While the proposal to extend the application of the concept of norms t terjemahan - While the proposal to extend the application of the concept of norms t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

While the proposal to extend the ap

While the proposal to extend the application of the concept of norms to interpreting
has so far hard elatively few advocates (originally Shlesinger 1989 andH arris
1990; more recently Schjoldager 1995; Gile 1999a), it could provide a flexible
framework for research in this field. This paper proposes its use as a key concept in
quality research.
The elusiveness of the concept of quality is a recurrent theme in the literature
on interpreting (e.g.: Shlesinger et al. 1997: 122). Incidentally, its definition has
become increasingly complicated, in time, research in this sector has left behind
a purely “linguistic” and“technical” approach and mo vedt owards a broader view,
based on a notion of interpretation as a complex interactional andc ommunicative
event encompassing pragmatic and sociolinguistic factors (e.g. Pöchhacker 1995b;
Viezzi 1996). Evidence of this can be found, for instance, in the uncertainties that
have emergedo ver the definition of “errors”,1 which seem edun controversial in the
1970s when a purely (inter)linguistic perspective prevailed and the text was seen as
a “document” rather than a “message” (Sager 1997: 27).
The basic problem is that quality is the sum of several different, heterogeneous
aspects, some of which involve different subjects — interpreters, clients, users,
speakers — each with a different view and perception of quality, as research has
shown (Kurz 1993a, 1993b; Kopczynski 1994a; Moser 1996). There are variations
even within the same group: among users, quality expectations tendt o vary,
reflecting not only the kindof events where simultaneous interpretation (SI) is
provided, but also individual tastes and criteria, often related to socio-linguistic
factors. This is made more problematic by the inherent evanescence of the product,
which is difficult to inspect andd oes not lenditself to repeatede valuation. Although
transcription turns it into an analysable material object, there is no doubt
that to analyse an oral text in written form is not only methodologically incorrect,
but also ineffective, owing to the important role of prosody in the expression of
meaning. Even Pöchhacker’s “trans-description” system (Pöchhacker 1994c:236ff),
which records some of the features of oral language
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
While the proposal to extend the application of the concept of norms to interpretinghas so far hard elatively few advocates (originally Shlesinger 1989 andH arris1990; more recently Schjoldager 1995; Gile 1999a), it could provide a flexibleframework for research in this field. This paper proposes its use as a key concept inquality research.The elusiveness of the concept of quality is a recurrent theme in the literatureon interpreting (e.g.: Shlesinger et al. 1997: 122). Incidentally, its definition hasbecome increasingly complicated, in time, research in this sector has left behinda purely “linguistic” and“technical” approach and mo vedt owards a broader view,based on a notion of interpretation as a complex interactional andc ommunicativeevent encompassing pragmatic and sociolinguistic factors (e.g. Pöchhacker 1995b;Viezzi 1996). Evidence of this can be found, for instance, in the uncertainties thathave emergedo ver the definition of “errors”,1 which seem edun controversial in the1970s when a purely (inter)linguistic perspective prevailed and the text was seen asa “document” rather than a “message” (Sager 1997: 27).The basic problem is that quality is the sum of several different, heterogeneousaspects, some of which involve different subjects — interpreters, clients, users,speakers — each with a different view and perception of quality, as research hasshown (Kurz 1993a, 1993b; Kopczynski 1994a; Moser 1996). There are variationseven within the same group: among users, quality expectations tendt o vary,reflecting not only the kindof events where simultaneous interpretation (SI) isprovided, but also individual tastes and criteria, often related to socio-linguisticfactors. This is made more problematic by the inherent evanescence of the product,which is difficult to inspect andd oes not lenditself to repeatede valuation. Althoughtranscription turns it into an analysable material object, there is no doubtthat to analyse an oral text in written form is not only methodologically incorrect,but also ineffective, owing to the important role of prosody in the expression ofmeaning. Even Pöchhacker’s “trans-description” system (Pöchhacker 1994c:236ff),which records some of the features of oral language
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sedangkan usulan untuk memperpanjang penerapan konsep norma untuk menafsirkan
sejauh keras elatively beberapa pendukung (awalnya Shlesinger 1989 andh arris
1990; baru-baru Schjoldager 1995; Gile 1999a), bisa memberikan yang fleksibel
kerangka kerja untuk penelitian di bidang ini. Makalah ini mengusulkan penggunaannya sebagai konsep kunci dalam
penelitian yang berkualitas.
The elusiveness dari konsep kualitas adalah tema berulang dalam literatur
pada menafsirkan (misalnya:. Shlesinger et al 1997: 122). Kebetulan, definisi telah
menjadi semakin rumit, dalam waktu, penelitian di sektor ini telah ditinggalkan
murni "linguistik" dan "teknis" pendekatan dan mo vedt owards pandangan yang lebih luas,
berdasarkan gagasan penafsiran sebagai interaksional ommunicative andc kompleks
acara meliputi faktor pragmatis dan sosiolinguistik (misalnya Pochhacker 1995b;
Viezzi 1996). Bukti ini dapat ditemukan, misalnya, dalam ketidakpastian yang
memiliki emergedo ver definisi "kesalahan", 1 yang tampak Edun kontroversial di
tahun 1970-an ketika murni (inter) perspektif linguistik menang dan teks dipandang sebagai
sebuah "dokumen . "daripada" pesan "(Sager 1997: 27)
Masalah mendasar adalah kualitas yang adalah jumlah dari beberapa, heterogen yang berbeda
aspek, beberapa di antaranya melibatkan subyek yang berbeda - penerjemah, klien, pengguna,
speaker - masing-masing dengan pandangan yang berbeda dan persepsi kualitas, penelitian telah
menunjukkan (Kurz 1993a, 1993b; Kopczynski 1994a; Moser 1996). Ada variasi
bahkan dalam kelompok yang sama: antara pengguna, harapan kualitas tendt o bervariasi,
yang mencerminkan tidak hanya peristiwa kindof mana interpretasi simultan (SI) adalah
disediakan, tetapi juga selera individu dan kriteria, sering berhubungan dengan sosio-linguistik
faktor. Hal ini membuat lebih bermasalah dengan evanescence melekat dari produk,
yang sulit untuk memeriksa andd oes tidak lenditself untuk repeatede penilaian. Meskipun
transkripsi mengubahnya menjadi obyek materi dianalisis, tidak ada keraguan
bahwa untuk menganalisis sebuah teks lisan dalam bentuk tertulis tidak hanya metodologis yang salah,
tetapi juga tidak efektif, karena peran penting dari prosodi dalam ekspresi
makna. Bahkan Pochhacker yang "trans-description" sistem (Pochhacker 1994c: 236ff),
yang mencatat beberapa fitur dari bahasa lisan
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