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Halaman75/ 723Halaman 1 dari 723Edisi kedua belas dari bisnis penelitian Methodsreflects revisi bijaksana pasarstandar. Para mahasiswa dan Profesor akan menemukan cakupan yang menyeluruh, saat ini semua bisnis penelitiantopik-topik yang disajikan dengan keseimbangan teori dan aplikasi praktis. Penulis Donald Cooperdan Pamela Schindler menggunakan manajerial pengambilan keputusan sebagai tema bisnis penelitianMetode dan mereka memberikan konten dan struktur untuk memastikan siswa memahami bisnispenelitian fungsi. Buku ini juga mendorong dan mendukung penyelesaian mendalamproyek riset Bisnis, jika diinginkan, oleh Profesor.Fitur dari edisi kedua belas meliputi:MindWriter melanjutkan studi kasus telah diperbarui untuk fokus pada survei onlinemetodologi dengan lampiran A termasuk MindWriter CompleteCare yang baru didesain ulangsurvei online.Baru dan direvisi foto dan PicProfiles menyediakan 82 tepat waktu mini-kasus disajikandari perspektif seorang peneliti, dengan tambahan ditambahkan ke yang menyertainya mini-kasusinstruktur 's manual.Baru dan direvisi Closeups menawarkan pemeriksaan mendalam contoh-contoh penting.Semua pertanyaan diskusi dari judul baru.Bagian kasus berisi abstrak untuk kasus baru: Marcus Thomas LLC tesHipotesis untuk Troy-Bilt pengembangan kreatif, dan diperbarui kasus-demi-Babdisarankan menggunakan grafik.Beberapa konten buku telah dipindahkan ke pusat pembelajaran Online, dan termasukthe Multivariate Analysis chapter, and several end-of-chapter appendices.For more information, and to learn more about the teaching and study resources availableto you, visit the Online Learning Center: www.mhhe.com/cooper12eCourseSmart enables access to a printable e-book from anycomputer that has Internet service without plug-ins or specialsoftware. With CourseSmart, students can highlight text, take and organize notes, andshare those notes with other CourseSmart users. Curious? Go to www.coursesmart.comto try one chapter of the e-book, free of charge, before purchase.BUSINESSRESEARCHMETHODSTWELFTH EDITIONDONALD R. COOPER | PAMELA S. SCHINDLERBUSINESS RESEARCH METHODSTWELFTHEDITION SCHINDLER COOPERMD DALIM #1221015 12/17/12 CYAN MAG YELO BLKHalaman 1 dari 723Halaman 2 dari 723>businessresearchmethodscoo21507_fm_i-xxvi.indd i 24/01/13 11:41 PMHalaman 2 dari 723Halaman 3 dari 723The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Operations and Decision SciencesSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTBentonPurchasing and Supply Chain ManagementSecond EditionBurt, Petcavage, and PinkertonSupply ManagementEighth EditionBowersox, Closs, Cooper, and BowersoxSupply Chain Logistics ManagementFourth EditionJohnson, Leenders, and FlynnPurchasing and Supply ManagementFourteenth EditionSimchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and Simchi-LeviDesigning and Managing the Supply Chain:Concepts, Strategies, Case StudiesThird EditionPROJECT MANAGEMENTBrown and HyerManaging Projects: A Team-Based ApproachFirst EditionLarson and GrayProject Management: The ManagerialProcessFifth EditionSERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTFitzsimmons and FitzsimmonsService Management: Operations, Strategy,Information TechnologyEighth EditionMANAGEMENT SCIENCEHillier and HillierIntroduction to Management Science: AModeling and Case Studies Approach withSpreadsheetsFifth EditionStevenson and OzgurIntroduction to Management Science withSpreadsheetsFirst EditionMANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMSJacobs, Berry, Whybark, and VollmannManufacturing Planning & Control forSupply Chain ManagementSixth EditionBUSINESS RESEARCH METHODSCooper-SchindlerBusiness Research MethodsTwelfth EditionBUSINESS FORECASTINGWilson, Keating, and John Galt Solutions, Inc.Business ForecastingSixth EditionLINEAR STATISTICS AND REGRESSIONKutner, Nachtsheim, and NeterApplied Linear Regression ModelsFourth EditionBUSINESS SYSTEMS DYNAMICSStermanBusiness Dynamics: Systems Thinking andModeling for a Complex WorldFirst EditionOPERATIONS MANAGEMENTCachon and TerwieschMatching Supply with Demand: AnIntroduction to Operations ManagementThird EditionFinchInteractive Models for Operations andSupply Chain ManagementFirst EditionJacobs and ChaseOperations and Supply Chain Management:The CoreThird EditionJacobs and ChaseOperations and Supply ChainManagementFourteenth EditionJacobs and WhybarkWhy ERP? A Primer on SAPImplementationFirst EditionSchroeder, Goldstein, and RungtusanathamOperations Management in the SupplyChain: Decisions and CasesSixth EditionStevensonOperations ManagementEleventh EditionSwink, Melnyk, Cooper, and HartleyManaging Operations across the SupplyChainFirst EditionPRODUCT DESIGNUlrich and EppingerProduct Design and DevelopmentFifth EditionBUSINESS MATHSlater and WittryPractical Business Math ProceduresEleventh EditionSlater and WittryPractical Business Math Procedures,
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