Informal learningInformal learning means typically learning other than terjemahan - Informal learningInformal learning means typically learning other than Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Informal learningInformal learning

Informal learning

Informal learning means typically learning other than what takes place in formal, curriculum based education (Livingstone, 2001). It is often connected to action whose main aim is not learning(Beckett & Hager, 2002). An illustrative example is when an employee is guiding and discussing with a colleague how to solve an acute problem which has arisen at work. In the workplace learning experiences are part of daily actions. Participation in discussions about work-related problems results, on the one hand, in learning new things and, on the other, strengthens skills learnt earlier.The meaning of informal learning is given a broader meaning when learners, without a formal framework, make an effort to learn a task which interests them (Billett, 2001; Illeris, 2011).

Learning in workplaces has often been classified as informal or incidental, which may be strengthened by the conception that learning in work situations is accidental, unorganized and valid only at the workplace concerned. In cases like this, people have not observed how learning at workplaces typically proceeds from one aim to the next just like in a school environment (Billett,2001). Placing informal learning solely outside the school environment can lead to stereotypical thinking. Colley, Hodkinson, and Malcolm (2003) studied both informal and formal learning and described them mainly as the minimum attributes to learning which are present in all learning situations. Formal learning always contains informal elements, and informal learning can include formal elements. The attributes of formal and informal learning are connected to each other in different ways in different learning situations. From the teacher’s point of view it is essential to recognize these attributes, and understand their mutual relationship and influence on learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Informal learningInformal learning means typically learning other than what takes place in formal, curriculum based education (Livingstone, 2001). It is often connected to action whose main aim is not learning(Beckett & Hager, 2002). An illustrative example is when an employee is guiding and discussing with a colleague how to solve an acute problem which has arisen at work. In the workplace learning experiences are part of daily actions. Participation in discussions about work-related problems results, on the one hand, in learning new things and, on the other, strengthens skills learnt earlier.The meaning of informal learning is given a broader meaning when learners, without a formal framework, make an effort to learn a task which interests them (Billett, 2001; Illeris, 2011).Learning in workplaces has often been classified as informal or incidental, which may be strengthened by the conception that learning in work situations is accidental, unorganized and valid only at the workplace concerned. In cases like this, people have not observed how learning at workplaces typically proceeds from one aim to the next just like in a school environment (Billett,2001). Placing informal learning solely outside the school environment can lead to stereotypical thinking. Colley, Hodkinson, and Malcolm (2003) studied both informal and formal learning and described them mainly as the minimum attributes to learning which are present in all learning situations. Formal learning always contains informal elements, and informal learning can include formal elements. The attributes of formal and informal learning are connected to each other in different ways in different learning situations. From the teacher’s point of view it is essential to recognize these attributes, and understand their mutual relationship and influence on learning.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Informal belajar pembelajaran informal yang berarti biasanya belajar selain apa yang terjadi di pendidikan formal, kurikulum berbasis (Livingstone, 2001). Hal ini sering dihubungkan dengan tindakan yang tujuan utama tidak belajar (Beckett & Hager, 2002). Sebuah contoh ilustratif adalah ketika seorang karyawan membimbing dan berdiskusi dengan seorang rekan bagaimana memecahkan masalah akut yang timbul di tempat kerja. Di tempat kerja pengalaman belajar adalah bagian dari tindakan sehari-hari. Partisipasi dalam diskusi tentang pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan masalah hasil, di satu sisi, dalam mempelajari hal-hal baru dan, di sisi lain, memperkuat keterampilan belajar earlier.The makna pembelajaran informal diberikan makna yang lebih luas ketika peserta didik, tanpa kerangka formal, membuat usaha untuk belajar tugas yang menarik bagi mereka (Billett, 2001; Illeris, 2011). belajar di tempat kerja sering diklasifikasikan sebagai resmi atau insidental, yang dapat diperkuat dengan konsepsi bahwa belajar dalam situasi kerja adalah kecelakaan, terorganisir dan hanya berlaku di tempat kerja yang bersangkutan. Dalam kasus seperti ini, orang tidak mengamati bagaimana belajar di tempat kerja biasanya hasil dari satu tujuan ke yang berikutnya seperti di lingkungan sekolah (Billett, 2001). Menempatkan pembelajaran informal hanya di luar lingkungan sekolah dapat menyebabkan pemikiran stereotip. Colley, Hodkinson, dan Malcolm (2003) mempelajari pembelajaran baik formal dan informal dan menggambarkan mereka terutama sebagai atribut minimum untuk belajar yang hadir dalam segala situasi pembelajaran. Pembelajaran formal selalu mengandung unsur informal dan pembelajaran informal dapat mencakup unsur-unsur formal. Atribut pembelajaran formal dan informal saling terhubung satu sama lain dalam cara yang berbeda dalam situasi belajar yang berbeda. Dari sudut guru pandang adalah penting untuk mengenali sifat-sifat ini, dan memahami saling hubungan dan pengaruh mereka pada pembelajaran.

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