T-the plane,

T-the plane," she murmured."Sasuke

T-the plane," she murmured.

"Sasuke can handle it," he said taking another step closer, "Now answer the question."

"I-I'm not avoiding you," she lied.


"N-no, I'm not," she insisted, silently hoping he would drop it.

He sighed. "Is this about me overhearing you in Hong Kong?"

Her shoulders wilted like a flower exposed too much heat and not enough rain. She bit her lower lip as her eyes dropped to the floor. "I should see to the passengers," she mumbled but didn't move.

"Pilots do it too," he said gently.

She glanced up quickly and then went back to staring at her shoes. But she could feel the faint stirrings of curiosity nipping at her body like a puppy seeking attention. "Do what?"

"Talk about the people we fly with."

Her lavender eyes widened. "I think I should see to the passengers," she said more firmly, this time she tried to move past him. His arm caught her around the waist and spun her around. Her gloved hands fisted in his jacket trying to push him away. She already knew what he was going to say and knew she didn't want to hear it.

"Let me go!"

"Wait," he said, "let me finish."

"No," she said trying to push him back when he leaned closer. He was close enough that she could feel his soft bangs brushing against her skin. She closed her eyes in mortification. She could already tell that her face was bright red from his proximity. She probably made the whole plane looked like a bright red cherry in the sky.

"Please Hinata," he said softly, "let me finish."

One eye peaked open. To her surprise, Naruto was blushing. His tanned cheeks held a faint pink tint. Her struggles ceased.

He smiled, head ducking bashfully like a schoolboy at recess, "I always said that I thought you were the prettiest."

Hinata's face went neon red. "R-really?"

He nodded. "I wanted to tell you when we landed, but you took off before I could catch you."

She shrugged slightly, "I was embarrassed," she confessed.

"I was happy," he grinned. He was closer now. Lips just inches away from her own. Hinata felt her heart racing so quickly in her chest. She worried that her heart might fly away so fast that it would beat the plane to New York.


And then he kissed her. And for the second time that night, her brain completely short-circuited. His lips felt so gentle at first but the moment she responded in kind, the kiss became deeper and richer somehow. If it weren't for her hands clutching his jacket, she felt like her body would have melted away under his touch. When he finally let her up for air, she was gasping. "Naruto," she breathed.

He chuckled slightly and nuzzled her neck.

"So Hinata-chan," he whispered into her ear, "want to join the mile high club?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
T-pesawat,"dia bersungut."Sasuke dapat menangani hal itu," katanya mengambil satu langkah lebih dekat, "Sekarang jawaban pertanyaan.""Aku-aku tidak menghindari Anda," dia berbohong."Liar.""N-tidak, aku tidak," ia bersiteguh, diam-diam berharap ia akan menjatuhkannya.Dia menghela napas. "Adalah tentang saya sengaja mendengar Anda di Hong Kong?"Bahunya layu seperti bunga terkena panas terlalu banyak dan tidak cukup hujan. Dia sedikit bibir bawah sebagai matanya jatuh ke lantai. "Aku harus melihat para penumpang," Dia berkata tetapi tidak bergerak."Pilot melakukannya juga," katanya lembut.Dia melirik ke atas dengan cepat dan kemudian kembali menatap sepatu. Tapi dia bisa merasakan gejolak samar keingintahuan menggigit di tubuhnya seperti seekor anjing yang mencari perhatian. "Lakukan apa?""Berbicara tentang orang-orang yang kami terbang dengan."Matanya lavender melebar. "Saya pikir saya harus melihat para penumpang," katanya lebih tegas, kali ini ia mencoba bergerak melewatinya. Lengan-nya menangkap dia di sekitar pinggang dan berputar di. Tangannya bersarung kikir dalam jaket nya berusaha untuk mendorong dia pergi. Dia sudah tahu apa yang akan ia katakan dan tahu ia tidak ingin mendengarnya."Biarkan aku pergi!""Tunggu," Dia berkata, "biarkan aku selesai.""Tidak," katanya berusaha untuk mendorong dia kembali ketika dia mendekat. Dia adalah cukup dekat bahwa dia bisa merasakan poni nya lembut menyikat kulitnya. Dia memejamkan mata dalam penyiksaan. Dia sudah tahu bahwa wajah adalah merah terang dari kedekatan nya. Dia mungkin membuat seluruh pesawat tampak seperti cherry merah terang di langit."Please Hinata," he said softly, "let me finish."One eye peaked open. To her surprise, Naruto was blushing. His tanned cheeks held a faint pink tint. Her struggles ceased.He smiled, head ducking bashfully like a schoolboy at recess, "I always said that I thought you were the prettiest."Hinata's face went neon red. "R-really?"He nodded. "I wanted to tell you when we landed, but you took off before I could catch you."She shrugged slightly, "I was embarrassed," she confessed."I was happy," he grinned. He was closer now. Lips just inches away from her own. Hinata felt her heart racing so quickly in her chest. She worried that her heart might fly away so fast that it would beat the plane to New York."Naru-"And then he kissed her. And for the second time that night, her brain completely short-circuited. His lips felt so gentle at first but the moment she responded in kind, the kiss became deeper and richer somehow. If it weren't for her hands clutching his jacket, she felt like her body would have melted away under his touch. When he finally let her up for air, she was gasping. "Naruto," she breathed.He chuckled slightly and nuzzled her neck."So Hinata-chan," he whispered into her ear, "want to join the mile high club?
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