Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
A pair of terms that can be used to distinguish occupations is intrinsic versus ertrinsic These words refer to what motivates people in a job: the work itself(intrinsically motivating jobs) or the conditions was poprewards provided (extrinsically motivating jobs). This distinction was proularized in the late 1950s through the research on work motivation by theU.S., psychologist Frederick Herzberg and his team, who argued that the intrinsic factors are the real motivators while the extrinsic ones represent the psychological ygiene of the job." People in occupations demand- ing more education tend to score intrinsic elements as more important occupations prefer extrinsic lower-education while people in lower-status, elements. The intrinsic extrinsic distinction, while useful for distinguishing occupation cultures, in its turn is not suitable for comparing countries.Individualism and collectivism in the Family In the beginning of this chapter, individualism was associated with a nuclear family structure and collectivistn with an extended family structure, the latter leading to the distinction between in-groups and out groups The relationship between the individual and the group, like other basic elements of human culture, is first learned in the family setting The fact that Japan scores about halfway in Table 3.1(with a rank of 33-35 and an IDW of 46) can at least be partly understood from the fact that in the tra- ditionalJapanese family, only the oldest son continued to live with his parents, thus creating a lineal structure somewhere in between nuclear and extended.The child who grows up among a number of elders, peers, and juniors learns naturally to conceive of him- or herself as part of a"we," much more so than does the nuclear family child. A child of an extended family is sel- dom alone, whether during the day or at night. An African student who came to Belgium for a university study told us that this was the first time in her life she had ever been alone in a room for any sizable length of time. Conversely, northern European students returning from internships in Peru or Malaysia complained that they were never left alone by their hosts. In a situation of intense and continuous social contact, the mainte- nance of harmony with one's social environment becomes a key virtue that extends to other spheres beyond the family In most collectivist cultures, direct confrontation of another person is considered rude and undesirable The word no is seldom used, because saying"no" is a confrontation, you may be right or we will think about are examples of polite ways of turning down a request. In the same vein, the word yeu should not neces- sarily be seen as an approval, but as maintenance of the line of communi- cation; yes, I heard you is the meaning it has in Japan. In individualist cultures, on the other hand, speaking one's mind is a virtue. Telling the truth about how one feels is a characteristicof a sincereand honest person. Confrontation can be salutary, a clash of opinions is believed to lead to a higher truth.The effect of communications on other people should be taken into account, but it does not as a rule justify changing the facts. Adult individuals should be able to take direct feedback constructively In the family, children are told one should always tell the truth, even if it hurts. Coping with conflict is a normal part ofliving together as a family. Mantan misionaris Belanda di Indonesia (negara dengan IDV 14 dan peringkat 68-69) mengatakan tentang penafsiran tak terduga Jemaat dalam perumpamaan berikut dari Biblen "seorang laki-laki memiliki dua putra. Ia pergi ke pertama dan berkata "putra, pergi dan bekerja di kebun anggur hari ini ' ia menjawab aku akan pergi, sir, tetapi ia tidak pergi orang pergi untuk kedua dan mengatakan hal yang sama kepadanya. Dia menjawab "Aku tidak akan, namun kemudian dia berubah pikiran dan tidak pergi. Mana dari dua yang melakukan kehendak Bapa? "Jawaban alkitabiah adalah bahwa yang terakhir melakukan, tetapi jemaat misionaris Indonesia memilih yang pertama, untuk anak ini diamati harmoni formal dan tidak bertentangan dengan ayahnya. Apakah dia benar-benar pergi adalah kepentingan sekunder.Dalam keluarga kolektif, anak-anak belajar untuk mengambil mereka bantalan dari orang lain ketika datang ke pendapat. Pendapat pribadi tidak ada-mereka yang telah ditentukan oleh kelompok jika masalah baru muncul di yang ada tidak ada pendapat group didirikan, beberapa jenis konferensi keluarga diperlukan sebelum pendapat dapat diberikan. Seorang anak yang berulang-ulang suara pendapat yang menyimpang dari apa yang secara kolektif merasa dianggap memiliki karakter yang buruk dalam keluarga individualis, sebaliknya, anak-anak diharapkan dan didorong untuk mengembangkan pendapat mereka sendiri, dan seorang anak yang selalu hanya mencerminkan pendapat orang lain dianggap memiliki karakter yang lemah. Perilaku yang sesuai dengan karakter yang diinginkan tergantung pada lingkungan budaya. The loyalty to the group that is an essential element of the collectivist family also means that resources are shared If one member of an extended of twenty persons has a paid job and the others do not, the earning member is supposed to share his or her income in order to help feed the cover entire family on the basis of this principle a family may the expenses for sending on member to get a higher education, expecting subsequently gets a well-paid job, the income will that when this member also be shared. In individualist cultures parents will be proud if children at an early age take small jobs in order to earn pocket money of their own, which they alone can decide how to spend. In the Netherlands, as in many other individualist.western European countries, the government contributes substantially to the living expenses of students. In the 1980s the system was changed from an allowance to the parents to an allowance directly to the students themselves, which stressed their independence. Boys and girls economic actors from age eighteen were now created as independent onward. In the United States it is quite normal for students to pay for their own studies by getting temporary jobs and personal loans, without government support they, too, are less dependent on their parents and not at all on more distant relatives.Obligations to the family in a collectivist society are not only financial but also ritual Family celebrations like baptisms, marriages, and, especially, funerals are extremely important and should not be missed. Expatriate managers from individualist societies are often surprised by the family rea sons given by employees from a collectivist host society who apply for a special leaves the expatriates think they are being fooled, but most likely the reasons are authentic. In an individualist culture when people meet they feel a need to com municate verbally Silence is considered abnormal. Social conversations can be depressingly banal, but they are compulsory. In a collectivist culture the fact of being together is emotionally sufficient, there is no compulsion to talk unless there is information to be transferred Raden Mas Hadjiwi- bowo, an Indonesian businessman from a Javanese noble family, recalled the family visits from his youth in the 1980s as follows:
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