing rule.One such permissible exception occurs when a covered entity uses a patient'sprotected health information. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)states specifically on its website that "the HIPAA Privacy Rule excludes from thedefinition of "marketing" communications made to describe a covered entity's healthrelatedproduct or services …that is provided by, or included in a plan of benefits of, thecovered entity making the communication" (Health Information Privacy and Civil RightsQuestions & Answers, Question 281).The HHS website includes an example in which a physician who has developeda new anti-snore device sends a flyer to all of her patients - regardless of whether theyhad previously sought treatment for that ailment. This plan is specifically presented asallowable marketing under HIPAA. The hypothetical example clearly shows thatphysicians and medical practices can offer information regarding its own products orLayanan pasien saat ini.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk tujuan HIPAA, "marketing" didefinisikan sebagai "komunikasi tentang
produk atau layanan, tujuan yang adalah untuk mendorong penerima komunikasi
untuk membeli atau menggunakan produk atau layanan, tunduk pada pengecualian terbatas tertentu. " Di bawah
aturan umum ini, penyedia layanan kesehatan harus mendapatkan otorisasi pasien untuk menggunakan atau
mengungkapkan informasi kesehatan dilindungi untuk komunikasi pemasaran (45 CFR
164,501 (1)).
aturan HIPAA, bagaimanapun, memberikan pengecualian terhadap aturan pemasaran umum ini.
Satu pengecualian diperbolehkan seperti terjadi ketika sebuah entitas tertutup menggunakan pasien
informasi kesehatan dilindungi. Departemen Kesehatan & Human Services (HHS)
menyatakan khusus di situsnya bahwa "HIPAA Peraturan Privasi mengecualikan dari
definisi "pemasaran" komunikasi yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan healthrelated entitas tertutup itu
produk atau jasa ... yang disediakan oleh, atau termasuk dalam rencana manfaat, yang
entitas tertutup membuat komunikasi "(Informasi Kesehatan Privasi dan Hak Sipil
Tanya Jawab, Pertanyaan 281).
Website HHS termasuk contoh di mana seorang dokter yang telah mengembangkan
perangkat anti-mendengkur baru mengirimkan brosur untuk semua pasien nya - terlepas dari apakah mereka
sebelumnya telah mencari pengobatan untuk penyakit itu. Rencana ini khusus disajikan sebagai
marketing diijinkan bawah HIPAA. Contoh hipotetis jelas menunjukkan bahwa
dokter dan praktek medis dapat menawarkan informasi mengenai produk atau sendiri
layanan untuk setiap pasien saat ini.
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