Figure 2 presents Bandura’s Triadic Social Cognitive Theory. It posits terjemahan - Figure 2 presents Bandura’s Triadic Social Cognitive Theory. It posits Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Figure 2 presents Bandura’s Triadic

Figure 2 presents Bandura’s Triadic Social Cognitive Theory. It posits that Social Cognitive Theory advocates triadic reciprocal determinism of personal, behavioral, and environmental factors affecting functioning schema of each individual. Bandura emphasized that in reciprocal determinism, the behavior of student-learner is a product of the interaction of both personal and environmental factors. These three factors, also referred as Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 3, No 10, 2012 27
determinants, exert regulatory influence controlling covert (i.e. personal), behavior, and environment processes through direct strategy and enactive feedback..
Included in this theory are the three basic social learning concepts: (1) Observational Learning: learners learn and imitate behaviors that they have observed in other learners. He identified three basic models: (a) Live model that involves an actual individual demonstrating a behavior, (b) A verbal instructional model that involves descriptions and explanations, and (c) a symbolic model which involves a real or fictional character displayed by the material; (2) Intrinsic Motivation: This focuses on the internal thoughts and cognition developed by the
learner that helps him connect learning theories and development theories. He included pride, satisfaction and sense of accomplishment as his internal drives to carry out cognitive tasks in learning; (3) The Modeling Process: He noted that not all observed behaviors are effectively learned as both the model and the learner play roles. The process includes attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. As attention plays a major role in social cognition, every aspect of learning environment must be interesting for learners dedicate their full attention to learning when they got interested in it. This also poses motivation and retention of information which are vital in observational learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Figure 2 presents Bandura’s Triadic Social Cognitive Theory. It posits that Social Cognitive Theory advocates triadic reciprocal determinism of personal, behavioral, and environmental factors affecting functioning schema of each individual. Bandura emphasized that in reciprocal determinism, the behavior of student-learner is a product of the interaction of both personal and environmental factors. These three factors, also referred as Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 3, No 10, 2012 27determinants, exert regulatory influence controlling covert (i.e. personal), behavior, and environment processes through direct strategy and enactive feedback..Included in this theory are the three basic social learning concepts: (1) Observational Learning: learners learn and imitate behaviors that they have observed in other learners. He identified three basic models: (a) Live model that involves an actual individual demonstrating a behavior, (b) A verbal instructional model that involves descriptions and explanations, and (c) a symbolic model which involves a real or fictional character displayed by the material; (2) Intrinsic Motivation: This focuses on the internal thoughts and cognition developed by thelearner that helps him connect learning theories and development theories. He included pride, satisfaction and sense of accomplishment as his internal drives to carry out cognitive tasks in learning; (3) The Modeling Process: He noted that not all observed behaviors are effectively learned as both the model and the learner play roles. The process includes attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. As attention plays a major role in social cognition, every aspect of learning environment must be interesting for learners dedicate their full attention to learning when they got interested in it. This also poses motivation and retention of information which are vital in observational learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gambar 2 menyajikan Triadic Teori Kognitif Sosial Bandura. Ini berpendapat bahwa Teori Kognitif Sosial pendukung determinisme timbal balik triadic faktor personal, perilaku, dan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi berfungsi skema masing-masing individu. Bandura menekankan bahwa dalam determinisme timbal balik, perilaku siswa-pelajar merupakan produk interaksi kedua faktor personal dan lingkungan. Ketiga faktor, juga disebut sebagai Jurnal Pendidikan dan Praktek ISSN 2222-1735 (Kertas) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 3, No 10, 2012 27
penentu, menggunakan pengaruh regulasi pengendalian rahasia (yaitu personal) , proses perilaku, dan lingkungan melalui strategi langsung dan umpan balik enactive ..
Termasuk dalam teori ini adalah tiga konsep pembelajaran sosial dasar: (1) Pembelajaran observasional: peserta didik belajar dan meniru perilaku yang mereka telah diamati dalam peserta didik lainnya. Dia mengidentifikasi tiga model dasar: (a) Model Live yang melibatkan seorang individu sebenarnya mendemonstrasikan perilaku, (b) Model pembelajaran verbal yang melibatkan deskripsi dan penjelasan, dan (c) model simbolik yang melibatkan karakter nyata atau fiksi yang ditampilkan oleh material; (2) Motivasi Intrinsik: ini berfokus pada pikiran internal dan kognisi dikembangkan oleh
pembelajar yang membantu dia menghubungkan teori belajar dan teori pembangunan. Dia termasuk kebanggaan, kepuasan dan rasa keberhasilan sebagai drive internal untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas kognitif dalam pembelajaran; (3) The Modeling Proses: Dia mencatat bahwa tidak semua perilaku yang diamati secara efektif dipelajari baik sebagai model dan peran pelajar bermain. Proses ini meliputi perhatian, retensi, reproduksi dan motivasi. Sebagai perhatian memainkan peran utama dalam kognisi sosial, setiap aspek dari lingkungan belajar harus menarik bagi peserta didik mendedikasikan perhatian penuh mereka untuk belajar ketika mereka mulai tertarik di dalamnya. Ini juga menimbulkan motivasi dan retensi informasi yang penting dalam belajar.
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