imperfect coordination make it impossible to derive and set forth in o terjemahan - imperfect coordination make it impossible to derive and set forth in o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

imperfect coordination make it impo

imperfect coordination make it impossible to derive and set forth in organizatiort and set of decision rules which will optimize the operation of the system. Simulation of operations allows one to analyze the dynamic behavior of the system as it exists and also allows for testing new and different organizational arrangements or policies. In order to get a clearer view of the application and benefits of system simulation, it will be useful to look at some specific examples
United Air Lines set up and operated a simulation of the ac¬tivities involved in operating a large airport. This simulation is referred to as the station model. Using a large-scale computer, months of actual operation at an air terminal can be simulated in a matter of minutes. Essential elements in the model include (1) time of day, year, week, (2) weather conditions, (3) need for main¬tenance for type and length of repair job, (4) availability of spare aircraft, (5) delays in landing or takeoffs, (6) absenteeism of per¬sonnel, and (7) required number of maintenance personnel.
All these uncertainties, as well as company policies and prac¬tices, are built into the station model. Policy changes can be pro¬grammed and their effect tested by simulating operations under the new conciitions. According to those involved in the exercise, perhaps the greatest gain from the simulation has been to instill the concepf of system; thinking in management and to provide a format for reasoning and decision making in the broader problems of system performance.
A distribution and inventory control model was used by Im¬perial Oil Limited of Canada in attempting to develop the best system of warehousing their products. The problem involved determining requirernents and meeting difficulties arising from severe overcrowding at many field plants. Those involved in the analysis worked with management in the manufacturing opera¬tion to develop a detailed flow diagram which represented the system and the decisions which would have to be made. A pro¬gram was devised for instructing the computer to provide all basic information, control points, and other pertinent data, including various practical constraints. With this basic information in the machine, the computer could be given an initial set of inventory levels for the many hundreds of items being stocked, and a de¬tailed daily recapitulation of orders from field plants could also be...___ fed into the process. Data for a number of critical months were particularly useful in testing this system for possible shortages. The computer was programmed to put out periodic stock reports
to indicate the inventory levels in addition to providing informa-

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
imperfect coordination make it impossible to derive and set forth in organizatiort and set of decision rules which will optimize the operation of the system. Simulation of operations allows one to analyze the dynamic behavior of the system as it exists and also allows for testing new and different organizational arrangements or policies. In order to get a clearer view of the application and benefits of system simulation, it will be useful to look at some specific examplesUnited Air Lines set up and operated a simulation of the ac¬tivities involved in operating a large airport. This simulation is referred to as the station model. Using a large-scale computer, months of actual operation at an air terminal can be simulated in a matter of minutes. Essential elements in the model include (1) time of day, year, week, (2) weather conditions, (3) need for main¬tenance for type and length of repair job, (4) availability of spare aircraft, (5) delays in landing or takeoffs, (6) absenteeism of per¬sonnel, and (7) required number of maintenance personnel.All these uncertainties, as well as company policies and prac¬tices, are built into the station model. Policy changes can be pro¬grammed and their effect tested by simulating operations under the new conciitions. According to those involved in the exercise, perhaps the greatest gain from the simulation has been to instill the concepf of system; thinking in management and to provide a format for reasoning and decision making in the broader problems of system performance.A distribution and inventory control model was used by Im¬perial Oil Limited of Canada in attempting to develop the best system of warehousing their products. The problem involved determining requirernents and meeting difficulties arising from severe overcrowding at many field plants. Those involved in the analysis worked with management in the manufacturing opera¬tion to develop a detailed flow diagram which represented the system and the decisions which would have to be made. A pro¬gram was devised for instructing the computer to provide all basic information, control points, and other pertinent data, including various practical constraints. With this basic information in the machine, the computer could be given an initial set of inventory levels for the many hundreds of items being stocked, and a de¬tailed daily recapitulation of orders from field plants could also be...___ fed into the process. Data for a number of critical months were particularly useful in testing this system for possible shortages. The computer was programmed to put out periodic stock reports
to indicate the inventory levels in addition to providing informa-

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
koordinasi yang tidak sempurna membuat tidak mungkin untuk menurunkan dan dituangkan dalam organizatiort dan seperangkat aturan keputusan yang akan mengoptimalkan pengoperasian sistem. Simulasi operasi memungkinkan seseorang untuk menganalisis perilaku dinamis dari sistem karena ada dan juga memungkinkan untuk menguji pengaturan organisasi yang baru dan berbeda atau kebijakan. Dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan pandangan yang lebih jelas dari aplikasi dan manfaat dari simulasi sistem, maka akan berguna untuk melihat beberapa contoh spesifik
Amerika Air Lines mengatur dan dioperasikan simulasi dari ac¬tivities terlibat dalam operasi bandara besar. Simulasi ini disebut sebagai model stasiun. Menggunakan komputer skala besar, bulan operasi aktual pada terminal udara dapat disimulasikan dalam hitungan menit. Elemen penting dalam model ini termasuk (1) waktu hari, tahun, minggu, (2) kondisi cuaca, (3) perlu untuk main¬tenance untuk jenis dan panjang pekerjaan perbaikan, (4) ketersediaan pesawat cadangan, (5) keterlambatan mendarat atau lepas landas, (6) ketidakhadiran per¬sonnel, dan (7) jumlah yang diperlukan personil pemeliharaan.
Semua ketidakpastian ini, serta kebijakan dan prac¬tices perusahaan, yang dibangun ke dalam model stasiun. Perubahan kebijakan dapat pro¬grammed dan efeknya diuji dengan mensimulasikan operasi di bawah conciitions baru. Menurut mereka yang terlibat dalam latihan, mungkin keuntungan terbesar dari simulasi ini adalah untuk menanamkan concepf sistem; berpikir dalam manajemen dan untuk menyediakan format untuk penalaran dan pengambilan keputusan dalam masalah yang lebih luas dari kinerja sistem.
Sebuah model distribusi dan pengendalian persediaan digunakan oleh Im¬perial Oil Limited dari Kanada dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan sistem terbaik pergudangan produk mereka. Masalahnya melibatkan penentuan requirernents dan bertemu kesulitan yang muncul dari kepadatan penduduk yang parah di banyak tanaman lapangan. Mereka yang terlibat dalam analisis bekerja dengan manajemen dalam opera¬tion manufaktur untuk mengembangkan diagram alir rinci yang mewakili sistem dan keputusan yang harus dibuat. Sebuah pro¬gram telah dibuat untuk memerintahkan komputer untuk memberikan semua informasi dasar, titik kontrol, dan data terkait lainnya, termasuk berbagai kendala praktis. Dengan informasi dasar ini dalam mesin, komputer dapat diberikan satu set awal tingkat persediaan untuk ratusan item yang ditebar, dan rekapitulasi harian de¬tailed pesanan dari tanaman lapangan juga bisa ...___ dimasukkan ke dalam proses. Data untuk beberapa bulan kritis yang sangat berguna dalam pengujian sistem ini untuk kemungkinan kekurangan. Komputer diprogram untuk memadamkan laporan stok periodik
untuk menunjukkan tingkat persediaan selain memberikan informasi

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