If you reacted like most women (and even many guys), the first time yo terjemahan - If you reacted like most women (and even many guys), the first time yo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If you reacted like most women (and

If you reacted like most women (and even many guys), the first time you spotted a wrinkle, you immediately rushed out and bought hundreds of dollars’ worth of creams, potions and serums. Maybe you even tried facial exercises. But most likely, none of it worked.

Does this sound familiar? If so, I have good news: There are effective ways to prevent new wrinkles and even reduce existing ones. The first step is to eat a healthy diet that’s rich in vegetables, high-quality protein and healthy fats that nourish your skin from the inside out. Next, try these simple and surprisingly effective tricks.

1. Drink bone broth.

I’m a fanatic about bone broth. And you should be, too! It's loaded with amino acids, which are the building blocks of collagen. I call this wonderful broth “liquid Botox,” and I encourage my patients to drink it every day.

To make your own bone broth, simply simmer meat or poultry bones (preferably from pastured animals) along with onions, celery and other seasonings, for hours and hours until the bones actually start to dissolve. This releases the deep nutrition that helps de-age your skin. You can drink the broth straight or use it in soups and stews.

2. Stand on your head.

This is a tip I got from my friend Kathy Smith, who’s a world-famous fitness expert. If you stand on your head for a few minutes every day, you’ll dramatically increase the circulation to your face, bathing your skin in nutrients and getting rid of toxins that can make you wrinkly. If standing on your head is too hard, here’s an alternative: Just lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge.

3. Eat blueberries.

Blueberries contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which help protect your skin against sun damage. Every time you eat a handful, it’s like giving your skin a mini-dose of sunscreen!

4. Get a little sunshine.

I’m all for protecting your skin from the aging effects of the sun, but there’s such a thing as going too far. Here’s the deal: Giving your skin a little dose of the sun’s rays each day can actually keep it younger. That’s because you’ll soak up some vitamin D, and this vitamin helps keep your skin healthy. (You can take vitamin D supplements, but getting your “dose of D” the natural way is better.)

So slather on the sunscreen if you’re going to be outside for a long stretch, but otherwise go “bare.” Fifteen minutes in the sun is enough to boost your vitamin D levels.

5. Get in the coconut habit.

Coconut is filled with lauric acid and other nutrients that soften and de-age your skin. So cook with coconut oil, snack on coconut chips, use coconut milk in your coffee and rub virgin coconut oil all over your skin.

6. Use mineral salt, not regular table salt.

Table salt draws water out of your cells, making them flabby and promoting wrinkles. The minerals in sea salt and mineral salt, on the other hand, help draw water into your skin cells, plumping them and erasing fine lines.

7. Lower your stress levels.

Research shows that chronic stress weakens the integrity of your skin’s collagen, making it saggy and wrinkly. What’s more, that sad or angry expression you get on your face when you’re stressed leads to “frowny” wrinkles. To help reduce your stress, exercise and meditate regularly. No matter how busy you are, try to schedule some “you” time, even if it’s as simple as going for a walk or reading a good book.

It took time for your skin to develop wrinkles, and it’ll take some time to start reducing those wrinkles ... but maybe not as much time as you think.

If you follow these seven anti-wrinkle steps — along with eating that healthy diet I talked about earlier — your skin will start to get its glow back. I predict that after about three weeks, you’ll experience another memorable moment in your life: that moment when you look in the mirror and realize that a wrinkle that was driving you crazy is gone!

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
If you reacted like most women (and even many guys), the first time you spotted a wrinkle, you immediately rushed out and bought hundreds of dollars’ worth of creams, potions and serums. Maybe you even tried facial exercises. But most likely, none of it worked. Does this sound familiar? If so, I have good news: There are effective ways to prevent new wrinkles and even reduce existing ones. The first step is to eat a healthy diet that’s rich in vegetables, high-quality protein and healthy fats that nourish your skin from the inside out. Next, try these simple and surprisingly effective tricks. 1. Drink bone broth. I’m a fanatic about bone broth. And you should be, too! It's loaded with amino acids, which are the building blocks of collagen. I call this wonderful broth “liquid Botox,” and I encourage my patients to drink it every day. To make your own bone broth, simply simmer meat or poultry bones (preferably from pastured animals) along with onions, celery and other seasonings, for hours and hours until the bones actually start to dissolve. This releases the deep nutrition that helps de-age your skin. You can drink the broth straight or use it in soups and stews. 2. Stand on your head. This is a tip I got from my friend Kathy Smith, who’s a world-famous fitness expert. If you stand on your head for a few minutes every day, you’ll dramatically increase the circulation to your face, bathing your skin in nutrients and getting rid of toxins that can make you wrinkly. If standing on your head is too hard, here’s an alternative: Just lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge. 3. Eat blueberries. Blueberries contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which help protect your skin against sun damage. Every time you eat a handful, it’s like giving your skin a mini-dose of sunscreen! 4. Get a little sunshine. I’m all for protecting your skin from the aging effects of the sun, but there’s such a thing as going too far. Here’s the deal: Giving your skin a little dose of the sun’s rays each day can actually keep it younger. That’s because you’ll soak up some vitamin D, and this vitamin helps keep your skin healthy. (You can take vitamin D supplements, but getting your “dose of D” the natural way is better.) So slather on the sunscreen if you’re going to be outside for a long stretch, but otherwise go “bare.” Fifteen minutes in the sun is enough to boost your vitamin D levels. 5. Get in the coconut habit. Coconut is filled with lauric acid and other nutrients that soften and de-age your skin. So cook with coconut oil, snack on coconut chips, use coconut milk in your coffee and rub virgin coconut oil all over your skin. 6. Use mineral salt, not regular table salt. Table salt draws water out of your cells, making them flabby and promoting wrinkles. The minerals in sea salt and mineral salt, on the other hand, help draw water into your skin cells, plumping them and erasing fine lines. 7. Lower your stress levels. Research shows that chronic stress weakens the integrity of your skin’s collagen, making it saggy and wrinkly. What’s more, that sad or angry expression you get on your face when you’re stressed leads to “frowny” wrinkles. To help reduce your stress, exercise and meditate regularly. No matter how busy you are, try to schedule some “you” time, even if it’s as simple as going for a walk or reading a good book. It took time for your skin to develop wrinkles, and it’ll take some time to start reducing those wrinkles ... but maybe not as much time as you think. If you follow these seven anti-wrinkle steps — along with eating that healthy diet I talked about earlier — your skin will start to get its glow back. I predict that after about three weeks, you’ll experience another memorable moment in your life: that moment when you look in the mirror and realize that a wrinkle that was driving you crazy is gone!Recommend ArticlesEarn money with playing phones in anytimeFree to teach you use phones to make money in 5 secondsPlay phones and you can earn thousandsGel 'eases inflammatory bowel problems'8 Questions To Ask If You Want To Change Your Life
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jika Anda bereaksi seperti kebanyakan wanita (dan bahkan banyak orang), pertama kali Anda melihat kerut, Anda langsung bergegas keluar dan membeli ratusan dolar senilai krim, ramuan dan serum. Mungkin Anda bahkan mencoba latihan wajah. Tapi kemungkinan besar, tidak ada yang bekerja. Apakah ini terdengar akrab? Jika demikian, saya punya kabar baik: Ada cara yang efektif untuk mencegah keriput baru dan bahkan mengurangi yang sudah ada. Langkah pertama adalah untuk makan diet sehat yang kaya sayuran, protein berkualitas tinggi dan lemak sehat yang menyehatkan kulit Anda dari dalam ke luar. Berikutnya, cobalah trik sederhana dan sangat efektif. 1. Minum kaldu tulang. Saya seorang fanatik tentang kaldu tulang. Dan Anda harus juga! Ini sarat dengan asam amino, yang merupakan blok bangunan kolagen. Saya menyebut kaldu ini indah "cair Botox," dan saya mendorong pasien saya untuk meminumnya setiap hari. Untuk membuat kaldu tulang Anda sendiri, daging atau unggas hanya didihkan tulang (lebih dari hewan merumput) bersama dengan bawang, seledri dan bumbu lainnya, untuk jam dan jam sampai tulang benar-benar mulai untuk membubarkan. Ini melepaskan nutrisi yang membantu dalam de-usia kulit Anda. Anda dapat minum lurus kaldu atau menggunakannya dalam sup dan minuman. 2. Berdiri di atas kepala Anda. Ini adalah tip yang saya dapatkan dari teman saya Kathy Smith, yang merupakan ahli kebugaran yang terkenal di dunia. Jika Anda berdiri di atas kepala Anda selama beberapa menit setiap hari, Anda secara dramatis akan meningkatkan sirkulasi ke wajah Anda, mandi kulit Anda nutrisi dan menyingkirkan racun yang dapat membuat Anda keriput. Jika berdiri di kepala Anda terlalu keras, inilah alternatif: Hanya berbaring di tempat tidur Anda dengan kepala menggantung di tepi. 3. Makan blueberry. Blueberry mengandung bahan kimia yang disebut anthocyanin, yang membantu melindungi kulit Anda terhadap kerusakan akibat sinar matahari. Setiap kali Anda makan sedikit, itu seperti memberikan kulit Anda mini-dosis tabir surya! 4. Dapatkan sedikit sinar matahari. Aku semua untuk melindungi kulit Anda dari efek penuaan dari matahari, tapi ada hal seperti itu seperti pergi terlalu jauh. Inilah yang terjadi: Memberikan kulit Anda dosis kecil dari sinar matahari setiap hari benar-benar dapat tetap muda. Itu karena Anda akan menyerap beberapa vitamin D, dan vitamin ini membantu menjaga kulit Anda sehat. (Anda dapat mengambil suplemen vitamin D, tapi mendapatkan "dosis D" Anda dengan cara alami lebih baik.) Jadi memboros pada tabir surya jika Anda akan berada di luar untuk bentangan panjang, tetapi jika tidak pergi "telanjang." Lima belas menit di bawah sinar matahari cukup untuk meningkatkan tingkat vitamin D Anda. 5. Biasakan kelapa. Coconut diisi dengan asam laurat dan nutrisi lain yang melembutkan dan de-usia kulit Anda. Jadi memasak dengan minyak kelapa, camilan keripik kelapa, menggunakan santan dalam kopi Anda dan gosok minyak kelapa murni seluruh kulit Anda. 6. Menggunakan garam mineral, tidak garam meja biasa. Garam Tabel menarik air dari sel-sel Anda, membuat mereka lembek dan mempromosikan keriput. Mineral dalam garam laut dan garam mineral, di sisi lain, membantu menarik air ke dalam sel-sel kulit Anda, menepuk-nepuk mereka dan menghapus garis-garis halus. 7. Menurunkan tingkat stres Anda. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stres kronis melemahkan integritas kolagen kulit Anda, sehingga kendor dan keriput. Terlebih lagi, bahwa ekspresi sedih atau marah Anda mendapatkan di wajah Anda ketika Anda sedang stres mengarah ke "frowny" keriput. Untuk membantu mengurangi stres Anda, latihan dan bermeditasi secara teratur. Tidak peduli seberapa sibuknya Anda, cobalah untuk menjadwalkan beberapa "Anda" waktu, bahkan jika itu yang sederhana seperti pergi untuk berjalan-jalan atau membaca buku yang bagus. Butuh waktu untuk kulit Anda untuk mengembangkan keriput, dan itu akan mengambil beberapa waktu untuk mulai mengurangi kerutan ... tapi mungkin tidak sebanyak waktu yang Anda pikirkan. Jika Anda mengikuti tujuh langkah anti-kerut ini - bersama dengan makan yang diet sehat saya bicarakan sebelumnya - kulit Anda akan mulai mendapatkan cahaya yang kembali. Saya memprediksi bahwa setelah sekitar tiga minggu, Anda akan mengalami saat kenangan yang lain dalam hidup Anda:! Saat itu ketika Anda melihat di cermin dan menyadari bahwa kerut yang mengemudi Anda gila hilang Kenalkan Artikel Dapatkan uang dengan ponsel bermain kapan saja Gratis untuk mengajarkan Anda menggunakan ponsel untuk membuat uang dalam 5 detik Putar ponsel dan Anda dapat memperoleh ribuan Gel 'memudahkan masalah radang usus' 8 Pertanyaan Untuk Tanyakan Jika Anda Ingin Mengubah Hidup Anda

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