But this is something that you sought by yourself, so I’ll play with y terjemahan - But this is something that you sought by yourself, so I’ll play with y Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

But this is something that you soug

But this is something that you sought by yourself, so I’ll play with you a little. Lets see who will play with whom to their death. Those who dare act against me directly these years is not only you. I remember two years ago there was a military warfare officer in the Vanguard. From a little noble family, he had exceptional martial talent with many contributions in battle. He thought he was out of the ordinary, so he rejected me. His name was called Gao Sheng Han. Why don’t you ask him, just what he is doing now…..

Before he finished, Ye Qingyu could not bear it any longer, suddenly exploded.

“Shut your mouth.” Ye Qingyu said in rage. “A dog like thing, to be so prideful and brag while talking about your betters.. You used your position and status to suppress a young officer with limitless potential, causing the army of the Empire to suffer a huge loss, do you think you’re great? You dog like thing, you’re really the parasite of the army. A ruffian with a scum like personality, not only not repaying the debt of the Empire by serving loyally, you’re also not grateful of the fact that you know the [War God of Youyan Pass] Lord Lu Zhaoge and your debt to him. Instead you plot and scheme, you think this is how you establish authority. I spit on this. You go and ask, just how many people are pointing at you behind your back and cursing your ancestors. To be here so prideful of your own actions is really outstandingly shameless!”

Ye Qingyu had never hated and felt contempt for a person like he did now.

This Zhang San was really the tumour of the army.

It was really hard to imagine why the [War God of Youyan Pass], Lu Zhaoge, that was known as one of the ten greatest warriors of Heaven Wasteland domain, would allow such a shameless person like Zhang San to control the supply department.
Zhao Ruyun was completely stunned speechless.

He completely did not believe what his ears were hearing.

As for Zhang San, he was pointing at Ye Qingyu, similarly struck speechless. His finger began quivering, his face the colour of blood: “You, you, you……

The head of the supply department had been angered so much that he could not even finish his sentence.

He had never experienced someone insulting and cursing him to his face. Even Lu Zhaoge had never reprimanded him like so.

But conversely he felt that there was something in Ye Qingyu words that turned into invisible power. Word after word heavily struck his heart, causing a part inside his body to instantly collapse, not able to form any resistance.

“I, I, I? I what?” Ye Qingyu rose up.

His originally muscular figure, in this instant, seemed to turn vast and unfathomable. “I am only a little military officer, with nothing to rely on. But my actions are righteous, with a clear conscience. People may be scared of you, but I’m not afraid of you. A little ruffian that isn’t even clear of what the situtaion is, why are you trying to pretend to be glorious in front of me? Today you are the high up head of the supply department, but tomorrow just what kind of thing you will become, who can say. The person who walks a lot on the night roads cannot help but encounter a ghost. You’ve done so many terrible things that one day, karma will definitely come back to bite you. When you have fallen to the ground, look to those people who fear and respect you now, just how will they treat you!

Word after word, as if it was apocalyptic thunder, struck heavily at Zhang San’s heart.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
But this is something that you sought by yourself, so I’ll play with you a little. Lets see who will play with whom to their death. Those who dare act against me directly these years is not only you. I remember two years ago there was a military warfare officer in the Vanguard. From a little noble family, he had exceptional martial talent with many contributions in battle. He thought he was out of the ordinary, so he rejected me. His name was called Gao Sheng Han. Why don’t you ask him, just what he is doing now…..Before he finished, Ye Qingyu could not bear it any longer, suddenly exploded.“Shut your mouth.” Ye Qingyu said in rage. “A dog like thing, to be so prideful and brag while talking about your betters.. You used your position and status to suppress a young officer with limitless potential, causing the army of the Empire to suffer a huge loss, do you think you’re great? You dog like thing, you’re really the parasite of the army. A ruffian with a scum like personality, not only not repaying the debt of the Empire by serving loyally, you’re also not grateful of the fact that you know the [War God of Youyan Pass] Lord Lu Zhaoge and your debt to him. Instead you plot and scheme, you think this is how you establish authority. I spit on this. You go and ask, just how many people are pointing at you behind your back and cursing your ancestors. To be here so prideful of your own actions is really outstandingly shameless!”Ye Qingyu had never hated and felt contempt for a person like he did now.This Zhang San was really the tumour of the army.It was really hard to imagine why the [War God of Youyan Pass], Lu Zhaoge, that was known as one of the ten greatest warriors of Heaven Wasteland domain, would allow such a shameless person like Zhang San to control the supply department.Zhao Ruyun was completely stunned speechless.He completely did not believe what his ears were hearing.As for Zhang San, he was pointing at Ye Qingyu, similarly struck speechless. His finger began quivering, his face the colour of blood: “You, you, you……The head of the supply department had been angered so much that he could not even finish his sentence.He had never experienced someone insulting and cursing him to his face. Even Lu Zhaoge had never reprimanded him like so.But conversely he felt that there was something in Ye Qingyu words that turned into invisible power. Word after word heavily struck his heart, causing a part inside his body to instantly collapse, not able to form any resistance.“I, I, I? I what?” Ye Qingyu rose up.His originally muscular figure, in this instant, seemed to turn vast and unfathomable. “I am only a little military officer, with nothing to rely on. But my actions are righteous, with a clear conscience. People may be scared of you, but I’m not afraid of you. A little ruffian that isn’t even clear of what the situtaion is, why are you trying to pretend to be glorious in front of me? Today you are the high up head of the supply department, but tomorrow just what kind of thing you will become, who can say. The person who walks a lot on the night roads cannot help but encounter a ghost. You’ve done so many terrible things that one day, karma will definitely come back to bite you. When you have fallen to the ground, look to those people who fear and respect you now, just how will they treat you!
Word after word, as if it was apocalyptic thunder, struck heavily at Zhang San’s heart.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tapi ini adalah sesuatu yang Anda dicari sendiri, jadi saya akan bermain dengan Anda sedikit. Mari kita lihat siapa yang akan bermain dengan siapa untuk kematian mereka. Mereka yang berani bertindak terhadap saya langsung tahun ini tidak hanya Anda. Saya ingat dua tahun yang lalu ada seorang perwira peperangan militer di Vanguard. Dari keluarga bangsawan kecil, ia memiliki bakat bela diri yang luar biasa dengan banyak kontribusi dalam pertempuran. Dia pikir dia luar biasa, sehingga ia menolak saya. Namanya disebut Gao Sheng Han. Mengapa Anda tidak bertanya padanya, apa yang dia lakukan sekarang ... .. Sebelum ia selesai, Ye Qingyu tidak bisa tahan lagi, tiba-tiba meledak. "Tutup mulutmu." Kata Ye Qingyu marah. "Seekor anjing seperti hal, menjadi begitu sombong dan membual saat berbicara tentang atasan Anda .. Anda menggunakan posisi dan status untuk menekan seorang perwira muda dengan potensi tak terbatas, menyebabkan tentara Kekaisaran menderita kerugian besar, apakah Anda pikir Anda 're besar? Anda anjing seperti hal, Anda benar-benar parasit dari tentara. Sebuah bajingan dengan sampah seperti kepribadian, bukan hanya tidak membayar utang Kekaisaran dengan melayani dengan setia, kau juga tidak berterima kasih dari kenyataan bahwa Anda tahu [Perang Allah Youyan Lulus] Tuhan Lu Zhaoge dan utang Anda padanya. Sebaliknya Anda merencanakan dan skema, Anda berpikir ini adalah bagaimana Anda membangun otoritas. Aku meludahi ini. Anda pergi dan bertanya, betapa banyak orang yang menunjuk pada Anda di belakang Anda dan mengutuk leluhur Anda. Berada di sini sehingga sombong dari tindakan Anda sendiri benar-benar luar biasa tak tahu malu! " Ye Qingyu tidak pernah membenci dan merasa jijik untuk orang seperti dia lakukan sekarang. Ini Zhang San benar-benar tumor tentara. Itu benar-benar sulit untuk membayangkan mengapa [Perang Allah Youyan Lulus], Lu Zhaoge, yang dikenal sebagai salah satu dari sepuluh pejuang terbesar dari domain Surga Wasteland, akan memungkinkan seperti orang yang tak tahu malu seperti Zhang San mengendalikan departemen pasokan. Zhao Ruyun terdiam benar-benar terkejut. Dia benar-benar tidak percaya apa yang telinganya mendengar. Adapun Zhang San, ia menunjuk Ye Qingyu, sama melanda berkata-kata. Jarinya mulai bergetar, wajahnya warna darah: "Kamu, kamu, kamu ...... . Kepala departemen pasokan telah marah sehingga ia bahkan tidak bisa menyelesaikan kalimatnya Dia tidak pernah mengalami seseorang menghina dan mengutuk dia untuk Wajahnya. Bahkan Lu Zhaoge tidak pernah menegur dia seperti begitu. Tapi sebaliknya ia merasa bahwa ada sesuatu dalam kata-kata Ye Qingyu yang berubah menjadi kekuatan tak terlihat. Kata setelah kata berat melanda hatinya, menyebabkan bagian dalam tubuhnya untuk segera runtuh, tidak dapat membentuk perlawanan. "Aku, aku, aku? Aku apa? "Ye Qingyu bangkit. Angka awalnya otot-Nya, di instan ini, tampaknya untuk mengubah luas dan tak terduga. "Saya hanya seorang perwira militer kecil, dengan tidak mengandalkan. Tapi tindakan saya yang benar, dengan hati nurani yang jelas. Orang mungkin takut dari Anda, tapi aku tidak takut padamu. Sebuah bajingan kecil yang bahkan tidak jelas apa situtaion adalah, mengapa Anda mencoba untuk berpura-pura menjadi mulia di depan saya? Hari ini Anda adalah kepala tinggi dari departemen pasokan, tapi besok hanya apa jenis yang Anda akan menjadi, yang bisa mengatakan. Orang yang berjalan banyak di jalan-jalan malam tidak bisa tidak menemukan hantu. Anda sudah melakukan begitu banyak hal buruk yang satu hari, karma pasti akan datang kembali untuk menggigit Anda. Ketika Anda telah jatuh ke tanah, melihat ke orang-orang yang takut dan menghormati Anda sekarang, hanya bagaimana mereka akan memperlakukan Anda! Firman setelah kata, seolah-olah itu guntur apokaliptik, memukul berat hati Zhang San.

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