Thank you for the wonderful update from the attorney. I am really happ terjemahan - Thank you for the wonderful update from the attorney. I am really happ Malagasi Bagaimana mengatakan

Thank you for the wonderful update

Thank you for the wonderful update from the attorney. I am really happy at this latest development, to hear that the bank management responded positively to the claim application. I have gone through the letters from the lawyer and the requirements from the legal department of the Bank head quarters. The documentations required by the bank can be arranged, so do not worry, it will only cost money. I know that all these documents will be required by the bank for the processing of the claim and I assure you that I will do my best to arrange the needed documents and send copies to you.

First of all, you have to provide the attorney all the requirements he needs from your side as stated in his letter, like your identification (International Passport), your details, which includes your age, address and signed letter of authorization. Remember to send to the lawyer the exact address and phone numbers you sent to me, because that is what is in the system, any mistake in the address will raise alarm. Your relationship with Abraham is cousin and you are co-owner of the company he was taking care of in Malaysia before his sudden death.
On the death certificate issue, I have just concluded arrangement on that. I know one Medical Director with a private hospital here in Kuala Lumpur, I have made a deal with him so he can prepare a medical document stating that the Late Abraham was their client and they were aware of his death, hence they will issue a death certificate in regards to his death. The Doctor has stated his price for that and I will be paying him up for it as soon as it is ready in three days.
So, you will inform the lawyer that Abraham was involved in the Earthquake disaster that occurred May 26, 2006 in Java, Indonesia and because of the nature of his death and circumstances behind it, no death certification was issued for him in Indonesia, but you have instructed your company's doctor in Malaysia to prepare a death certificate for Abraham stating his cause of death and every necessary information. You have to also instruct the lawyer to get the requested Sworn Affidavit, Probate Approval and Letter of Administration from Malaysian Judiciary as he stated in his letter, immediately he receives the administrative fees.

On the issue of the company's Registration Certificate, I will handle that as well.  I will get a copy of the YPA Investment Ltd registration Certificate.  I want you to know that before I decided to embark on this transaction, I have thought of likely requirements by the bank and authorities for the claim, and slept over it knowing that the transaction will not be a failure, that was why I embarked on it. So I need your unreserved support in order to make this transaction a success. I will send you copies of the death and Incorporation Certificates as soon as I have them in my possession, so you can forward them to the lawyer. You already have copy of the Deposit Certificate which was issued to Abraham when the fixed deposit contract was made. Write the lawyer now, thanking him for his efforts so far and inform him that you are putting together all the document required by the bank and will send them to him as soon as possible.

Regarding the fees requested by the lawyer for the Administrative cost in preparing the Inheritance claiming documents from the Judiciary, they are in order, so go ahead and transfer the fees to him, so he can commence the processing of the documentation.  Inform him that you do not wish to have any delay in the process, so you expect him to commence processing of the needful immediately he receives your western union transfer. I will find out how much it will cost me to arrange the company registration certificate, but I am sure I can handle them alone without your assistance.

The 0.3% the lawyer requested for his legal charges which will be paid to him after we have concluded the claim successfully, is also good, let him know that you have accepted his terms of service. I will start arrangement for the documents immediately and I will keep you updated of my progress. I believe the above details have answered the bank and lawyer's requirements. You have to contact him as I have explained above and if you need my assistance in putting up the letter, do not hesitate to inform me, so we can together do that. Now we need to be constantly in communication in order to avoid mistakes along the line.
My regards
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Hasil (Malagasi) 1: [Salinan]
Misaotra noho ny mahagaga fanavaozam-baovao avy amin'ny mpisolovava. Tena faly aho amin'izao farany fampandrosoana, ny mandre fa amin'ny banky fitantanana nandray tsara ny filazana fampiharana. Efa namaky ny taratasy avy tamin'ny mpahay lalàna sy ny fepetra ara-dalàna avy amin'ny sampan-draharaha ao amin'ny Banky faritra lohany. Ny documentations ilaina ny banky azo fandaharana, ka aza manahy, dia lany vola fotsiny. Fantatro fa ireo rehetra ireo antontan-taratasy dia ilaina ny banky ho an'ny ny fanodinana ny filazana ary marina aminareo Aho fa Izaho no hanao ny tsara indrindra mba handamina ny ilaina antontan-taratasy sy mandefa dika mitovy aminareo.

Voalohany indrindra, tsy maintsy manome ny mpisolovava rehetra ny fepetra takiana dia mila avy amin'ny lafiny araka ny voalaza ao amin'ny taratasiny, tahaka ny famantarana (Passport International), ny tsipiriany, anisan'izany ny taona, adiresy ary nanao sonia ny taratasy fahazoan-dalana. Tsarovy ny handefa any amin'ny mpisolovava ny tena adiresy sy ny telefaonina isa nirahinao tamiko va aho, satria izany no ao amin'ny rafitra, misy fahadisoana ao amin'ny adiresy hanangana fanairana. Ny fifandraisanao amin'i Abrahama no mpiray tam-po ary ianareo dia mpiara-tompon'ny orinasa dia nikarakara ny tao Malezia talohan'ny faty tampoka.
Amin'ny taratasy fanamarinana ny fahafatesana olana, vao nanatsoaka hevitra aho fandaharana amin'izany. Fantatro iray Medical Talen'ny amin'ny hopitaly tsy miankina eto any Kuala Lumpur, efa nanao fifanarahana taminy mba hahafahany manomana ny fitsaboana antontan-taratasy milaza fa ny Late i Abrahama ny mpanjifa ka dia fantany ny fahafatesana, noho izany dia hamoaka ny maty fanamarinana ny mba ny maty. Ny Doctor dia nilaza ny saran'ny izany ary ho handoa azy fa raha vao vonona ao anatin'ny telo andro.
Noho izany, dia mampahafantatra ny mpahay lalàna i Abrahama no nandray anjara tao amin'ny horohorontany ny loza izay nitranga May 26, 2006 in Java , Indonezia sy noho ny maha ny fahafatesany sy ny toe-javatra ao ambadiky azy, tsy misy fahafatesana fanamarinana navoaka ho azy ny tany Indonezia, fa efa nampianatra ny orinasa ny dokotera ao Malezia mba hanomanana ny maty taratasy ho an'ny Abrahama milaza ny antony mahatonga ny fahafatesana sy ny rehetra ilaina vaovao . Tsy maintsy ihany koa ny mampianatra ny mpahay lalàna mba hahazo ny nangataka nianiana Affidavit, Probate Fankatoavana sy Taratasy Administration avy Maleziana fitsarana araka izay voalaza ao amin'ny taratasiny, Ary niaraka tamin'izay dia mandray ny fitantanan-draharaha saram.

Ny olana ny orinasa Registration Certificate, no hiatrehana izany ihany koa. Dia hahazo ny dika mitovy ny YPA Investment Ltd Certificate fisoratana anarana. Tiako ho fantatrareo fa talohan'ny nanapa-kevitra ny firotsahana amin'ny ity raharaham-barotra, izay noheveriko ny angamba fitakiana ny banky sy ny manam-pahefana noho ny filazana, ka natory teo ambonin'io koa ny fahafantarana fa ny raharaham-barotra dia tsy ho tsy fahombiazana, izay no nahatonga ahy ho nanomboka tamin'ny izany. Noho izany dia mila ny fanohanana fepetra mba hanao raharaham-barotra ity ho fahombiazana. Izaho haniraka anao dika mitovy ny fahafatesana sy ny Fampitambarana Certificates raha vao manana azy tamin'ny fananany, ka afaka miankandrefana ho any amin'ny mpahay lalàna. Efa manana ny fametrahana dika mitovy amin'ny Certificate izay navoaka tamin'i Abrahama, rehefa raikitra petra-bola ny fifanarahana natao. Soraty ny mpahay lalàna ankehitriny, nisaotra azy noho ny ezaka hatramin'izao, ary hampahafantatra azy fa ianao no mametraka miaraka ny tahirin-kevitra ilaina ny banky ary dia haniraka azy ireo ho any aminy raha vao araka izay azo atao.

Momba ny saram nangataka ny mpahay lalàna ho an'ny Administrative fandaniana amin'ny manomana ny lova milaza antontan-taratasy avy any amin'ny fitsarana, izy ireo mba, ka mandeha mialoha ary hamindra ny saram azy, ka dia afaka manomboka ny fanodinana ny tahirin-kevitra. Mampahafantatra azy fa tsy maniry ny hanana mba nijanonjanona ao amin'ny dingana, mba manantena izy mba manomboka fanodinana ny ilaina Ary niaraka tamin'izay dia mandray ny andrefana sendika famindrana. Dia hahita fa tena izany dia lany ahy mba handamina ny orinasa fisoratana anarana taratasy, nefa mino aho fa afaka hiatrehana azy ireo irery tsy misy ny fanampiana.

Ary ny 0.3% ny mpahay lalàna nangataka noho ny ara-dalàna fiampangana izay ho aloa aminy aorian 'ny namarana ny milaza soa aman-tsara, koa tsara, dia aoka ho fantany fa ianao no nanaiky ny teny amin'ny fanompoana. Dia hanomboka fandaharana ny antontan-taratasy avy hatrany fa Izaho no hiaro anao vaovao farany ny fandrosoana. Mino aho fa ny ambony tsipiriany no namaly ny banky sy ny mpahay lalàna ny fepetra. Tsy maintsy hifandray azy araka izay efa nanazava ambony sy raha toa ka mila ny fanampiana amin'ny fametrahana ny taratasy, dia aza misalasala hambara amiko, mba hahafahantsika miara-manao izany. Ankehitriny dia mila ho tapaka amin'ny fifandraisana mba tsy fahadisoana manamorona ny tsipika.
My jerena
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