„Guild that non- main­stream” my knit­ting the brows head.Lin Wan Er t terjemahan - „Guild that non- main­stream” my knit­ting the brows head.Lin Wan Er t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Guild that non- main­stream” my kn

„Guild that non- main­stream” my knit­ting the brows head.
Lin Wan Er threw one to smile: „Do not tease me, fool”
Li Mu also smiled: „I in­quired, the non- world dy­nasty is the sec­ond trade union of South Ko­rean war zone, um, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency should be good, al­though was pos­si­bly in­fe­rior com­pared with the Tian Ling Em­pire out­stand­ing he­roes in­ces­santly, looks like they truly comes to our [Zhan Long] per­son, we just re­duced Japan to fight that many peo­ple of war ca­su­alty trade union, the day Han same main city, will def­i­nitely help sup­ply each other, the per­son of this crowd of non- world dy­nas­ties comes to us.”
I can look clearly, the front of non- world dy­nasty trade union, ID is „shakes Liang” the knight waves the long hal­berd, pro­gresses to dash to come, on the shoul­der is reap­pear­ing the vice- guild­mas­ter sym­bol, vice- guild­mas­ter of non- world dy­nasty came, here is not the main force of this trade union, but could not cer­tainly miss to be far, was just good, gives us the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge to ride to rub the mill knife!
Raises the Longchi sword high, I show a faint smile: „Broth­ers, charge to­gether, kill!”
The op­pres­sion of the peo­ple sound shocks the wilder­ness slowly, after sev­eral sec­onds, 5000 + [Zhan Long] cav­al­ries en­tered the charge shape, soars to the heav­ens the hoof­beat as if thun­der­clap to shock above the mind of every­one, the light is this pres­tige, we should al­ready above the op­po­site party.
About 100 yards away, shook Liang al­ready to raise the long hal­berd, a pair of pupil as if passed the roar­ing flame to visit us gen­er­ally, hated the in­com­pa­ra­ble anger to ex­claim: „The broth­ers of non- world dy­nasty, kill! This group of peo­ple are the trade union play­ers who the Chi­nese area is listed fifth, butch­ers them, the King who guards our non- world dy­nas­ties is dig­ni­fied! Dies young that group of id­iots to take re­venge for the war, tells the stu­pid Japan­ese play­ers our Korea cav­al­ries to be in­vin­ci­ble!”
I clench teeth, said in team chan­nel: „First the sec­ond this has shaken Liang Zai say­ing that is re­ally ram­pant!”
Li Mu nods: „Is hav­ing this in­tent!”
„Ha Ha, agree­ment!” Wang Jian also said with a smile.
Charge great dis­tance ap­prox­i­mately also 30 yards times, I have got­ten rid, a hand re­leased the stunt to seize the dragon sud­denly! The fixed goal shakes Liang!
Sud­denly, shook Liang to be drawn by me with horse front, fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse long hiss­ing „bang” above the hit in shak­ing Liang's war rode, fi­nally hit this ac­tu­ally again and again flies to draw back, my both hands bran­dished a sword the at­tack, shook Liang Ji­mang to raise the shield in the glide, started the de­fense ef­fect of north­ern heav­ens shield wall di­rectly, but I rode, when thou­sand + dou­ble hit + 5 times at­tacked the bom­bard­ment above his shield, chopped Mars to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, but shook Liang's HP also in­stan­ta­neously was less than 30%, even if were in the north­ern heav­ens shield wall sit­u­a­tion can­not block my this round. At­tack.
Lin Wan Er leaps from my arms, reap­pears to­gether the pale not ob­vi­ous wing, that is the flight ef­fect that var­i­ous gods are near, dag­ger „clang” a bom­bard­ment above the shield, beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter has raised sud­denly the snow greasy lon­g­leg, since will shake Liang's shield kick­ing di­rectly flies, both hands Ping Ju was a dou­ble knife-edge com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other to pen­e­trate the chest of this knight!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Guild that non- main­stream” my knit­ting the brows head.Lin Wan Er threw one to smile: „Do not tease me, fool”Li Mu also smiled: „I in­quired, the non- world dy­nasty is the sec­ond trade union of South Ko­rean war zone, um, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency should be good, al­though was pos­si­bly in­fe­rior com­pared with the Tian Ling Em­pire out­stand­ing he­roes in­ces­santly, looks like they truly comes to our [Zhan Long] per­son, we just re­duced Japan to fight that many peo­ple of war ca­su­alty trade union, the day Han same main city, will def­i­nitely help sup­ply each other, the per­son of this crowd of non- world dy­nas­ties comes to us.”„Um!”I can look clearly, the front of non- world dy­nasty trade union, ID is „shakes Liang” the knight waves the long hal­berd, pro­gresses to dash to come, on the shoul­der is reap­pear­ing the vice- guild­mas­ter sym­bol, vice- guild­mas­ter of non- world dy­nasty came, here is not the main force of this trade union, but could not cer­tainly miss to be far, was just good, gives us the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge to ride to rub the mill knife!Raises the Longchi sword high, I show a faint smile: „Broth­ers, charge to­gether, kill!”The op­pres­sion of the peo­ple sound shocks the wilder­ness slowly, after sev­eral sec­onds, 5000 + [Zhan Long] cav­al­ries en­tered the charge shape, soars to the heav­ens the hoof­beat as if thun­der­clap to shock above the mind of every­one, the light is this pres­tige, we should al­ready above the op­po­site party.About 100 yards away, shook Liang al­ready to raise the long hal­berd, a pair of pupil as if passed the roar­ing flame to visit us gen­er­ally, hated the in­com­pa­ra­ble anger to ex­claim: „The broth­ers of non- world dy­nasty, kill! This group of peo­ple are the trade union play­ers who the Chi­nese area is listed fifth, butch­ers them, the King who guards our non- world dy­nas­ties is dig­ni­fied! Dies young that group of id­iots to take re­venge for the war, tells the stu­pid Japan­ese play­ers our Korea cav­al­ries to be in­vin­ci­ble!”I clench teeth, said in team chan­nel: „First the sec­ond this has shaken Liang Zai say­ing that is re­ally ram­pant!”Li Mu nods: „Is hav­ing this in­tent!”„Ha Ha, agree­ment!” Wang Jian also said with a smile.Charge great dis­tance ap­prox­i­mately also 30 yards times, I have got­ten rid, a hand re­leased the stunt to seize the dragon sud­denly! The fixed goal shakes Liang!„Brushes!”Sud­denly, shook Liang to be drawn by me with horse front, fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse long hiss­ing „bang” above the hit in shak­ing Liang's war rode, fi­nally hit this ac­tu­ally again and again flies to draw back, my both hands bran­dished a sword the at­tack, shook Liang Ji­mang to raise the shield in the glide, started the de­fense ef­fect of north­ern heav­ens shield wall di­rectly, but I rode, when thou­sand + dou­ble hit + 5 times at­tacked the bom­bard­ment above his shield, chopped Mars to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, but shook Liang's HP also in­stan­ta­neously was less than 30%, even if were in the north­ern heav­ens shield wall sit­u­a­tion can­not block my this round. At­tack.Lin Wan Er leaps from my arms, reap­pears to­gether the pale not ob­vi­ous wing, that is the flight ef­fect that var­i­ous gods are near, dag­ger „clang” a bom­bard­ment above the shield, beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter has raised sud­denly the snow greasy lon­g­leg, since will shake Liang's shield kick­ing di­rectly flies, both hands Ping Ju was a dou­ble knife-edge com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other to pen­e­trate the chest of this knight!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Guild yang non mainstream" merajut saya kepala alis.
Lin Wan Er melemparkan satu untuk tersenyum: "Jangan menggodaku, bodoh"
Li Mu juga tersenyum: "Saya bertanya, dinasti non dunia adalah serikat pekerja kedua Selatan zona perang Korea, um, efisiensi pertempuran harus baik, meskipun itu mungkin lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Tian Ling Empire pahlawan yang luar biasa tanpa henti, terlihat seperti mereka benar-benar datang ke kami Jepang [Zhan panjang] orang, kami hanya berkurang untuk melawan banyak orang dari perang korban serikat buruh, hari Han sama kota utama, pasti akan membantu memasok sama lain, orang dari kerumunan ini dinasti non dunia datang kepada kita. "
" Um! "
aku dapat melihat dengan jelas, bagian depan dinasti non dunia serikat buruh, ID adalah "shake Liang" ksatria ombak tombak panjang, berlangsung lari datang, di bahu tersebut muncul kembali simbol Guildmaster wakil, Guildmaster wakil dari dinasti non dunia datang, di sini bukan kekuatan utama dari ! serikat buruh ini, tapi tidak bisa dipastikan absen untuk menjadi jauh, hanya baik, memberi kita [Zhan panjang] besi pisau tepi naik untuk menggosok pisau pabrik
Angkat pedang Longchi tinggi, saya menunjukkan senyum samar: "Saudara-saudara, biaya bersama-sama, membunuh! "
penindasan rakyat suara guncangan padang gurun perlahan, setelah beberapa detik, 5000 + [Zhan panjang] cavalries memasuki bentuk biaya, melonjak ke langit hoofbeat seakan petir shock atas pikiran semua orang, . lampu prestise ini, kita harus sudah di atas pihak lawan
Tentang 100 yard, mengguncang Liang sudah menaikkan tombak panjang, sepasang murid seakan melewati api menderu untuk mengunjungi kami umumnya, membenci kemarahan tak tertandingi untuk berseru: "saudara-saudara dinasti non dunia, membunuh! Kelompok orang ini adalah pemain serikat buruh yang wilayah Cina terdaftar kelima, tukang daging mereka, Raja yang menjaga dinasti dunia non kita bermartabat! Meninggal muda yang sekelompok idiot untuk membalas dendam untuk perang, mengatakan para pemain Jepang bodoh cavalries Korea untuk menjadi tak terkalahkan "!
Aku mengepalkan gigi, mengatakan dalam saluran tim:" Pertama yang kedua ini telah terguncang Liang Zai mengatakan bahwa benar-benar merajalela! "
Li Mu mengangguk:"! Apakah memiliki niat ini "
"! Ha Ha, perjanjian "Wang Jian juga mengatakan dengan senyum.
Mengisi jarak yang sangat jauh sekitar juga 30 yard kali, saya mendapatkan menyingkirkan, tangan merilis aksi untuk merebut naga mendadak! Tujuannya tetap getar Liang!
Tiba-tiba, mengguncang Liang untuk ditarik oleh saya dengan depan kuda, terbang sabit lapis baja kuda perang panjang mendesis "bang" di atas hit di gemetar perang Liang naik, akhirnya memukul ini benar-benar lagi dan lagi terbang untuk menarik kembali, saya kedua tangan mengacungkan pedang serangan, mengguncang Liang Jimang untuk menaikkan perisai di luncur itu, mulai efek pertahanan langit utara dinding perisai secara langsung, tapi aku naik, ketika ribu + ganda hit + 5 kali menyerang pemboman di atas perisai, cincang Mars untuk memercikkan segala arah, tapi mengguncang Liang HP juga seketika kurang dari 30%, bahkan jika berada dalam situasi dinding langit perisai utara tidak dapat memblokir babak ini saya. Serangan.
Lin Wan Er melompat dari lengan saya, muncul kembali bersama-sama pucat sayap tidak jelas, yaitu efek penerbangan yang berbagai dewa yang dekat, belati "dentang" pemboman atas perisai, Guildmaster wanita cantik wakil telah mengangkat tiba-tiba salju berminyak longleg, karena akan mengguncang perisai Liang menendang langsung terbang, kedua tangan Ping Ju adalah ganda menggabungkan pisau-tepi dan melengkapi satu sama lain untuk menembus dada ksatria ini!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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