closer to their feelings and consequently become less rigid and moreop terjemahan - closer to their feelings and consequently become less rigid and moreop Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

closer to their feelings and conseq

closer to their feelings and consequently become less rigid and more
open to change. As members accept their strengths and weaknesses, they
drop their defenses and welcome change.
9. Cracking of facades. Here individual members begin to respond to the
group demand that masks and pretenses be dropped. This revealing of
deeper selves by some members validates the theory that meaningful encounters
can occur when people risk getting beneath surface interaction.
At this stage the group strives toward deeper communication.
10. Feedback. In the process of receiving feedback, members acquire a lot of
data concerning how others experience them and what impact they have
on others. This information often leads to new insights that help them decide
on aspects of themselves that they want to change.
11. Confrontation. Here members confront one another in what is usually an
emotional process involving feedback. Confrontation can be seen as a
stepping up of the interactions described in earlier stages.
12. The helping relationship outside the group sessions. By this stage members
have begun making contacts outside the group. Here we see an extension
of the process described in number 7.
13. The basic encounter. Because the members come into closer and more direct
contact with one another than is generally the case in everyday life,
genuine person-to-person relationships occur. At this point members
begin to experience how meaningful relationships occur when there is a
commitment to work toward a common goal and a sense of community.
14. Expression of feelings of closeness. As the sessions progress, an increasing
warmth and closeness develops within the group because of the realness of
the participants’ expression of feelings about themselves and toward others.
15. Behavior changes in the group. As members experience increased ease in
expressing their feelings, their behaviors, mannerisms, and even their
appearance begin to change. They tend to act in an open manner; they
express deeper feelings toward others; they achieve an increased understanding
of themselves; and they work out more effective ways of being
with others. If the changes are effective, the members will carry their new
behaviors into their everyday lives.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
dekat dengan perasaan mereka dan akibatnya menjadi kurang kaku dan lebihterbuka untuk mengubah. Sebagai anggota menerima kekuatan dan kelemahan, mereka merekadrop pertahanan dan menyambut perubahan mereka.9. retak fasad. Di sini anggota individu mulai menanggapikelompok permintaan masker dan kepura-puraan akan dijatuhkan. Ini mengungkapkanlebih dalam diri oleh beberapa anggota memvalidasi teori pertemuan itu bermaknadapat terjadi ketika orang-orang mendapatkan di bawah permukaan interaksi risiko.Pada tahap ini kelompok berusaha ke arah lebih dalam komunikasi.10. umpan balik. Dalam proses menerima umpan balik, anggota memperoleh banyakdata mengenai bagaimana orang lain pengalaman mereka dan apa dampak yang mereka memilikipada orang lain. Informasi ini sering mengarah ke wawasan baru yang membantu mereka memutuskanpada aspek diri bahwa mereka ingin mengubah.11. konfrontasi. Di sini anggota menghadapi satu sama lain dalam apa yang biasanyaemosional proses yang melibatkan umpan balik. Konfrontasi dapat dilihat sebagaimelangkah interaksi dijelaskan dalam tahap awal.12. membantu hubungan di luar sesi grup. Oleh anggota tahap initelah mulai membuat kontak diluar grup. Di sini kita lihat ekstensiproses dijelaskan dalam nomor 7.13. perjumpaan dasar. Karena para anggota datang ke dekat dan lebih langsungkontak dengan satu sama lain daripada yang biasanya terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,terjadi hubungan orang yang tulus. Anggota saat inimulai mengalami bagaimana berarti hubungan terjadi ketika adakomitmen untuk bekerja ke arah tujuan yang sama dan rasa kebersamaan.14. ekspresi perasaan kedekatan. Sebagai kemajuan sesi, meningkatkankehangatan dan kedekatan berkembang dalam kelompok karena realitas dariPara peserta ekspresi perasaan tentang diri mereka sendiri dan terhadap orang lain.15. perilaku perubahan dalam kelompok. Sebagai anggota pengalaman meningkatkan kemudahan dalammengekspresikan perasaan mereka, perilaku, tingkah laku mereka, dan bahkan merekapenampilan mulai berubah. Mereka cenderung untuk bertindak secara terbuka; merekaCheck perasaan yang lebih mendalam terhadap orang lain; mereka mencapai pemahaman meningkatdari diri mereka sendiri; dan mereka bekerja di luar cara-cara yang lebih efektif menjadidengan orang lain. Jika perubahan yang efektif, anggota akan membawa baru merekaperilaku ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
closer to their feelings and consequently become less rigid and more
open to change. As members accept their strengths and weaknesses, they
drop their defenses and welcome change.
9. Cracking of facades. Here individual members begin to respond to the
group demand that masks and pretenses be dropped. This revealing of
deeper selves by some members validates the theory that meaningful encounters
can occur when people risk getting beneath surface interaction.
At this stage the group strives toward deeper communication.
10. Feedback. In the process of receiving feedback, members acquire a lot of
data concerning how others experience them and what impact they have
on others. This information often leads to new insights that help them decide
on aspects of themselves that they want to change.
11. Confrontation. Here members confront one another in what is usually an
emotional process involving feedback. Confrontation can be seen as a
stepping up of the interactions described in earlier stages.
12. The helping relationship outside the group sessions. By this stage members
have begun making contacts outside the group. Here we see an extension
of the process described in number 7.
13. The basic encounter. Because the members come into closer and more direct
contact with one another than is generally the case in everyday life,
genuine person-to-person relationships occur. At this point members
begin to experience how meaningful relationships occur when there is a
commitment to work toward a common goal and a sense of community.
14. Expression of feelings of closeness. As the sessions progress, an increasing
warmth and closeness develops within the group because of the realness of
the participants’ expression of feelings about themselves and toward others.
15. Behavior changes in the group. As members experience increased ease in
expressing their feelings, their behaviors, mannerisms, and even their
appearance begin to change. They tend to act in an open manner; they
express deeper feelings toward others; they achieve an increased understanding
of themselves; and they work out more effective ways of being
with others. If the changes are effective, the members will carry their new
behaviors into their everyday lives.
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