II. MethodsThe data were drawn from a longitudinal study addressing re terjemahan - II. MethodsThe data were drawn from a longitudinal study addressing re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

II. MethodsThe data were drawn from

II. Methods
The data were drawn from a longitudinal study addressing resiliency among low-income adolescents: Promoting Academic Competence (PAC; Spencer, 1988). Approximately 3,000 adolescents completed a twenty-minute self-report survey. Students came from four middle schools in a large southeastern urban city. From this sample, students were randomly selected to participate in the project. The student population of the middle schools was primarily African American. Three of the four middle schools had a student population of over 90 percent African American. The fourth school included over 60 percent African American students. According to parent-reported family income information and free school lunch participation, 58 percent of the subjects’ families met federal poverty guidelines. Over 40 percent of the students were at least one standard deviation below the national poverty level for a family of four.
Each student completed a battery of group-administered surveys. Surveys were administered during the academic year. The surveys were read to respondents to control for varying levels of reading ability. The majority of the survey administrators were the same race as the participants. The demographic data collected were part of an in-home parental interview conducted in the third year of the study.
The original sample included 370 boys and 192 girls in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Participants’ ages at the onset of the study ranged from 11 to 15 years. The data used for this study came from measures administered to students participating in the fifth year of the study including 332 African American 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, 280 males and 125 females. Thirty-three percent of the adolescents lived in mother headed households.

Future orientation was assessed by a measure consisting of 23 items ( = .89). The measure ascertains adolescents’ perception of their future accomplishments and experiences in the domains of education, occupation, self, family, and the community. Students were asked "Ten years from now how likely…" are particular events to occur. Items included such events as "have a high school diploma/GED, have a good job, have a positive attitude towards life." The response category was the likelihood of various experiences occurring in ten years, rated on a four-point scale, ranging from "not thought about it" to "very likely to occur."
Demographic variables included grade, gender, and SES. Grade represents the students’ year in school including 10th, 11th, or 12th. Gender was self-reported by the participant. SES was obtained by the participants’ parents in the third year of the study. The variable consists of mother’s and father’s education in average years and mother’s occupation. Mother’s occupation was based on census criterion for occupation classification. Father’s occupation was not included due to the low number of reported cases.
Academic Achievement was measured by the adolescents’ high school grade point average (GPA). The score was an average of the adolescents’ performance in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science, obtained from school records.

III. Results
To summarize the findings of this research the major results are presented below. The findings begin with a description of the future orientation of these African American adolescents. Second, the relationship between future orientation and academic achievement is outlined, followed by emergent gender differences.
What is the future orientation of low-income African American adolescents? Reviewing the frequencies per item on the future orientation measure shows that a majority of these adolescents have a positive future orientation in several key domains of their life (See Figure 1). Specifically, more than 70 percent of the participants reported that some life events were "somewhat" or "very likely" to occur. Life events incorporated personal, educational, and community-level domains. In regards to the personal domain, items included be proud of yourself, have a positive attitude toward life and be a role model for youth. In the educational domain having a high school diploma or GED and having a college degree were included. In the area of community, items included play a positive role in your community, support the community you now live in, and be a support for senior citizens. Overall, these African American adolescents had a positive future orientation across several domains of their life.
The second research question addressed future orientation as an important indicator of resiliency. There were two main findings: Future orientation significantly predicted academic achievement, while controlling for demographic variables and females were more future-oriented than males about their occupation. In addition, an interesting relationship between future orientation, academic achievement, and gender was identified. Mainly, African American males were much more likely to be low in both academic achievement and future orientation than their female peers. In sum, the following findings were observed from the data:

•More than 70% of the African American adolescents’ future orientation included positive expectations in personal, educational, and community-level domains.
•African American females and males were similarly high in their future orientation in education and self domains.
•Females were more likely to expect to have a good job in ten years compared to males.
•Overall, more males were low in future orientation compared to females. Mainly, 40% of the males were low in future orientation compared to only 10% of the females.
•Students with a high future orientation also had a higher grade point average (GPA) than those students who were low in future orientation.
•Future orientation predicted academic achievement (GPA), while controlling for SES, grade, and gender.
•Females high in future orientation had the highest GPA, followed by males with high future orientation, females with low future orientation, and the lowest GPA found for males with low future orientation (See Figure 2).

To further examine future orientation case profiles were developed (See Table 1). Four participants, 2 male and 2 female, were selected for analysis, who were high and low in future orientation. Examining the four participants illustrates the main findings of the study. Those students high in future orientation were also higher in academic achievement and SES compared to their peers lower in future orientation. The case profiles also suggest a complicated relationship between future orientation, SES, and academic achievement. For example, the highest future-oriented male has the lowest SES value than any other case. This example suggests that in some instances future orientation may be functioning as a moderator: future orientation may be lessening the adversity of low-SES.
The generalizibility of the results should also be considered. The results of this research are applicable to those African American adolescents who are developing in high-risk urban environments. The results, however, may also apply to adolescents within other ethnic groups who develop in similar communities. In addition, SES and ethnicity were confounded because the participants were all African American and from a primarily low-SES. Therefore, the results do not represent all African American or all low-SES adolescents.

IV. Conclusion & Implications
This section is organized as follows. First, future orientation as an indicator of resiliency is discussed. Second, gender differences in African American adolescents’ future orientation and academic achievement are described. Third, implications of this research for prevention and intervention programs are outlined.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
II. metodeData diambil dari ketahanan pengalamatan studi longitudinal kalangan remaja berpenghasilan rendah: mempromosikan kompetensi akademis (PAC; Spencer, 1988). Sekitar 3.000 remaja menyelesaikan survei Self-laporan dua puluh menit. Siswa berasal dari empat sekolah menengah di sebuah kota urban besar Tenggara. Dari contoh ini, siswa secara acak dipilih untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini. Populasi siswa sekolah menengah adalah terutama African American. Tiga dari empat sekolah menengah memiliki populasi siswa lebih dari 90 persen African American. Keempat sekolah termasuk lebih dari 60 persen siswa Afrika Amerika. Menurut informasi orangtua melaporkan pendapatan keluarga dan sekolah gratis Makan Siang partisipasi, 58 persen dari keluarga subyek bertemu pedoman federal kemiskinan. Lebih dari 40 persen dari siswa yang setidaknya satu standar deviasi di bawah tingkat kemiskinan nasional untuk sebuah keluarga dari empat.Setiap siswa menyelesaikan baterai dikelola kelompok survei. Survei yang diberikan selama tahun akademik. Survei dibaca untuk responden untuk mengendalikan untuk berbagai tingkat kemampuan membaca. Mayoritas dari administrator survei adalah ras yang sama sebagai peserta. Data demografi yang dikumpulkan adalah sebahagian daripada rumah orangtua wawancara yang dilakukan pada tahun ketiga studi.Sampel asli termasuk 370 anak laki-laki dan perempuan 192 di kelas 6, 7 dan 8. Usia para peserta pada awal penelitian berkisar dari 11 sampai 15 tahun. Data yang digunakan untuk studi ini datang dari langkah-langkah yang diberikan kepada siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam tahun kelima studi termasuk 332 African American kelas 10, 11 dan 12 siswa, 280 jantan dan betina 125. Tiga puluh tiga persen dari remaja tinggal di rumah ibu menuju tangga. Langkah-langkahOrientasi masa depan dinilai dengan ukuran yang terdiri dari 23 item ( =.89 mendapat Ukuran nan remaja persepsi prestasi masa depan mereka dan pengalaman di domain yang pendidikan, pekerjaan, diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat. Siswa diminta "sepuluh tahun dari sekarang bagaimana mungkin..." adalah peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu terjadi. Item termasuk acara-acara seperti "memiliki ijazah sekolah tinggi/GED, memiliki pekerjaan yang baik, memiliki sikap positif terhadap kehidupan." Kategori respon adalah kemungkinan berbagai pengalaman yang terjadi dalam sepuluh tahun, dinilai pada skala empat poin, mulai dari "tidak berpikir tentang hal itu" untuk "sangat mungkin terjadi."Variabel-variabel demografik termasuk kelas, jenis kelamin dan SES. Kelas mewakili tahun siswa di sekolah termasuk 10, 11, atau 12. Jender dilaporkan sendiri oleh peserta tersebut. SES diperoleh oleh orang tua peserta di tahun ketiga dari studi. Variabel yang terdiri dari pendidikan ibu dan ayah di rata-rata tahun dan ibu pendudukan. Ibu pendudukan berdasarkan sensus kriteria untuk klasifikasi pekerjaan. Ayah pendudukan itu tidak disertakan karena rendah jumlah kasus yang dilaporkan.Prestasi akademik diukur oleh remaja sekolah tinggi grade point average (GPA). Skor adalah rata-rata remaja kinerja dalam bahasa Inggris, IPS, matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan, Diperoleh dari catatan sekolah. III. hasilUntuk meringkas temuan-temuan dari penelitian ini hasil utama yang disajikan di bawah ini. Temuan mulai dengan keterangan orientasi masa depan remaja ini African American. Kedua, hubungan antara orientasi masa depan dan prestasi akademik diuraikan, diikuti oleh perbedaan gender muncul.Apa yang dimaksud dengan orientasi masa depan berpenghasilan rendah African American remaja? Meninjau frekuensi per item pada ukuran orientasi masa depan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar remaja ini memiliki orientasi masa depan yang positif dalam beberapa domain kunci kehidupan mereka (Lihat gambar 1). Secara khusus, lebih dari 70 persen dari peserta melaporkan bahwa beberapa peristiwa kehidupan "agak" atau "sangat mungkin" terjadi. Peristiwa kehidupan dimasukkan domain pribadi, pendidikan, dan tingkat masyarakat. Dalam hal domain pribadi, item termasuk bangga akan diri sendiri, memiliki sikap positif terhadap hidup dan menjadi panutan untuk pemuda. Pendidikan domain dimasukkan memiliki ijazah sekolah tinggi atau GED dan memiliki gelar sarjana. Di daerah komunitas, item termasuk bermain peran yang positif di komunitas Anda, mendukung masyarakat Anda sekarang tinggal di, dan mendukung untuk warga negara senior. Secara keseluruhan, remaja Amerika Afrika ini memiliki orientasi masa depan yang positif di beberapa domain dalam hidup mereka.Pertanyaan penelitian kedua dibahas orientasi masa depan sebagai indikator penting ketahanan. Ada dua temuan-temuan utama: orientasi masa depan secara signifikan diperkirakan prestasi akademik, sementara mengontrol untuk variabel-variabel demografik dan kaum perempuan lebih berorientasi masa depan daripada laki-laki tentang pekerjaan mereka. Selain itu, menarik hubungan antara orientasi masa depan, prestasi akademik, dan gender diidentifikasi. Terutama, laki-laki African American adalah jauh lebih cenderung menjadi rendah prestasi akademik dan orientasi masa depan daripada rekan-rekan mereka perempuan. Singkatnya, temuan berikut diamati dari data: •More dari 70% Afrika-Amerika remaja orientasi masa depan termasuk harapan positif dalam domain pribadi, pendidikan, dan tingkat masyarakat.•African American perempuan dan laki-laki yang demikian tinggi dalam orientasi masa depan pendidikan dan domain diri.•Females yang lebih mungkin mengharapkan untuk memiliki pekerjaan yang baik dalam sepuluh tahun, dibandingkan dengan laki-laki.•Overall, laki-laki lain yang rendah dalam orientasi masa depan dibandingkan dengan perempuan. Terutama, 40% dari laki-laki yang rendah dalam orientasi masa depan dibandingkan dengan hanya 10% perempuan.•Students dengan orientasi masa depan yang tinggi juga memiliki tinggi grade point average (GPA daripada para pelajar yang rendah di masa depan orientasi).•Future orientasi meramalkan prestasi akademik (GPA), sementara mengontrol untuk SES, kelas, dan gender.•Females tinggi masa depan orientasi memiliki IPK tertinggi, diikuti oleh laki-laki dengan orientasi masa depan yang tinggi, perempuan dengan orientasi masa depan yang rendah, dan GPA terendah yang ditemukan untuk laki-laki dengan orientasi masa depan rendah (Lihat gambar 2). Untuk menguji lebih lanjut orientasi masa depan kasus profil yang dikembangkan (Lihat tabel 1). Empat peserta, 2 laki-laki dan 2 perempuan, dipilih untuk analisis, yang tinggi dan rendah di masa depan orientasi. Memeriksa empat peserta menggambarkan temuan-temuan utama dari studi. Para pelajar yang tinggi dalam orientasi masa depan yang juga lebih tinggi di prestasi akademik dan SES dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan mereka yang lebih rendah di masa depan orientasi. Profil kasus juga menyarankan hubungan yang rumit antara orientasi masa depan, SES dan prestasi akademik. Sebagai contoh, tertinggi berorientasi masa depan laki-laki memiliki nilai SES terendah dari kasus lain. Contoh ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam beberapa kasus orientasi masa depan mungkin berfungsi sebagai moderator: orientasi masa depan mungkin mengurangi kesulitan rendah-SES.Generalizibility hasil juga harus dipertimbangkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan berlaku untuk orang-orang Afrika-Amerika remaja yang berkembang di lingkungan perkotaan yang berisiko tinggi. Hasil, bagaimanapun, mungkin juga berlaku untuk remaja dalam kelompok etnis lain yang berkembang dalam komunitas serupa. Selain itu, SES dan etnis yang bingung karena peserta semua African American dan dari terutama rendah-SES. Oleh karena itu, hasil tidak mewakili semua African American atau semua rendah-SES remaja. IV. kesimpulan & implikasiBagian ini diatur sebagai berikut. Pertama, masa depan orientasi sebagai indikator ketahanan dibahas. Kedua, perbedaan gender di Afrika-Amerika remaja orientasi masa depan dan prestasi akademik yang dijelaskan. Ketiga, implikasi dari penelitian ini untuk pencegahan dan program intervensi diuraikan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
II. Methods
The data were drawn from a longitudinal study addressing resiliency among low-income adolescents: Promoting Academic Competence (PAC; Spencer, 1988). Approximately 3,000 adolescents completed a twenty-minute self-report survey. Students came from four middle schools in a large southeastern urban city. From this sample, students were randomly selected to participate in the project. The student population of the middle schools was primarily African American. Three of the four middle schools had a student population of over 90 percent African American. The fourth school included over 60 percent African American students. According to parent-reported family income information and free school lunch participation, 58 percent of the subjects’ families met federal poverty guidelines. Over 40 percent of the students were at least one standard deviation below the national poverty level for a family of four.
Each student completed a battery of group-administered surveys. Surveys were administered during the academic year. The surveys were read to respondents to control for varying levels of reading ability. The majority of the survey administrators were the same race as the participants. The demographic data collected were part of an in-home parental interview conducted in the third year of the study.
The original sample included 370 boys and 192 girls in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Participants’ ages at the onset of the study ranged from 11 to 15 years. The data used for this study came from measures administered to students participating in the fifth year of the study including 332 African American 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, 280 males and 125 females. Thirty-three percent of the adolescents lived in mother headed households.

Future orientation was assessed by a measure consisting of 23 items ( = .89). The measure ascertains adolescents’ perception of their future accomplishments and experiences in the domains of education, occupation, self, family, and the community. Students were asked "Ten years from now how likely…" are particular events to occur. Items included such events as "have a high school diploma/GED, have a good job, have a positive attitude towards life." The response category was the likelihood of various experiences occurring in ten years, rated on a four-point scale, ranging from "not thought about it" to "very likely to occur."
Demographic variables included grade, gender, and SES. Grade represents the students’ year in school including 10th, 11th, or 12th. Gender was self-reported by the participant. SES was obtained by the participants’ parents in the third year of the study. The variable consists of mother’s and father’s education in average years and mother’s occupation. Mother’s occupation was based on census criterion for occupation classification. Father’s occupation was not included due to the low number of reported cases.
Academic Achievement was measured by the adolescents’ high school grade point average (GPA). The score was an average of the adolescents’ performance in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science, obtained from school records.

III. Results
To summarize the findings of this research the major results are presented below. The findings begin with a description of the future orientation of these African American adolescents. Second, the relationship between future orientation and academic achievement is outlined, followed by emergent gender differences.
What is the future orientation of low-income African American adolescents? Reviewing the frequencies per item on the future orientation measure shows that a majority of these adolescents have a positive future orientation in several key domains of their life (See Figure 1). Specifically, more than 70 percent of the participants reported that some life events were "somewhat" or "very likely" to occur. Life events incorporated personal, educational, and community-level domains. In regards to the personal domain, items included be proud of yourself, have a positive attitude toward life and be a role model for youth. In the educational domain having a high school diploma or GED and having a college degree were included. In the area of community, items included play a positive role in your community, support the community you now live in, and be a support for senior citizens. Overall, these African American adolescents had a positive future orientation across several domains of their life.
The second research question addressed future orientation as an important indicator of resiliency. There were two main findings: Future orientation significantly predicted academic achievement, while controlling for demographic variables and females were more future-oriented than males about their occupation. In addition, an interesting relationship between future orientation, academic achievement, and gender was identified. Mainly, African American males were much more likely to be low in both academic achievement and future orientation than their female peers. In sum, the following findings were observed from the data:

•More than 70% of the African American adolescents’ future orientation included positive expectations in personal, educational, and community-level domains.
•African American females and males were similarly high in their future orientation in education and self domains.
•Females were more likely to expect to have a good job in ten years compared to males.
•Overall, more males were low in future orientation compared to females. Mainly, 40% of the males were low in future orientation compared to only 10% of the females.
•Students with a high future orientation also had a higher grade point average (GPA) than those students who were low in future orientation.
•Future orientation predicted academic achievement (GPA), while controlling for SES, grade, and gender.
•Females high in future orientation had the highest GPA, followed by males with high future orientation, females with low future orientation, and the lowest GPA found for males with low future orientation (See Figure 2).

To further examine future orientation case profiles were developed (See Table 1). Four participants, 2 male and 2 female, were selected for analysis, who were high and low in future orientation. Examining the four participants illustrates the main findings of the study. Those students high in future orientation were also higher in academic achievement and SES compared to their peers lower in future orientation. The case profiles also suggest a complicated relationship between future orientation, SES, and academic achievement. For example, the highest future-oriented male has the lowest SES value than any other case. This example suggests that in some instances future orientation may be functioning as a moderator: future orientation may be lessening the adversity of low-SES.
The generalizibility of the results should also be considered. The results of this research are applicable to those African American adolescents who are developing in high-risk urban environments. The results, however, may also apply to adolescents within other ethnic groups who develop in similar communities. In addition, SES and ethnicity were confounded because the participants were all African American and from a primarily low-SES. Therefore, the results do not represent all African American or all low-SES adolescents.

IV. Conclusion & Implications
This section is organized as follows. First, future orientation as an indicator of resiliency is discussed. Second, gender differences in African American adolescents’ future orientation and academic achievement are described. Third, implications of this research for prevention and intervention programs are outlined.
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