I don’t want to mess it up or brush her off. “I … I guess I want her t terjemahan - I don’t want to mess it up or brush her off. “I … I guess I want her t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I don’t want to mess it up or brush

I don’t want to mess it up or brush her off. “I … I guess I want her to ask me out. If she even wants to.”
Romy’s needed space. She’s got this Alex guy breathing down her neck. He’s called her a bunch of times, leaving voicemails asking her to go out with him, telling her he wants to apologize. She’s too scared to pick up, but he isn’t letting go. It’s so fucking creepy. And it makes me want to kill him. But with all that going on, there’s no way in hell that I’m going to step out of the friend zone without an express invitation. I’m going to do this right. I just wish she wanted more from me.
“Can I meet her?” Katie asks. “If she’s that important to you, you should introduce us.”
I turn my head. Katie tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles hopefully. I want to bottle this moment and hoard it away forever. “You’ve met her already,” I say gently. “She was with your therapist the night you came to the co-op.”
She bites her lip, her brow furrowing. “Library girl, you mean?”
“The one with short hair. Before that night, she came to the library. We talked about books. But then she came to the hospital, too …” She’s obviously working hard to piece it all together. Whether it’s her meds or the fact that she’s usually focused on herself, trying to keep control of the demons in her head, her memory isn’t that great.
“Yeah. She has really short hair.”
Katie’s gray eyes meet mine. “She’s nice.”
“She is.” Nice doesn’t even begin to describe Romy. “I could ask her if she wants to come over, if you want me to.”
She smiles. “I don’t have plans tonight. We could make … I don’t know. Spaghetti. Does she like spaghetti?”
“I’ll call her when we get home. Tell me about your day?”
“Talking. Listening. I drew some stuff.” She fiddles with her purse strap.
“Really? Like, art?”
She pushes my shoulder as I pull onto the road. “Not art like you do.”
“Did it feel good?”
“Yeah. Like I don’t have words for some things, but I have colors and shapes.”
“I know exactly what you’re saying.”
We drive home, and as we talk and laugh together, it feels like I’m watching from outside of my body. Me and my sister, actually having a civil conversation lasting more than a minute. When we get to the apartment, Katie heads straight for the computer to catch up with her friends, leaving me to call Romy. My heart beats like helicopter rotors as I hit SEND on her number. I try to sound casual as I ask her if she has plans, if she wants to come over.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she asks. “I mean, is it okay with Catherine?”
I keep forgetting that Katie’s asking people to call her Catherine now. “It was actually her idea.”
That seals it. Romy’s at the door an hour later—with a loaf of French bread and some flowers. She looks adorable, her hair tousled by the wind, wearing a loose sweater and skinny jeans that remind me how gorgeous her legs are. I take the flowers and bread from her and head for the kitchen, forcibly shoving away the memory of how it felt to have those legs locked around my hips. No matter what I do, those thoughts always ambush me when I’m around her. I almost wish we’d never slept together, because I can’t forget how it felt. That’s why phone calls are easier.
Katie comes out of her room. “Hi again,” she says shyly.
Romy smiles. “I finished that book you recommended. So cute. It made me laugh pretty hard.”
Katie actually bounces. “Isn’t Garrick the hottest guy ever?”
Romy’s gaze flicks to me for a second, and I feel it in my gut, like the ground just dropped out from under me. “He’s pretty hot,” she says, her lips twitching. “I’ll have to get that other book you suggested. You’ve got good taste.”
Katie beams. I back away and hide in the kitchen, listening to the two of them talk, unable to believe this is really happening. I pull my keys from my pocket and unlock the med cabinet, which is also where I’ve stashed our knives and cleaning supplies. I’m quiet about it—I don’t want Katie to be embarrassed. I slice the bread quickly and put the knife back.
We eat our pasta out of plastic bowls, and it might be the best meal I’ve ever had. Romy and Katie chatter the whole time, and I get to watch, unable to wipe the smile off my face. I think this is happiness, pure and simple, having these two women I care about here with me.
After dinner, Romy asks to use the bathroom and Katie comes into the kitchen to take her meds. “You have to ask her out,” she whispers to me as I clear the table. “She likes you.”
I shake my head. “If that’s true, she can ask me.”
“I’ll tell her to.”
I drop the bowls into the sink. “Don’t you dare!” I laugh. “Don’t make me regret spilling my guts to you.”
She swallows her pills and sets her cup on the counter. “You’re right,” she says, frowning. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I liked it. And I’m glad you guys got along so well.” I turn on the water and begin to scrub the dishes, glancing over when she’s quiet for a few seconds.
In her expression, I see so many things,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aku tidak ingin mengacaukan itu atau sikat padanya. "Aku... Saya kira saya ingin dia untuk meminta saya keluar. Jika dia bahkan ingin."Romy dibutuhkan ruang. Dia punya orang Alex ini pernapasan bawah leher. Dia telah memanggilnya beberapa kali, meninggalkan pesan suara yang memintanya untuk pergi dengan dia, mengatakan padanya dia ingin minta maaf. Dia terlalu takut untuk mengambil, tetapi ia tidak membiarkan pergi. Jadi fucking menyeramkan. Dan itu membuat saya ingin membunuhnya. Tapi dengan semua yang terjadi, ada cara di neraka itu aku akan melangkah keluar dari zona teman tanpa undangan Check. Saya akan melakukan ini dengan benar. Aku hanya berharap dia ingin lebih dari saya."Dapatkah saya bertemu dia?" Katie meminta. "Jika dia yang penting bagi Anda, Anda harus memperkenalkan kita."Saya mengubah kepala saya. Katie melipat rambutnya di belakang telinga dan tersenyum nya mudah-mudahan. Saya ingin botol saat ini dan menimbun pergi selamanya. "Anda sudah bertemu dia sudah," kataku dengan lembut. "Dia adalah dengan terapis Anda malam Anda datang ke co-op."Dia gigitan bibir, alis nya furrowing. "Gadis Perpustakaan, maksudmu?""Apa?""Satu dengan rambut pendek. Sebelum malam itu, dia datang ke perpustakaan. Kami berbicara tentang buku. Tapi kemudian dia datang ke rumah sakit, terlalu... " Dia jelas bekerja keras untuk potongan semua bersama-sama. Apakah meds nya atau fakta bahwa ia biasanya berfokus pada dirinya, berusaha untuk menjaga kontrol setan di kepalanya, ingatannya tidak terlalu besar."ya. Dia memiliki rambut benar-benar pendek."Katie mata abu-abu bertemu saya. "Dia bagus.""Ia adalah." Nice tidak bahkan mulai untuk menggambarkan Romy. "I could meminta dia jika dia ingin datang, jika kau ingin aku."Dia tersenyum. "Saya tidak punya rencana malam ini. Kita bisa membuat... Saya tidak tahu. Spaghetti. Apakah dia seperti spaghetti?""Saya akan menelepon dia ketika kami pulang. Ceritakan tentang hari Anda?""Berbicara. Mendengarkan. Aku menggambar beberapa hal." Dia biola dengan tali tas nya."Benar-benar? Seperti, seni?"Dia mendorong bahu saya karena saya menarik ke jalan. "Tidak seni seperti yang Anda lakukan.""Apakah itu merasa baik?""ya. Seperti saya tidak punya kata-kata untuk beberapa hal, tapi aku punya warna dan bentuk.""Aku tahu persis apa yang Anda katakan."Kami pulang, dan ketika kami berbicara dan tertawa bersama-sama, rasanya seperti aku sedang menonton dari luar tubuh saya. Saya dan adik saya, benar-benar memiliki saudara percakapan berlangsung lebih dari satu menit. Ketika kita mendapatkan ke apartemen, Katie kepala lurus untuk komputer untuk mengejar ketinggalan dengan teman-temannya, meninggalkan saya untuk menelepon Romy. Detak jantung saya suka helikopter rotor seperti saya tekan kirim pada nomor nya. Saya mencoba untuk suara santai seperti aku bertanya padanya apakah ia memiliki rencana, jika dia ingin datang."Apakah Anda yakin bahwa adalah ide yang baik?" Dia meminta. "Maksudku, apakah itu oke dengan Catherine?"Aku selalu lupa bahwa Katie meminta orang untuk menelepon Catherine nya sekarang. "Itu benar-benar idenya."Yang segel itu. Romy di pintu sejam kemudian — dengan roti roti Prancis dan beberapa bunga. Dia tampak menggemaskan, rambut kusut oleh angin, mengenakan sweter longgar dan skinny jeans yang mengingatkan saya bagaimana cantik kakinya adalah. Aku mengambil bunga-bunga dan roti dari padanya dan kepala untuk dapur, paksa mendorong pergi memori bagaimana rasanya memiliki kaki-kaki yang terkunci di sekitar pinggul. Tidak peduli apa yang saya lakukan, pikiran-pikiran selalu menyergap saya ketika saya di sekelilingnya. Saya hampir berharap kita tidak pernah tidur bersama-sama, karena saya tidak lupa bagaimana rasanya. Itulah sebabnya mengapa telepon mudah.Katie keluar dari kamarnya. "Hai lagi," katanya shyly.Romy tersenyum. "Aku selesai buku Anda dianjurkan. Manis sekali. Itu membuat saya tertawa cukup sulit."Katie sebenarnya memantul. "Bukankah Garrick orang terpanas yang pernah?"Penampilan Romy tatapan film kepadaku untuk kedua, dan saya merasa itu dalam usus, seperti tanah saja turun dari bawah saya. "Ia cukup panas," katanya, bibirnya bergerak-gerak. "Aku harus mendapatkan bahwa buku lainnya yang Anda sarankan. Anda punya selera yang baik."Katie balok. Saya mundur dan bersembunyi di dapur, mendengarkan mereka berbicara, tidak bisa percaya ini benar-benar terjadi. Aku menarik saya kunci dari saku dan membuka Kabinet Kedokteran, yang juga di mana aku sudah disimpan pisau dan membersihkan persediaan kami. Aku tenang tentang hal itu-aku tidak ingin Katie menjadi malu. Aku iris roti cepat dan meletakkan pisau kembali.We eat our pasta out of plastic bowls, and it might be the best meal I’ve ever had. Romy and Katie chatter the whole time, and I get to watch, unable to wipe the smile off my face. I think this is happiness, pure and simple, having these two women I care about here with me.After dinner, Romy asks to use the bathroom and Katie comes into the kitchen to take her meds. “You have to ask her out,” she whispers to me as I clear the table. “She likes you.”I shake my head. “If that’s true, she can ask me.”“I’ll tell her to.”I drop the bowls into the sink. “Don’t you dare!” I laugh. “Don’t make me regret spilling my guts to you.”She swallows her pills and sets her cup on the counter. “You’re right,” she says, frowning. “I’m sorry.”“You don’t have to be sorry. I liked it. And I’m glad you guys got along so well.” I turn on the water and begin to scrub the dishes, glancing over when she’s quiet for a few seconds.In her expression, I see so many things,
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