Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1415: tubuh tak terbatas jalan! Bintang-bintang ini setengah berada di langit berbintang, oleh bereaksi, kekuatan dunia tak habis-habisnya, dari ini di langit berbintang jatuh untuk datang, terintegrasi dalam kuali besar terus-menerus, termasuk ungu emas laki-laki tujuh orang tua, pada saat ini warna wajah itu sulit untuk melihat puncak, penanamannya konsumsi tidak berkata, ini tiga bulan, mereka hampir dari lengkap obat herbal , melemparkan dalam kuali besar, tetapi di antara mayat Meng Hao, tiba-tiba... Tidak memiliki restorasi menyeluruh."Pit, bagaimana orang tua berpikir bahwa di kawah ini bukanlah mayat, tetapi adalah sebuah lubang besar!!" Tujuh orang sakit daging di jantung, Mei dari awal sampai akhir, maka di kepala sekolah bumi tempat yang dalam, tidak harus membuka mulut, mereka tidak baik untuk berhenti di akan, pada saat ini hanya dapat bertahan sakit jantung, bersikeras sekali lagi.Tetapi Meng Hao dalam kuali sebenarnya pada saat ini dalam semangat yang tinggi, seperti ikan dalam air, cedera sudah benar-benar dipulihkan, semua bahaya tersembunyi nya dalam tubuh, benar-benar dibuat.Dalam kekuatan serta hari itu biasa bahwa di sini dunia, tetapi ia tidak meninggalkan di pegunungan dan laut pesawat, adalah dalam legenda, obat herbal yang saat ini dihapuskan, di bawah ini obat herbal dan kekuatan dunia, tubuhnya, casting, tubuhnya lebih kuat, budidaya nya, di Ghost ini, meningkatkan perlahan-lahan.Especially the bronze lamp of his within the body, is quite at this moment bright, is absorbing unceasingly, swallows the strength of world in this big cauldron condenses to come, that precious day material treasure, then returns nurturing to parents, nourishes the Meng Hao stature, causes Meng Hao body at this moment, is similar to the transformation, is sublimating.Quick, along with returning nurturing to parents of bronze lamp, the body of Meng Hao, is lying in this transformation is transformed, transforms ... Suits the stature of this bronze lamp!Suits the statures of 33 soul lamps beforehand Meng Hao, turns into can the strength of this bronze lamp, new appearance that displays comprehensively!This transformation, was equal to Meng Hao before all meridians in within the body, ground completely, then arranged, in the ray of that bronze lamp, new meridians appeared, blood vessels filled the air, his heart beat had strong, his stature in this moment, along with the change in within the body, is affected immediately, made the whole body like the jade same unexpectedly, presented some astonishing gloss!Even feeling of the plain ancient, gradually appearance, faint, seems the body of Meng Hao, became an ancient jade, a [say / way] of great antiquity, as if imperceptibly arrives, twines around the body of Meng Hao, integrates, becomes part of flesh and blood.His body, ancient even more slowly, may actually look like younger, was only that ancient times feeling, was more intense.Almost while Meng Hao here was transformed by bronze lamp, under of this stretch of earth, in the interior of these half stars, there is a piece of red sea.This sea is not the blood, but was rich to the fire formation of certain extent, in this red sea of fire, the giant tortoise shells, above sat cross-legged to sit an old man.That tortoise shell is similar to a seal, as if to suppress under this red sea of fire something, but at this moment, the sea of fire tumbles, has the glare to disperse faintly from, resembles that thing of storehouse under red sea of fire, the strategic place comes out.The old men look pale, was using to suppress fully, making all around sea of fire thunder, causes his here, root this is unable to feel the outside world matter, suppressed whole-heartedly unceasingly.He does not know that what happened, the degree that but since this days, Zu Bao under this sea of fire, has continued actively, surpasses the past to be too many, usually is active, most dates are most stoppable.But now, has actually enlivened of several months!Above earth, absorption of Meng Hao, but also is continuing, his ancient times aura, was more obvious, making in the starry sky thunder, even proliferated, affected outside boundless star earth!Makes Vault of Heaven tumble, the fog hit, even looked outside boundless star that can see the boundless star all around, unexpectedly presented distortion vortex!
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