Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sinar matahari banjir kabin sebagai kursus pesawat berubah. Itu pagi yang terang, jelas. Robyn menjenguk dari jendela seperti Inggris meluncur perlahan-lahan dengan di bawah mereka: kota-kota dan kota-kota, rencana jalan mereka seperti sirkuit dicetak, tersebar mosaik kecil bidang, terhubung dengan kabel tipis dari kereta api dan jalan Raya. Sulit membayangkan ketinggian ini semua kebisingan dan keributan yang terjadi di bawah sana. Pabrik, Toko, kantor, sekolah, awal hari kerja. Orang berdesakan dalam jam sibuk bus dan kereta api, atau duduk di roda mobil dalam kemacetan lalu lintas, atau mencuci hal-hal sarapan di dapur semifinal berlari kerikil. Semua inhabiting theit sendiri dunia kecil, oblivisious dari bagaimana mereka dipasang ke total pircture. Ibu rumah tangga, beralih pada nya ketel listrik untuk membuat secangkir teh, yang lain memberikan ada pikiran yang kompleks besar operasi yang dimungkinkan bahwa tindakan sederhana: gedung dan pemeliharaan pembangkit listrik yang dihasilkan listrik, penambangan batubara, atau memompa minyak untuk bahan bakar Generator, peletakan mil dari kabel untuk membawa arus ke rumahnya , yang menggali dan peleburan dan penggilingan bijih atau bauksit ke lembaran baja atau aluminium, pemotongan dan menekan dan pengelasan logam ke shell ketel, moncong dan menangani, perakitan dari bagian-bagian ini dengan banyak komponen lain-kumparan, sekrup, kacang-kacangan, baut, mesin cuci, paku keling, kabel, sptings, isolasi karet, plastik hiasan, kemudian Kemasan ketel, iklan ketel , pemasaran ketel untuk grosir dan toko-toko, perhitungan harga, dan distribusi dari nilai tambah antara semua berbagai masyarakat dan lembaga-lembaga peduli dalam produksi. Ibu rumah tangga memberikan no berpikir semua ini ketika ia beralih pada ketel nya. Tidak memiliki Robyn sampai saat ini, dan itu akan pernah terjadi padanya untuk melakukannya sebelum dia bertemu Vic Wilcox.1c ComprehensionWe generally describe the economy as consisting of three sectors:The primary sector: agriculture, and the extraction of raw materials from the earth;The secondary sector: manufacturing industry, in which raw materials are turned into finished products (although of course many of the people working for manufacturing companies do not actually make anything, but provide a service – administration, law, finance, marketing, selling, computing, personnel, and so on);The tertiary sector: the commercial services that help industry produce and distribute goods to final consumers, as well as activities such as education health care, leisure, tourism, and so on.In lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they ?The long sentence in lines 11-28 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage according to which sector they belong to: Advertising productsCalculating pricesDistributing added valueMarketing productsPackaging productsSmelting ironAssemblingCutting metalLaying cablesMilling metalPressing metalTransportationBuildingDigging iron oreMaintenanceMining coalPumping oilWelding metal Can you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle)?1d DiscussionWhich sector do you intend to work in or do you already work in? How do you ‘fit into the total picture’?How many people in the tertiary sector have you already spoken to today (travelling to collage or work, shopping, eating, and so on)? What about people in the other two sectors? When did you last talk to someone who grew or produced food, for example ?2. Manufacturing and servicesAgricultural labour, represented by Jules Breton (‘The Gleaners’, 1885)Two hundred years ago, the vast majority of the population of virtually every country lived in the countryside and worked in agriculture. Today, in what many people call ‘the advanced industrialized countries’, only 2-3% of the population earn their living from agriculture. But some people already talk about ‘the postindustrial countries’, because of the growth of service industries, and the decline of manufacturing, which is moving to ‘the developing countries’.Is manufacturing industry important ? Is its decline in the ‘advanced’ countries inevitable ? Will services adequately replace it ? Two opinions about this follow.2a ReadingRead this extract from an interview with the well-known Canadian economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, and answer the questions.Why do people worry about the decline of manufacturing ?Which activities are as important as the production of goods ?Should people worry about this state of affairs ?
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