Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Yang tertangkap dalam perangkap sendiri!" Penatua laut Saint tersenyum wajah hujan dan dingin, menggenggam secara langsung.Meng Hao di tempat di atas, cara yang mengesankan yang sama meningkat, tiba-tiba, kepalan tangan bergemuruh ke arah bawah penatua laut Saint, tinju ini, telah membuat badai langsung, telah mengangkat vortex, bang dalam, langsung menjulang penatua laut Saint, telah menabrak seketika satu, penyebaran memekakkan telinga gemuruh mengerikan.Dalam guruh ini, badai runtuh, vortex runtuh, Meng Hao dalam tubuh ka suara menyebar, mirip dengan potongan-potongan tulang, nya sudut-sudut mulut meluap darah, tubuh dikeluarkan, pedal menarik langkah langkah, dalam tubuh parah luka, batas kekal berputar cepat.Penatua laut Saint ada tubuh, tenggelam tiba-tiba beberapa kaki, Mei benar-benar seperti sebelum dingin mendengus, lari keluar mengejar untuk Meng Hao."Tidak heran rencana laut Garment pulau dapat dikalahkan... Jika tidak patriak disiapkan, waktu bisa tidak membunuh Anda, orang tua yang hidup di laut kesembilan, di wilayah laut kesembilan ini, aku dapat meminjam kekuatan laut sembilan, Anda lagi kuat, sama harus mati!" Tampilan Saint laut penatua sengit, selama kata-kata, pendekatan Meng Hao sekali lagi, antara ombak kanan tangan, segera nyata laut, muncul di sekelilingnya mengesankan, thunder, bawah-atas, langsung menjulang Meng Hao untuk menyerang.Bahkan ketika akan datang, laut ini nyata, berubah menjadi kura-kura laut raksasa tiba-tiba, whooshes, penindasan jahat.Almost in instance that this Elder Sea Saint approaches, Meng Hao here judges immediately, the Immortal Emperor boundary and ancient extinguish the disparities between ten lamp cultivator.This disparity ... It is not indeed small, may not have to a big way desperate!„Do nine seas borrow you strength?” Meng Hao cloudy and cold to open mouth, Zuo Munei the stars stone dodges, in flickers, the whole person incarnation stars that sea and sea turtles approach, thunder, directly soars Elder Sea Saint that under approaches, goes loudly.In instant, Meng Hao stars Shi Benkui who moves with the sea, the body appears, the blood blowout, may actually blink changed to golden Great Peng, a sad and shrill roar, penetrated the sea water and sea turtle directly, the body is became the scarlet, such as was contaminated by the blood, but the imposing manner is more intrepid, brings to wipe demented, appeared in the Elder Sea Saint front, grasped maliciously, thunders, two people also backed up.„Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew!” The Saint elder body withdraws, he at this moment, is away from the sea level, only then ten zhang (3.33 m), he not cares a whoop, waves, immediately the soul lamp departs, directly soars Meng Hao rumbling to go.When Meng Hao withdraws, the blood spouts, the body dispirited, under the eternal boundary crazy revolution, he runs out once again, when this time, his act, the mountain range arrives, rumbling goes, has the Ninth Mountain unreal shade to appear, has the heavenly bodies to transform, combines the magic arts, is moving with the soul lamp that approaches directly, suddenly blasts out, the world bang reverberates, the Meng Hao whole body such as must collapse, may actually under the eternal boundary revolution, not consider the injury, arrives once more, 33 days of Dharma Idol appeared, resembles to condense fully, shelled Elder Sea Saint.When Elder Sea Saint coldly snorted, waves, immediately has ripple dispersing, that ripple has formed an ugly face, screamed plunges Meng Hao, in oncoming flickered, Meng Hao breathes deeply, in the eye revealed the cold glow suddenly, a fist fell.This is not an ordinary fist, this is ... body cultivator Zhiqiang!Life Destroying Fist!A fist falls, as if all around eight side all vitalities, in this flicker, vanished completely, including Meng Hao here , the vitality instant is similar to cuts off, the meaning of death, rumbles this fist to extinguish lives!The Elder Sea Saint look, first time changed, he does not have to hesitate slightly, when both hands lift, immediately in his front, presented a piece of giant dragon scale impressively, with Meng Hao this fist, has bumped into one suddenly.Bang getar langit, di bawah permukaan laut, hollowly mendapat di saat ini, penatua laut Saint terlihat pucat, tubuh tiba-tiba punggung atas, menembus dalam hollow permukaan laut ini secara langsung."Kehidupan menghancurkan Fist, tiba-tiba adalah kehidupan menghancurkan kepalan..."
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