Charlie had decided that he wanted to use the lawn by the front of the terjemahan - Charlie had decided that he wanted to use the lawn by the front of the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Charlie had decided that he wanted

Charlie had decided that he wanted to use the lawn by the front of the house for the last shot. With the fields behind the lawn mowed, the sweep of greenish brown continued uninterrupted all the way to the tree line.
Margot made her way over to him. He was talking to Jade about the shot and letting her look through the camera’s viewfinder so she could see what he was trying to achieve with the setting.
Jade caught sight of Margot through the lens and lowered the camera. “Whoa. You look amazing.”
“So where’s Ned?” she asked.
“He, uh—he’s—”
“Not to worry,” Charlie chimed in. “I want to do some close-ups of you first. You look real good, babe.”
“It’s a nice dress. Where do you want me?”
“Over there.”
She nodded. And the routine recommenced. It amazed her that even after so many hours she could practically feel the crackling excitement emanating from Charlie and the others. They were really something else, this bunch: die-hard fashion junkies.
Charlie rattled off instructions as his shutter drive whirred away. Margot followed them automatically, so focused she hardly registered Jade’s voice eagerly announcing, “He’s here, Charlie.”
“And about fucking time, too,” he replied with equal parts amusement and exasperation. “Okay, babe, look left for me and hold it. That’s right. Just watch him coming toward you …”
Finally, Margot thought, as she caught sight of Stoneleigh coming up the drive. Then her gaze sharpened. Could it be a trick of the light that was making Stoneleigh’s dapple gray look so much darker? Or maybe he’d brought out Faraday instead? No, there were no white socks. She looked again. She’d never seen this horse before and that wasn’t Ned. That was… She froze.
“Hello, Margot,” he said solemnly.
He was dressed in his outlaw black of dusty jeans and a black button-down shirt. His face was shadowed with stubble, his hair mussed as if he’d been raking his fingers through it. His gray eyes regarded her steadily.
Without a word, she turned and walked away.
Travis sighed. What had he expected after he’d hurt her so? That Margot would simply forget the callous things he’d said, throw her arms around him, and kiss him? With his gaze locked on her, he held out the lead.
“Boy, is she heated.” Jade’s voice was filled with awe.
“Yeah. Thanks for the news flash. Take him, will you?”
Margot had gone to stand at the edge of the field. Still as a statue, her arms were clasped about her middle. He approached her quietly, as he might an easily spooked filly.
Coming to a stop, he spoke to her stony profile. “I’ve been an ass, Margot. I only wish I could take back the things I said out of blind stupidity and jealousy. I said those things in the office the other day because I was being eaten alive by my doubts. I couldn’t believe that you, so beautiful and talented, so special, might care for me—Red Maher’s son. Because even while we were together and I was happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life, a part of me was waiting for you to toss me aside for what you really loved, your life in New York and Paris and Milan, and for a man who could be a part of that world. It’s why I went crazy every time Charlie Ayer telephoned. I thought—”
“You thought that in addition to being a superficial, pleasure-loving twit, I was also willing to slum it and sleep with you until I could hook Charlie or some millionaire playboy?” Her lips had hardly moved but the words were precise, and as cutting as jagged glass.
He winced. “Like I said, I’ve been a blind idiot. But deep down, I knew better. I saw how hard you were working on the farm, how determined you were to get through to Jade. I knew it when we made love and you cried in my arms. Making love to you was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” His voice turned ragged, rough with emotion. “Come on, Margot, where’s that fiery spirit? Give me hell. Yell, scream, tear a piece off my hide for all the ways I’ve hurt you. I deserve it all. Only please love me. Forgive me.”
“You left me.”
Her bleak tone made him want to drop to his knees. “Yeah, I did. Leaving you was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life, Margot. Once I learned the truth and finally understood what was going on, it was the only way I could see to helping you. Believe me, I haven’t stopped thinking about you once since I left.”
“What do you mean, ‘the truth’?” For the first time her gaze wavered to glance obliquely at him.
“Your sisters came to the office and explained everything. Why didn’t you tell me what you all were going through? Did you think I’d turn my back on you? Yeah, you did, and I can’t blame you. I repeatedly made it impossible for you to trust me.” He shook his head, filled with self-disgust.
She was still refusing to look at him, he thought sadly. “Listen, Margot, I’ve been on the road since I left you, first hauling Raider out to eastern Long Island. Dan would have delivered him himself, but I needed to see that Raider was settled and doing fine. Then I—”
“Why’s Raider on Long Island?”
“I sold him.”
“You sold Night Raider?” She turned to face him, her lovely eyes troubled, and he fell that much more in love with her for her obvious concern.
He stepped closer, his dusty boots grazing the hem of her gossamer evening dress. “Margot, if I’d had even an inkling of what you were going through, I’d have urged you to sell him to Dan the very day he inquired about him. Raider’s a horse, a potentially great horse. It’s you I love.”
He reached out and touched her, his fingertips lightly skimming the side of her face. And when she turned her face to press closer into his palm, his heart expanded painfully, set to burst from happiness.
“I’m so sorry—” Margot’s voice was choked with emotion. “I should have told you. It was so wrong of me—”
“Shh, you have nothing to apologize about,” he whispered urgently. Withdrawing an envelope from the back pocket of his jeans, he handed it to her. “Here. This is for you. I got a really good price for Raider. No, don’t cry, love. Raider will be in great hands with Steve Sheppard. There’s a little extra in that envelope, too. Ned’s check and mine from your father. And—”
“No, Travis! You can’t give—”
“Yeah, we can. And Ned told me that if you try to return his check to him, he’ll tear the damned thing up. Quote unquote. As for me, don’t you understand? It’s not money that’s important. It’s you, Margot. You’re my love, my one love. You’re my everything. If you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives proving it to you.”
With a cry, Margot flung her arms about his neck. Joy flooded him, bursting out of him in a laugh of relief and happiness. He clasped her tightly, lifting her off her feet and twirling her in a circle as she, too, laughed, tears slipping down her cheeks while applause broke out around them.
His steps slowed as his mouth found hers. And when he kissed Margot he knew that he was truly and finally home.
Travis was still kissing Margot when a finger poked him squarely into his back. Reluctantly he released her to turn and stare blankly at Jade.
“Hate to interrupt, but Charlie would kind of like to get this last shot done and pack up the equipment. Travis, you forgot a kind of major thing here. Here you go, sis.” She grinned, passing Margot a lead rope … a lead rope attached to a beautiful horse.
Travis grinned. “Thanks, Jade. I had a few other things on my mind. Margot, I’d like you to meet Nocturne, your new stud, and, I hope, Rosewood’s future.”
Dazed, Margot looked at the dark gray stallion. She, too, had forgotten all about the horse Travis had been leading across the lawn. “Travis, he’s incredible-looking,” she breathed. “How, where—”
“He’s a Thoroughbred from Kentucky. I got a tip from Steve Sheppard about him and hightailed it down there. I managed to negotiate a deal—I’ll tell you all about it later,” he promised. “Charlie Ayer needs that face of yours.”
She searched his face, finding none of the former censure in it, seeing only love and pride in his eyes. She smiled tremulously. “Do you want to meet Charlie?”
“I guess it’s past time I met the guy whose neck I’ve been wanting to wring.”
“He really is a good friend. It’s you I love.”
“Damn, but I’ve wanted to hear you say that,” he whispered, already drawing her back for another kiss.
Hand in hand, they led Nocturne over to Charlie.
“Travis, this is Charlie Ayer. Charlie, this is Travis Maher.” She watched the two men size each other up, curious at the smile that spread over Travis’s face.
“And Margot chose me.”
Charlie cocked his brow. She held her breath, waiting to see how he’d respond.
“Man, you don’t have to go and rub it in. Yeah, Margot chose you. Not that there was any real contest. If I had ever thought I stood a real chance, I’d have given it everything to win Margot.” He sighed. “As it is, I’ll have to console myself with all the other women who adore me.”
“At least you’ll be busy,” Margot teased.
“You bet.” Charlie smiled at her. “I hate to admit it, babe, but this guy brings out the best in you. I’ve never seen you look as beautiful. Mind if I borrow her?” he asked Travis.
Travis lifted Margot’s hand, brushing his lips over her knuckles. “No, I don’t mind.” Angling his head, he spoke softly into her ear. “Go do your thing. I’ll be waiting. I love you.”
She leaned into him, brushing her lips against his cheek. “I love you, too,” she said solemnly. “I always have. I always will.”
He gazed deeply into her eyes, his hand warm and strong as it clasped hers. “Marry me, Margot. Be mine.”
Her breath caught as her heart overflowed with happiness. “Yes,” she replied, nodding tremulously.
“Say, Charlie,” Travis said, his eyes never straying from her smiling face. "You do weddings,too?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Charlie telah memutuskan bahwa ia ingin menggunakan rumput oleh bagian depan rumah untuk tembakan terakhir. Dengan bidang di belakang rumput dipangkas, yang menyapu dari coklat kehijauan terus terganggu sampai ke garis pohon.Margot membuat caranya kepadanya. Ia sedang berbicara dengan Jade tentang tembakan dan membiarkan dia melihat melalui jendela bidik kamera sehingga dia bisa melihat apa yang ia mencoba untuk mencapai dengan pengaturan.Jade tertangkap mata Margot melalui lensa dan menurunkan kamera. "Wah. Anda terlihat luar biasa.""Jadi mana adalah Ned?" Dia bertanya."Dia, eh — dia adalah —""Tidak perlu khawatir," Charlie menimpali in. "saya ingin melakukan beberapa close-up Anda terlebih dahulu. Kau tampak benar-benar bagus, sayang.""Adalah pakaian bagus. Mana kau ingin aku?""Di sana."Dia mengangguk. Dan penangkap rutin. Itu kagum bahwa bahkan setelah begitu banyak jam dia hampir bisa merasakan kegembiraan berderak berasal dari Charlie dan yang lain. Mereka yang benar-benar sesuatu yang lain, sekelompok ini: para penggila fashion mati-keras.Charlie menyebutkan petunjuk sebagai drive rana nya whirred pergi. Margot mengikuti mereka secara otomatis, jadi fokus dia hampir tidak terdaftar Jade suara dengan penuh semangat mengumumkan, "Ia adalah di sini, Charlie.""Dan tentang sialan waktu, juga," Dia menjawab dengan gemas dan hiburan bagian yang sama. "Oke, sayang, mencari kiri saya dan tahan. Itu benar. Hanya menonton dia datang ke arah Anda..."Finally, Margot thought, as she caught sight of Stoneleigh coming up the drive. Then her gaze sharpened. Could it be a trick of the light that was making Stoneleigh’s dapple gray look so much darker? Or maybe he’d brought out Faraday instead? No, there were no white socks. She looked again. She’d never seen this horse before and that wasn’t Ned. That was… She froze.“Hello, Margot,” he said solemnly.He was dressed in his outlaw black of dusty jeans and a black button-down shirt. His face was shadowed with stubble, his hair mussed as if he’d been raking his fingers through it. His gray eyes regarded her steadily.Without a word, she turned and walked away.Travis sighed. What had he expected after he’d hurt her so? That Margot would simply forget the callous things he’d said, throw her arms around him, and kiss him? With his gaze locked on her, he held out the lead.“Boy, is she heated.” Jade’s voice was filled with awe.“Yeah. Thanks for the news flash. Take him, will you?”Margot had gone to stand at the edge of the field. Still as a statue, her arms were clasped about her middle. He approached her quietly, as he might an easily spooked filly.Coming to a stop, he spoke to her stony profile. “I’ve been an ass, Margot. I only wish I could take back the things I said out of blind stupidity and jealousy. I said those things in the office the other day because I was being eaten alive by my doubts. I couldn’t believe that you, so beautiful and talented, so special, might care for me—Red Maher’s son. Because even while we were together and I was happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life, a part of me was waiting for you to toss me aside for what you really loved, your life in New York and Paris and Milan, and for a man who could be a part of that world. It’s why I went crazy every time Charlie Ayer telephoned. I thought—”“You thought that in addition to being a superficial, pleasure-loving twit, I was also willing to slum it and sleep with you until I could hook Charlie or some millionaire playboy?” Her lips had hardly moved but the words were precise, and as cutting as jagged glass.He winced. “Like I said, I’ve been a blind idiot. But deep down, I knew better. I saw how hard you were working on the farm, how determined you were to get through to Jade. I knew it when we made love and you cried in my arms. Making love to you was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” His voice turned ragged, rough with emotion. “Come on, Margot, where’s that fiery spirit? Give me hell. Yell, scream, tear a piece off my hide for all the ways I’ve hurt you. I deserve it all. Only please love me. Forgive me.”“You left me.”
Her bleak tone made him want to drop to his knees. “Yeah, I did. Leaving you was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life, Margot. Once I learned the truth and finally understood what was going on, it was the only way I could see to helping you. Believe me, I haven’t stopped thinking about you once since I left.”
“What do you mean, ‘the truth’?” For the first time her gaze wavered to glance obliquely at him.
“Your sisters came to the office and explained everything. Why didn’t you tell me what you all were going through? Did you think I’d turn my back on you? Yeah, you did, and I can’t blame you. I repeatedly made it impossible for you to trust me.” He shook his head, filled with self-disgust.
She was still refusing to look at him, he thought sadly. “Listen, Margot, I’ve been on the road since I left you, first hauling Raider out to eastern Long Island. Dan would have delivered him himself, but I needed to see that Raider was settled and doing fine. Then I—”
“Why’s Raider on Long Island?”
“I sold him.”
“You sold Night Raider?” She turned to face him, her lovely eyes troubled, and he fell that much more in love with her for her obvious concern.
He stepped closer, his dusty boots grazing the hem of her gossamer evening dress. “Margot, if I’d had even an inkling of what you were going through, I’d have urged you to sell him to Dan the very day he inquired about him. Raider’s a horse, a potentially great horse. It’s you I love.”
He reached out and touched her, his fingertips lightly skimming the side of her face. And when she turned her face to press closer into his palm, his heart expanded painfully, set to burst from happiness.
“I’m so sorry—” Margot’s voice was choked with emotion. “I should have told you. It was so wrong of me—”
“Shh, you have nothing to apologize about,” he whispered urgently. Withdrawing an envelope from the back pocket of his jeans, he handed it to her. “Here. This is for you. I got a really good price for Raider. No, don’t cry, love. Raider will be in great hands with Steve Sheppard. There’s a little extra in that envelope, too. Ned’s check and mine from your father. And—”
“No, Travis! You can’t give—”
“Yeah, we can. And Ned told me that if you try to return his check to him, he’ll tear the damned thing up. Quote unquote. As for me, don’t you understand? It’s not money that’s important. It’s you, Margot. You’re my love, my one love. You’re my everything. If you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives proving it to you.”
With a cry, Margot flung her arms about his neck. Joy flooded him, bursting out of him in a laugh of relief and happiness. He clasped her tightly, lifting her off her feet and twirling her in a circle as she, too, laughed, tears slipping down her cheeks while applause broke out around them.
His steps slowed as his mouth found hers. And when he kissed Margot he knew that he was truly and finally home.
Travis was still kissing Margot when a finger poked him squarely into his back. Reluctantly he released her to turn and stare blankly at Jade.
“Hate to interrupt, but Charlie would kind of like to get this last shot done and pack up the equipment. Travis, you forgot a kind of major thing here. Here you go, sis.” She grinned, passing Margot a lead rope … a lead rope attached to a beautiful horse.
Travis grinned. “Thanks, Jade. I had a few other things on my mind. Margot, I’d like you to meet Nocturne, your new stud, and, I hope, Rosewood’s future.”
Dazed, Margot looked at the dark gray stallion. She, too, had forgotten all about the horse Travis had been leading across the lawn. “Travis, he’s incredible-looking,” she breathed. “How, where—”
“He’s a Thoroughbred from Kentucky. I got a tip from Steve Sheppard about him and hightailed it down there. I managed to negotiate a deal—I’ll tell you all about it later,” he promised. “Charlie Ayer needs that face of yours.”
She searched his face, finding none of the former censure in it, seeing only love and pride in his eyes. She smiled tremulously. “Do you want to meet Charlie?”
“I guess it’s past time I met the guy whose neck I’ve been wanting to wring.”
“He really is a good friend. It’s you I love.”
“Damn, but I’ve wanted to hear you say that,” he whispered, already drawing her back for another kiss.
Hand in hand, they led Nocturne over to Charlie.
“Travis, this is Charlie Ayer. Charlie, this is Travis Maher.” She watched the two men size each other up, curious at the smile that spread over Travis’s face.
“And Margot chose me.”
Charlie cocked his brow. She held her breath, waiting to see how he’d respond.
“Man, you don’t have to go and rub it in. Yeah, Margot chose you. Not that there was any real contest. If I had ever thought I stood a real chance, I’d have given it everything to win Margot.” He sighed. “As it is, I’ll have to console myself with all the other women who adore me.”
“At least you’ll be busy,” Margot teased.
“You bet.” Charlie smiled at her. “I hate to admit it, babe, but this guy brings out the best in you. I’ve never seen you look as beautiful. Mind if I borrow her?” he asked Travis.
Travis lifted Margot’s hand, brushing his lips over her knuckles. “No, I don’t mind.” Angling his head, he spoke softly into her ear. “Go do your thing. I’ll be waiting. I love you.”
She leaned into him, brushing her lips against his cheek. “I love you, too,” she said solemnly. “I always have. I always will.”
He gazed deeply into her eyes, his hand warm and strong as it clasped hers. “Marry me, Margot. Be mine.”
Her breath caught as her heart overflowed with happiness. “Yes,” she replied, nodding tremulously.
“Say, Charlie,” Travis said, his eyes never straying from her smiling face. "You do weddings,too?
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