I stare blankly at his response. While I appreciate his lengthy e-mail terjemahan - I stare blankly at his response. While I appreciate his lengthy e-mail Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I stare blankly at his response. Wh

I stare blankly at his response. While I appreciate his lengthy e-mail—which helps me understand a lot more, both about this process and him being a Dom—doubt creeps into my mind. I have only a general idea of BDSM, and it’s not something I’ve ever felt the urge to explore. Honestly, I don’t know if I can do this.
I read his words again. He’s going to explore and learn my deepest fears and desires. He’s asking too much and I don’t even know him, so how can I be expected to share these most intimate parts of me?
A bubble of laughter rises up my throat at the irony. I’ll be sharing a lot more of my intimate parts with him if I pursue this.
I close my computer and pace my bedroom, realizing I’m stressed out and I haven’t even met the guy yet. Pulling a deep breath into my lungs, I decide I’ll sleep on it. I’ll wait a day or two to respond, give myself time to think about this. Having made that one small decision, I immediately feel better.
I head into the bathroom. Turning the faucet to hot, I let the tub fill. Sinking down into water that’s almost too warm, I sigh deeply. With my eyes closed and my body in a state of relaxation, I let my mind wander.
Almost immediately, I picture Kirby. With his broad shoulders, messy blond hair, and striking blue eyes, he is my warmth. My comfort blanket. He has been for a long time. He’s been a constant in my life, the man who has supported me emotionally through many ups and downs, loaning me money after graduation when the real estate market dropped, helping me move into my first apartment, and sending me my favorite flowers—peonies—on my birthday every year.
With a newfound sense of purpose, I rise from the tub, suddenly feeling silly for questioning myself. I don’t want to miss my only shot at getting actual help. This arrangement with the Gentleman Mentor—whoever he is—may be unconventional, but it might be just the thing I need to help move me from friend zone to girlfriend material where Kirby is concerned. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that e-mailing back and forth with my mentor has me feeling intrigued and slightly turned on.
Tossing on my cotton robe, I head for my laptop and open my e-mail. Glancing at his last message, I recall that he’s asked what I’m most scared of, along with my schedule. I fidget for a few minutes before typing out a hasty response, leaving out the part I don’t know how to answer.
Gentleman Mentor,
I would prefer to meet on Thursday. I’m supposed to go to my parents’ house on Sunday, and if I have to miss it, I don’t want my mom asking why. ;)
But can I ask you something? Has a woman ever backed out after meeting you in person?
Thursday would be fine. And no, a woman has never backed out after meeting me.
I read his message with a growing sense of comfort. That’s good to know. Perhaps it’s simple curiosity because I have no idea what he looks like, but I’m afraid that he’s unattractive. I haven’t seen a picture after all. I know it’s terribly shallow, but I couldn’t go through with it if I’m not attracted to him.
Another thought flits through my brain and my nerves are back. My next e-mail flies from my fingers.
Have you ever refused services after meeting a woman?
His reply comes right away.
Yes, twice.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I stare blankly at his response. While I appreciate his lengthy e-mail—which helps me understand a lot more, both about this process and him being a Dom—doubt creeps into my mind. I have only a general idea of BDSM, and it’s not something I’ve ever felt the urge to explore. Honestly, I don’t know if I can do this.I read his words again. He’s going to explore and learn my deepest fears and desires. He’s asking too much and I don’t even know him, so how can I be expected to share these most intimate parts of me?A bubble of laughter rises up my throat at the irony. I’ll be sharing a lot more of my intimate parts with him if I pursue this.I close my computer and pace my bedroom, realizing I’m stressed out and I haven’t even met the guy yet. Pulling a deep breath into my lungs, I decide I’ll sleep on it. I’ll wait a day or two to respond, give myself time to think about this. Having made that one small decision, I immediately feel better.I head into the bathroom. Turning the faucet to hot, I let the tub fill. Sinking down into water that’s almost too warm, I sigh deeply. With my eyes closed and my body in a state of relaxation, I let my mind wander.Almost immediately, I picture Kirby. With his broad shoulders, messy blond hair, and striking blue eyes, he is my warmth. My comfort blanket. He has been for a long time. He’s been a constant in my life, the man who has supported me emotionally through many ups and downs, loaning me money after graduation when the real estate market dropped, helping me move into my first apartment, and sending me my favorite flowers—peonies—on my birthday every year.With a newfound sense of purpose, I rise from the tub, suddenly feeling silly for questioning myself. I don’t want to miss my only shot at getting actual help. This arrangement with the Gentleman Mentor—whoever he is—may be unconventional, but it might be just the thing I need to help move me from friend zone to girlfriend material where Kirby is concerned. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that e-mailing back and forth with my mentor has me feeling intrigued and slightly turned on.Tossing on my cotton robe, I head for my laptop and open my e-mail. Glancing at his last message, I recall that he’s asked what I’m most scared of, along with my schedule. I fidget for a few minutes before typing out a hasty response, leaving out the part I don’t know how to answer. Gentleman Mentor,I would prefer to meet on Thursday. I’m supposed to go to my parents’ house on Sunday, and if I have to miss it, I don’t want my mom asking why. ;)But can I ask you something? Has a woman ever backed out after meeting you in person?—Bookworm92 Bookworm92,Thursday would be fine. And no, a woman has never backed out after meeting me.—X I read his message with a growing sense of comfort. That’s good to know. Perhaps it’s simple curiosity because I have no idea what he looks like, but I’m afraid that he’s unattractive. I haven’t seen a picture after all. I know it’s terribly shallow, but I couldn’t go through with it if I’m not attracted to him.Another thought flits through my brain and my nerves are back. My next e-mail flies from my fingers. Have you ever refused services after meeting a woman? His reply comes right away. Bookworm92,Yes, twice.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku menatap kosong pada jawabannya. Sementara saya menghargai nya e-mail-yang panjang membantu saya memahami lebih banyak, baik tentang proses ini dan dia menjadi Dom-ragu merayap ke dalam pikiran saya. Saya hanya memiliki gambaran umum tentang BDSM, dan itu bukan sesuatu yang pernah saya merasakan dorongan untuk mengeksplorasi. Jujur, saya tidak tahu apakah saya bisa melakukan ini.
Saya membaca kata-katanya lagi. Dia akan mengeksplorasi dan belajar ketakutan terdalam dan keinginan. Dia meminta terlalu banyak dan saya bahkan tidak tahu dia, jadi bagaimana bisa saya diharapkan untuk berbagi bagian-bagian yang paling intim dari saya?
Gelembung tawa naik sampai tenggorokanku di ironi. Saya akan berbagi lebih banyak dari bagian intim saya dengan dia jika aku mengejar ini.
Aku menutup komputer saya dan kecepatan kamarku, menyadari aku stres dan aku bahkan belum bertemu orang yang belum. Menarik napas dalam-dalam ke dalam paru-paru saya, saya memutuskan saya akan tidur di atasnya. Aku akan menunggu satu atau dua hari untuk menanggapi, memberi diriku waktu untuk berpikir tentang hal ini. Setelah membuat keputusan yang salah kecil, saya langsung merasa lebih baik.
Saya menuju ke kamar mandi. Beralih keran panas, saya isi bak. Tenggelam ke dalam air yang hampir terlalu hangat, aku mendesah dalam-dalam. Dengan mata tertutup dan tubuh saya dalam keadaan relaksasi, aku membiarkan pikiranku melayang.
Hampir segera, aku membayangkan Kirby. Dengan bahu lebar, rambut pirang berantakan, dan mata biru mencolok, dia kehangatan saya. Saya kenyamanan selimut. Dia telah untuk waktu yang lama. Dia sudah konstan dalam hidup saya, orang yang telah mendukung saya secara emosional melalui banyak pasang dan surut, meminjamkan saya uang setelah lulus ketika pasar real estat turun, membantu saya pindah ke apartemen pertama saya, dan mengirimkan saya favorit saya bunga-peonies- pada ulang tahun saya setiap tahun.
Dengan rasa baru ditemukan dari tujuan, saya bangkit dari bak mandi, tiba-tiba merasa konyol untuk mempertanyakan diri saya sendiri. Saya tidak ingin ketinggalan hanya menembak saya di mendapatkan bantuan yang sebenarnya. Pengaturan ini dengan Gentleman Mentor-siapa pun dia-mungkin tidak konvensional, tapi mungkin hanya hal yang saya butuhkan untuk membantu memindahkan saya dari zona teman materi pacar mana Kirby yang bersangkutan. Dan saya akan berbohong jika saya tidak mengakui bahwa e-mail bolak-balik dengan mentor saya telah saya merasa tertarik dan sedikit diaktifkan.
Melemparkan jubah kapas, saya menuju laptop saya dan membuka e-mail saya. Melirik pesan terakhirnya, saya ingat bahwa dia bertanya apa aku paling takut, bersama dengan jadwal saya. Aku gelisah selama beberapa menit sebelum mengetik respon tergesa-gesa, meninggalkan bagian saya tidak tahu bagaimana menjawab. Mentor Gentleman, saya akan lebih memilih untuk bertemu pada hari Kamis. Aku harus pergi ke rumah orang tua saya 'pada hari Minggu, dan jika saya harus kehilangan itu, saya tidak ingin ibuku bertanya mengapa. ;) Tapi bisa saya menanyakan sesuatu? Memiliki seorang wanita yang pernah mundur setelah bertemu Anda secara pribadi? -Bookworm92 Bookworm92, Kamis akan baik-baik saja. Dan tidak, seorang wanita tidak pernah mundur setelah bertemu saya. -X saya membaca pesan dengan tumbuh rasa kenyamanan. Itu bagus untuk mengetahui. Mungkin itu rasa ingin tahu sederhana karena saya tidak tahu apa yang tampak seperti, tapi aku takut bahwa dia tidak menarik. Saya belum melihat gambar setelah semua. Aku tahu itu sangat dangkal, tapi aku tidak bisa pergi melalui dengan itu jika saya tidak tertarik padanya. Pikiran lain flits melalui otak saya dan saraf saya kembali. E-mail selanjutnya terbang dari jari-jari saya. Apakah Anda pernah menolak layanan setelah bertemu seorang wanita? Jawabannya datang segera. Bookworm92, Ya, dua kali.






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