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Press release: IRCT adopts policies

Press release: IRCT adopts policies on Right to Rehabilitation, Migration and Torture, and Detention and Torture
The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) adopted three new policies during its annual Council meeting on 28 March 2014 in Copenhagen. These policies represent the voice of the world’s largest membership-based organisation in the field of torture rehabilitation, and address the critical areas of right to rehabilitation, torture and forced migration, and torture and detention. They significantly further IRCT’s mission, and denote a clear path on addressing urgent gaps in the fight against torture, still prevalent throughout the world.
“The IRCT is calling upon states to ensure that domestic legal frameworks provide an effective right to rehabilitation; introduce mechanisms in national legislation or policy for the early identification of forced migrants who have experienced torture; and ensure that victims of torture and ill-treatment are identified as early as possible in detention settings and have access to treatment and rehabilitation services at all times.” said Suzanne Jabbour, IRCT President.
States that implement these recommendations, which stem from the UN Convention against Torture, the OPCAT and General Comment 3 of the Committee against Torture, will be placing themselves at the forefront of human rights, catering for the rehabilitative needs and rights of torture survivors, and delivering appropriate care for vulnerable migrants and within places of detention, where most cases of torture and ill-treatment occur.
Secretary-General Victor Madrigal-Borloz added that the policy positions and respective declarations mark a significant milestone for the IRCT and the torture rehabilitation sector. “It is thrilling to see such concrete progress across a network the members of which range from large organisations that provide rehabilitation services to several thousands of torture victims, to very small centres that struggle in some of the world’s most challenging social, economic and political climates.”
The purpose of the Council is to formulate and monitor policy with an aim to advancing IRCT’s global vision of a world without torture.
Approved for release,
Suzanne Jabbour, IRCT President Victor Madrigal-Borloz, IRCT Secretary-General

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Siaran Pers: IRCT mengadopsi kebijakan mengenai hak untuk rehabilitasi, migrasi dan penyiksaan dan penangkapan dan penyiksaan
internasional rehabilitasi Dewan untuk penyiksaan korban IRCT mengadopsi kebijakan baru tiga selama pertemuan Dewan tahunan pada 28 Maret 2014 di Kopenhagen. Kebijakan ini mewakili suara dunia berbasis keanggotaan organisasi terbesar dalam bidang rehabilitasi penyiksaan, dan alamat area kritis hak untuk rehabilitasi, penyiksaan dan migrasi paksa, dan penyiksaan dan penahanan. Mereka secara signifikan lebih lanjut IRCT's misi, dan menunjukkan jalur yang jelas pada mengatasi mendesak kesenjangan dalam perang melawan penyiksaan, masih lumrah di dunia.
"IRCT menyerukan kepada negara-negara untuk memastikan bahwa kerangka hukum domestik memberikan hak yang efektif untuk rehabilitasi; memperkenalkan mekanisme legislasi nasional atau kebijakan untuk identifikasi awal paksa migran yang telah mengalami penyiksaan; dan memastikan bahwa korban penyiksaan dan penganiayaan diidentifikasi sedini mungkin dalam pengaturan penahanan dan memiliki akses ke layanan perawatan dan rehabilitasi di Semua kali."kata Suzanne Jabbour, Presiden IRCT.
menyatakan bahwa menerapkan rekomendasi ini, yang berasal dari Konvensi PBB menentang penyiksaan, OPCAT dan komentar umum 3 Komite menentang penyiksaan, akan menempatkan dirinya di garis depan HAM, katering untuk rehabilitasi kebutuhan dan hak-hak korban penyiksaan, dan memberikan perawatan yang tepat bagi migran rentan dan tempat dimana terjadi kebanyakan kasus penyiksaan dan penganiayaan tahanan.
Sekretaris Jenderal Victor Madrigal-Borloz menambahkan bahwa kebijakan posisi dan masing-masing Deklarasi menandai tonggak sejarah yang signifikan untuk IRCT dan sektor rehabilitasi penyiksaan. "Ini mendebarkan untuk melihat kemajuan tersebut beton di seluruh jaringan anggota yang berkisar dari organisasi besar yang menyediakan layanan rehabilitasi untuk beberapa ribu korban penyiksaan, sangat kecil pusat perjuangan di beberapa iklim sosial, ekonomi dan politik yang paling menantang di dunia."
Dewan bertujuan untuk merumuskan dan memantau kebijakan dengan tujuan untuk memajukan IRCT's global visi tentang dunia tanpa penyiksaan.
disetujui untuk rilis,
Suzanne Jabbour, Presiden IRCT Victor Madrigal-Borloz, Sekretaris Jenderal IRCT

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Press release: IRCT adopts policies on Right to Rehabilitation, Migration and Torture, Detention and Torture and
the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)--adopted three new policies during its annual Council meeting on 28 March 2014 in Copenhagen. Reviews These policies represent the voice of the World's Largest membership-based organization in the field of torture rehabilitation, and address the critical areas of the right to rehabilitation, torture and forced migration, and torture and detention. They further Significantly IRCT's mission, and denote a clear path on addressing urgent gaps in the fight against torture, still prevalent throughout the world.
"the IRCT is calling upon states to Ensure domestic legal frameworks that provide an effective right to rehabilitation; introduce mechanisms in national legislation or policy for the early identification of forced migrants who have experienced torture; and Ensure that Victims of torture and ill-treatment are-identified as early as possible in detention settings and have access to treatment and rehabilitation services at all times. "Said Suzanne Jabbour, IRCT President.
States that implement these Recommendations, the roomates stem from the UN Convention against Torture, the OPCAT and General Comment 3 of the Committee against Torture, will be Placing Themselves at the forefront of human rights, catering for the rehabilitative needs and rights of torture survivors, and delivering NAMAs care for vulnerable migrants and within places of detention, where most cases of torture and ill-treatment occur.
Secretary-General Victor Madrigal-Borloz added that the policy positions of the respective declarations and marks a significant milestone for the IRCT and the torture rehabilitation sector. "It is thrilling to see such concrete progress across a network the members of the roomates range from large Organisations that provide rehabilitation services to several Thousands of torture Victims, to very small centers that struggle in some of the world's most challenging social, economic and political climates. "
The purpose of the Council is to formulate and monitor policy with an aim to advancing global IRCT's vision of a world without torture.
Approved for release,
Suzanne Jabbour, IRCT President Victor Madrigal-Borloz, IRCT Secretary-General

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