The concept of insanityNow that we have closely examined the term abno terjemahan - The concept of insanityNow that we have closely examined the term abno Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The concept of insanityNow that we

The concept of insanity
Now that we have closely examined the term abnormal behavior, let's turn to the concept of insanity. what does it mean to be insane? it is important to understand that insanity is not a psychological term but a legal term that refers to rare and unusual conditions. insanity has three different legal meanings, depending on the circumstances:
1. Not guilty by reason of insanity. In many states, individuals cannot be convicted of a crime if they were legally “insane” at the time the crime was committed. The most influential definition of insanity was proposed by the american law institute in the 1970s. It states: “ a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrong fulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. “this definition means that people committing crimes are considered “not guilty by reason of insanity” if they could not tell right from wrong or could not control their actions at the time of the crime because of serious psychological problems. Generally, juries will consider only persons with severe psychotic or severe mental retardation to be insane. Because individuals with these problems rarely commit crimes, it’s rarely a successful legal defense. Juries in a number of states can now find defendants “ guilty but mentally ill.” In this case, the person receives a prison sentence but is also given mental health treatment.
2. Competence to stand trial. The term insanity is also used in hearings to determine whether the individuals are competent to stand trial. In this sense, the question is whether the persons are able to understand the proceedings of the trial sufficiently to aid in their own defense. Again, it’s primarily persons with severe psychosis and mental retardation who are considered incompetent in this sense.
3. Involuntary commitment. A third meaning of the term insanity arises in hearings on the involuntary commitment of individuals to mental institutions. It’s legal in most states to commit people to an institution against their will if a court finds them to be insane. The courts generally interpret this as meaning that the individuals are a direct danger usually meaning a psysical danger to themselves or to others.
insanity a legal definition concerning a person’s inability to tell right from wrong, ability to understand the trial proceedings, or whether the person is a direct danger to self or others.
Jhon hinckley, jr., was found not guilty (by reason of insanity) of his attempted assassination of president ronald reagan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The concept of insanity
Now that we have closely examined the term abnormal behavior, let's turn to the concept of insanity. what does it mean to be insane? it is important to understand that insanity is not a psychological term but a legal term that refers to rare and unusual conditions. insanity has three different legal meanings, depending on the circumstances:
1. Not guilty by reason of insanity. In many states, individuals cannot be convicted of a crime if they were legally “insane” at the time the crime was committed. The most influential definition of insanity was proposed by the american law institute in the 1970s. It states: “ a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrong fulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. “this definition means that people committing crimes are considered “not guilty by reason of insanity” if they could not tell right from wrong or could not control their actions at the time of the crime because of serious psychological problems. Generally, juries will consider only persons with severe psychotic or severe mental retardation to be insane. Because individuals with these problems rarely commit crimes, it’s rarely a successful legal defense. Juries in a number of states can now find defendants “ guilty but mentally ill.” In this case, the person receives a prison sentence but is also given mental health treatment.
2. Competence to stand trial. The term insanity is also used in hearings to determine whether the individuals are competent to stand trial. In this sense, the question is whether the persons are able to understand the proceedings of the trial sufficiently to aid in their own defense. Again, it’s primarily persons with severe psychosis and mental retardation who are considered incompetent in this sense.
3. Involuntary commitment. A third meaning of the term insanity arises in hearings on the involuntary commitment of individuals to mental institutions. It’s legal in most states to commit people to an institution against their will if a court finds them to be insane. The courts generally interpret this as meaning that the individuals are a direct danger usually meaning a psysical danger to themselves or to others.
insanity a legal definition concerning a person’s inability to tell right from wrong, ability to understand the trial proceedings, or whether the person is a direct danger to self or others.
Jhon hinckley, jr., was found not guilty (by reason of insanity) of his attempted assassination of president ronald reagan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Konsep kegilaan
Sekarang kita telah erat meneliti perilaku abnormal istilah, mari kita beralih ke konsep kegilaan. apa artinya menjadi gila? penting untuk memahami bahwa kegilaan bukanlah istilah psikologis tetapi istilah hukum yang mengacu pada kondisi langka dan tidak biasa. kegilaan memiliki tiga arti yang berbeda, tergantung pada keadaan:
1. Tidak bersalah dengan alasan tidak waras. Di banyak negara, individu tidak dapat dihukum karena kejahatan jika mereka secara hukum "gila" pada saat kejahatan dilakukan. Definisi yang paling berpengaruh dari kegilaan diusulkan oleh lembaga hukum Amerika pada 1970-an. Ini menyatakan: "orang tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan kriminal jika pada saat tindakan tersebut, sebagai akibat penyakit mental atau cacat, ia tidak memiliki kapasitas yang cukup besar baik untuk menghargai kepenuhan salah perilaku atau untuk menyesuaikan perilakunya dengan persyaratan hukum. "Definisi ini berarti bahwa orang-orang melakukan kejahatan dianggap" tidak bersalah dengan alasan kegilaan "jika mereka tidak bisa membedakan yang benar dari yang salah atau tidak bisa mengendalikan tindakan mereka pada saat kejahatan karena masalah psikologis yang serius. Umumnya, juri akan mempertimbangkan hanya orang dengan keterbelakangan mental yang berat psikotik atau berat untuk menjadi gila. Karena individu dengan masalah ini jarang melakukan kejahatan, itu jarang pembelaan hukum sukses. Juri di sejumlah negara sekarang dapat menemukan terdakwa "bersalah tapi sakit jiwa." Dalam hal ini, orang tersebut menerima hukuman penjara, tetapi juga diberikan pengobatan kesehatan mental.
2. Kompetensi untuk diadili. Kegilaan Istilah ini juga digunakan dalam sidang untuk menentukan apakah individu kompeten untuk diadili. Dalam hal ini, pertanyaannya adalah apakah orang-orang yang mampu memahami proses persidangan cukup untuk membantu dalam pertahanan mereka sendiri. Sekali lagi, itu terutama orang-orang dengan psikosis yang parah dan keterbelakangan mental yang dianggap tidak kompeten dalam hal ini.
3. Komitmen disengaja. Arti ketiga dari kegilaan istilah muncul dalam dengar pendapat tentang komitmen paksa orang ke rumah sakit jiwa. Itu hukum di kebanyakan negara untuk melakukan orang untuk lembaga yang bertentangan dengan keinginan mereka jika pengadilan menemukan mereka untuk menjadi gila. Pengadilan umumnya menafsirkan ini sebagai berarti bahwa individu adalah bahaya langsung biasanya berarti bahaya psysical untuk diri sendiri atau untuk orang lain.
kegilaan definisi hukum mengenai ketidakmampuan seseorang untuk membedakan yang benar dari yang salah, kemampuan untuk memahami proses persidangan, atau apakah orang bahaya langsung ke diri sendiri atau orang lain.
Jhon hinckley, jr., dinyatakan tidak bersalah (dengan alasan kegilaan) dari pembunuhan percobaan Presiden Ronald Reagan.
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