The Persuasion ImperativeAt one point in time, bosses gave orders and  terjemahan - The Persuasion ImperativeAt one point in time, bosses gave orders and  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Persuasion ImperativeAt one poi

The Persuasion Imperative
At one point in time, bosses gave orders and subordinates
followed them without question. Those of you who have
seen the AMC series Mad Men —based on Madison Avenue
marketing executives in the 1960s—will know this image
of deference to authority, obedience to those higher up in
the hierarchy, and relationships between supervisors and
employees that are highly paternalistic.
With time comes change. The male-dominated organi-zation with rampant sexual harassment portrayed in Mad
Men is far less prevalent than it was in the 1960s. Laws and
policies are in place that better protect employees against
the sometimes-capricious whims of supervisors.
Another sign of shifting cultural values is the way
managers use their power. Commandments are out.
Persuasion is in.
When IBM manager Kate Riley Tenant needed to
reassign managers and engineers to form a database soft-ware team, she had to persuade IBM employees from all
corners of the globe, none of whom directly reported to
her. According to Tenant, it’s a big change from when
she started in the field 20 years ago. “You just decided
things, and people went off and executed,” she said. Now,
“not everybody reports to you, and so there’s much more
negotiation and influence.”
John Churchill, a manager with Florida-based Gerdau
Ameristeel Corporation, agrees. The question now, he says,
is, “How do I influence this group and gain credibility?”
At IBM, the challenge of persuading employees across
reporting relationships has become so significant that the
firm developed a 2-hour online course to help managers
persuade other employees to help with projects crucial to
is business. IBM’s tips for managers include the following:
● Build a shared vision.
● Negotiate collaboratively.
● Make trade-offs.
● Build and maintain your network.
Despite meeting initial resistance, after completing the
training program, Tenant was able to persuade most IBM
managers and engineers to join the team.
This doesn’t mean authority has lost all its power. Robert
Cialdini, a social psychologist who has studied persuasion
for decades, lists authority as one of his keys to influence.
Even more important may be “social proof”—Cialdini and
others have found that people are often deeply persuaded
by observing what others are doing. From his research, no
message more effectively got hotel guests to reuse their
towels than citing statistics that others were reusing their
So, if you’re a manager who needs to persuade, present
the vision behind the request and be collaborative, but it
also wouldn’t hurt to tell those you’re trying to persuade
about others who have already agreed to your request.
1. Are the precepts of the IBM training program con-sistent with the concepts in this chapter? Why or why
2. Again based on the chapter, are there other keys to
persuasion and influence that might be added to the
IBM program?
3. If you had a manager who wanted you to do some-thing against your initial inclination, which of IBM’s
elements would work best on you? Why?
4. Drawing from Chapter 5 , do you think generational
values explain the changing nature of the employer–
employee relationship? Why or why not?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Persuasion ImperativeAt one point in time, bosses gave orders and subordinates followed them without question. Those of you who have seen the AMC series Mad Men —based on Madison Avenue marketing executives in the 1960s—will know this image of deference to authority, obedience to those higher up in the hierarchy, and relationships between supervisors and employees that are highly paternalistic. With time comes change. The male-dominated organi-zation with rampant sexual harassment portrayed in Mad Men is far less prevalent than it was in the 1960s. Laws and policies are in place that better protect employees against the sometimes-capricious whims of supervisors. Another sign of shifting cultural values is the way managers use their power. Commandments are out. Persuasion is in. When IBM manager Kate Riley Tenant needed to reassign managers and engineers to form a database soft-ware team, she had to persuade IBM employees from all corners of the globe, none of whom directly reported to her. According to Tenant, it’s a big change from when she started in the field 20 years ago. “You just decided things, and people went off and executed,” she said. Now, “not everybody reports to you, and so there’s much more negotiation and influence.” John Churchill, a manager with Florida-based Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation, agrees. The question now, he says, is, “How do I influence this group and gain credibility?” At IBM, the challenge of persuading employees across reporting relationships has become so significant that the firm developed a 2-hour online course to help managers persuade other employees to help with projects crucial to is business. IBM’s tips for managers include the following: ● Build a shared vision. ● Negotiate collaboratively. ● Make trade-offs. ● Build and maintain your network. Despite meeting initial resistance, after completing the training program, Tenant was able to persuade most IBM managers and engineers to join the team. This doesn’t mean authority has lost all its power. Robert Cialdini, a social psychologist who has studied persuasion for decades, lists authority as one of his keys to influence. Even more important may be “social proof”—Cialdini and others have found that people are often deeply persuaded by observing what others are doing. From his research, no message more effectively got hotel guests to reuse their towels than citing statistics that others were reusing their towels. So, if you’re a manager who needs to persuade, present the vision behind the request and be collaborative, but it also wouldn’t hurt to tell those you’re trying to persuade about others who have already agreed to your request. Questions 1. Are the precepts of the IBM training program con-sistent with the concepts in this chapter? Why or why not? 2. Again based on the chapter, are there other keys to persuasion and influence that might be added to the IBM program? 3. If you had a manager who wanted you to do some-thing against your initial inclination, which of IBM’s elements would work best on you? Why? 4. Drawing from Chapter 5 , do you think generational values explain the changing nature of the employer–employee relationship? Why or why not?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Persuasi Imperatif
Pada satu titik waktu, bos memberi perintah dan bawahan
mengikuti mereka tanpa pertanyaan. Bagi Anda yang telah
melihat seri Mad Men AMC berbasis di Madison Avenue
eksekutif pemasaran di tahun 1960-akan tahu gambar ini
dari menghormati otoritas, ketaatan kepada orang-orang yang lebih tinggi dalam
hirarki, dan hubungan antara supervisor dan
karyawan yang sangat paternalistik .
Dengan waktu datang perubahan. The didominasi laki-laki organi-sasi dengan pelecehan seksual merajalela digambarkan di Mad
Men jauh lebih lazim daripada di tahun 1960-an. Hukum dan
kebijakan berada di tempat yang lebih baik melindungi karyawan terhadap
keinginan kadang-ubah dari pengawas.
Tanda lain dari pergeseran nilai-nilai budaya adalah cara
manajer menggunakan kekuasaan mereka. Perintah keluar.
Persuasi dalam.
Ketika manajer IBM Kate Riley Tenant diperlukan untuk
menetapkan kembali manajer dan insinyur untuk membentuk tim database yang lembut-ware, ia harus membujuk karyawan IBM dari seluruh
penjuru dunia, tak satu pun dari mereka langsung melaporkan ke
dirinya. Menurut Tenant, itu adalah perubahan besar dari ketika
dia mulai di lapangan 20 tahun yang lalu. "Anda hanya memutuskan
hal-hal, dan orang-orang pergi dan dijalankan," katanya. Sekarang,
"tidak semua orang melapor kepada Anda, dan jadi ada lebih banyak
negosiasi dan pengaruh."
John Churchill, seorang manajer dengan berbasis di Florida Gerdau
Ameristeel Corporation, setuju. Pertanyaannya sekarang, katanya,
adalah, "Bagaimana cara mempengaruhi kelompok ini dan mendapatkan kredibilitas?"
Pada IBM, tantangan membujuk karyawan di seluruh
hubungan pelaporan telah menjadi begitu penting bahwa
perusahaan mengembangkan 2 jam kursus online untuk membantu manajer
membujuk karyawan lain untuk membantu dengan proyek-proyek penting untuk
adalah bisnis. Kiat IBM untuk manajer adalah sebagai
berikut:. ● Membangun visi bersama
● Negosiasi kolaboratif.
● Membuat trade-off.
● Membangun dan memelihara jaringan Anda.
Meskipun menemui perlawanan awal, setelah menyelesaikan
program pelatihan, Tenant mampu membujuk paling IBM
manajer dan insinyur untuk bergabung dengan tim.
Ini tidak berarti otoritas telah kehilangan semua kekuatannya. Robert
Cialdini, seorang psikolog sosial yang telah mempelajari persuasi
selama beberapa dekade, daftar otoritas sebagai salah satu kunci untuk mempengaruhi.
Bahkan lebih penting mungkin "bukti sosial" -Cialdini dan
lain-lain telah menemukan bahwa orang yang sering sangat dibujuk
dengan mengamati apa yang orang lain lakukan . Dari penelitiannya, tidak ada
pesan yang lebih efektif sampai kepada para tamu hotel untuk menggunakan kembali mereka
handuk dari mengutip statistik yang lain yang menggunakan kembali mereka
Jadi, jika Anda seorang manajer yang perlu membujuk, menyajikan
visi balik permintaan tersebut dan menjadi kolaboratif, tetapi
juga tidak ada salahnya untuk memberitahu orang-orang Anda mencoba untuk membujuk
orang lain yang telah menyetujui permintaan Anda.
1. Adalah ajaran dari IBM program pelatihan con-sisten dengan konsep-konsep dalam bab ini? Mengapa atau mengapa
2. Lagi berdasarkan bab ini, ada tombol lain untuk
persuasi dan pengaruh yang mungkin ditambahkan ke
Program IBM?
3. Jika Anda memiliki manajer yang ingin Anda untuk melakukan beberapa hal-melawan kecenderungan awal Anda, yang dari IBM
elemen akan bekerja terbaik untuk Anda? Mengapa?
4. Menggambar dari Bab 5, menurut Anda generasi
nilai-nilai menjelaskan sifat perubahan-pekerja
hubungan karyawan? Mengapa atau mengapa tidak?
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