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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Followers of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab themselves use terms such as ‘unitarians’(muwahhidun) or followers of the way of the ‘righteous earliest Muslims’(al-salaf al-salih).6Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s writings are generally on issues aboutwhich a number of key reformers of the twelfth/eighteenth century wereconcerned: the return to the pure Islam of the Qur’an and the Sunna; therejection of popular religious practices such as the veneration of saints andtreating their tombs as shrines; the rejection of the blind following of earlierscholars; and an emphasis on ijtihad. Ibn Abd al-Wahhab argued for a returnto the methodology of the salaf and the literal reading of the Qur’an as faras the names and attributes of God were concerned. He rejected Sufi practicesalmost entirely as heretical and against Islam.In order to promote his teachings, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab sought assistancefrom a local tribal chief of Nejd, Muhammad ibn Sa‘ud (d. 1179/1765). Theyformed a political, military and religious alliance that provided the basisfor Ibn Abd al-Wahhab to spread his teachings throughout much of Arabia.After establishing their base in Nejd, the Wahhabi army set their sightson the Hijaz. Led by Abd al-Aziz (d. 1218/1803), the son of Muhammad ibnSa‘ud, the Wahhabi army attacked the Shi‘i holy site of Karbala in 1217/1802. A few years later they successfully took Medina and Mecca and begandestroying sites and prohibiting practices that conflicted with Ibn Abdal-Wahhab’s teachings.7The movement, with its hardline approach to popular practice, fightinginnovation and labelling other Muslims as not sufficiently Muslim (i.e.as innovators or polytheists), frightened the Ottomans. The Ottoman Sultanasked Muhammad Ali of Egypt to crush the movement and its politicalbase. Medina and Mecca were retaken for the Ottomans in 1227/1812 and1228/1813 respectively.8 Within two years, the Wahhabi conquests cameto a crushing halt.In 1902, Abd al-Aziz b. Sa‘ud (known as Ibn Sa‘ud, d. 1953) who was adirect descendant of Muhammad b. Sa‘ud, supported by a paramilitarymovement called the Ikhwan, defeated the rival Rashidi clan in Riyadh.He gained control of Nejd and continued raids on other parts of Arabia.By 1924, Ibn Sa‘ud’s control over much of Arabia was complete, and in thefollowing year control of the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina was takenover by the Wahhabis, ending Hashimi rule there. In 1932, Ibn Sa‘udrenamed the areas of Nejd and Hijaz, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wasofficially established.Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s main work is a booklet, Book of theUnity of God (Kitab al-tawhid), which focuses on notions of unity of God(tawhid) and polytheism (shirk). On the basis of a literal reading of theQur’an and hadith texts, he associates polytheism with seeking help andintercession from anyone other than God. In his view, polytheism could also
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