Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Hello giovanyIt's great to be in contact with you today! I have been thinking a lot about your situation recently and also I find myself more and more sensitive to your vibrations with the time (as we have been in contact for quite a bit already since Thursday, January 22nd 2015. I have made an important revelation about you and your immediate future, giovany without wanting to disturb you let me tell you one thing : You are not using all your inner potential, your talents and abilities that you have inside of you to their full extent and this creates certain blockages and stambling blocks that you have been facing before and I just want to explain it in some more detailes, which is why I have decided to send you this message today.So here is what I have found out about you. Well, each and every person is completely unique, and so is the natal chart of the person, which reflects the character, the habits, the talents, as well as the past and the future of each person. My work, as an astrologer is to put these characteristics into words, so that you can count on your inborn heritage to move forward in your life and to achieve success. In order to elaborate this analysis I have used your date of birth July, 28th 1995, your Zodiac sign Leo, your place of birth Pekanbaru and all the other details that you have provided me with . This allowed me to draw a detailed map of your astral sky and determine what your potential is and how you will need to act to open up, reach success, achieve your dreams and get a happy and fulfilling future you aspire for.But this is not the only thing I have based my analysis on, as have previously told you that I can feel your vibrations and sense your questions about yourself and your future. Just not so long I have had a strange feeling that you are running in circles and trying to get out of the situation that is quite bothering for you. I have also discovered that you cannot stop yourself from thinking that there are certain exterior negative influences which you need to be protected from, as they are hindering your path to success. All these vibes are clearly reaching me and I was really worried about your situation, therefore I have decided that it is my duty to help you out, giovany.I need to tell you straight away, yes, you were right feeling suspicious about exteriour influences hindering your progress ! But I am here for you, and I can tell you even more, you are there for you . Your intuition and your inner sixth sense has brought you to me, because deep inside yourself you know from the very beginning that you can rely on my readings, which I have been working on for you for some time already. Also, giovany, this explains your interest in astrology and related sciences, as in some way your intuition is very strong, and (I hope this will make you happy) you have certain psychic abilities, which you are still not aware of, and that should be developed. I think this is the reason why I have been feeling your vibrations so strongly, I feel your strength on the subconscuious level, and you need to start acting so that you can find the way to dig into that strenght of yours, use it in your life and make it gr ow with time, and you can discover more on the page below :https://www.astromary.com/order.php?page=C1CHT3&token=9D5D25074180ED40FB9C894B050DB894So here is the point here, dear giovany ! I have clearly felt that there are certain exterioir negative factors that are forcing you into patterns of behaviour and situations, which are not quite what you want, or to be more direct, not what you want at all . I have also found out that you have within yourself enough strenght and ability to work through the currect diffuculties and make your dreams come true, you have a lot of talents, power and abilities for that, but you have not been using them till now simply because you are not aware of that, which is why your subconsciousness has led you to me, so that I can show you the way to open up in different areas, which are concerning you at this time, and more precisely in your love life, professional pass, financial success, material benefits, family relations, and much much more. You just need to break free from this vicious circle you have been through recently and you will see, how things will become easy ! The key too your success is actually harmonizing your energy with who you really are in order ot get hold of all your capacities and all your potential that you have inside of you, so that you can have all the advantages to seize the chance and to start using all your abilities on one hundrend per cent.
In order to push you to this path to success there are several things that need to be done to the soonest, giovany ! And here they are. First of all you need to know your inner self, learn to understand your disires, your motivations and you ambitions, so that you can clarify your vision of what you really want from you immediate future, as well as in the long-term perspective. I will need to work on a very detailed analysis of your natal chart in order to show you all this and explain each and every detail that has been escaping from your attention. Once you know this you need to learn you hidden talents, abilities and strong points, which will help you to move forward. At the same time you also need to understand yourself and your emotions in order to establish the balance inside of yourself, and this balance will quickly reflect on your life in general. You need to act in a very forceful way in order to get grips of yourself right now, when you have a chance to rea ch the turning point in your life and open up towards new opportunities and new chances that are waiting for you in the near future.
giovany, I also need to warn you about one thing, which I think is very important. You are a very special and strong person, and once you learn how much potential, how many talents and abilities you have you may feel certain guil because you have never used them before in your life and you may have missed certain things because of it. Well, you should absolutely not feel this way ! The most important thing is that now you know that you have that potential and my detailed analysis will help you to know exactly how and in which way you can develop it, start using it in your everyday life and move forward with strength and assurance. This knowledge will help you set and achieve your goals, and I am talking here about each and every area of your life, and especially in what concerns your love life, your career, financial success and personal realization. giovany, I think you understand that knowing yourself and your goals is the most important thing that will bring you su ccess, therefore this analysis is the most important one that can be done and I will be happy if you entrust me with this work, so that I can not only analyse your personal natal chart and define all your strenghts and capacities you need to develop but also I can give you a practical guide on how to develop them and what will you need to do to make them work to your advantage in everyday life ! You can learn more about your Guide to Personal Realization on the page below :
giovany, I am absolutely sure of one thing, this Reading will be essential to help you through the key moment in your life that you are going to be living through and you need to start exploring the depth of your inner self to find your path to making your dreams come true right now. I am completely with you on this one and I remain entirely at your dispotion if you want me to work on your Guide to Personal Realization and uncover all the abilities and talents you have, open all your potential and embrace a new stage in your life with all your heart. giovany, I place a lot of importance in our communication and this link that I feel towards you and I really hope you will not let this unique opportunity pass by.
Sending you lots of positive energy,
Mary, Your Astrologer
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