Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
. I was heart-whole from the corroding passion for play.My gaming was a mere idle amusement. I never resorted to it by necessity,because I never knew what it was to want money. I never practiced it soincessantly as to lose more than I could afford, or to gain more than I couldcoolly pocket without being thrown off my balance by my good luck. In short, Ihad hitherto frequented gambling-tables--just as I frequented ball-rooms andopera-houses--because they amused me, and because I had nothing better to dowith my leisure hours. But on this occasion it was very different--now, for the first time in mylife, I felt what the passion for play really was. My success first bewildered,and then, in the most literal meaning of the word, intoxicated me. Incredible asit may appear, it is nevertheless true, that I only lost when I attempted toestimate chances, and played according to previous calculation. If I lefteverything to luck, and staked without any care or consideration, I was sure towin--to win in the face of every recognized probability in favor of the bank. Atfirst some of the men present ventured their money safely enough on my color;but I speedily increased my stakes to sums which they dared not risk. One afteranother they left off playing, and breathlessly looked on at my game. Still, time after time, I staked higher and higher, and still won. Theexcitement in the room rose to fever pitch. The silence was interrupted by abergumam dalam paduan suara sumpah dan seruan dalam bahasa yang berbeda, setiapwaktu emas shoveled di sisi saya tabel--bahkanBandar diganggu berlari menyapu nya di lantai di kemarahan (Perancis)takjub saya sukses. Tapi satu orang hadir diawetkan dia penguasaan diri sendiri,dan orang ini adalah teman saya. Dia datang ke sisi saya dan berbisik-bisik di Inggris,memohon saya untuk meninggalkan tempat, puas dengan apa yang telah saya peroleh. Saya harusDia melakukan keadilan untuk mengatakan bahwa ia mengulangi nya peringatan dan entreaties beberapakali, dan hanya meninggalkan saya dan pergi setelah saya telah menolak saran-nya (aku adalah untukSemua maksud dan tujuan perjudian mabuk) dalam istilah yang menjadikannya mustahilbaginya untuk alamat saya lagi malam itu. Tak lama setelah ia pergi, suara serak di belakang saya berseru: "Biarlah saya, sayaDear sir--mengizinkan saya untuk memulihkan mereka Four tempat dua yang Andatelah jatuh. Indah keberuntungan, sir! Aku berjanji Anda kata-kata saya kehormatan, sebagai tuaprajurit, dalam pengalaman panjang dalam semacam ini hal, aku tidak pernah melihatberuntung sebagai Anda--pernah! Pergi, sir--SacrŽ mille bombes! Pergi pada berani, danistirahat bank!" Aku berbalik bulat dan melihat, mengangguk dan tersenyum padaku dengan penggemar kesopanan,seorang pria jangkung, mengenakan surtout frogged dan dikepang. Jika saya telah di indra saya, saya harus menganggap dia, secara pribadi, sebagaimenjadi agak curiga spesimen prajurit tua. Ia goggling, meraheyes, mangy mustaches, and a broken nose. His voice betrayed a barrack-roomintonation of the worst order, and he had the dirtiest pair of hands I eversaw--even in France. These little personal peculiarities exercised, however, norepelling influence on me. In the mad excitement, the reckless triumph of thatmoment, I was ready to "fraternize" with anybody who encouraged me in my game. Iaccepted the old soldier's offered pinch of snuff; clapped him on the back, andswore he was the honestest fellow in the world--the most glorious relic of theGrand Army that I had ever met with. "Go on!" cried my military friend, snappinghis fingers in ecstasy--"Go on, and win! Break the bank--Mille tonnerres! mygallant English comrade, break the bank!"
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