Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
•is engaged or holds itself out as being engagedprimarily in the business of investing, reinvesting,or trading in securities, partnership interests, commodities,or any interest in securities, including afutures or forward contract or option, such as mutualfunds, funds of funds, exchange-traded funds,hedge funds, private equity and venture capitalfunds, other managed funds, commodity pools,foundations, and other investment vehicles;•insurance companies that make payments with respectto certain contracts that are treated as financialaccounts.REPORTING BY FOREIGNRETIREMENT PLANSGiven the broad definition of FFI, foreign retirementplans that are funded and hold investment assetsare at risk of being characterized as FFIs. In addition,if captive insurance entities have been established tohold financial assets, such assets may also implicatethe FFI definition. The drafters of the FATCA regulationsclearly contemplated that foreign retirementplans would initially be classified as FFIs, but providedthe following six exemptions:1. ‘‘Broad participation’’ retirement plans: plansthat are established to provide retirement income (ordeath/disability benefits) to plan participants. In orderto qualify for the broad participation exemption a foreignretirement plan must meet a series of requirements,including the following:a. the plan has more than one beneficiary andone beneficiary does not have more than5% of the plan assets;b. the plan is subject to government regulationin the jurisdiction in which the plan isestablished;c. the plan provides annual reporting informationabout its participants to the localtax authorities in the jurisdiction in whichthe plan is established; andd. the plan meets one of the following:i. the fund receives at least 50% of itstotal contributions from the sponsoringemployers;ii. the distributions or withdrawals fromthe plan are allowed only upon retirement,death, or disability, or penaltiesapply to distributions or withdrawalsnot made upon retirement, death, ordisability;iii. the plan is generally exempt fromtaxation on its investment incomeunder the laws of the relevant jurisdictionin which the plan is established;iv. contributions by employees are limitedto earned income or may notexceed $50,000 annually.2. ‘‘Narrow participation’’ retirement plans. Likethe broad participation exemption above, the narrowparticipation exemption applies to foreign retirementplans that are designed to provide only retirement,disability, or death benefits to its beneficiaries. In orderto qualify for this exemption a foreign retirementplan must meet the following requirements:a. the plan has fewer than 50 participants;b. the plan is sponsored by one or more employersthat are not investment entities orpassive non-financial foreign entities;c. employee and employer contributions tothe plan are limited to earned income andthe employee’s compensation;d. nonresident participants of the jurisdictionin which the plan is established are notentitled to more than 20% of the plan’sassets;e. the plan is subject to regulation in the jurisdictionin which it has been established;andf. the plan is required to report informationabout its participants to the relevant jurisdiction’stax authorities.3. Retirement programs covered by a tax treaty.This exemption applies to a fund that is generally exemptfrom taxation on U.S.-source income under a taxtreaty with the United States. The specific retirementplan must meet all the conditions prescribed under thetax treaty for the tax relief.4. Retirement plans similar to a U.S. qualified plan.There is an exemption for a foreign retirement planthat meets the conditions of §401(a) and qualifies fortax-favored status.5. Investment vehicles exclusively for retirementfunds. This exemption applies to a fund that is establishedonly to earn income for other exempt retirementfunds.6. Tax-favored retirement and savings accounts.This exemption applies to an account that is registeredor regulated under the laws of the local country and isa tax-favored plan in that country.In many cases, the above exemptions are helpfuland the foreign retirement plan can clearly qualify forone of the above exemptions and simply indicate suchTax Management International Journal2 2014 Tax Management Inc., a subsidiary of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.ISSN 0090-4600status on the new Form W-8BENE. However, in practice,it has been seen that plans may not strictly meetthe above exemptions due to missing one or more ofthe stated requirements. For example, a foreign jurisdictionmay not require any sort of annual reportingby the plan. In general, any foreign retirement planshould be reviewed in light of the FATCA requirementsto determine whether exemptions are available.An initial list of questions is included in Exhibit A.Note that whether a U.S. person participates in theplan is not a relevant factor.In addition to the exemptions provided by theFATCA regulations, there may be additional exemptionsuseful for retirement plans in an intergovernmentalagreement (IGA), which is an agreement betweenthe United States and a foreign country relatingto the implementation of FATCA. For example, theIGA with the United Kingdom provides an exemptionfor certain U.K. tax-approved retirement plans andU.K. tax-approved equity compensation plans so thatthe plan balances and equity awards are not treated asfinancial accounts for purposes of the FATCA rules,including the participant reporting discussed in thenext section.Exhibit B sets out the current list of IGAs by Modeltype. Most of the IGAs are classified as a Model 1type, which provides that FFIs report the relevant informationto the tax authorities in their own jurisdiction,which then exchange the information with theIRS. Model 2-type agreements provide for direct reportingto the IRS by FFIs.The challenge remains that, if no exemption is ultimatelyavailable, the registration process for FATCAis generally not appropriate for retirement plans becauseit was designed for financial institutions and therequirements specifically focus on review of customeraccounts.FATCA withholding became effective on July 1,2014, with certain transitional exemptions. In addition,given the substantial burdens raised by theFATCA review and registration process, the IRS announcedin Notice 2014-33 that it will treat calendaryears 2014 and 2015 as a transition period for purposesof enforcing and administering implementationof FATCA
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